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The Queen

Last Cunt Standing

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17 hours ago, Wolfie said:

He most definitely gropes her bottom, briefly burying half his hand up her crack. Despite the world watching (inc. the man standing directly behind), he just can't help himself. The world's leading media is trying to play this down, but preventing it from circling online is like trying to stop rain.


She’s old enough and they’re all inbreds anyway, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about?

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

She’s old enough and they’re all inbreds anyway, so I don’t see what all the fuss is about?

I wouldn’t mind having a go on one of those horse faced cunts. I know they’re not much to look at but they’re posh and bound to be completely unhinged in bed, like their mum. Nice round arse too.

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43 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You're the Walter Sickert of The Corner. Calm down and wind your fucking neck in.

Cripple-dicked cunt.

Walter is a suspect in the Jack The Ripper murders, there are also those who say the Ripper was impotent... You've got me thinking, could it be Frank's non stop trolling, thread derailment and general cunt behaviour is his way of taking back some sort control? He clearly cannot command or control his maggot and I think years of mincing about in skin tight white jeans has reduced the blood flow to his genitals? What a limp fucking bastard of a stupid cunt. 

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21 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Walter is a suspect in the Jack The Ripper murders, there are also those who say the Ripper was impotent... You've got me thinking, could it be Frank's non stop trolling, thread derailment and general cunt behaviour is his way of taking back some sort control? He clearly cannot command or control his maggot and I think years of mincing about in skin tight white jeans has reduced the blood flow to his genitals? What a limp fucking bastard of a stupid cunt. 

Indeed. Is there anyway back for him now that he's been successfully analysed and humiliated in front of his peers?

I fucking hope not.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@Eric CuntmanCuntman I've had the procession on the Tele and its shown some olden day footage of people mourning... Everyone appears to be white. Even Black Rod is a woman these days, there's no hope for me and I feel so bad I might fuck off back to Haiti. 

The London Marathon organisers, obviously noticing that nothing whatsoever was happening in London at the moment on the news front, took the opportunity to announce that in addition to the mens and womens categories they will have a ‘non binary gender’ category from now on. Along with the usual ‘we realise we still have a long way to go to make our event more diverse etc.’ bollocks. 
More fucking diverse? They’ve already got every colour of cunt ever born, nif nofs who take about 6 months to get round the first corner, torsos who leave a trail that a snail would be proud of, dickheads dressed as carrots or Rampant Rabbits etc, cunts running backwards, other cunts who seem to have their cock superglued inside another cunts shitter. The list is endless, but as they state….”We still have along way to go”.

No fucking kidding Einstein. About 26 and a bit miles?

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16 hours ago, Roadkill said:

You'd be missing out on a prime opportunity to put your witch-doctor skills to good use. They'll be begging you cunts to join the NHS in two or three years when even the Indians have had enough.

The P word is verboten RK. The Vulcan has decreed it so, but that may only apply to me as proof of her self proclaimed ‘consistency’.

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13 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Thousands of operations being cancelled on the day of Maj's funeral. She is dead, and now people are being shoved on the back burner again. No doubt all NHS staff will be protesting with shouts of 'This is so wrong, we are going to work as normal' . Maybe our resident pikey will clock in. My arse.

Proper, what a selfish, uncaring cunt you really are.

I don't work mondays but I've offered my services. I'm absolutely fucking livid that GP surgeries are even thinking about closing. Some sunken cheeked, fucking harridan on the box the other night supported the closure "patients can always re-book for another date". Obviously forgetting that at a normal size GP surgery you would have 5 GPs and 2 nurses who see around 20 patients each on the day.  That's approximately 140 patients who have to re-book. Multiply that by how many GPs surgeries up and down the country?  How many missed referrals as well?

So I will go in if I need to. 

The whole thing is fucking absurd. 

Dickie Arbiter can fuck right off. 

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4 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I don't work mondays but I've offered my services. I'm absolutely fucking livid that GP surgeries are even thinking about closing. Some sunken cheeked, fucking harridan on the box the other night supported the closure "patients can always re-book for another date". Obviously forgetting that at a normal size GP surgery you would have 5 GPs and 2 nurses who see around 20 patients each on the day.  That's approximately 140 patients who have to re-book. Multiply that by how many GPs surgeries up and down the country?  How many missed referrals as well?

So I will go in if I need to. 

The whole thing is fucking absurd. 

Dickie Arbiter can fuck right off. 

Fuck ‘em, Gyps. They think GP surgeries are shit/pointless/never open anyway. Give the people what they want, I say. Like a ten day cosplay of the sixteenth century. Bloody marvellous. 

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Of course I do. I did psychology at university, why else do you think that I empty the bins for the council?

If this is true, and it isn’t, what would you make of the theory that Baws might be playing some elaborate 4D chess with his contemporaries here? I suspect not everything is as it seems. 

There is art to being told to fuck off by him, and I appreciate it. If he meant to savage me, I suspect he could do a much better job. 

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4 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I wouldn’t mind having a go on one of those horse faced cunts. I know they’re not much to look at but they’re posh and bound to be completely unhinged in bed, like their mum. Nice round arse too.

Is it Beatrice or Eugenie that already looks half-strangled, with her eyes bulging out like a crazed hyperthyroid witch? I agree with your diagnosis of probable filth in the sheets, Eric. Private schoolgirls all are, or they used to be. I once had a terribly posh bird who asked me to wear 2 rubbers to bed, and pointed to a pair of Hunter wellies on her dressing table. Filthy fucking Sloane, she was. Dad was a High Court judge and she liked nothing better than receiving a harsh sentence at the vinegar strokes. She was married to a closeted gay Tory MP for a while, then got breast cancer and died. Up there in my top five. Marvellously depraved. 

I will go and raise a breakfast coffee in her general direction. 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

I miss the days when MOTD's 'Goal Of The Month' was still a thing that people got excited about. The Welsh wizard Jerry Goss was robbed more than once.


Wasn’t there a season when Matt Le Tiss was nominated every single month? Some player, he was. Pity he’s gone ga-ga. 

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22 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I once had a terribly posh bird who asked me to wear 2 rubbers to bed, and pointed to a pair of Hunter wellies on her dressing table. Filthy fucking Sloane, she was. Dad was a High Court judge and she liked nothing better than receiving a harsh sentence at the vinegar strokes. She was married to a closeted gay Tory MP for a while, then got breast cancer and died. Up there in my top five. Marvellously depraved. 

She sounds like she’d have been a right handful if she’d actually ever existed. That copy of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ you’ve got stashed on top of the cistern in the dunny is making you go all crazy Doc.

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26 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Wasn’t there a season when Matt Le Tiss was nominated every single month? Some player, he was. Pity he’s gone ga-ga. 

Yeah he’s gone ga-ga, pointing out the shit that’s been going on in the name of public health and science for two and a half years. Having an opinion that contradicts the geniuses who’ve fucked up the world is now ga-ga and not allowed apparently. You should know better really. I think you do but haven’t got the arsehole to admit you could be wrong.

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54 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Yeah he’s gone ga-ga, pointing out the shit that’s been going on in the name of public health and science for two and a half years. Having an opinion that contradicts the geniuses who’ve fucked up the world is now ga-ga and not allowed apparently. You should know better really. I think you do but haven’t got the arsehole to admit you could be wrong.

Well, quite. Whenever I feel in the mood for some high quality peer-reviewed science in a major journal, I do first wonder what a washed-up Southampton midfielder from the nineties might make of a multivariate analysis. Just as I might consult my local brothel keeper on the intricacies of the Large Hadron Collider. 

The world is fucked for many, many reasons Bill. Your constant insistence on there being a dark and shadowy plan is but a comfort blanket, designed to soothe the unavoidable truth; people are selfish cunts, and unchecked, this leads to chaos. There is no plan, no conspiracy, no great design. It’s the worst traits in human nature run riot. Look around you, for fuck’s sake. 

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