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12 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I see what you did there KB. Coolio toured Australia and no doubt had to get 'vaccinated' to enter the country... a year or two later he's dead.

He appeared to have suffered cardiac arrest at 59... move along everybody, nothing to see here, were helping you with the cost of living, blah, blah, fucking blah. 


I decided not to have the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail despite world leading virologists like Dr Hillary, Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari, Lorraine Kelly, Andrew Neil, Phil and Holly and scores of other experts. Being a somewhat sceptical consumer of the MSM I saw a guy online who seemed to make more sense to me. His name was Doug Brignole, a healthy keep fit fanatic who said ‘I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research to get it done. Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die you were right. If I don’t die and have no I’ll effects you were wrong……..blah blah blah’.

I really miss Doug. Even though I didn’t know him, I miss him so much now he’s gone.🤣🤣🤣

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3 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I decided not to have the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail despite world leading virologists like Dr Hillary, Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari, Lorraine Kelly, Andrew Neil, Phil and Holly and scores of other experts. Being a somewhat sceptical consumer of the MSM I saw a guy online who seemed to make more sense to me. His name was Doug Brignole, a healthy keep fit fanatic who said ‘I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research to get it done. Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die you were right. If I don’t die and have no I’ll effects you were wrong……..blah blah blah’.

I really miss Doug. Even though I didn’t know him, I miss him so much now he’s gone.🤣🤣🤣

Did he have a large following?

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11 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I decided not to have the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail despite world leading virologists like Dr Hillary, Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari, Lorraine Kelly, Andrew Neil, Phil and Holly and scores of other experts. Being a somewhat sceptical consumer of the MSM I saw a guy online who seemed to make more sense to me. His name was Doug Brignole, a healthy keep fit fanatic who said ‘I have enough confidence in the vaccine, based on my research to get it done. Those of you who think the vaccine kills people can use me as a test. If I die you were right. If I don’t die and have no I’ll effects you were wrong……..blah blah blah’.

I really miss Doug. Even though I didn’t know him, I miss him so much now he’s gone.🤣🤣🤣

These 'vaccines' are a ticking time bomb floating around the 'vaccinated' populations bodies. I'd be shitting myself if I had one, let alone four shots of the 'vaccine'. Covid cases are on the rise apparently... It's odd that the 'vaccinated' get the most sick after catching Covid 19 for the 7th time. 

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

I decided not to have the ‘totally safe and totally effective’ experimental cocktail despite world leading virologists like Dr Hillary, Piers Morgan, Nick Ferrari, Lorraine Kelly, Andrew Neil, Phil and Holly and scores of other experts.

Remind us again of your qualifications...

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8 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Remind us again of your qualifications...

Exactly what are your qualifications in this field Mrs Roops? You still refuse to admit these 'vaccines' are unsafe, despite the evidence and people dying and expect others to prove they are unsafe. I am sure there are a massive amount of under 60s in the the UK who feel cheated and regret getting 4+ (often mixed manufacturer jabs) for a 'killer' virus you need a test to see if you have.

Did you make a nice profit on your shares? 

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36 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why do they cause abnormal periods in women? Why is the Astra Zeneca jab only recommended for the elderly? Have you got shares in any of these bastard 'vaccine' companies? 

We've previously covered the fiction of "abnormal periods" though it's gratifying to see you acknowledge only women have periods :rolleyes:

On 03/08/2022 at 10:28, Mrs Roops said:

Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Not sure where you get the AZ story from. As for having shares in pharma, I probably have, either in a blind trust within my own portfolio and shares in my pension funds of which I have no control over. The Share ownership dig is fatuous - do you have shares in crystal ball manufacturers?

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40 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Exactly what are your qualifications in this field Mrs Roops? You still refuse to admit these 'vaccines' are unsafe, despite the evidence and people dying and expect others to prove they are unsafe. I am sure there are a massive amount of under 60s in the the UK who feel cheated and regret getting 4+ (often mixed manufacturer jabs) for a 'killer' virus you need a test to see if you have. 

I have a BDS and MSc (non-medical). FYI I've received 2 x AZ, 3 x Pfizer and two weeks ago a Moderna Bivalent booster as well as the standard flu and pneumonia jabs. What's your take as to why the covid vaccines are unsafe. Explain your understanding on the difference of mRNA and non mRNA vaccines. Do you actually know?

40 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Did you make a nice profit on your shares? 

See previous post.

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12 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

We've previously covered the fiction of "abnormal periods" though it's gratifying to see you acknowledge only women have periods :rolleyes:

Not sure where you get the AZ story from. As for having shares in pharma, I probably have, either in a blind trust within my own portfolio and shares in my pension funds of which I have no control over. The Share ownership dig is fatuous - does you have shares in crystal ball manufacturers?

You've been pushing and defending these 'vaccines' from day one, you clearly have a financial interest in these companies... Could it be you've been using your moderator status to line your own pockets? When is enough money enough money Mrs Roops. 

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You've been pushing and defending these 'vaccines' from day one, you clearly have a financial interest in these companies... Could it be you've been using your moderator status to line your own pockets? When is enough money enough money Mrs Roops. 

Indeed, obviously the gnomes of Geneva and every London, New York, Paris, Bonn and Singapore market-maker check in at The Corner whilst perusing their screens first thing in the morning...:rolleyes:

In truth I haven't pushed anything. I do correct baseless rumours promulgated by retards who think the puntership is as stupid as they are.

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51 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

@Old Chap Raasclaat

Whilst I have your attention...

Still waiting professor...

As far as I know mRNA 'teach' you cells to make protein that trigger an immune response the other non mRNA 'vaccines' work in a more traditional way. You are clearly beyond dosed up with this dangerous mixture of mRNA and non mRNA 'vaccines' and I ask you... what's your plan, to have 5 or so jabs a year for the next 20 years? I however prefer to use my natural immune system the good Lord blessed me with, as far as I know it contains no mRNA and it's a very old, tried and tested defence/protection mechanism(s). You will never convince me these vaccines are safe, they've had no long term testing (well the sheep like yourself have and will and continue to provide evidence for the long term effects), have money motivated companies producing them for what is effectively a virus thats no more than a vad cold, Covid 19 is over and you must let go of it and live your life. Covid 24 is around the corner and you'll all be able to get excited about lockdowns and clapping on your doorsteps for the NHS again... whilst simultaneously voting for a load of Tory cunts who refuse to give NHS a decent wage increase, won't you Tory voting Mrs Roops?


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4 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Remind us again of your qualifications...


3 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I have a BDS and MSc (non-medical). FYI I've received 2 x AZ, 3 x Pfizer and two weeks ago a Moderna Bivalent booster as well as the standard flu and pneumonia jabs. What's your take as to why the covid vaccines are unsafe. Explain your understanding on the difference of mRNA and non mRNA vaccines. Do you actually know?


For fuck's sake. As soon as 'Qualificationsgate' comes about, you're (unsurprisingly) first in line to tell everyone what you've got. You're like a teenage Liz Truss in the sweet shop... 'Me! Me! I was first in the queue! Me, look at me!'.

The fact you have basic dentistry qualifications (leading to a short career which never evolved because you had children), as well as a non-medical degree, doesn't exactly place you in a strong position to pass judgement on the merits of any vaccine.  

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5 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

I have a BDS and MSc (non-medical). FYI I've received 2 x AZ, 3 x Pfizer and two weeks ago a Moderna Bivalent booster as well as the standard flu and pneumonia jabs. What's your take as to why the covid vaccines are unsafe. Explain your understanding on the difference of mRNA and non mRNA vaccines. Do you actually know?

See previous post.

Ooooh, you are the clever one. Us mere mortals have no need for qualifications. We have Wolfiepedia. Fuck  off.

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On 16/10/2022 at 05:24, Snowy said:

After your coaxing me out of retirement the other week ,you post some nonsensical bullshit about the ninja turtles,ok I'm  in .

Snowy, can you believe it has been four years since I debuted the Pulitzer Prize winning "A Haunting In Norfolk"?

With Halloween fast approaching, I'm considering releasing the first chapter of the sequel "The Poringland Possession: An Adventure of Drew". 

Would you be interested in a sneak preview?

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8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Why do they cause abnormal periods in women? Why is the Astra Zeneca jab only recommended for the elderly? Have you got shares in any of these bastard 'vaccine' companies? 

You dullard, trying to outwit Mrs Roots.

I've seen your name crop up too many times - you post rubbish.

& Mrs Roots could press the delete button on your username, whenever she fancies - so button it cowboy.

Love ProfB XXX


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9 minutes ago, ProfB said:

You dullard, trying to outwit Mrs Roots.

I've seen your name crop up too many times - you post rubbish.

& Mrs Roots could press the delete button on your username, whenever she fancies - so button it cowboy.

Love ProfB XXX


Nevermind all that ProfB, @Mrs Roops likes me and that's why she'll never delete Old chap... I've got the day off and I've been watching PMQ's, I'm no Tory but I'd put up with them in power for a few more years if Penny Mordaunt let me have a soapy titwank. What do make of Liz Truss hiding away from the urgent question from Labour today? 'Not worthy of' Truss decides to turn up once it's over and is now sitting there gurning like a depressed cunt who's taken too many antidepressants... This is obviously assuming you've got an actual clue about what's going on in the country ProfB? 

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