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We're All In This Together


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It seems like only yesterday that "Call me Dave" was wiping his cock on a dead pig's snout and telling us that "We're all in this together". Embracing this mantra, Kwasi-MOBO has now unveiled a mini-budget so fucking awful that it makes the Corn Laws seem fair and equitable.

The plebs have been given a huge one percent cut in income tax, with 31 million of them set to be better off by a life changing £170 a year. Meanwhile, the top 3 percent of earners are getting a five percent cut worth thousands of pounds and bankers bonus caps have been removed. 

With a head of state that has been forced upon us, a Prime Minister hand picked by a small cabal of Tory Grandees and an upper house of the legislature comprised of unelected members including bishops and lords, has anything really changed since the aptly named William the Bastard sat his fat, frog arse on the throne? It certainly doesn't seem like it, and will appear even less so when the poor go back to what they have done best for centuries, freezing or starving to death in winter.



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49 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It seems like only yesterday that "Call me Dave" was wiping his cock on a dead pig's snout and telling us that "We're all in this together". Embracing this mantra, Kwasi-MOBO has now unveiled a mini-budget so fucking awful that it makes the Corn Laws seem fair and equitable.

The plebs have been given a huge one percent cut in income tax, with 31 million of them set to be better off by a life changing £170 a year. Meanwhile, the top 3 percent of earners are getting a five percent cut worth thousands of pounds and bankers bonus caps have been removed. 

With a head of state that has been forced upon us, a Prime Minister hand picked by a small cabal of Tory Grandees and an upper house of the legislature comprised of unelected members including bishops and lords, has anything really changed since the aptly named William the Bastard sat his fat, frog arse on the throne? It certainly doesn't seem like it, and will appear so even less when the poor go back to what they have done best for centuries, freezing or starving to death in winter.



Spot on, Decs. Absolutely scandalous! Great nom, great guy 👍

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Guest Nova Gyna

There is a delicious irony to declare in the same announcement that bankers' bonuses exceeding double their pay are no longer subject to shareholder approval while also announcing that benefits will be cut off for those who can't show they are scrounging hard enough to earn them.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Phil and Holly hosting a uniquely British version of the Hunger Games this winter.

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Spot on, Decs. Absolutely scandalous! Great nom, great guy 👍

It's kind of you to say so, Frank.

What with you being the Will Freeman of The Corner, dining out on the royalties of one of Mitch's old swing numbers, I fully expected you to be popping the champagne after today's announcements.

What do you know about NFTs?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It seems like only yesterday that "Call me Dave" was wiping his cock on a dead pig's snout and telling us that "We're all in this together". Embracing this mantra, Kwasi-MOBO has now unveiled a mini-budget so fucking awful that it makes the Corn Laws seem fair and equitable.

The plebs have been given a huge one percent cut in income tax, with 31 million of them set to be better off by a life changing £170 a year. Meanwhile, the top 3 percent of earners are getting a five percent cut worth thousands of pounds and bankers bonus caps have been removed. 

With a head of state that has been forced upon us, a Prime Minister hand picked by a small cabal of Tory Grandees and an upper house of the legislature comprised of unelected members including bishops and lords, has anything really changed since the aptly named William the Bastard sat his fat, frog arse on the throne? It certainly doesn't seem like it, and will appear even less so when the poor go back to what they have done best for centuries, freezing or starving to death in winter.



Whinge, whinge, whinge, that's all you wet faggots do. If the French government tried to pull this stunt, there would be riots. I would suggest you withdraw your labour, but in your case, nobody would notice any difference, you limp wristed mincer.

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Just now, Witheredscrote said:

Whinge, whinge, whinge, that's all you wet faggots do. If the French government tried to pull this stunt, there would be riots. I would suggest you withdraw your labour, but in your case, nobody would notice any difference, you limp wristed mincer.

When isn't there riots in France?

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

It seems like only yesterday that "Call me Dave" was wiping his cock on a dead pig's snout and telling us that "We're all in this together". Embracing this mantra, Kwasi-MOBO has now unveiled a mini-budget so fucking awful that it makes the Corn Laws seem fair and equitable.

The plebs have been given a huge one percent cut in income tax, with 31 million of them set to be better off by a life changing £170 a year. Meanwhile, the top 3 percent of earners are getting a five percent cut worth thousands of pounds and bankers bonus caps have been removed. 

With a head of state that has been forced upon us, a Prime Minister hand picked by a small cabal of Tory Grandees and an upper house of the legislature comprised of unelected members including bishops and lords, has anything really changed since the aptly named William the Bastard sat his fat, frog arse on the throne? It certainly doesn't seem like it, and will appear even less so when the poor go back to what they have done best for centuries, freezing or starving to death in winter.



Dream scenario for the Tories. They know they're fucked come the next election after the incredible shit show they've put on since Brexit - now its time to fill their pockets and those of their mates with as many unearned bonuses and ridiculous tax windfalls as possible and leave the country in the worst possible state for Labour to clean up so they can spend the next few years complaining about how badly they're going about fixing it all.


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17 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

Whinge, whinge, whinge, that's all you wet faggots do. If the French government tried to pull this stunt, there would be riots. I would suggest you withdraw your labour, but in your case, nobody would notice any difference, you limp wristed mincer.

Your lot throw their baguettes out of their prams whenever the government proposes anything more than a 16 hour working week.

France is a nation of sulking, moody faggots perpetually stuck in the terrible twos. The next time you want your collective nappies changed, don't look to us to clean up your mess, the Krauts can fucking well have you.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

It seems like only yesterday that "Call me Dave" was wiping his cock on a dead pig's snout and telling us that "We're all in this together". Embracing this mantra, Kwasi-MOBO has now unveiled a mini-budget so fucking awful that it makes the Corn Laws seem fair and equitable.

The plebs have been given a huge one percent cut in income tax, with 31 million of them set to be better off by a life changing £170 a year. Meanwhile, the top 3 percent of earners are getting a five percent cut worth thousands of pounds and bankers bonus caps have been removed. 

With a head of state that has been forced upon us, a Prime Minister hand picked by a small cabal of Tory Grandees and an upper house of the legislature comprised of unelected members including bishops and lords, has anything really changed since the aptly named William the Bastard sat his fat, frog arse on the throne? It certainly doesn't seem like it, and will appear even less so when the poor go back to what they have done best for centuries, freezing or starving to death in winter.



Couldn't give a fuck, I won't be cold this winter and I don't need KFC or Maccy D's to survive. We need to cull numbers so why not the fucking chavs and no-marks first?

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29 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Your lot throw their baguettes out of their prams whenever the government proposes anything more than a 16 hour working week.

France is a nation of sulking, moody faggots perpetually stuck in the terrible twos. The next time you want your collective nappies changed, don't look to us to clean up your mess, the Krauts can fucking well have you.

People fighting in a supermarket over the last jar of fucking ‘Nutella’, is quite possibly the gayest civil disturbance in human history.

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6 hours ago, Frank said:

Spot on, Decs. Absolutely scandalous! Great nom, great guy 👍

Christ I fucking hate you. I hope the next poor man you ensnare at your singles restaurant treads undetected dachshund shit all over your plush little one-bed north London flat, especially the carpet leading to your homo-whore's bedroom, which stinks the place out for the coming fortnight. Wanker. 

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2 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

People fighting in a supermarket over the last jar of fucking ‘Nutella’, is quite possibly the gayest civil disturbance in human history.

You fucking white Brits haven't got the balls to riot anymore. You look at the Muslims and Hindus fighting in your homeland, and all you do is 'tut tut' over your warm piss poor beer.

Nutella riots indeed.

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30 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

You fucking white Brits haven't got the balls to riot anymore. You look at the Muslims and Hindus fighting in your homeland, and all you do is 'tut tut' over your warm piss poor beer.

Nutella riots indeed.

France. The country that made Jerry Lewis a national hero. Enough said.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Christ I fucking hate you. I hope the next poor man you ensnare at your singles restaurant treads undetected dachshund shit all over your plush little one-bed north London flat, especially the carpet leading to your homo-whore's bedroom, which stinks the place out for the coming fortnight. Wanker. 

I'm confused Wolfie. Are you or are you not obsessed with scat??

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3 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

Sometimes, I park in handicapped spaces
While handicapped people make handicapped faces

One of the best stand ups ever. Fuck those cunts who criticised him for adapting Bill Hicks’ smoking routine, he improved it.

’cancer of the colon, cancer of the wrist, and John Denver on compact disc’

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