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Stubby Pecker

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10 million of our population, 17%, were born outside of the UK. Granted, there may me 1 or 2 white Zimbabweans or Canadians in this lot, but the rest are swarthy disease ridden 3rd world scrounges claiming to be child refugees with full beards, iPhones and an urgent need to deal drugs and rape children. 

Long waiting list for medical treatment when you’ve payed into the system all your life? Sorry pal, Mongo the illiterate goat herder and his 13 gypo kids are more important as they are with school places.

My old grampy who fought the hun would be turning in his grave- a man whose niece married a Jamaican, who  was accepted as a decent bloke who stuck to the rules and was grateful for a better life.

Thankfully for my sake, most of this human detritus congregates in Lun-Don or other urban cesspits and not the green tranquility that surrounds me.

Machine gun the dinghy’s, send the cunts back or fuck then off to paddy land.

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7 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Globalization will destroy any nation's identity and by design. That's what has been going on for a long time. 

Frankie Boyles new show- 1 barely literate bearded sambo, 2 other duskys and a flid. License fee well spent. I’d be genuinely ecstatic if everything within the M25 was nuked to a vaporized residue of carbon ash 

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I used to like Boyle but he's just another cuck sucking the corporate cock. I fucking despise what we've become. I caught some children's TV when my grandkids were round this week, if you think mainstream telly is woke you ain't seen nothing yet. Flids,dwarfs,duskies the lot. Quite literally the lunatics have taken over the asylum.

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2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Why not place them all in Norfolk? I can picture Decimus on his daily commute, sitting on the roof of the train, surrounded by brown faces, whilst Albanian gyppos pick his pockets. 

Dickless won't be sitting on the train as he'll be standing around the brazier on the picket line in support of his socialist mates in the union.

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

Besides. I think it’s already been pointed out that train travel is beyond your means. Only the privileged could possibly afford the extravagance of a First Eastern rail ticket.

I'm not sure how I had the audacity to ever even claim such a thing. It's a good job we've got our resident Fake News buster on the case, twirling his little ringletts in incredulous outrage.

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6 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

 Surrounded by brown faces, whilst Albanian gyppos pick his pockets. 

When I visited New York, the very first thing I saw in Times Square was a white Yank screaming "Nigger" in some poor black cunt's face. I felt disgusted and angered for all of thirty seconds, when I subsequently noticed a brown hand sneaking towards my pocket with thieving intent.

Needless to say, these robbing fucking animals deserve the absolutely brutal treatment they receive at the hands of the American plod.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Everyone deserves a fair wage, Drew. I'd support you, too.

Glad I can count on your support. My accountant is coming Tuesday to discuss how much extra I need to pay into my pension to keep me out of the higher rate tax bracket. Hopefully I won't have any 'fair wage' issues between now and then.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Glad I can count on your support. My accountant is coming Tuesday to discuss how much extra I need to pay into my pension to keep me out of the higher rate tax bracket. Hopefully I won't have any 'fair wage' issues between now and then.

You have my sympathy, I remember how hard it was when I was 17 and found myself earning more than the personal tax allowance for the first time.

Chin up, you're probably still eligible for tax credits.

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21 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

10 million of our population, 17%, were born outside of the UK. Granted, there may me 1 or 2 white Zimbabweans or Canadians in this lot, but the rest are swarthy disease ridden 3rd world scrounges claiming to be child refugees with full beards, iPhones and an urgent need to deal drugs and rape children. 

Long waiting list for medical treatment when you’ve payed into the system all your life? Sorry pal, Mongo the illiterate goat herder and his 13 gypo kids are more important as they are with school places.

My old grampy who fought the hun would be turning in his grave- a man whose niece married a Jamaican, who  was accepted as a decent bloke who stuck to the rules and was grateful for a better life.

Thankfully for my sake, most of this human detritus congregates in Lun-Don or other urban cesspits and not the green tranquility that surrounds me.

Machine gun the dinghy’s, send the cunts back or fuck then off to paddy land.

The average daily birth rate in England and Wales is around 1600 according to the ONS. If 17% of those are shall we say not Anglo Saxon (272), leaving a paltry 1328 or so to grow up in anything remotely resembling what we would consider a traditional British family environment. 
These numbers might appear to be quite worrying but the truth is that they’re not. They’re fucking cataclysmic when our traitorous politicians allow 1000+ sponging vermin to roll up in dinghy’s every day and welcome them with open arms and using £7m a day of our taxes block booking hotels around the country for these piss taking cunts to complain about and set fire to if they don’t get everything they demand, which they then will.

More than a million work visas were issued last year, so it wouldn’t be an unreasonable assumption that quite a few of these will be people with no intention of ever leaving the U.K. so basically our British culture is rapidly disappearing down the shitter and the blame can be attributed not only to the scumbag politicians, Tory and Labour that we’ve allowed to facilitate this bullshit, but more so to the millions of fucking morons who stupidly vote them in time after time. The cunts who tune in to Jeremy Vine or James O’Brien every morning then BBC Newsnight and consider themselves to be knowledgable and actually involved in the future of the country in some way.

Its too late imo to change the way things are going so I’m putting all my effort into pulling Roops and having a huge brood of little gingers that won’t grow up speaking Bengali or Gujarati. 

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The average daily birth rate in England and Wales is around 1600 according to the ONS. If 17% of those are shall we say not Anglo Saxon (272), leaving a paltry 1328 or so to grow up in anything remotely resembling what we would consider a traditional British family environment. 

I read somewhere that whilst 85 percent or thereabouts are classed as 'White British' when it comes to official demographic figures, only around 37 percent identify as Anglo-Saxon or English, with 22 percent considering themselves to be of Celtic origin. The rest of the white population is therefore of different European background.

I'm sure someone can find the results somewhere, I personally can't be arsed to search for them. But it goes to show that even when taking into account brown foreign hordes, England hasn't been English for quite some time.

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11 hours ago, Decimus said:

I read somewhere that whilst 85 percent or thereabouts are classed as 'White British' when it comes to official demographic figures, only around 37 percent identify as Anglo-Saxon or English, with 22 percent considering themselves to be of Celtic origin. The rest of the white population is therefore of different European background.

I'm sure someone can find the results somewhere, I personally can't be arsed to search for them. But it goes to show that even when taking into account brown foreign hordes, England hasn't been English for quite some time.

You, and others have had the audacity to refer to me as a 'faux French mongrel' . Hoisted by your own petard, me thinks.  Petit branleur.  lol.

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11 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

You, and others have had the audacity to refer to me as a 'faux French mongrel' . Hoisted by your own petard, me thinks.  Petit branleur.  lol.

Incorrect, French mongrel perhaps, but never faux.

You're an arrogant, miserable, absolute fucking dickhead, possessed of the sort of awful, duplicitous personality that can never really be imitated.

You're definitely French, alright, there's never been any doubt in my mind.

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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Incorrect, French mongrel perhaps, but never faux.

You're an arrogant, miserable, absolute fucking dickhead, possessed of the sort of awful, duplicitous personality that can never really be imitated.

You're definitely French, alright, there's never been any doubt in my mind.

I don't agree with the miserable bit. 

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11 hours ago, Decimus said:

I read somewhere that whilst 85 percent or thereabouts are classed as 'White British' when it comes to official demographic figures, only around 37 percent identify as Anglo-Saxon or English, with 22 percent considering themselves to be of Celtic origin. The rest of the white population is therefore of different European background.

I'm sure someone can find the results somewhere, I personally can't be arsed to search for them. But it goes to show that even when taking into account brown foreign hordes, England hasn't been English for quite some time.

One of my sisters married a Murphy which is the most common surname in Ireland .. dare to call any of the lot she married into as anything other than English and you would be dead.

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