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15 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I now count how many ethnics are in every ad break. I actually find myself shouting at the telly. Its fucking sad. If it's not a full black family they have one parent black, one white with dusky kids. If an ad has a white bloke they're usually an iron. So anyone watching would believe that white people are a minority in this cuntry 

It's an absolute disgrace and does the opposite of what I suspect advertising bosses are trying to achieve.

As someone who once considered themselves to be fairly liberal minded when it came to multiculturalism, I'm now in a position where my back is well and truly up. There's only so much abuse I can take before I become a fully fledged, skinhead extremist. Every day the media tells me I'm a racist, or at best that I have deep rooted unconscious bias. They tell me I should feel guilt for things people with the same colour skin as me did hundreds of years ago. They say that I'm privileged and that because of this I should have less employment opportunities because they come at the expense of minorities who have not done anything to earn them, other than to be born a different colour to me.

Enough is enough, I'm not fucking having it anymore and there are thousands of people like me starting to feel the same. When that number reaches the millions, maybe, just maybe, we can end this utter fucking madness and claim our identities and country back.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

It's an absolute disgrace and does the opposite of what I suspect advertising bosses are trying to achieve.

As someone who once considered themselves to be fairly liberal minded when it came to multiculturalism, I'm now in a position where my back is well and truly up. There's only so much abuse I can take before I become a fully fledged, skinhead extremist. Every day the media tells me I'm a racist, or at best that I have deep rooted unconscious bias. They tell me I should feel guilt for things people with the same colour skin as me did hundreds of years ago. They say that I'm privileged and that because of this I should have less employment opportunities because they come at the expense of minorities who have not done anything to earn them, other than to be born a different colour to me.

Enough is enough, I'm not fucking having it anymore and there are thousands of people like me starting to feel the same. When that number reaches the millions, maybe, just maybe, we can end this utter fucking madness and claim our identities and country back.

Be proud of your white exterior and embrace your inner darkness brother. The rivers of blood are beginning to spring from the filth.

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46 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's an absolute disgrace and does the opposite of what I suspect advertising bosses are trying to achieve.

As someone who once considered themselves to be fairly liberal minded when it came to multiculturalism, I'm now in a position where my back is well and truly up. There's only so much abuse I can take before I become a fully fledged, skinhead extremist. Every day the media tells me I'm a racist, or at best that I have deep rooted unconscious bias. They tell me I should feel guilt for things people with the same colour skin as me did hundreds of years ago. They say that I'm privileged and that because of this I should have less employment opportunities because they come at the expense of minorities who have not done anything to earn them, other than to be born a different colour to me.

Enough is enough, I'm not fucking having it anymore and there are thousands of people like me starting to feel the same. When that number reaches the millions, maybe, just maybe, we can end this utter fucking madness and claim our identities and country back.

How’s the family plantation coming along, Decs?

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1 hour ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I now count how many ethnics are in every ad break. I actually find myself shouting at the telly. Its fucking sad. If it's not a full black family they have one parent black, one white with dusky kids. If an ad has a white bloke they're usually an iron. So anyone watching would believe that white people are a minority in this cuntry 

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Mrs A thinks I'm losing the plot. Mind you, she's getting this way inclined herself, I've noticed.

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

How’s the family plantation coming along, Decs?

Not too bad thanks, DC. I've got your old mate Ainsley Harriott working in the Mango Groves and Trisha Goddard is processing the sugar cane as we speak.

This Twelve Years a Slave racket is a funny old game, I'll tell thee that got nowt. Despite them both being multi-millionaires, all it took was a couple of slave collars and a few Bernard Manning jokes to assert that white privilege I've apparently always had in me.


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37 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Not too bad thanks, DC. I've got your old mate Ainsley Harriott working in the Mango Groves and Trisha Goddard is processing the sugar cane as we speak.

This Twelve Years a Slave racket is a funny old game, I'll tell thee that got nowt. Despite them both being multi-millionaires, all it took was a couple of slave collars and a few Bernard Manning jokes to assert that white privilege I've apparently always had in me.


How that cunt didn’t get ‘Yewtree’d’ is beyond logic. 
 The moment he discovered his great grandfather was a Caribbean slave trader on a genealogy programme, brings a tear of joy to my blue eye.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Not too bad thanks, DC. I've got your old mate Ainsley Harriott working in the Mango Groves and Trisha Goddard is processing the sugar cane as we speak.

This Twelve Years a Slave racket is a funny old game, I'll tell thee that got nowt. Despite them both being multi-millionaires, all it took was a couple of slave collars and a few Bernard Manning jokes to assert that white privilege I've apparently always had in me.


Nice fella, Ainsley. Bummed my cigar-lighter off me in Barbados (mid-80’s.) Mind, his great great Grandad had a good job. Plenty of fresh air, 16 hours a day, free lodging and all the cotton he could eat.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

The carrot crop is expected to break all records this year.

 Have you seen the national council tax rises coming in April, Willhelm? 5% for me…them Norwich cunts are only touching for 1.99%. I submit that Decs should be twatted for a windfall tax, so I do.

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9 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

 Have you seen the national council tax rises coming in April, Willhelm? 5% for me…them Norwich cunts are only touching for 1.99%. I submit that Decs should be twatted for a windfall tax, so I do.

I live in an underground bunker and hide my imaginary M4 in the thick undergrowth in the nearby park every night. The missus sleeps in the boot next to the space saver spare wheel  and the wheel brace, in case it gets broken into. Ive also grown a thick beard and wear dark glasses to confuse the council cctv, so Im not too bothered about council tax increasing.

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I live in an underground bunker and hide my imaginary M4 in the thick undergrowth in the nearby park every night. The missus sleeps in the boot next to the space saver spare wheel  and the wheel brace, in case it gets broken into. Ive also grown a thick beard and wear dark glasses to confuse the council cctv, so Im not too bothered about council tax increasing.

Fair play. Nice overhead smash btw…😉

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Not too bad thanks, DC. I've got your old mate Ainsley Harriott working in the Mango Groves and Trisha Goddard is processing the sugar cane as we speak.

This Twelve Years a Slave racket is a funny old game, I'll tell thee that got nowt. Despite them both being multi-millionaires, all it took was a couple of slave collars and a few Bernard Manning jokes to assert that white privilege I've apparently always had in me.


If you want to sweat a profit from land in Norfolk, watch a Patrick Stewart film called ‘Dad Savage’. 

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11 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Be proud of your white exterior and embrace your inner darkness brother. The rivers of blood are beginning to spring from the filth.

Get on this Eric. While Europe’s and Slopeville’s populations are due substantial shrinkage, the only continent who’s population is about to explode is Africa’s. By 2050, one in ten people born on this planet will be born in Nigeria. Now, admittedly, some hideous diseases, civil wars and general conduct will curtail the said issue, but there’s still a half-decent chance that our Grand-children may be, erm…’ethnically compromised’, especially the girls. PM me any ideas and the Wagner Group’s donation page.

Edited by Mrs Roops
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9 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Get on this Eric. While Europe’s and Slopeville’s populations are due substantial shrinkage, the only continent who’s population is about to explode is Africa’s. By 2050, one in ten people born on this planet will be born in Nigeria. Now, admittedly, some hideous diseases, civil wars and general conduct will curtail the said issue, but there’s still a half-decent chance that our Grand-children may be, erm…’ethnically compromised’, especially the girls. PM me any ideas and the Wagner Group’s donation page.

If I had kids, I’d kill the first one that gave birth to a Kinder egg.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Be proud of your white exterior and embrace your inner darkness brother. The rivers of blood are beginning to spring from the filth.

Any rejection of black "culture" these days apparently qualifies you as being a raaaaycist.

Total bollocks. I'm proud of what white Europeans have achieved and quite rightly so. But I also recognise that other ethnic groups have also contributed to our human experience and knowledge. 

Indian history is replete with advances that have furthered our scientific knowledge, as is Chinese, Arab and Egyptian. Polynesians mastered feats of navigation unheard of until the enlightenment and mesoamerican society was at an advanced level even before the conquistadors first set foot in the new world.

Yet my refusal to accept that black Africans have contributed anything worthy of note, based upon facts and historical study, is enough to see me labelled as a bigot.

Show me a significant human advancement that has emerged from sub-saharan Africa during the last four thousand years and I'll happily eat my fucking pointed, KKK hat.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Any rejection of black "culture" these days apparently qualifies you as being a raaaaycist.

Total bollocks. I'm proud of what white Europeans have achieved and quite rightly so. But I also recognise that other ethnic groups have also contributed to our human experience and knowledge. 

Indian history is replete with advances that have furthered our scientific knowledge, as is Chinese, Arab and Egyptian. Polynesians mastered feats of navigation unheard of until the enlightenment and mesoamerican society was at an advanced level even before the conquistadors first set foot in the new world.

Yet my refusal to accept that black Africans have contributed anything worthy of note, based upon facts and historical study, is enough to see me labelled as a bigot.

Show me a significant human advancement that has emerged from sub-saharan Africa during the last four thousand years and I'll happily eat my fucking pointed, KKK hat.

Our reverence for accurately recording history seems to have fallen victim to woke culture as well. If someone had suggested twenty years ago that Afro Caribbeans had significantly contributed to the advancement of western society, they would have been rightly laughed at. 
 Now, even questioning it will have the sheep labelling you a bigoted hate criminal. Your life will be effectively ruined and you lose your basic rights to voice and opinion.

Ask any of the academics and historians who have dared to point out that the vast majority of slave traders were African or Middle Eastern. The bloke who had his Nobel prize stripped for publishing the results of a large scale IQ comparison test between ethnicities probably knows what I’m talking about as well. 

“We at British Airways apologise for the death of your family. We appreciate your concerns that the pilot who caused the unfortunate crash, finished in the bottom 10% of their training group, but received their pilot’s licence ahead of better qualified candidates… however, you must understand that it’s not about who’s the best person for the job it’s about inclusivity.

Yours coldly with little sympathy.

Ojuswaylo Umbongo - British Airways PR Manager.

(translated from pidgin)”

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:

Show me a significant human advancement that has emerged from sub-saharan Africa during the last four thousand years and I'll happily eat my fucking pointed, KKK hat.

Are you contending that "The Blues" isn't s significant human advancement? I mean, it's basically saying "look at me, I'm sad", and that's the whole underpinning of modern social media.

Mind you, that wasn't sub-Saharan Africa; and even then, it had to be literally whipped out of them.

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16 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I now count how many ethnics are in every ad break. I actually find myself shouting at the telly. Its fucking sad. If it's not a full black family they have one parent black, one white with dusky kids. If an ad has a white bloke they're usually an iron. So anyone watching would believe that white people are a minority in this cuntry 

I wonder which country this represents, hardly the UK, where only 4% actually are black.

From the govt.'s own website:

  • according to the 2021 Census, the total population of England and Wales was 59.6 million, and 81.7% of the population was white
  • people from Asian ethnic groups made up the second largest percentage of the population (9.3%), followed by black (4.0%), mixed (2.9%) and other (2.1%) ethnic groups
  • out of the 19 ethnic groups, white British people made up the largest percentage of the population (74.4%), followed by people in the white 'other' (6.2%) and Indian (3.1%) ethnic groups
  • from 2011 to 2021, the percentage of people in the white British ethnic group went down from 80.5% to 74.4%
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16 hours ago, Arnold said:

I'm glad I'm not alone in this. Mrs A thinks I'm losing the plot. Mind you, she's getting this way inclined herself, I've noticed.

Mrs Baws is about as non-bigoted or prejudiced as a white person can get, which is especially laudable after being married to me all these years. However, even she swore several times when she saw the banana story - and they were bad swears, too, I was quite shocked.

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21 hours ago, Decimus said:

Any rejection of black "culture" these days apparently qualifies you as being a raaaaycist.

Total bollocks. I'm proud of what white Europeans have achieved and quite rightly so. But I also recognise that other ethnic groups have also contributed to our human experience and knowledge. 

Indian history is replete with advances that have furthered our scientific knowledge, as is Chinese, Arab and Egyptian. Polynesians mastered feats of navigation unheard of until the enlightenment and mesoamerican society was at an advanced level even before the conquistadors first set foot in the new world.

Yet my refusal to accept that black Africans have contributed anything worthy of note, based upon facts and historical study, is enough to see me labelled as a bigot.

Show me a significant human advancement that has emerged from sub-saharan Africa during the last four thousand years and I'll happily eat my fucking pointed, KKK hat.

I am totally indifferent about being white .. I just wish that that all the other cunts (whatever colour they are) would be indifferent about their colour as well. The only thing that I am really sorry about is the fact that of all fucking places I had to be born in that it was fucking Stoke-on-fucking-Trent.

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