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The Queen

Last Cunt Standing

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6 minutes ago, Frank said:

Think of something and make me laugh. 

Ricky Gervais unexpectedly spotting you in the audience at the Golden Globes, and announcing ‘I’m sorry but I’m going to have to leave a lot of you perverts out tonight as this is more than I could ever have dreamed of’.

Fuck off.

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I heard that cunt Macron paying tribute the Queen, well when I say that, all he did was talk about her mastering their language, loving French culture etc etc in an annoying tone.  

What an arrogant French fucking cunt and totally up his own arse wanker. Are you all like that? Actually don't bother answering and go fuck a duck... I mean goose. 

Macron likes to ride old horses. Do you think he will do Queen Tampax?


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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Feeble threats reminiscent of an impotent man assuring his missus that she is going to get a right fucking seeing to after MOTD has finished.

I don't think you've got it in you, you redundant old cunt. Change my mind.

You soppy cunt; Ming will get a seeing later this evening when Frank rummages past the frozen peas and hauls her out of the deep freeze 

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4 hours ago, Decimus said:

Times up for "The Firm", Bend, it's already begun on the BBC. There's a small snippet on there quoting some split arse stating that it's a shame her daughter and her children will probably never see another Queen in their lifetime.

Old Liz was safe, she was a female for a start, and an institution. It won't be long until the mobs are baying about how unfair it is that a dynasty of privileged white men are about to hold the highest office in the land for at least the next 100 years. 

Give it twenty years and they'll be demanding the monarchy is abolished or that the next heir has to have his cock chopped off and put on a dress.

It's not too far fetched to say that king Charles the 3rd has probably already had his clock chopped off or bitten off. Have you seen the teeth on Camilla.  

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4 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

@King Billy I was going to start a rumour on Twitter that the Queen had just had her Covid jab, but even with an anonymous account and multiple proxies that's a good way to find a branch of the secret service you've never even heard of at your door.

I heard she died of a covie booster with Phillip as part of the ingredients. Research it CB and then get back to me asap.

Thanks in advance.  

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5 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

@King Billy I was going to start a rumour on Twitter that the Queen had just had her Covid jab, but even with an anonymous account and multiple proxies that's a good way to find a branch of the secret service you've never even heard of at your door.

A rumour like that would never even get off the ground nowadays Baws. The fakestream news media and their co conspirators in the light entertainment industry are all singing from the same hymn book to keep all the ‘normies’ believing the official narrative. One wonders whether they are really convinced they are winning when they have to introduce a storyline into Coronation St. where a few of the younger characters discuss ‘conspiracy theories about Covid jab injuries, whether the moon landings were real? and microchips being covertly inserted into humans’. Of course ridiculing all of these and anyone who talks about them.

Methinks they protesteth too much perhaps?

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10 hours ago, Frank said:

Someone on here is gonna get it in the fucking ear this weekend. I'm sick of the lot of you.

Well as you know my time is limited, and I come on here when i will,like you saying youre making a new video for the past 5 years

Im up for the challenge,i will get back to you when i see fit ,you fucking loather wearing wiggy fucking simpleton.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

@Frank I saw Lianne Carole the other night in central London, a superb Musician, the bass player was good and the drummer was excellent. I think it's important to see live music, and I was wondering what you thought about it?

Stop trying to engage, Raasters. Do you have any idea how many years I've pandered to the likes of Withers, Goober, Ape, Wolfie and various other insecure wankers that have come and gone? You're too late and too thick to be of any interest. I'm probably the best on here so my only advice is to watch and learn. 

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1 hour ago, Frank said:

Stop trying to engage, Raasters. Do you have any idea how many years I've pandered to the likes of Withers, Goober, Ape, Wolfie and various other insecure wankers that have come and gone? You're too late and too thick to be of any interest. I'm probably the best on here so my only advice is to watch and learn. 

My only reason for bothering you Frank is that I need some help getting rid of all my ill gotten Sterling. When they put King Charles on there, how am I supposed to turn up at the bank with £90,000 in notes with the Queen on it and answer their questions. I thought a man from the street like you might have some contacts. 

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5 hours ago, Frank said:

Have you ever seen that before, Withers… a space, then a comma, followed by no space at all? He’s gotta be completely off his nut. 

And there was me thinking you would pick him up on his spelling of 'loafer', although with Snowy, he could have spelled it 'Loofa' but I would imagine a gentlemen about town, or to be more precise, Hampstead Heath, like yourself you have probably already worn a loofa a few times, up your voluminous arse hole.

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2 hours ago, Frank said:

Stop trying to engage, Raasters. Do you have any idea how many years I've pandered to the likes of Withers, Goober, Ape, Wolfie and various other insecure wankers that have come and gone? You're too late and too thick to be of any interest. I'm probably the best on here so my only advice is to watch and learn. 

It’s unsurprising that a mindless wanker such as @Cunty BigBollox liked this post. Is he one of your big boy gang, troll?

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