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Hunt Cunts at it again


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Just now, Last Cunt Standing said:

Where on earth do you plug it in in Geordieland?

It’s a hell of an extension cable that runs all the way to York. 

Its a hybrid, the moped engine under the bonnet accelerates and the brakes do some voodoo shit to generate electricity for the batteries. I am tempted to go for one of those fully electric Hyundai Ioniqs next, they'll stick a charging port on the side of the house for it, but I think I'm required to have a sex change and wear a dress if I do...

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Did you have the family over for a barbecue today, Pen?


Even if he had a family there’s no way he’d risk a £2000 fine by going out into the garden during the hosepipe ban (for obvious reasons). He only gets 4 guineas a year from his Liskeard and Caradon Railways  pension which was a fair amount in 1874 after his 4th failed drug test (hormone blockers).

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21 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

So fucking what? They're not hurting anyone. Terrier ownership is perfectly legal, they're quite useful for sorting out badgers, rats etc too. The countryside is not Disneyland, nor is it a retirement home for wealthy Guardian enthusiasts.

Saying terrier ownership is perfectly legal is missing the point as hunting with dogs is illegal and contrary to the Hunting Act (2004). There are certain exemptions but none of them apply to the scenario presented by the OP's news article. Your later point about "not many standing crops during the hunting season" may be correct but ignores the many instances of sheep and cattle being harassed by pack hounds to the point of pregnant cows and ewes miscarrying their foetuses.

Personally I have no problem with hunting where hunted wildlife end up in the pot but foxhunting is bloodlust for enjoyment and is cruel to the fox and hounds alike. You may be unaware that foxhounds, which can live up to fourteen odd years, have a useful service life of five to six years and are clubbed to death the moment they are unable to keep up with the pack. There is no retirement home for foxhounds.

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52 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Saying terrier ownership is perfectly legal is missing the point as hunting with dogs is illegal and contrary to the Hunting Act (2004). There are certain exemptions but none of them apply to the scenario presented by the OP's news article. Your later point about "not many standing crops during the hunting season" may be correct but ignores the many instances of sheep and cattle being harassed by pack hounds to the point of pregnant cows and ewes miscarrying their foetuses.

Personally I have no problem with hunting where hunted wildlife end up in the pot but foxhunting is bloodlust for enjoyment and is cruel to the fox and hounds alike. You may be unaware that foxhounds, which can live up to fourteen odd years, have a useful service life of five to six years and are clubbed to death the moment they are unable to keep up with the pack. There is no retirement home for foxhounds.

This was one of the issues that my father spoke about and these is till the issue of hare coursing with most farmers these days strongly disaprove of because of the agression, threats, damage to farmland and other abuse that they from the coursers themselves.

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Just now, Penelope Alive said:

This was one of the issues that my father spoke about and these is till the issue of hare coursing with most farmers these days strongly disaprove of because of the agression, threats, damage to farmland and other abuse that they from the coursers themselves.

Are you the BBC Pidgin News farming correspondent?


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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Saying terrier ownership is perfectly legal is missing the point as hunting with dogs is illegal and contrary to the Hunting Act (2004). There are certain exemptions but none of them apply to the scenario presented by the OP's news article. Your later point about "not many standing crops during the hunting season" may be correct but ignores the many instances of sheep and cattle being harassed by pack hounds to the point of pregnant cows and ewes miscarrying their foetuses.

Personally I have no problem with hunting where hunted wildlife end up in the pot but foxhunting is bloodlust for enjoyment and is cruel to the fox and hounds alike. You may be unaware that foxhounds, which can live up to fourteen odd years, have a useful service life of five to six years and are clubbed to death the moment they are unable to keep up with the pack. There is no retirement home for foxhounds.

Once again: So fucking what? Do you consider your personal suburban morality trumps that of the "lower classes"? There are worse atrocities inflicted on animals in the name of food prodution than have ever happened on the hunting field. Have you ever seen what goes on inside those huge sheds or wondered how Tesco's can sell you a chicken for £2.50? Apparently that is progess: keep the unpleasant elements hidden and allow a squeamish, moralising population to become so divorced from the facts of life that they will believe anything the Guardian tells them.

Would you like to provide some evidence or examples of the damage to livestock?

We do not need to eat animals to survive, all meat consumption is, in a sense, recreational. The packaging is sanitised with anthropomorphic pictures of happy cattle/pigs/chickens etc grazing the rolling pastures of entriely fictitious farms. The kind of pleasant, free-rangey food production envisioned by utopian urban blow-ins grinds to a halt when they see the damage inflcited by foxes, badgers etc on their precious little lambses (often the kidneys are ripped out from the back and the animal is left to sufffer) or the wanton destruction by a fox in their chicken coop. Have you ever heard an animal being eaten alive?

Vermin need to be controlled. Despite appearances, the death of a hunted animal is quick and certain. They naturally die when they can no longer hunt, starving to death in a hole. Shooting can easily cause injury and a similar end, poisoning even more so.

I think you'll find that most working animals have a similar fate when they are no longer of use, but best not mention them eh?


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11 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

I don't hate dogs .. I just hate the owners that use them as a substitue child or companion.

A bizarre comment considering your lack of both. Maybe you’re just a twisted, barren, lonely old freak who knows that a dog would take one look at you and either bolt or rip your face off.

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11 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

but ignores the many instances of sheep and cattle being harassed by pack hounds to the point of pregnant cows and ewes miscarrying their foetuses.

What a tragedy, sort of. But foetuses are a disposable item nowadays aren’t they? At least that’s what you seem to think about the human variety, isn’t it? 

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9 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I think you'll find that most working animals have a similar fate when they are no longer of use, but best not mention them eh?

I once got a beagle from the local rescue home. Fucking thing used to lie on the sofa, chain smoking all day, coughing up lung butter and dropping fag ash all over the place. I still remember little Woodbine fondly though, every time I look at the fag burns in the carpet.

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

A bizarre comment considering your lack of both. Maybe you’re just a twisted, barren, lonely old freak who knows that a dog would take one look at you and either bolt or rip your face off.

The latter i would suspect Bill...or get one whiff of her knickers and run straight through a brick wall to get away from the smell.

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12 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

Once again: So fucking what? Do you consider your personal suburban morality trumps that of the "lower classes"? There are worse atrocities inflicted on animals in the name of food prodution than have ever happened on the hunting field. Have you ever seen what goes on inside those huge sheds or wondered how Tesco's can sell you a chicken for £2.50? Apparently that is progess: keep the unpleasant elements hidden and allow a squeamish, moralising population to become so divorced from the facts of life that they will believe anything the Guardian tells them.

Would you like to provide some evidence or examples of the damage to livestock?

We do not need to eat animals to survive, all meat consumption is, in a sense, recreational. The packaging is sanitised with anthropomorphic pictures of happy cattle/pigs/chickens etc grazing the rolling pastures of entriely fictitious farms. The kind of pleasant, free-rangey food production envisioned by utopian urban blow-ins grinds to a halt when they see the damage inflcited by foxes, badgers etc on their precious little lambses (often the kidneys are ripped out from the back and the animal is left to sufffer) or the wanton destruction by a fox in their chicken coop. Have you ever heard an animal being eaten alive?

Vermin need to be controlled. Despite appearances, the death of a hunted animal is quick and certain. They naturally die when they can no longer hunt, starving to death in a hole. Shooting can easily cause injury and a similar end, poisoning even more so.

I think you'll find that most working animals have a similar fate when they are no longer of use, but best not mention them eh?

Repeating "So fucking what" isn't a compelling argument, neither is launching into global whataboutery which has nothing to to do with the rights and wrongs of foxhunting.

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Repeating "So fucking what" isn't a compelling argument, neither is launching into global whataboutery which has nothing to to do with the rights and wrongs of foxhunting.

Well come up with a convincing argument against it then.

"Global whataboutery"? I don't see any reference to anywhere other than the UK. Can you not make a point in English? or at least try to answer mine?

Your agument against hunting is based entirely on an ignorant, Students' Union level of class-hatred. Although, as a dentist, I don't suppose you meet many poor people.


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