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What Do We Want? "A General Election!" When Do We Want It? "CUNT".


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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Why? Was a woman in charge during previous financial crises?


As for the current farrago of fuck-ups I do get annoyed by talking heads pontificating about "no one elected this prime minister". That's right because constitutionally the UK is a parliamentary democracy, not a presidential one. In other words, the party with the most seats provide the government and by definition, the prime minister. IMO the rot set in with the introduction of the American style "sofa cabinets" and the rise of SpAds wielding unelected power - Alastair Campbell and Dominic Cummings spring to mind. The other issue was that party political leaders were chosen by the parliamentary political party i.e. MPs who won their seats by going on the hustings and who would have an understanding of their respective electorates and more importantly the fine detail behind the headline policies. In the interests of "democracy" the MP's suffrage was diluted by giving party members (including myself) the right to vote in the leadership race. This created a two-tier universal suffrage with a minority of voters having more voting clout than others.

The political landsape has changed beyond all recognition in the last three years. Since the last election, we have had Brexit, Covid and a war. There is now a (more or less) credible opposition. The Tories cannot, in all conscience, believe that they have any sort of mandate.

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42 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Ya know what y'all need...another few years of bozo n the unelected whisky salesman lord frosty..that should set everything right agin...lol


Panzer, it's total chaos over here... It makes my time as Haitian President look good. I'm looking to import some Irish peat to sell to the poor to heat their homes this winter, can you help me out?

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8 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

If ever you need proof of what a fucking disaster is created when a woman is put in charge, then this is it.

Roops, take note.

Have a like; you actually make me chuckle sometimes, Drew. And when I say 'sometimes' I mean 90% of the time you're otherwise a dull, flat, toadying, often nonsensical shitweazel who desperately tries to be funny, usually falling way short of the finishing line.

Unfunny wanker.

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3 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

The political landsape has changed beyond all recognition in the last three years. Since the last election, we have had Brexit, Covid and a war. There is now a (more or less) credible opposition. The Tories cannot, in all conscience, believe that they have any sort of mandate.

I'm not sure who they are supposed to represent anymore.

Is it people who wanted Brexit "done" but had little else in common with traditional conservatism? Is it the hundreds of thousands of new northern voters who elected Tory MPs because they were exasperated with years of Labour stagnation, but have little else in common with traditional conservatism?

Or is it a tiny minority of super-wealthy elites who have lobbied and donated millions of pounds to promote their own, vested minority interests?

One thing is for certain, it feels like they no longer represent their traditional base of middle of the road, professionals, shop keepers, skilled workers or self-made working class people who have pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.

They can expect an almighty fucking hiding at the polls in two years time, and despite their numerous excuses about external global issues causing the current shit-show, they will only have themselves to blame.

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17 hours ago, The Beast said:

How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced?


Because Truss/Quasimodo couched it as a "fiscal event", not a mini-budget.  By not terming it a budget THEY knowingly circumvented the requirement for scrutiny by the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR).  They were in cahoots and were as bent as each other.

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5 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I don't believe you, considering your refusal to admit getting anything wrong, it wouldn't surprise me if you not only voted for Truss but got your friends at the local Conservative club to vote for her as well. 

"Britain has never known such a disgrace of a prime minister," news agency Reuters quoted Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying.

Even Russia have said Truss is an absolute disgrace, you voted for her didn't you?

Not too sure why you would cite a Russian govt spokeswoman when I had previously described events as a "farrago of fuck-ups" and that "Truss & Kwarteng deserved the subsequent opprobrium"...still, your petulance is noted.

Anyway, you just can't admit that you're wrong - you never have and never will therefore I must be right. See how that doesn't work? Ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not too sure why you would cite a Russian govt spokeswoman when I had previously described events as a "farrago of fuck-ups" and that "Truss & Kwarteng deserved the subsequent opprobrium"...still, your petulance is noted.

Anyway, you just can't admit that you're wrong - you never have and never will therefore I must be right. See how that doesn't work? Ridiculous.

It’s Mourdant for me, all day long. I like her background and no nonsense approach. She is a talented debater and a confident performer at the despatch box. Still under the age of 50 yet with plenty of the requisite experience and unburdened by bias, ideology and priveledge. A good communicator and a capable speaker. Also, despite being a hefty lass, I’d let her ride me like a mid-spasm epileptic bison. She’s had no sprogs through her so she’s clearly ‘cuntus intactus’ and it must be like a mouse’s ear. Penny for your thoughts Roops?

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19 hours ago, The Beast said:

So many confusing things in play.

How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced? 

It seems populism is being expunged from both parties, Starmer put in and the Corbynites expelled or sidelined. Technocrats like Sunak, Hunt et al put in.

It's like there are things that have to be done and democracy is not allowed to get in the way.


The ‘mini budget’ sending the IMF, the OBR, the Bank of England and all the other usual suspects into a ridiculous meltdown asks the question, why were these same actors silent when 400 billion plus pounds was being spunked up the wall by Hancock, Sunak and Bozo, which any cunt could see would destroy the economy? And the never ending billions to Ukraine? 
The problem isn’t the Tory Party. Labour would be no different in power. All their claims to be the party of the working class are nothing more than fodder for the idiots who must have been asleep during the Blair/Brown years, dreaming about Maggies rotting corpse and cumming in their pyjamas. 
The way I see it is that it’s irrelevant which party gets elected in the U.K. now because they’ve both cottoned on to the fact that the great British public have become a nation of armchair complainers who can be distracted and manipulated by the fake news MSM 24/7, with their identity politics, progressive nonsense, thereby missing the actual agenda of these globalist, anti sovereign state, open border traitors who pretend to be acting in their best interests but only as long as you don’t question them about anything while they’re keeping you in a constant state of near poverty, and feeding you promises of a better future.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

It’s Mourdant for me, all day long. I like her background and no nonsense approach. She is a talented debater and a confident performer at the despatch box. Still under the age of 50 yet with plenty of the requisite experience and unburdened by bias, ideology and priveledge. A good communicator and a capable speaker. Also, despite being a hefty lass, I’d let her ride me like a mid-spasm epileptic bison. She’s had no sprogs through her so she’s clearly ‘cuntus intactus’ and it must be like a mouse’s ear. Penny for your thoughts Roops?

I appreciate I have an unfounded reputation for being a know-all, but you must realise I know jack about the condition of Ms Mourdant's vagina.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate I have an unfounded reputation for being a know-all, but you must realise I know jack about the condition of Ms Mourdant's vagina.

To be fair you would end up syncing up if you were locked in a room with her long enough.

Can't you use whatever sort of otherworldly power that is to request some kind of structural update? Or does that only work at Bluetooth distances?

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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I appreciate I have an unfounded reputation for being a know-all, but you must realise I know jack about the condition of Ms Mourdant's vagina.

Do you agree with my contention that the Caesarian section should be compulsory in order to keep the ‘Gentleman’s playground’ intact? A baggy clout is an abomination not helped by the modern female’s frequent reluctance to utilise ‘trap two.’

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51 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Do you agree with my contention that the Caesarian section should be compulsory in order to keep the ‘Gentleman’s playground’ intact? A baggy clout is an abomination not helped by the modern female’s frequent reluctance to utilise ‘trap two.’

I'm not a gay man, DC, but I've never considered the unclaimed baggage area to possess even a modicum of aesthetic beauty. The vast majority of them resemble the sort of $1 hot dogs being sold outside the 67th Avenue NYC subway station by undocumented, Guatemalan rapists. 

Even the ones who have a nip here and a tuck there end up with something that looks and smells like a Yarmouth bloater.

Vile cunts. Literally.

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22 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm not a gay man, DC, but I've never considered the unclaimed baggage area to possess even a modicum of aesthetic beauty. The vast majority of them resemble the sort of $1 hot dogs being sold outside the 67th Avenue NYC subway station by undocumented, Guatemalan rapists. 

Even the ones who have a nip here and a tuck there end up with something that looks and smells like a Yarmouth bloater.

Vile cunts. Literally.

And back doors are for poofs. And closet poofs. 

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