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8 Billion Cunts...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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21 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

If better environmental practice can become second nature to most, perhaps there’s a glimmer of hope.

I’ve been doing my bit for years to reduce the volume of rubbish which ends up in landfill sites, by chucking as much rubbish out of the window as I can, when I’m blasting around the country lanes in my imaginary M4, pissed and off my nut on the devils dandruff. If only everyone actually did their bit like me there wouldn’t be any reason for Greta Thunberg to exist. I’d still give her one though, only because I know she’d fucking hate it slightly more than I would.

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It seems that our Chancellor who no one in the country wants, installed by Richy Rich our PM who was rejected twice  by Tory MPs and then again by Tory party members, but then became PM has decreed that fuel duty on petrol will go up by  12p a litre + VAT in March. This bombshell somehow got ‘innocently’ buried in the masses of bumpf contained in Jeremy Cunts ‘Autumn statement’ the other day. Not a single word mentioned about it when the cunt spoke for what seemed like hours in the HOC.

This means I will probably have to dump all my litter closer to home next year as there’s no way I’m fucking going to pay more money for the same amount of petrol just to ditch her used fanny pads and whatever other shit she fills our bin with at the side of the road somewhere.

I want Jeremy and Richy dead.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

It seems that our Chancellor who no one in the country wants, installed by Richy Rich our PM who was rejected twice  by Tory MPs and then again by Tory party members, but then became PM has decreed that fuel duty on petrol will go up by  12p a litre + VAT in March. This bombshell somehow got ‘innocently’ buried in the masses of bumpf contained in Jeremy Cunts ‘Autumn statement’ the other day. Not a single word mentioned about it when the cunt spoke for what seemed like hours in the HOC.

This means I will probably have to dump all my litter closer to home next year as there’s no way I’m fucking going to pay more money for the same amount of petrol just to ditch her used fanny pads and whatever other shit she fills our bin with at the side of the road somewhere.

I want Jeremy and Richy dead.


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On 18/11/2022 at 21:19, Stubby Pecker said:

Of course these are just my thoughts and population rules could never be enforced even if the political will existed. Even the world most repressive society in chinky land couldn’t genuinely enforce their ridiculous 1 child policy.

What’s required is a conscious effort on the part of humanity to actively stop breeding to excess at the cost of planet earth and every poor cunt living species unlucky enough to share it with us. If better environmental practice can become second nature to most, perhaps there’s a glimmer of hope. It would require a worldwide effort to educate people and the almost impossible task of actually admitting too many of us is the root cause.

Your example of Israel is an interesting one. Of all the developed and civilised nations, they are a massive outlier in birth rates- they’re told to out breed the Palestinians and Arabs in event of more land grabbing wars.

Another obvious example of where we’re going is the Easter Island paradigm. A tropical paradise in a bountiful sea, abundant in all need for life to flourish. Until of course the population grew far too high, the island became a vegetation stripped wasteland and they had to resort to eating each other. 

Chinks are now dumping ever more poisons in the seas, very often in foreign parts.




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8 hours ago, White Cunt said:

At least there’ll be something interesting to look at from the moon in the unlikely event that a human ever sets foot on it (unless Pens humungous abomination blocks the entire Planet Earth from view).

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

At least there’ll be something interesting to look at from the moon in the unlikely event that a human ever sets foot on it (unless Pens humungous abomination blocks the entire Planet Earth from view).

At this rate, the moon may be the only slopeless shitless place left in the area.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Went to the local GP for the first time in years with a touch of Gonorrhea and what a fucking palaver... Had to phone up at 8am and, to my surprise I got through to reception. Thinking they'd offer me an appointment etc I was surprised at the receptionist telling me they'll send me a link and I have to upload some photos for some cunt to look at, who'll then decide if I get the precious appointment. Anyways, photos sent in, no response... I thought fuck this and went down there to make my presence felt, and after sweet talking the fat cow receptionist I finally get an appointment. Anyways, I'm greeted by a nice looking Indian trainee Doctor, things are going well and number exchanging could be in the cards when the actual Doctor comes in... I've looked at you pictures Raas she says (clearly excited about getting her hands on my massive schlong) only to prescribe me antibiotics. 

As I sat in the the awful waiting area, I looked around me and wished all the cunts waiting were all dead... Fat cunts, foreign cunts, smack heads, and some mask wearing wankers as well as the professional always ill types. Thankfully at 44, I'm in my prime and have no need to keep going to that awful place. 

I genuinely want 90% of the human race DEAD. 

Fuck off. 


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On 06/12/2022 at 12:47, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


I genuinely want 90% of the human race DEAD. 



Raascunt, you and I are singing from the same hymn book.

I’d happily ethnically cleanse an equal % of human scum. I’d leave most of the whites (not to Russians, however) a few curry munchers, West Indians and like so we could continue playing test matches. But the rest would be vaporised in the blink of an eye, especially the disgusting chinks and cruel and barbaric cunts in the Middle East. No more climate change, population or endangered wildlife.

As for your cock issues at the doctors, surely being a quasi voodoo priest couldn’t you make some kind of facsimile and exorcise the evil smeg, or dunk your actual knob in a swarfega broth or suchlike?

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On 09/12/2022 at 19:30, Stubby Pecker said:

As for your cock issues at the doctors, surely being a quasi voodoo priest couldn’t you make some kind of facsimile and exorcise the evil smeg, or dunk your actual knob in a swarfega broth or suchlike?

Due to the cost of fuel, there have been no shipments of Goat lips from Haiti, which makes potion making impossible. I went to see the White Man Doctor in London, and I'll have to take my chances on these tablets he called antibiotics. 

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