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Triggered litigant houseguests

Last Cunt Standing

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Gosh, six notifications that I've been quoted by the same punter - anyone would think I'm living rent free in someone's head...

11 hours ago, King Billy said:

No need to panic on that front as the University of Boston have just announced that they’ve created a hybrid strain of the Delta and Omichron variants which they say has an 80% fatality rate in the mice they’ve tested it on, compared to a zero% rate for the Omichron variant. Oh and the NIH (Dr Fauci) funded this Frankenstein research. Quelle surprise! (Daily Mail Online)

Looks like The Mail have jumped the gun on a pre-print rather than wait for the peer-reviewed paper and naturally the crazies (Fox News et al) have ran with it - grist to the mill for the conspiracy nut-jobs and mugs.

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7 hours ago, Penelope said:

Billy did you know that millions of dogs in the UK have had a microchip implanted into them and the dogs are now programmed to attack and kill people at random?

Good evening Spot,

Was out on the town with Big Kazza last night & the night before, hence unable to post on the corner.

Love profB xxx

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can either you or @ProfB explain to me why she keeps talking to Cuntspotter by quoting your posts?

And no, “because she’s deranged” won’t do this time. One of you better explain this to me now or I shall be very cross.

They implanted one of those dog chips into her brain by mistake .. Panzer has got the Psion Revo.

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Can either you or @ProfB explain to me why she keeps talking to Cuntspotter by quoting your posts?

And no, “because she’s deranged” won’t do this time. One of you better explain this to me now or I shall be very cross.

Noo, Eric it's just coincidence I land an antelopes postings, to say Hi to Spotty. It could be you next Eric. & she/he's nasty about Panzer - he's simply soo chilled he's horizontal - he doesn't bitch, nor have a dated laptop for a brain.

Please don't be cross Eric.

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2 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Noo, Eric it's just coincidence I land an antelopes postings, to say Hi to Spotty. It could be you next Eric. & she/he's nasty about Panzer - he's simply soo chilled he's horizontal - he doesn't bitch, nor have a dated laptop for a brain.

Please don't be cross Eric.

Listen here, you layby lurking, fucking weirdo. After years of animosity I had a drug induced Road to Damascus moment. I can't remember much about it, but apparently Pen is now under my protection.

If you bother her again I'm going to come down on you like a tonne of fucking bricks.

Got it?

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5 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Noo, Eric it's just coincidence I land an antelopes postings, to say Hi to Spotty. It could be you next Eric. & she/he's nasty about Panzer - he's simply soo chilled he's horizontal - he doesn't bitch, nor have a dated laptop for a brain.

Please don't be cross Eric.

Oh. Ok ProfB. I wasn’t really going to get cross. I just get results by pretending sometimes.

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10 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Listen here, you layby lurking, fucking weirdo. After years of animosity I had a drug induced Road to Damascus moment. I can't remember much about it, but apparently Pen is now under my protection.

If you bother her again I'm going to come down on you like a tonne of fucking bricks.

Got it?

YES Decco

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9 hours ago, Penelope said:

Billy did you know that millions of dogs in the UK have had a microchip implanted into them and the dogs are now programmed to attack and kill people at random?

Is that a 5G tower in your pants or is there something else down there you’d like to come clean about?

Answer the question.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Gosh, six notifications that I've been quoted by the same punter - anyone would think I'm living rent free in someone's head...

Looks like The Mail have jumped the gun on a pre-print rather than wait for the peer-reviewed paper and naturally the crazies (Fox News et al) have ran with it - grist to the mill for the conspiracy nut-jobs and mugs.

@King Billy do you reckon @Mrs Roops will approve of giving that shite to 6+ month old babies?


EU approves Covid jabs for BABIES amid growing fears of winter wave https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11332731/European-Union-approves-Covid-jabs-BABIES-amid-growing-fears-winter-wave.html?ito=native_share_article-top


What the fuck is going on here? Why would you give a baby a 'vaccine' that doesn't stop transmission anyways, for a virus that poses little danger to them? I swear they'll put trace elements of the 'vaccine' in tap water soon. What sinister cunts. 

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10 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@King Billy do you reckon @Mrs Roops will approve of giving that shite to 6+ month old babies?


EU approves Covid jabs for BABIES amid growing fears of winter wave https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-11332731/European-Union-approves-Covid-jabs-BABIES-amid-growing-fears-winter-wave.html?ito=native_share_article-top


What the fuck is going on here? Why would you give a baby a 'vaccine' that doesn't stop transmission anyways, for a virus that poses little danger to them? I swear they'll put trace elements of the 'vaccine' in tap water soon. What sinister cunts. 

The people who want to inject 6 month old babies with an experimental medicine, which neither protects them from catching or passing on a virus, which poses absolutely no risk to them at all, would be delighted to ditch the syringes and anally administer the poison with their erect penises.

Fucking monsters who will pay for their actions soon.

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23 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Who time after time turn out to have been right. Anyway I’m not trying to rush you but that simple yes or no answer seems to be a long time a coming.

Yes or no?

I really don't understand how she cannot admit she's wrong, something odd about it, and points to massive insecurity. She couldn't wait to blurt out her qualifications the other day, even though they gave her no superiority over any old cunts view on 'vaccine' safety. She resorted to calling me a retard afterwards, I've also noticed she has started to mention your parenting again. Who does think she is KB? Could it be the cocktail of Pfiver, Vauxall Astra Zeneca and Moderna cost of living 'vaccines' have caused some sort of cunt reaction? Lol.

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26 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I really don't understand how she cannot admit she's wrong, something odd about it, and points to massive insecurity. She couldn't wait to blurt out her qualifications the other day, even though they gave her no superiority over any old cunts view on 'vaccine' safety. She resorted to calling me a retard afterwards, I've also noticed she has started to mention your parenting again. Who does think she is KB? Could it be the cocktail of Pfiver, Vauxall Astra Zeneca and Moderna cost of living 'vaccines' have caused some sort of cunt reaction? Lol.

It’ll be a combination of racism, climate change and having to constantly debunk all the ridiculous conspiracy theories bandied around by ‘thickos’ like me and you. Thank fuck we have her now that Mother Theresa, Mandela, Lady Di and The Queen are gone.

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11 hours ago, Penelope said:

Billy did you know that millions of dogs in the UK have had a microchip implanted into them and the dogs are now programmed to attack and kill people at random?

Where can I get one of those? We have this awful bitch next door, who could do with her fucking head ripped out and shredded by some abomination. 

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