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Hunt Cunts at it again


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6 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

When I knew it was a pissy knickers nom, I never read it but have to agree that hunting gets my blood boiling. suppose its a upgrade from train stations that no cunt has heard of. 

What the fuck is a train station .. is it one of those gym palours where pooftas go to show their abs?

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21 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

So the bleeding-heart urban snowflakes have some grainy pictures of men doing something in a field that they think that they might be able to disapprove of.

Pehaps they should fuck off back to whatever filthy inner-city shitholes they came from.

Open and shut case IMO. Picture of a huntsman with hounds, obviously not on a legal trail hunt, due to the presence of terrier-men with quad bikes complete with terrier-boxes in front of the handle bars. Terrier men are part and parcel of illegal fox-hunting with dogs. There is no need for terrier-men on trail hunts.

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59 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

Open and shut case IMO. Picture of a huntsman with hounds, obviously not on a legal trail hunt, due to the presence of terrier-men with quad bikes complete with terrier-boxes in front of the handle bars. Terrier men are part and parcel of illegal fox-hunting with dogs. There is no need for terrier-men on trail hunts.

So fucking what? They're not hurting anyone. Terrier ownership is perfectly legal, they're quite useful for sorting out badgers, rats etc too. The countryside is not Disneyland, nor is it a retirement home for wealthy Guardian enthusiasts.

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11 minutes ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

So fucking what? They're not hurting anyone. Terrier ownership is perfectly legal, they're quite useful for sorting out badgers, rats etc too. The countryside is not Disneyland, nor is it a retirement home for wealthy Guardian enthusiasts.

In a lot of cases the farmers don't actually want these cunts on their land .. you have also got the issue of hare coursers threatening farmers who object to them coming on to their land. My father id not in principle object to fox hunting .. he objected to the damage they caused to crops fences and the disturbance to livestock.

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1 hour ago, Mrs Roops said:

Open and shut case IMO. Picture of a huntsman with hounds, obviously not on a legal trail hunt, due to the presence of terrier-men with quad bikes complete with terrier-boxes in front of the handle bars. Terrier men are part and parcel of illegal fox-hunting with dogs. There is no need for terrier-men on trail hunts.

There is also the further issue that in some cases the "fox" that is being let out of the bag is actually someone's dog that has been stolen or a cat.

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14 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

There is also the further issue that in some cases the "fox" that is being let out of the bag is actually someone's dog that has been stolen or a cat.

Nonsense, why would they train the hounds to chase pets? The bags could be full of baby aniseeds.


22 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

In a lot of cases the farmers don't actually want these cunts on their land .. you have also got the issue of hare coursers threatening farmers who object to them coming on to their land. My father id not in principle object to fox hunting .. he objected to the damage they caused to crops fences and the disturbance to livestock.

I'm not supporting the wankers that are happy to spend 500 quid for a day's sitting about in the cold, more fool them. As with driven shooting, the rest of us have fun/make a few bob from helping/clearing up after them.

The enjoyment in watching a hunt comes not from the death of the fox but from the skill of the huntsmen working the hounds and from laughing at the rich wankers risking (and ocasionally breaking) their necks.

There aren't many standing crops during the hunting season.

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18 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’ve got an imaginary Bugatti Veyron. I can’t start it because the choke lever’s broken off. 
I have really shit fantasies…

I always imagine you with one of those jeeps with the mounted machine gun where the back seats should be, Eric. And one day, as you queue at the Macca’s drive through at 4am waiting for your post work feed, you’re going to snap like a lolly stick, aren’t you? 

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On 27/08/2022 at 11:17, Penelope Alive said:

Given your incredibly lacklustre history when it comes to animal welfare, Pen, I don't think you actually give two fucks about the poor fox, or whatever animal it is.

While this should be a worthy topic, the only reason you've created it is because you hate dogs with a passion and it's an opportunity for you to further demonise them. I can see it very clearly, and I'm sure others can.

@King Billy described you above as a 'lazy, boring, sad sack of shit, freak of nature cunt', and, not for the first time or the last, I'm in full agreement with him.

You lazy, boring, sad sack of shit, freak of nature cunt. Kill yourself.


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44 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Given your incredibly lacklustre history when it comes to animal welfare, Pen, I don't think you actually give two fucks about the poor fox, or whatever animal it is.

While this should be a worthy topic, the only reason you've created it is because you hate dogs with a passion and it's an opportunity for you to further demonise them. I can see it very clearly, and I'm sure others can.

@King Billy described you above as a 'lazy, boring, sad sack of shit, freak of nature cunt', and, not for the first time or the last, I'm in full agreement with him.

You lazy, boring, sad sack of shit, freak of nature cunt. Kill yourself.



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10 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

There is also the further issue that in some cases the "fox" that is being let out of the bag is actually someone's dog that has been stolen or a cat.

‘Cock fighting’ might be something for you to consider getting involved in (for obvious reasons).

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11 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Why do you hate dogs, Pen? They are the most loyal companions you can have. 

I imagine that it's because every time Pen leaves the nursing home with its cumberland swinging out the bottom of its summer dress, it's chased down the street by a pack of stray dogs growling "sausages".

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21 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I imagine that it's because every time Pen leaves the nursing home with its cumberland swinging out the bottom of its summer dress, it's chased down the street by a pack of stray dogs growling "sausages".

Pen went to the Azores

but his cock was all covered in sores 

all the dogs in the street 

tried to jump at the meat

that hung from his filthy old drawers.

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15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What sort of lame pussy-ass woke liberal shit is this, anyway? Go get your testosterone level checked you big Jesse. Coming’ in here with your panties all showing…

Moi.. woke?. 

Nothing woke about wanting to rip the throats out of cowards and feeding their corpses to Zoltan & Cujo. 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I always imagine you with one of those jeeps with the mounted machine gun where the back seats should be, Eric. And one day, as you queue at the Macca’s drive through at 4am waiting for your post work feed, you’re going to snap like a lolly stick, aren’t you? 

I think @Eric Cuntman drives a Fiesta, but I'm not allowed to make fun out of that because I drive a literal vagina (AKA Prius).

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