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The Queen

Last Cunt Standing

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2 minutes ago, Goober said:


If I could line them all up and shoot them all in the face with a revolver, Andrew would be last in line and I might even say sorry before I pulled the trigger.


Bit Communist of you.

I have to say I'm somewhat wary of the idea of a mass crowd gathering around Buckingham Palace to mourn in this day and age.


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25 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Bit Communist of you.

I have to say I'm somewhat wary of the idea of a mass crowd gathering around Buckingham Palace to mourn in this day and age.


Don't misunderstand, RK, I'm an out and out republican with no liking for outpourings of faux public grief. I despise them all and their brainwashed worshippers. 

The lament of sheep for an undeserving bint that gave not two fucks about them, despite the claims of toads like Nicholas Witchell, make me want to puke my liver out of my nostrils.

I'd happily send them all to their God myself, if I was granted legal immunity. Few would be able to muster that level of commitment or dislike. 

I'd simply rather have a bit of a lad in the Palace than his older brother who has the appeal of an AIDS victim's cum encrusted wank sock. 

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It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat wanker @Last Cunt Standing), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarch who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.

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4 minutes ago, Goober said:

Don't misunderstand, RK, I'm an out and out republican with no liking for outpourings of faux public grief. I despise them all and their brainwashed worshippers. 

The lament of sheep for an undeserving bint that gave not two fucks about them, despite the claims of toads like Nicholas Witchell, make me want to puke my liver out of my nostrils.

I'd happily send them all to their God myself, if I was granted legal immunity. Few would be able to muster that level of commitment or dislike. 

I'd simply rather have a bit of a lad in the Palace than his older brother who has all the appeal of an AIDS victim's cum encrusted sock. 

I think a lot of folk will probably just be coming to terms with what was a constant in their every day life suddenly coming to an end. Regardless of your opinion on the Monarchy and the Royal Family in both individual and collective terms, a person who's face you see almost every day has just entered the past tense. 

I'm certainly not going to be shedding any tears or laying any bouquets outside fancy houses myself, but I do quietly acknowledge the fact that history has been made, even if simply by a sickly old lady dying in her bed.

Strangely enough it's quiet as fuck up here tonight. There's usually the odd piss head screaming at the missus to let him in, police siren, or dogs barking, but there's fuck all to hear.

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7 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Panzer, I'm sure you, like me, living in a Republic, are glad you won't be contributing towards a very expensive funeral, and an even more expensive coronation.

A Tippy-Toe & Vive to you.

Indeed comrade withers baby...the obscene wealth of so few when so many are in need sickens my republican hole.


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8 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat @Last Cunt Standing wanker), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarach who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.

You constantly surprise and even astound me with your expectations from this cesspit, Wolfie.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat @Last Cunt Standing wanker), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarch who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.

I think this post has just cemented your position as Punkapes replacement for the biggest gay on the corner. Well done.

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4 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat @Last Cunt Standing wanker), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarch who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.

'Arise Sir Wolfie'

You fawning turd.

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat @Last Cunt Standing wanker), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarch who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.

Tbh I've always wanted Chaz to have a go at flying the throne since the 80s. He has had a lot of ideas and has always wanted to have a go at the establishment and private enterprises but unfortunately he will be told to keep his trap shut by the suited cunts who will be the subject of his ire. 

I'm not a royalist but I agree that liz has been a good monarch but it's the rest of the Kraut mafia (Chaz the exception) I've never liked

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6 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It's much respect to The Queen from me, so fuck the lot of you.

In spite of knocking on death's door just 48 hours before her death, cunnula bruises on her hands (as respectfully pointed out by the 'let's have some more kango steaks on the barbie mate' expat @Last Cunt Standing wanker), the frail old stalwart, against doctors' orders, still made one last gargantuan effort to serve her country by shaking hands with vile cunt Truss. What committment from someone clearly about to die.

This woman – with whom the great Churchill was the first of 15 PMs she has consecrated – has been a magnificant servant to our country all of her life, well before the Notting Hill Carnival metaphorically polluted our streets. You can bet she had strong opinons on the way her country has been overrun by immigrants, unnecessary war et al. but her consmate professionalism always prevented her from saying anything politically incorrect.

A little bit of Great Britain died yesterday, never to be replaced. She was the last great public servant to the UK. As a proud Briton I feel very privilaged to have lived through her reign, unquestionaby under the last ever monarch who will ever demonstrate such committment to her country.

Fuck the lot of you. Show some more respect. You'll regret it in years to come when the demographic you're part of becomes less than 49%.


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I've heard a lot about her unwavering dedication and loyalty to "the job", a job she never had to apply for and that no one outside a direct line of degenerate inbreds can ever hope to achieve.

A life spent in privilege, entitlement and never having to lift a finger all to the tune of millions upon millions of pounds taxed from the public to sustain sounds pretty good to me. And all she had to do was shake a few hands, cut a load of ribons and read a speech someone else wrote every now and again.

I'm not shedding any tears and I certainly won't be fawning over someone I never knew and who didn't give a fucking shit about me or her millions of "subjects. 

Time for the whole rotten institution to be consigned to history, as it should have been long before now.

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I've got to say I'm surprised and slightly shocked by some of the vile comments on here regarding our late Queen. There's having a laugh etc, but some of this is most disrespectful whether you're a Royalist or not. I bet some of you fuckers would happily convert to Islam if it saved your vile, snake like skin. 

When I get back to London, I'll pop down the road and put some flowers outside Buckingham Palace, means fuck all I guess, but it's my way if showing respect to an unrivalled Monarch, who epitomised class, honour and dedication. 

If I catch any you down there causing trouble... you're fucking dead. 

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19 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Tbh I've always wanted Chaz to have a go at flying the throne since the 80s. He has had a lot of ideas and has always wanted to have a go at the establishment and private enterprises but unfortunately he will be told to keep his trap shut by the suited cunts who will be the subject of his ire. 

I'm not a royalist but I agree that liz has been a good monarch but it's the rest of the Kraut mafia (Chaz the exception) I've never liked

Charles is a self-proclaimed perennialist so it will indeed be interesting to see how people behave around him, particularly the media. However, he is also a bumbling, balloon animal-handed twat; so I doubt many will take a blind bit of notice until the day his swollen corpse slides off the throne and baldy picks up the orb.


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54 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've got to say I'm surprised and slightly shocked by some of the vile comments on here regarding our late Queen. There's having a laugh etc, but some of this is most disrespectful whether you're a Royalist or not. I bet some of you fuckers would happily convert to Islam if it saved your vile, snake like skin. 

When I get back to London, I'll pop down the road and put some flowers outside Buckingham Palace, means fuck all I guess, but it's my way if showing respect to an unrivalled Monarch, who epitomised class, honour and dedication. 

If I catch any you down there causing trouble... you're fucking dead. 

Brands across the planet have been expressing their heartfelt grief and sadness all over the internet.

My favourite has to be Playmobil's classy tribute:


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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've got to say I'm surprised and slightly shocked by some of the vile comments on here regarding our late Queen. There's having a laugh etc, but some of this is most disrespectful whether you're a Royalist or not. I bet some of you fuckers would happily convert to Islam if it saved your vile, snake like skin. 

When I get back to London, I'll pop down the road and put some flowers outside Buckingham Palace, means fuck all I guess, but it's my way if showing respect to an unrivalled Monarch, who epitomised class, honour and dedication. 

If I catch any you down there causing trouble... you're fucking dead. 

You'll probably bump into Wolfie, you'll know its him by the eyeliner and rainbow vest, maybe you could start another Gay Pride weekend?

Brings a tear to my cock.

Fuck off

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I've got to say I'm surprised and slightly shocked by some of the vile comments on here regarding our late Queen. There's having a laugh etc, but some of this is most disrespectful whether you're a Royalist or not. I bet some of you fuckers would happily convert to Islam if it saved your vile, snake like skin. 

When I get back to London, I'll pop down the road and put some flowers outside Buckingham Palace, means fuck all I guess, but it's my way if showing respect to an unrivalled Monarch, who epitomised class, honour and dedication. 

If I catch any you down there causing trouble... you're fucking dead. 

You stupid illiterate little gimp. If I see you anywhere around town over the next few days, that cheap bouquet will be going straight up your sentimental half-chat arse. 

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1 minute ago, Frank said:

You stupid illiterate little gimp. If I see you anywhere around town over the next few days, that cheap bouquet will be going straight up your sentimental half-chat arse. 

You've been waiting for this moment haven't you, Frank?

Emotions are high and chaos is a ladder. Could this be a comeback?

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've heard a lot about her unwavering dedication and loyalty to "the job", a job she never had to apply for and that no one outside a direct line of degenerate inbreds can ever hope to achieve.

A life spent in privilege, entitlement and never having to lift a finger all to the tune of millions upon millions of pounds taxed from the public to sustain sounds pretty good to me. And all she had to do was shake a few hands, cut a load of ribons and read a speech someone else wrote every now and again.

I'm not shedding any tears and I certainly won't be fawning over someone I never knew and who didn't give a fucking shit about me or her millions of "subjects. 

Time for the whole rotten institution to be consigned to history, as it should have been long before now.

Mostly disagree. She was thrown into the role whether she liked it or not, carrying old school British values from a now-dead ww2 generation with her.

While totally privileged and entitled, I think she worked extremely hard, doing far more than 'shaking a few hands and cutting a load of ribons', unquestionably bringing in substantially more revenue through tourism than the royals ever took through public taxation.

In principle I also despise the ideology of a state-funded royal family, particularly when they're as thick as William, or they abuse their position of trust as with colossal dickhead Andrew, but I believe the Queen was a dedicated public servant totally committed to her country.

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