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What Do We Want? "A General Election!" When Do We Want It? "CUNT".


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We're shortly about to have our fifth Prime Minister in six years, a staggering turnover rate which would make even the most tumultuous of Banana Republics blush (translated and lifted from Bild @Frank you stupid old cunt).

The talk is of restoring confidence in the markets, but that boat has long sailed and fallen off the edge of Bend's imagimary flat earth. It never had much, but this government has lost all credibility, trust and any semblance of competence that it once had. The choices for the successor to Rain Woman are about as inspiring as her own mental speech about cheese and Chinese pork. 

The cure cannot be worse than the disease, and the idea of a Starmer led administration for the next five years is hardly something that the vast majority of people in this country would want under normal circumstances. But these aren't normal circumstances, and I'd rather have that onky block headed, beige fucking dullard steering the ship than ANY of the 357 Tories currently sitting in parliament scratching their fucking arses without any clue on how to pull this country out of the steaming pile of shit that it's currently festering in.

It's time for an early General Election, anything less and anyone with any sense may as well jump in to their nearest river with a breeze block chained around their necks.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'd like to give her something that's white and unquestionably of male origin, and it isn't a patronising "calm down dear" comment.

LCS has got to your cerebral control room. Every time you think of her, she’s on her knees wearing a dog collar and begging to suck your cock. Saying that, I’d probably smash her. As long as that spacky looking darkie hasn’t been there.

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14 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

LCS has got to your cerebral control room. Every time you think of her, she’s on her knees wearing a dog collar and begging to suck your cock. Saying that, I’d probably smash her. As long as that spacky looking darkie hasn’t been there.

He almost certainly has. I've also heard it through the grapevine that he has allegedly played the bongo drums on the once delectable Amber Rudd's tits.

Truss has to be my most shameful wank of all time, which is saying something from the man who once had a teenage crush on Gail Platt.

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33 minutes ago, Decimus said:

He almost certainly has. I've also heard it through the grapevine that he has allegedly played the bongo drums on the once delectable Amber Rudd's tits.

Truss has to be my most shameful wank of all time, which is saying something from the man who once had a teenage crush on Gail Platt.

If you close your eyes Penny Mordaunt becomes Catherine Deneuve c. 1983

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

We're shortly about to have our fifth Prime Minister in six years,

And the 1922 committee have quickly changed the rules to ensure that their globalist WEF puppet choice (Sunak) inherits the throne this time, after complacently, and wrongly thinking they had him installed last time. The absolute and blatant treachery of the majority of Tory MPs who’ve thrown their toys out of the pram because their preferred status quo puppet (Sunak) wasn’t crowned according to the plan.
“If it wasn’t for those  fucking pesky Conservative Party  members we’d have gotten away with it Scooby”.

It matters not who wins the rigged Tory raffle now, because Starmer is just the identical boil on the other cheek of the same shite covered arse.

They all need their toes removed with a set of bolt cutters.

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So many confusing things in play.

How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced? 

It seems populism is being expunged from both parties, Starmer put in and the Corbynites expelled or sidelined. Technocrats like Sunak, Hunt et al put in.

It's like there are things that have to be done and democracy is not allowed to get in the way.


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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

So many confusing things in play.

How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced? 

It seems populism is being expunged from both parties, Starmer put in and the Corbynites expelled or sidelined. Technocrats like Sunak, Hunt et al put in.

It's like there are things that have to be done and democracy is not allowed to get in the way.


I have a feeling that we will soon be treated to another “event”, just to cover up the financial implosion. And don’t expect any side to admit to the years of wrongdoing.


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7 hours ago, The Beast said:

...How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced?...

Because they were removed by the Truss Government.

Firstly, the Treasury's respected and experienced senior civil servant, Tom Scholar, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, was summarily dismissed without notice shortly before Kwarteg was appointed Chancellor. Secondly, the OBR were advised that on this occasion, their report to accompany the mini budget would not be required even though they said they could produce the forecasts in time.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

If ever you need proof of what a fucking disaster is created when a woman is put in charge, then this is it.

Roops, take note.

What are you doing up at 06:30am Big Bollock? You've clearly been on an all nighter ain't ya? I get bored drinking after 4am, I therefore cannot understand why you're drinking God knows what at this time of the morning when decent folk are going to work... get to bed you drunken cunt. You'll wake up in time to catch the local chip shops lunch time shitty meal deal. Lol.

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

If ever you need proof of what a fucking disaster is created when a woman is put in charge, then this is it.

Roops, take note.

Why? Was a woman in charge during previous financial crises?


As for the current farrago of fuck-ups I do get annoyed by talking heads pontificating about "no one elected this prime minister". That's right because constitutionally the UK is a parliamentary democracy, not a presidential one. In other words, the party with the most seats provide the government and by definition, the prime minister. IMO the rot set in with the introduction of the American style "sofa cabinets" and the rise of SpAds wielding unelected power - Alastair Campbell and Dominic Cummings spring to mind. The other issue was that party political leaders were chosen by the parliamentary political party i.e. MPs who won their seats by going on the hustings and who would have an understanding of their respective electorates and more importantly the fine detail behind the headline policies. In the interests of "democracy" the MP's suffrage was diluted by giving party members (including myself) the right to vote in the leadership race. This created a two-tier universal suffrage with a minority of voters having more voting clout than others.

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

So many confusing things in play.

How the fuck there wasn't any checks and balances in place before the mini budget was announced? 

It seems populism is being expunged from both parties, Starmer put in and the Corbynites expelled or sidelined. Technocrats like Sunak, Hunt et al put in.

It's like there are things that have to be done and democracy is not allowed to get in the way.


Truss is a known and proven shape shifter. I almost get the feeling that this is all a part of an agenda .. perhaps tp make things look so bad that there is "no alternative" but to rejoin the EU.

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1 hour ago, Penelope said:

Truss is a known and proven shape shifter. I almost get the feeling that this is all a part of an agenda .. perhaps tp make things look so bad that there is "no alternative" but to rejoin the EU.

If it is I want whatever cunning little cunt who had the balls to sign us up to the AKAUS Pact during our brief bid for freedom to be PM.

Any cunt that has the French petulantly stamping their feet by revealing them for the ripoff merchants they are gets my vote.

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9 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

If it is I want whatever cunning little cunt who had the balls to sign us up to the AKAUS Pact during our brief bid for freedom to be PM.

Any cunt that has the French petulantly stamping their feet by revealing them for the ripoff merchants they are gets my vote.

I don't take a lot of notice of what the UK hating foreign sites such as CNN have to say but they did seem to be cosistent about Truss being  a shape shifter and her speech 30 odd years ago at the LibDem conference and her switch to the Tory party in such a short space of time not too long afterwards looked to me like someone with no deep-seated beliefs/opinions other than me-me-me-me no matter what the cost (to others). She will walk away with £122k (index linked) for life .. te girl has done well (for herself).

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Because they were removed by the Truss Government.

Firstly, the Treasury's respected and experienced senior civil servant, Tom Scholar, Permanent Secretary to the Treasury, was summarily dismissed without notice shortly before Kwarteg was appointed Chancellor. Secondly, the OBR were advised that on this occasion, their report to accompany the mini budget would not be required even though they said they could produce the forecasts in time.

I know the media reported these facts, but surely someone in the treasury would realise the shit show it would cause and sound the alarms? 

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3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

by giving party members (including myself) the right to vote in the leadership race.

Do you feel bad for voting Truss in Mrs Roops? Do you care about people's mortgages going through the roof, all because of Truss' economic ideas fronted by Kwasi? These people have to decide on whether to pay a mortgage on a house they can't afford to heat, or heat said house but lose it when their fixed rate ends. I wouldn't be bragging about qualifications and voting in the retard that is Truss if I were you... One could say it's the behaviour of a retard. What's happened to you lately? Lol.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

I know the media reported these facts, but surely someone in the treasury would realise the shit show it would cause and sound the alarms? 

Well, there was consternation in Whitehall but civil servants are not allowed to "go political". Amongst the politcos dissent was limited to yesterday's heavy hitters e.g. Gordon Brown and current small players. No doubt the Westminster bubble was expecting a radical Libertarian budget in light of Truss and Kwarteng's pitch during her leadership campaign but to be told that not only would the costings come later in the Autumn Statement but there would also be "more to come" in the dash for growth was an incredible state of affairs. Truss and Kwarteng deserved the subsequent opprobrium. The irony is that Libertarian economics decree that "let the market decide" and the market decided, but not in the way they assumed it would.

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4 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Do you feel bad for voting Truss in Mrs Roops? Do you care about people's mortgages going through the roof, all because of Truss' economic ideas fronted by Kwasi? These people have to decide on whether to pay a mortgage on a house they can't afford to heat, or heat said house but lose it when their fixed rate ends. I wouldn't be bragging about qualifications and voting in the retard that is Truss if I were you... One could say it's the behaviour of a retard. What's happened to you lately? Lol.

I never said I voted for Truss. I said I was given the right to vote for the Tory party leader, a right I have always chosen not to exercise for reasons previously articulated. Yet another fatuous statement from you, how retarded is that?

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45 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

I never said I voted for Truss. I said I was given the right to vote for the Tory party leader, a right I have always chosen not to exercise for reasons previously articulated. Yet another fatuous statement from you, how retarded is that?

I don't believe you, considering your refusal to admit getting anything wrong, it wouldn't surprise me if you not only voted for Truss but got your friends at the local Conservative club to vote for her as well. 

"Britain has never known such a disgrace of a prime minister," news agency Reuters quoted Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova as saying.

Even Russia have said Truss is an absolute disgrace, you voted for her didn't you?

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