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The Queen

Last Cunt Standing

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19 minutes ago, Snowy said:

. This is what you've been reduced to calling out grammar on a supposed nobody on the corner ,I rest my case, see you in 6 months francis ,xx

Hang on a minute.. you're threatening to leave on every other post. If it's any consolation, I think you make a refreshing change on here. At least you're honest! I might've got you all wrong but I didn't think we were doing too badly when you first joined. 

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A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am.

Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge.

Fuck off.

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Just now, Frank said:

Hang on a minute.. you're threatening to leave on every other post. If it's any consolation, I think you a make refreshing change on here. At least you're honest! I might've got you all wrong but I didn't think we were doing to bad when you first joined. 

Your missing the mark frank,its you that has been shit ,does it take a nobody to rise this site to its former glory, your certainly not up to the task you're as useful as pens pre surgery's fanny ,dry as as the Sahara desert.

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8 minutes ago, Snowy said:

Your missing the mark frank,its you that has been shit ,does it take a nobody to rise this site to its former glory, your certainly not up to the task you're as useful as pens pre surgery's fanny ,dry as as the Sahara desert.

You wouldn't have noticed, but sometimes I immediately edit my posts, making minor adjustments, to see how long it takes a thickster to engage brain and respond. Not only does the above look like it's been written by a cabbage, it took you seventeen minutes to compose.

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2 minutes ago, Frank said:

You wouldn't have noticed, but sometimes I immediately edit my posts, making minor adjustments, to see how long it takes a thickster to engage brain and respond. Not only does the above look like it's been written by a cabbage, it took you seventeen minutes to compose.

Frank ,ill be honest ,you could never win this war ,you've known it for years.

Why i don't engange with ratcum,it will just end up in a standstill, you wont find any cracks in my armour ,its pointless, and given that you've made yourself look a cunt tonight ,I have the high ground . I know where you live ,rocky memes and everything else you post ,you're a 50 odd year old man playing around like some hip teenager.

Get a grip.

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13 minutes ago, King Billy said:

A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am.

Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge.

Fuck off.

Who's going to pay for the funeral during the biggest cost of living crisis in four decades?

I doubt Charlie will put his hand in his capacious pockets to buy more than a few dozen canapés.

Oh well, God save the king, know your place and make sure your cap is at a jaunty angle ready to doff.


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13 hours ago, Snowy said:

Your missing the mark frank,its you that has been shit ,does it take a nobody to rise this site to its former glory, your certainly not up to the task you're as useful as pens pre surgery's fanny ,dry as as the Sahara desert.

Fuck off and die you miserable fake brummy.

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16 hours ago, Decimus said:

Who's going to pay for the funeral during the biggest cost of living crisis in four decades?

I doubt Charlie will put his hand in his capacious pockets to buy more than a few dozen canapés.

Oh well, God save the king, know your place and make sure your cap is at a jaunty angle ready to doff.


And don’t try protesting either, as you’ll either get carted off “for your own safety” by the Rozzers, or assaulted by populist Neanderthals so pumped up on a steady diet of royalist media that anyone not genuflecting on the hour is a traitor. 

It’s difficult even from this distance watching people who seemingly shop at Oxfam line the streets to tug their forelocks at a family who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire. The toothless imbecile vox pop tribute, tearfully professing deep love for a woman they never met, is also an unwelcome addition to the TV news at present. 1997 all over again. 

Total shitshow. 

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am.

Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge.

Fuck off.

KB I've got to say it's great seeing the King of Ireland making an appearance on the Island Of Ireland, so his loyal subjects may pay homage. They've got Gloria Hunniford and Peter Mandelson as guests on the show. We both know @PANZER MURPHY will make an appearance with his Saxophone... However rather than play a nice tune, Panzers requested a private audience with Peter Mangledbum... Panzer was last seen lubing his arsehole and putting on his EU flag themed Y-fronts, one can only imagine the 'conversation' that'll take place. Lol.

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16 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

1970s Kodachrome. Your mum won that on Bullseye. I bet all the people in the photos from that album have red eyes. Every fucking picture of me as a kid looks like a mini T-101 with the contacts out.

Yeah, and I wanted the speedboat, although WTF I'd be doing with a speedboat on Golders Hill duckpond, I don't know.🦆🚤

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1 hour ago, cunt said:

Yeah, and I wanted the speedboat, although WTF I'd be doing with a speedboat on Golders Hill duckpond, I don't know.🦆🚤

I remember one contestant took the money and bowed out by stating: “I’ve got no use for a speedboat”.

 Another show had to be binned after the two blokes had won Bully’s star prize, a holiday. One leaned forward and asked Jim Bowen if they could have the money instead, because he was on parole and couldn’t leave the country.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

KB I've got to say it's great seeing the King of Ireland making an appearance on the Island Of Ireland, so his loyal subjects may pay homage. They've got Gloria Hunniford and Peter Mandelson as guests on the show. We both know @PANZER MURPHY will make an appearance with his Saxophone... However rather than play a nice tune, Panzers requested a private audience with Peter Mangledbum... Panzer was last seen lubing his arsehole and putting on his EU flag themed Y-fronts, one can only imagine the 'conversation' that'll take place. Lol.

We've no problem with the royalty visiting our shores..we know they will leave..lol


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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

A small comfort at this time of national mourning for our beloved monarch is the knowledge that the unavoidable inheritance tax which will shortly be pouring into the treasury to ease the burden of all of us adoring peasants soaring energy bills will prove to all those critics of the monarchy that they’re idiots. Forbes estimate the wealth of the Royal Family at around £88 billion, and the late Queens personal fortune somewhere between £500m and £1 billion. So 40% of anything in these estimates will be a great help in these times of need. Thank you M’am.

Oh hang on a minute. What’s that? The Royal family have a special exemption from inheritance tax? Fucking hell. That was close. I was just about to fire up the boiler and put the bulb back in the fridge.

Fuck off.


While the pleb with a few quid above the tax threshold must seek a lot of solicitors and offshore trust specialists to funnel the pot to the next generation, the royal lot have stitched up the law all fine and dandy for their own, inbred parasites.

There should be the same law for everyone.... but there won’t be.



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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I remember one contestant took the money and bowed out by stating: “I’ve got no use for a speedboat”.

 Another show had to be binned after the two blokes had won Bully’s star prize, a holiday. One leaned forward and asked Jim Bowen if they could have the money instead, because he was on parole and couldn’t leave the country.

I can't remember if the Pembrokeshire mass killer actually won anything on there. Although years later he won the accolade of Lily Allen's dad playing him. Bit harsh on him I thought.

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