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Smug Electric Car Owners


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Someone's got to pay for the ravaging of the earths natural resources as a result of the extraction of lithium carbonate to make the batteries for these things "that are going to save the planet" - Yes, right. Now Fuck off, Greta.

Don't even get me started on the environmental cost of disposal of the batteries when they require replacing every 5 - 7 years. My current ICE vehicle is 17 years old and therefore, over its service lifespan, is considerably kinder to the environment than a wanker in a Prius.

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2 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Someone's got to pay for the ravaging of the earths natural resources as a result of the extraction of lithium carbonate to make the batteries for these things "that are going to save the planet" - Yes, right. Now Fuck off, Greta.

Don't even get me started on the environmental cost of disposal of the batteries when they require replacing every 5 - 7 years. My current ICE vehicle is 17 years old and therefore, over its service lifespan, is considerably kinder to the environment than a wanker in a Prius.

Prius is designed for those discerning anorak wearers who never go over 55 miles per hour on M1. The cunts are in a class of their own and should be regarded as such

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8 hours ago, Neil said:

2 more years and you'll be paying road tax like the rest of us, how do ya like those fucking lemons you 'up your own arse' cunts?

If UK Gov PLC decides it wants everyone to go electric, it'll keep taxes low to attract buyers while killing diesel/petrol motorists to fill the void with huge tax rises. But as soon as the majority is coaxed, you can bet your bottom dollar the cunts will green tax the fuck out of everyone, likely focusing on horseshit such as 'bigger battery or higher voltage spec increases thermal power output, contributing to climate-warming and therefore liable to higher tax' or similar. The writing is already on the wall.

Going slightly off tangent, no one mentions plastics manufactured in countries such as China used to make dashboards, wheel hubs, or the actual battery housings for electric cars, for example, which are still powered by coal in huge power stations which emit colossal fucking amounts of climate-warming greenhouse gases; burning coal obviously leads to soot, smog, acid rain, cancers etc. Christ I hate the fucking Chinks. 

What about the garage forecourts' electric charging stations, which are financed by carbon-emitting fossil fuel giants who have commissioned dozens of 40 tonne diesel-powered HGVs to transport concrete, plastic, metal and electric circuitry which was flown or shipped from fucking China en mass in the first place? It's little wonder the cunts remain the world's no.1 polluter by an absolute mile.

Which ever way you look at it, as a species we are fucked. Thankfully I'll be dead by the time the shit really hits the fan, when the inevitable bigger, more consequential wars come about over shrinking land and more people (to produce food), nuclear energy, even water, start to unfold. Too many people, too late. Electric cars are merely an excuse for our government to finance its own shortfalls, and for leading manufacturers to make lots of money using 'environmental' tax breaks, much of which will be used to purchase everyday carbon-emitting goods and reinvested back into coal HQ China.

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4 hours ago, Neil said:

2 more years and you'll be paying road tax like the rest of us, how do ya like those fucking lemons you 'up your own arse' cunts?

I have a q4 etron and the dealership told me a charge from home will fill the piece of shit up overnight, I plugged the thing in and the app said 1 day 11 hours until charged. Load of wank. Buyers regret. 

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1 hour ago, Eddie said:

I have a q4 etron and the dealership told me a charge from home will fill the piece of shit up overnight, I plugged the thing in and the app said 1 day 11 hours until charged. Load of wank. Buyers regret. 

Exactly!, Plug the cunt into the grid for 24 hours and get about 75 miles carbon free clean motoring out of it, load of fucking shite

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24 minutes ago, Neil said:

Exactly!, Plug the cunt into the grid for 24 hours and get about 75 miles carbon free clean motoring out of it, load of fucking shite

I plugged the fucking thing in outside a supermarket, Audi salesman said on a 24kw charger it would be 80% full in 3 hours. Had a look on the app after 30 mins, the 24kw charger was actually charging at 4kw and in that half an hour the battery had gone up 1%. 
absolute fucking shit 

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5 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Someone's got to pay for the ravaging of the earths natural resources as a result of the extraction of lithium carbonate to make the batteries for these things "that are going to save the planet" - Yes, right. Now Fuck off, Greta.

Don't even get me started on the environmental cost of disposal of the batteries when they require replacing every 5 - 7 years. My current ICE vehicle is 17 years old and therefore, over its service lifespan, is considerably kinder to the environment than a wanker in a Prius.

Fucking hate Priuses. I mean if I'm going to get run over I'd want to hear the cunt coming first. 

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2 hours ago, Eddie said:

I have a q4 etron and the dealership told me a charge from home will fill the piece of shit up overnight, I plugged the thing in and the app said 1 day 11 hours until charged. Load of wank. Buyers regret. 

I'm no scientist boffin but to fuel something for nearly a day and a half so you could use it for a maximum of 6 hours is akin to spending about 3 days dribbling petrol into your car. It makes no fucking sense.

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Our geriatric 2005 Honda accord tourer 2.4L has a DNR order on it.  Mrs Beast is going to lease an electric Peugeot 208. We have waited over 6 months for the cunt to be delivered. I had a charger installed before 30th June deadline to avoid the compulsory smart meter, so at least the electricity will cost at the same KW/hr rate as my domestic use.

I know someone will make me a third arsehole at some point with some shitty green tax or levy.


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3 hours ago, The Beast said:

Our geriatric 2005 Honda accord tourer 2.4L has a DNR order on it. 

My 2004 2.4 saloon still runs like a dream, with 130k on the clock. There's a few glitches, such as the satnav dvd drive expiring and the temperature display requiring an occasional whack on the dashboard to reappear, but it remains one of the nicest (and quickest) motors I've ever driven. That's staying on the road for the foreseeable, Greta can fuck right off.

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3 hours ago, scotty said:

My 2004 2.4 saloon still runs like a dream, with 130k on the clock. There's a few glitches, such as the satnav dvd drive expiring and the temperature display requiring an occasional whack on the dashboard to reappear, but it remains one of the nicest (and quickest) motors I've ever driven. That's staying on the road for the foreseeable, Greta can fuck right off.

I hope you can live with yourself @scotty, even @Eddie has tried to do the right thing, (and as usual, failed). My daily mode of transport is my trusty 1972 Peugeot 103 Mobylette. A panier on the back for my fromage, pain, and vin rouge. 1 litre of petrol per week.

Go fuck yourselves.

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7 hours ago, The Beast said:

Our geriatric 2005 Honda accord tourer 2.4L has a DNR order on it.  Mrs Beast is going to lease an electric Peugeot 208. We have waited over 6 months for the cunt to be delivered. I had a charger installed before 30th June deadline to avoid the compulsory smart meter, so at least the electricity will cost at the same KW/hr rate as my domestic use.

I know someone will make me a third arsehole at some point with some shitty green tax or levy.


Only cunts pay for electricity at home. I’m sick of my generosity being ignored on here, but for the last time…£450 (CC rate) two scousers in rubber boots and with shovels, two hours of work, meter bypassed into the shed/garage, all the electricity you can fucking eat for fuck all. I’m currently (geddit?) sitting in the garden with three electric heaters on sweating like Neil in a girl’s high school bogs. PM me…and fuck off.

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39 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I hope you can live with yourself @scotty, even @Eddie has tried to do the right thing, (and as usual, failed). My daily mode of transport is my trusty 1972 Peugeot 103 Mobylette. A panier on the back for my fromage, pain, and vin rouge. 1 litre of petrol per week.

Go fuck yourselves.

I trust you don't emulate that utter poofery Scrotes, for fucksake, he's wearing a helmet. Is that even permitted in La Belle France?? I thought it was officially banned, like washing or not smoking.

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11 minutes ago, scotty said:

I trust you don't emulate that utter poofery Scrotes, for fucksake, he's wearing a helmet. Is that even permitted in La Belle France?? I thought it was officially banned, like washing or not smoking.

Have you ever been behind the wheel of a car in France, Scotty? It's like Wacky Races, except that every driver is Maureen Rees from 'Driving School'. Mrs D drives like she has got her eyes closed, but in comparison to the average French motorist she's the equivalent of an F1 safety car.

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15 hours ago, Wolfie said:

If UK Gov PLC decides it wants everyone to go electric, it'll keep taxes low to attract buyers while killing diesel/petrol motorists to fill the void with huge tax rises. But as soon as the majority is coaxed, you can bet your bottom dollar the cunts will green tax the fuck out of everyone, likely focusing on horseshit such as 'bigger battery or higher voltage spec increases thermal power output, contributing to climate-warming and therefore liable to higher tax' or similar. The writing is already on the wall.

Going slightly off tangent, no one mentions plastics manufactured in countries such as China used to make dashboards, wheel hubs, or the actual battery housings for electric cars, for example, which are still powered by coal in huge power stations which emit colossal fucking amounts of climate-warming greenhouse gases; burning coal obviously leads to soot, smog, acid rain, cancers etc. Christ I hate the fucking Chinks. 

What about the garage forecourts' electric charging stations, which are financed by carbon-emitting fossil fuel giants who have commissioned dozens of 40 tonne diesel-powered HGVs to transport concrete, plastic, metal and electric circuitry which was flown or shipped from fucking China en mass in the first place? It's little wonder the cunts remain the world's no.1 polluter by an absolute mile.

Which ever way you look at it, as a species we are fucked. Thankfully I'll be dead by the time the shit really hits the fan, when the inevitable bigger, more consequential wars come about over shrinking land and more people (to produce food), nuclear energy, even water, start to unfold. Too many people, too late. Electric cars are merely an excuse for our government to finance its own shortfalls, and for leading manufacturers to make lots of money using 'environmental' tax breaks, much of which will be used to purchase everyday carbon-emitting goods and reinvested back into coal HQ China.

Thanks to the dog shit EU and UK energy policies, the closing down of gas storage, nuclear, etc, and jumping on the green bullshit propaganda wagon, the yellow scum are getting more companies relocating parts of production (again) to their toxic wastelands, to take advantage of the cheap coal. The slopes are increasing coal production at the fastest rate in a long time. More of the fuckers will die from “fresh air”.

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14 hours ago, Eddie said:

I have a q4 etron and the dealership told me a charge from home will fill the piece of shit up overnight, I plugged the thing in and the app said 1 day 11 hours until charged. Load of wank. Buyers regret. 

They forgot to mention an essential large off grid system with storage; trust the science.



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13 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Fucking hate Priuses. I mean if I'm going to get run over I'd want to hear the cunt coming first. 

Your Tinker family members up here absolutely love the Prius and you well know it. A two pikey team, one to keep watch, a cheap reciprocating saw, around 8pm at night when it’s dark and there is still some traffic noise and you can have the catalytic converters off in under a minute. Scrap value…around £1250 at current prices. You also have the added joy of seeing the unbridled horror on the faces of the previously smarmy owner in the morning when they fire up their eco-chariots to an ear shattering racket. Are you sure you’re a real didicoi, Gypps?

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Have you ever been behind the wheel of a car in France, Scotty? It's like Wacky Races, except that every driver is Maureen Rees from 'Driving School'. Mrs D drives like she has got her eyes closed, but in comparison to the average French motorist she's the equivalent of an F1 safety car.

Can't say I've ever noticed Decs, and I've done my share of motoring there. To be fair, since gaining immunity by spending three hours of pure sweat-drenched trembling naked terror behind the wheel of a hire car negotiating my way through the centre of Naples, I rarely notice anything amiss in the behaviour of other road users. I genuinely thought the Reaper was upon me.

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