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Brexit-Reaping The Fruits?


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11 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Meanwhile, hardly any man can fix simple issues around the house and finding well trained tradesmen and engineers for the industry and domestic needs’ is getting harder.

There are exceptions to this recent phenomenon WC. Drew  successfully repaired his own fridge a while back, with nothing more than a screwdriver and a case of cider  to hand. I guess you could say he’s a ‘Scrumpy Jack’ of all trades. If only there were more like him.

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25 minutes ago, King Billy said:

There are exceptions to this recent phenomenon WC. Drew  successfully repaired his own fridge a while back, with nothing more than a screwdriver and a case of cider  to hand. I guess you could say he’s a ‘Scrumpy Jack’ of all trades. If only there were more like him.


I’m all for private initiative.  A number of mini electrocutions is always a good start for those savvy tinkerers: illuminating the simple fact that humans are not immune to electricity, even when fully lubricated with a crate of White Lightning. 

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11 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Neil baby..ya know ive a soft spot fer yer straight shootin no nonsense posts..little tip fer ya..rediscover that long forgotten Irish grandma n get yerself an Irish passport like decco and stubberzzz n bally..leave the numpties in the everyone else passport control line..


Evening, P, forgive me if I'm wrong, but aren't you a Dubliner?

If so I imagine you're about as genetically Irish as Barack O'Obama with his miniscule drop of green. Being from the pale of settlement, I'd wager that plenty of your female progenitors were ragged silly by Anglo-Normans, Norsemen and Billy's lot. It's probably why you're such a confused, odd little cunt.

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'd wager that plenty of your female progenitors were ragged silly by Anglo-Normans, Norsemen and Billy's lot.

Your money’s safe there Decs.

My old man told me loads of stories about his great great great grandad ‘Bert Bloodaxe’ and the fun they used to have on their ‘lads only’ weekends down in Dublin, raping and, well just raping really, as there was fuck all worth pillaging. There’s fuck all worth raping either nowadays. Tragic really, evolution in reverse gear.

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4 hours ago, King Billy said:

I’m up for it Raas, as long as you can find me somewhere safe  to park my imaginary M4 for the day. Last time I went I came back to find my imaginary M3 (I miss that motor so much) with a smashed window, stereo gone, dozens of empty Red Stripe cans and a broken ‘Wray and Nephews overproof’ bottle protruding from a huge rip in the passenger seat. And is at that wasn’t bad enough there was a sweet looking young black bird bent over the bonnet clinging to my broken windscreen wipers, with a queue of hooded ‘gangsta’ type ‘yoofs’ waiting for their turn to split the poor girl in two.

Apart from that I had quite an enjoyable day out. 

Still got the hymen key ring?

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On 24/08/2022 at 20:29, King Billy said:

That’ll be the remoaners who wake up every day and tune in to James O’Briens 3 hour rant on LBC, then spend the rest of the day on Twitter wanking over Gary Lineker and Alistair Campbell’s tweets preaching to the already converted how every single word he said was undeniable fact and anyone who disagrees is a knuckle dragging fascist, racist, Little Englander etc. etc. The real mental health crisis is a predictable result of the lockdown policies and the frightening willingness of the flock to slavishly obey everything they were ordered to do. 
‘Protect the NHS’ was the constant message for two years of unquestioning obedience and look where that’s ended up? 
Brexit is a convenient excuse for the absolute, and inevitable  collapse of every part of the infrastructure which the country depends on to have a decent standard of living. The EU, the US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc. with their globalist puppet governments are no better off, and are facing the same tyranny which has been planned for years and is now becoming reality.

The lockdown and poor political reasoning is the elephant in the room.. by design of course but most won't see it.. oh well onwards and upwards. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

Your money’s safe there Decs.

My old man told me loads of stories about his great great great grandad ‘Bert Bloodaxe’ and the fun they used to have on their ‘lads only’ weekends down in Dublin, raping and, well just raping really, as there was fuck all worth pillaging. There’s fuck all worth raping either nowadays. Tragic really, evolution in reverse gear.

Im sure yer aul lad had loads more tales of the adventures of Bertie Bloodarse but not to be repeated down the lodge...lol


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9 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

down the lodge

Watch your mouth Panzer, I'm a lodge man and were watching you. Keep this up and you may go 'missing' one dark, winters night, as you stagger home, singing the EU anthem. No 'laffin' and 'lol' will save you then old chap. I was taught to be cautious...

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4 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Watch your mouth Panzer, I'm a lodge man and were watching you. Keep this up and you may go 'missing' one dark, winters night, as you stagger home, singing the EU anthem. No 'laffin' and 'lol' will save you then old chap. I was taught to be cautious...

Ask yer teacher for a refund chappy baby..i seriously doubt you could find yer arsehole even with the aid of a soapy finger or bertie bloodarse..lol


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41 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Certainly not self-proclaimed, P, but if you insist.

Now we've worked out you're part of the Angla-Éireannach, what shall we call you? Fitz? 

Call me whatever ya like decco baby yer noise is to me like the crow on the wire cawin its hole off...im just a humble musician who toots for dough and walks his doggos and likes an aul pint here n there...you'll probably be on here all evening puttin a show on for the other captains of industry and intellectual titans..lol


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Was doin a gig tonight in the finnstown house hotel ...got talkin to a guy at the bar ..brit..over here every week... his firm make gas boilers back in blighty and they had to buy a mob called heat merchants in Ireland to keep the parts needed to make boilers flowin into the uk and cunts in jobs ..right now the Irish government is turning a blind eye to the flow of goods to the uk...im kinda hopin liz n her erg cheerleaders steer ya all into a head on collision with the EU..lol


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On 26/08/2022 at 18:12, PANZER MURPHY said:

Call me whatever ya like decco baby yer noise is to me like the crow on the wire cawin its hole off...im just a humble musician who toots for dough and walks his doggos and likes an aul pint here n there...you'll probably be on here all evening puttin a show on for the other captains of industry and intellectual titans..lol


crows are clever.

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On 01/09/2022 at 03:15, PANZER MURPHY said:

Was doin a gig tonight in the finnstown house hotel ...got talkin to a guy at the bar ..brit..over here every week... his firm make gas boilers back in blighty and they had to buy a mob called heat merchants in Ireland to keep the parts needed to make boilers flowin into the uk and cunts in jobs ..right now the Irish government is turning a blind eye to the flow of goods to the uk...im kinda hopin liz n her erg cheerleaders steer ya all into a head on collision with the EU..lol


You stupid cunt. Nobody's interested in installing gas boilers, it's all renewables now. As usual, your band of peat diggers are about 30 years behind the curve.

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4 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Hey cbbies baby..im just the messenger..ida just as gleefully told ya his boiler makin biz in the uk was failin ..anything nice in the food bank today?..lol


Panzer why aren't you dead, I had a nightmare last night. I was in an hotel in Dublin and there was a cunt in the next room making a racket with a sax so I went and rammed the wide end of the sax up his back passage.

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4 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Yes. Potatoes, fucking tons and tons and tons of them.

Top tip..make the gals think yer bigger than ya really are by pushin lumpy spud down front of speedooz..onny the front tho..if ya push it down the back they'll only run away from ya..lol


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10 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Top tip..make the gals think yer bigger than ya really are by pushin lumpy spud down front of speedooz..onny the front tho..if ya push it down the back they'll only run away from ya..lol


Are you trying to tell us that you've got potato blight on your foreskin, you stupid Oirish cunt.

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16 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Top tip..make the gals think yer bigger than ya really are by pushin lumpy spud down front of speedooz..onny the front tho..if ya push it down the back they'll only run away from ya..lol


Panzer where do you get these pearls of wisdom from? I'm guessing you must be at least 65 years of age. You are on here talking bollocks with renowned piss head, and general waste of space Big Bollock on a Sunday morning... are you happy with the way your life has ended up? Lol

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