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Kwasi Kwarteng. Cometh the man, cometh the hour.


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On 02/10/2022 at 15:53, Witheredscrote said:

Jacob Rees-Mogg in cronyism row after business partner made peer and minister

When are you British tax payers (and Drew), going to make a united stand against these piss taking cunts? Seriously.

Withers have you ever done coke, MDMA, a shit load of champagne and to round the session off a few valium? On a Wednesday?

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15 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Diazepam and Horlicks.

For those suicidal hangovers, where you feel like you've spent the night being pegged by Lisa Riley whilst someone played the drums to "In The Air Tonight" on your fucking head with a pair of cattle prods, Diazepam indeed does the trick. In the absence of that, however, Solpadeine always managed to sort me out quite a bit, with the codeine helping to give enough of a buzz to keep any of the shakes and sweats away.

I always swore by Powerade during my "normal" ones. Never touched the stuff usually, but it seemed like quite a powerful elixir against the pure "drink-only" hangovers.

Sounds like our Decs might need a few months in a fucking monastery.

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3 hours ago, nocti said:

For those suicidal hangovers, where you feel like you've spent the night being pegged by Lisa Riley whilst someone played the drums to "In The Air Tonight" on your fucking head with a pair of cattle prods, Diazepam indeed does the trick. In the absence of that, however, Solpadeine always managed to sort me out quite a bit, with the codeine helping to give enough of a buzz to keep any of the shakes and sweats away.

I always swore by Powerade during my "normal" ones. Never touched the stuff usually, but it seemed like quite a powerful elixir against the pure "drink-only" hangovers.

Sounds like our Decs might need a few months in a fucking monastery.

I’ve got Solpadeine, the 30/500 ones, not the shit ones you can get in Tesco.

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4 hours ago, nocti said:

I always swore by Powerade during my "normal" ones. Never touched the stuff usually, but it seemed like quite a powerful elixir against the pure "drink-only" hangovers.

A mountainous fry up, washed down with a litre of Irn Bru (full sugar, obviously, none of that diet shite) will either kill or cure, guaranteed.

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8 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I've still got a stack of Tramadol I was prescribed ages ago but never needed at the time. Washed down with tequila that's more of a recreational high than a painkiller, though.

I haven’t tried Tramadol. I’ve tried its big brother Morphine though, only in tablet form. 10 mg of Sevredol when I had a toothache. It kicked in after about 40 minutes, I switched the telly on and watched ‘Forbidden Planet’ in HD for the first time. Fucking brilliant. Too nice, which is why I left it alone afterwards.

They don’t tell patients that morphine and heroin are the exact same thing. They freak out if they hear the H word.

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Kamikwase Farteng has been sacked or resigned, what a fucking pile of cunt these Tories are... All out of ideas and not a single one of them looking like a credible Prime Minister. What the fuck they were thinking in bringing in a 'trickle down' policy in this current climate is difficult to understand. How many Prime Ministers have we had in the last seven years? Fuck the Tories, utter fucking cunts. 

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Yep. Chopped. Rumours are Jeremy Hunt next in line. 

Just what your hangover needs. 

Don't get me wrong, the man is a total fucking imbecile with the economic nous of a 1930s Soviet, factory commisar. But in fairness to this finger counting-simpleton, his mini budget was clearly dictated to him by Fake Mags. 

If only he had the mental capacity to realise that he'd been thrown under the bus, we could have had an almighty whistle blowing scandal to add the final nail in the Truss cunts coffin.

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4 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Don't get me wrong, the man is a total fucking imbecile with the economic nous of a 1930s Soviet, factory commisar. But in fairness to this finger counting-simpleton, his mini budget was clearly dictated to him by Fake Mags. 

If only he had the mental capacity to realise that he'd been thrown under the bus, we could have had an almighty whistle blowing scandal to add the final nail in the Truss cunts coffin.

Although these cretins don’t operate in isolation, he had a lot to say on the matter. 

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49 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Don't get me wrong, the man is a total fucking imbecile with the economic nous of a 1930s Soviet, factory commisar. But in fairness to this finger counting-simpleton, his mini budget was clearly dictated to him by Fake Mags. 

If only he had the mental capacity to realise that he'd been thrown under the bus, we could have had an almighty whistle blowing scandal to add the final nail in the Truss cunts coffin.

Somebody soon will ask whether his sacking and replacement by a.n other white man is in anyway racist. Then we’ll get the lurid details of how he has been hanging out the back of Liz for some time and how sacking him broke her heart. We know one thing though; he didn’t give her that necklace. 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I haven’t tried Tramadol. I’ve tried its big brother Morphine though, only in tablet form. 10 mg of Sevredol when I had a toothache. It kicked in after about 40 minutes, I switched the telly on and watched ‘Forbidden Planet’ in HD for the first time. Fucking brilliant. Too nice, which is why I left it alone afterwards.

They don’t tell patients that morphine and heroin are the exact same thing. They freak out if they hear the H word.

Ask your local junkie about spit-methadone Eric, it’ll either rock your world or turn your stomach. I gather the more discerning customers can be positively Jilly Goolden-esque in describing the notes of phlegm, hepatitis, and sweet mother morphia. 

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

Has he gone?

My wife muttered "another celebrity death then" only moments ago. I asked who, and as she said "Robbie" I admit that I began to feel the pangs of ecstasy, and even a shred of tumescence down below.

Unfortunately, turns out it's Coltrane. Who I actually quite liked.

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1 minute ago, nocti said:

My wife muttered "another celebrity death then" only moments ago. I asked who, and as she said "Robbie" I admit that I began to feel the pangs of ecstasy, and even a shred of tumescence down below.

Unfortunately, turns out it's Coltrane. Who I actually quite liked.

Cracker! 😉

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