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Self-Important Busy Cunts


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Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


Kick her fucking cunt in.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


I married the cunt’s sister, apparently. Another part-time idle bag of oestrogen who’s ‘get-out-of-jail-card’ is…‘I’ve had children!’ I never wanted the bastards incidentally, and one of ‘em is, by definition, illegitimate. Despite working full-time all of my life, this creature actually believes that her part-time wage has paid for every nicety in her life including the holidays, jewellery, frocks, house and cars.
It has a propensity to snuggle up on the sofa to watch a movie and within ten minutes start snoring due to fatigue, only to intermittently wake-up and ask me to explain the movie’s plot. Odd that it can stay alert all fucking night to watch dwarves, whales and tranny black arse- bandits dancing about like cunts. 
It also likes Coldplay…which pretty much describes it’s bedroom technique lately. While I’m at it, it will watch football with me but feels it necessary to comment on the colour-clash between socks and shirts/shorts every ten minutes, offering unsolicited fashion advice for goalkeepers and querying why the linesmen’s flag doesn’t match his boots, etc.

I’d fuck it off happily but I’d be lost without the ‘sock-fairy.’


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25 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

It has a propensity to snuggle up on the sofa to watch a movie and within ten minutes start snoring due to fatigue,

You’ve spelled obesity wrong there DC, unless you meant fatigue from dragging her enormous fat arse around all day?

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


Watch it yourself. All the way to the end. Then accidentally reveal important plot points and spoilers over breakfast.

You can't help it if your mind wanders and you let slip the good stuff. You're both clearly very busy people and it's obviously not that much of a big deal if she isn't going to watch it with you anyway.

Keep an eye out for flying dishes mind and make sure you always have the spare car keys and a blanket nearby if you need to make a quick escape.

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11 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Watch it yourself. All the way to the end. Then accidentally reveal important plot points and spoilers over breakfast.

You can't help it if your mind wanders and you let slip the good stuff. You're both clearly very busy people and it's obviously not that much of a big deal if she isn't going to watch it with you anyway.

Keep an eye out for flying dishes mind and make sure you always have the spare car keys and a blanket nearby if you need to make a quick escape.

Or just make her sleep in the shed for a week. That’s always worked for me in my 3 marriages.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


I feel like that. I genuinely can’t abide even my own relatives. My sister is a stupid fucking cunt and my mum is a gibbering spastic who would honestly be better off dead. I fucking hate the whole of humanity deeply and passionately.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that. 

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39 minutes ago, King Billy said:

You’ve spelled obesity wrong there DC, unless you meant fatigue from dragging her enormous fat arse around all day?

She’s like a racing snake, Bill. Maybe two hours a day in the gym, doing fucking star-jumps with other Lycra-clad HRT twats is the reason she’s so tired and short of time? Anyway, as long as my sock drawer is full, I’ll have to live with the female-saliva-free bell-end and bollocks like space-hoppers. Marriage eh?

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16 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

She’s like a racing snake, Bill. Maybe two hours a day in the gym, doing fucking star-jumps with other Lycra-clad HRT twats is the reason she’s so tired and short of time? Anyway, as long as my sock drawer is full, I’ll have to live with the female-saliva-free bell-end and bollocks like space-hoppers. Marriage eh?

The only solution DC as far as I can see is if she identifies as a man. She/He could be just what Liverpool FC need at the moment to replace Salah.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I feel like that. I genuinely can’t abide even my own relatives. My sister is a stupid fucking cunt and my mum is a gibbering spastic who would honestly be better off dead. I fucking hate the whole of humanity deeply and passionately.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share that. 

I have come to conclusion that I probably hate the middle of the road, barely thinking majority the most - those who are willing to play good or bad, depending on who is pulling their strings. They are the cunts who follow orders without question and would sacrifice everyone to save their own skin. Absolute fucking tools. Even worse then the bad wankers who are giving them their orders.

 I am delighted to see some aware russkies, escaping certain death of conscription, by voting with their feet. Can you imagine being pulled into the army, now? Vlad is hoovering up men of up to 65 years of age, including disabled (to throw them in the mincer, after extensive pillaging of medical and pension coffers). Besides covid, the men are being given other compulsory vaccines (new 2021 laws), before being shipped off with a guitar or a hammer to fight some other cunt in the snow. There will be no one to complain to about potential side effects.

Vlad has recently exchanged some Ukrainian fascists they caught for an oligarch and some soldiers. Some way of dealing with fascists, don’t you think?

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. Full time mothers or part time employees are the usual suspects. Despite quite literally having all the time in the world, they justify their bone idle existence by claiming that every single hour of every single day is taken up with life or death tasks that if they don't complete will result in the sky falling down or a third fucking world war breaking out. 

Unless you're a Fortune 500 CEO or a full time carer for some spastic who can't wipe their own arse, your self-aggrandising, woe is me bollocks is better left unsaid. This nomination was inspired by a conversation I've just had with the stupid fucking cunt who trapped me in unhappy matrimony many years ago. We've been watching a series together and are now somehow out of sync, with said cunt being two episodes behind. Despite working four days a week and now having a week off for half term, apparently her schedule is so full on she will never ever find the 90 minutes required to catch up with me. Never. Ever.

I wish that everyone was dead, apart from me.

Fuck off.


I read the first paragraph but I'm far too busy to read the rest. 

Maybe later


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7 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

I have come to conclusion that I probably hate the middle of the road, barely thinking majority the most - those who are willing to play good or bad, depending on who is pulling their strings. They are the cunts who follow orders without question and would sacrifice everyone to save their own skin. Absolute fucking tools. Even worse then the bad wankers who are giving them their orders.

 I am delighted to see some aware russkies, escaping certain death of conscription, by voting with their feet. Can you imagine being pulled into the army, now? Vlad is hoovering up men of up to 65 years of age, including disabled (to throw them in the mincer, after extensive pillaging of medical and pension coffers). Besides covid, the men are being given other compulsory vaccines (new 2021 laws), before being shipped off with a guitar or a hammer to fight some other cunt in the snow. There will be no one to complain to about potential side effects.

Vlad has recently exchanged some Ukrainian fascists they caught for an oligarch and some soldiers. Some way of dealing with fascists, don’t you think?

Don’t waste your time on the so called ‘war’ WC. The real story is the war against the human population by the globalist WEF, WHO, UN elitist class which is underway with all these never ending ‘energy crisis’, ‘climate crisis’’, Covid crisis’, ‘mis/disinformation crisis’, ‘threat to democracy crisis’ etc etc etc. All manufactured BS to distract the fucking idiots from waking up to the real agenda. 
Our masters have realised that ‘democracy’ has outlived its usefulness and some of the sheep are straying out of the pen and seeing things from the other side of the fence. The game is almost up and they know it, so the fucking lizard cunts are now brazenly taking off their disguises and going full on with the agenda in plain sight. 
Have a look at a video on YouTube. ‘THE UNSOLVED MYSTERY OF THE PANDEMIC…..’  and tell me everything in the world is OK.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Don’t waste your time on the so called ‘war’ WC. The real story is the war against the human population by the globalist WEF, WHO, UN elitist class which is underway with all these never ending ‘energy crisis’, ‘climate crisis’’, Covid crisis’, ‘mis/disinformation crisis’, ‘threat to democracy crisis’ etc etc etc. All manufactured BS to distract the fucking idiots from waking up to the real agenda. 
Our masters have realised that ‘democracy’ has outlived its usefulness and some of the sheep are straying out of the pen and seeing things from the other side of the fence. The game is almost up and they know it, so the fucking lizard cunts are now brazenly taking off their disguises and going full on with the agenda in plain sight. 
Have a look at a video on YouTube. ‘THE UNSOLVED MYSTERY OF THE PANDEMIC…..’  and tell me everything in the world is OK.

I have been nibbling at the very rich people issue for years. Their prerogative has always been to keep the masses in the dark, drunk, uneducated and in a state of worry about their future, their food/money/etc.

Technology underpinned by education, cheap plentiful energy and large populations, created a growing, large middle class with good incomes and qualified working class with much higher standards of living.

As we are going into population decline in areas of the world where it actually matters, it makes sense for them to destroy the independent middle class and push as many as possible to their enterprises. The government loves it as many weird “essentials” can be justified, stuff the people must pay for via taxation: think chinks and their current goings on with covid (industries).

As there is no more real growth, they simply want to make money on the way down in any way possible and under any excuse. Their carefully curated ponzis are imploding here and there;  it’s not a reassuring situation for the people who are holding the bag. As you say: democracy has outlived its usefulness. They are the ultimate stock brokers: making money on the way up and  down.

 I hope that China goes to shit sooner than expected.

Here is some good news:



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15 hours ago, Decimus said:

Ever recommended a TV series, a film or a book to someone? Has that person then responded with some patronising shit along the lines of "Oh I don't know where you find the time, I'm always on the go haha!".

If the answer is yes, you've encountered a self-important, busy cunt. 

Only slightly worse than that weird group of - usually ostentatiously middle class twats - who, when the subject of a recent TV Drama or news item gets brought up over the Le Creuset, stare blankly at you for a few seconds before they tell you they haven’t watched TV since the Moon Landing as it rots the mind. They, and their snot-nosed kids, apparently spend their evenings playing musical instruments, reading, completing elaborate puzzles and exercising. A night in front of the box, I remember one Tiger Mum telling me once, was “self abuse” and a “missed opportunity”. It is of course all about signalling to the group how advanced they are in comparison to the fat proles who are at their most comfortable vegging out.

I believe the modern equivalent is to drone on about the effects of screen time. Cunts. 

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8 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Only slightly worse than that weird group of - usually ostentatiously middle class twats - who, when the subject of a recent TV Drama or news item gets brought up over the Le Creuset, stare blankly at you for a few seconds before they tell you they haven’t watched TV since the Moon Landing as it rots the mind. They, and their snot-nosed kids, apparently spend their evenings playing musical instruments, reading, completing elaborate puzzles and exercising. A night in front of the box, I remember one Tiger Mum telling me once, was “self abuse” and a “missed opportunity”. It is of course all about signalling to the group how advanced they are in comparison to the fat proles who are at their most comfortable vegging out.

I believe the modern equivalent is to drone on about the effects of screen time. Cunts. 

I watch telly. But only archived stuff on the internet. I honestly can’t bear the shit that’s being churned out and labelled as entertainment currently. 
 There are a plethora of tv series, films etc from the 60s through to yesterday. Some things that I never saw at the time. And some things that I’ve forgotten sufficiently to warrant revisiting. 
I’d much rather watch Blake’s 7 than Blacks heaven.

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