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Brexit-Reaping The Fruits?


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1 minute ago, White Cunt said:

Not only regimes but also western monopolies.

Look at the cunts moaning about about lack of jobs, poor quality of chink products, etc, yet the same twats buy the garbage by weight from Amazon and other “retailers”.

Meanwhile, hardly any man can fix simple issues around the house and finding well trained tradesmen and engineers for the industry and domestic needs’ is getting harder.

That was all Late Nite Roadkill, Whitey, give me a few more hours to wallow in the media doom mongering and constant barrage of hopelessness and a minimum wage job to get back in the mood, mate.

We've made it to another wonderful day and I'm having my morning cuppa, the litter trays have been changed and I have ZZ Top's Eliminator on the record player to wake up the chav neighbours. I've just brushed my teeth and combed my hair and fucking hell the face looking back is still young and attractive.   

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51 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Even in a hot air balloon with headwinds, to Sicily, it’s not going take that long, Neil you daft cunt.

I expect I'd have got a similar facetious answer if I'd said I was flying to Italy for 2 hours eh?. Eats,shoots and leaves

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27 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

the face looking back is still young and attractive.   

When I think of all the late nights, debauched behaviour and bad living I've done over the years RK, I'm amazed at how young I still look and how good looking I still am... Can you imagine being an ugly fucker like @Frank or @Neil. Lol. 

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10 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Leave all the way for me, I'd vote leave again also. It's fair to say it's too early in my opinion, as it was always going to take time for such major changes to take effect. If you add a total overreaction (from a financial and NHS perspective) to a pandemic and Vladimir fucking with the energy supply... It's hard to actually say for certain how much Brexit has directly affected things. There seemed to be far less eastern europeans a while ago (post Brexit) however they seem to have been replaced with the recent Ukrainian arrivals. Let's be honest, a population of Peterborough settling here year upon year was never sustainable. Fuck the EU and fuck off 'laffin' cunt @PANZER MURPHY .

We hold all the cards...they need us more than we need them...easiest deal in history...take back control..sovereignty...fun fact...back when ya were in the club you could have quite legally turned that charcoal tide back twords frogland ..now its a one way valve..mug...lol


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1 minute ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We hold all the cards...they need us more than we need them...easiest deal in history...take back control..sovereignty...fun fact...back when ya were in the club you could have quite legally turned that charcoal tide back twords frogland ..now its a one way valve..mug...lol


And once they've got their fill of this place, what island do you think they're going to hop to next? Mong.

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Just now, Roadkill said:

And once they've got their fill of this place, what island do you think they're going to hop to next? Mong.

They'll turn where they are into where they came from ..they've history with the empire ya know .and roots and everything 


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13 hours ago, Neil said:

I'm about to find out what the Brexit vote has changed as I'm flying to Italy for 2 weeks on Saturday. I reckon the queues at the airport and the queue at the non EU passport control in Rome will probably confirm that the one thing it has done is piss the rest of Europe off resulting in a lack of staff at either end meaning that my missus will be chewing my ear off about the hassle of travelling all fucking day long,for that reason those that voted leave can kiss my hairy arse.

Neil baby..ya know ive a soft spot fer yer straight shootin no nonsense posts..little tip fer ya..rediscover that long forgotten Irish grandma n get yerself an Irish passport like decco and stubberzzz n bally..leave the numpties in the everyone else passport control line..


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15 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

They'll turn where they are into where they came from ..they've history with the empire ya know .and roots and everything 


There's a big chunk of that empire right on your front doorstep, Panzy. Careful what you wish for, because these cunts will make your lot look like starry eyed novices when it comes to holding meaningless grudges and blowing up innocents.

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Nothin here for them roadie..sept maybe a tent in an army camp ..no roots..no support base..its all there in the mother country set up n ready to slide on into we recently passed a law prohibiting visa free travel for reffos in other countries..we've real war refugees to care for now..and anyway the wars over man now its all about hearts n minds n watchin ballys people get sold down the river again..never trust a tory..sure how could ya when they're named after 17th century Irish bandits ..tòraidgh..brigands..lol


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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

DC, are you coming Carnival on the weekend? I'm having a BBQ, loads of bitches and all the drink and drugs you could wish for. @Roadkill 's coming, he's even grown an afro to get in the sprit of things. What ya saying old chap?

I left a message for you on our family group Whatsapp, Raaso. It’s good that you invited Dad. I’ll try to get there but I’m sailing on the Yangtze in Spain right now. I went to a bullfight yesterday, with an open mind. I have never been so disgusted, appalled and upset by an event in all my fucking life. It cost £10 to get in, £3 for a can of Coke and I was sat so far at the back that I couldn’t even see the cows getting stabbed. Thoughts?

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48 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Nothin here for them roadie..sept maybe a tent in an army camp ..no roots..no support base..its all there in the mother country set up n ready to slide on into we recently passed a law prohibiting visa free travel for reffos in other countries..we've real war refugees to care for now..and anyway the wars over man now its all about hearts n minds n watchin ballys people get sold down the river again..never trust a tory..sure how could ya when they're named after 17th century Irish bandits ..tòraidgh..brigands..lol


That's not what you're arguing about and you know it. Let's get back to your original statement and indulge you for a moment.

Its 2045 and the United Islamic Kingdom has just been founded after decades of bloody uprisings and social unrest which you've thoroughly enjoyed spectating. You walk out into your front garden and have a smug little sigh at the sight of smoke rising on the distant Eastern horizon.

Your in your twilight years now, but the lifelong yearning to see those Empire spreading cunts humbled still rages strong within your bones - maybe you'll have a walk over to the Dublin Refugee camps later to jeer and throw rotten vegetables at the survivors through the fence. Do what little you still can do to ensure every bit of that Imperial pride is stamped out forever.

You're just about to turn around and limp back into your bungalow for your coat when you catch a distant flash of sunlight reflecting off something, at first you think its just the sun hitting the waves, but there's something else, a strange noise on the air that you just cant place - it sounds like thunder, but the sky is perfectly clear aside from the distant pillars of smoke signalling the final downfall of your oppressors. Still, you're not going to let a bit of freak weather spoil your victory day.

You make it halfway to your front door before a low flying aircraft knocks you off your feet with a deafening sonic boom. You heard something crack when you landed awkwardly and for a few minutes the pain leaves you paralyzed, only able to weakly call for help from neighbours who've already left to taunt the scruffy Brit 'fugees. You wait for a while in indignant fury, but you'll be fucked if one little tumble is going to spoil this, of all days for you!

You painstakingly drag your bruised and fragile frame back over to your white picket fence, hauling yourself back to your feet with sheer force of will, but the sight that greets you robs you of those last reserves of energy almost instantly: on that distant horizon, where you were smiling at the final death thoes of an Empire moments before sits the newly renamed U.I.K.S Queen of Islam, her decks crawling with fighter jets and white robed warriors of Allah at the vanguard of a mighty invasion fleet, steaming at full speed across the crystalline waters of the Irish sea. Your legs give way underneath you as you're finally able to make out the messages written in broken English on the banners majestically billowing from her dual conning towers "Deth to al Christiuns".

The second wave of jets passes over you as you crumple to the ground, the very essence of your being slowly fading into nothingness as your overburdened heart struggles to beat its last under a strangling influx of adrenaline brought on by your broken hip and sheer, violent shock. For a moment you're completely deafened by the engines as they roar over your quaint little bungalow, ripping off roof tiles and shattering your priceless collection of leprechaun garden gnomes with their shock waves. Your hearing comes back just as your vision starts to fade and the last thing you hear through the whistling of severe tinnitus is the sounds of distant explosions and terrified screams.

You're dead even before the napalm fireball reduces your bungalow to ashes in the blink of an eye.  

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So...in reality this awful vista that ya just described stems from the empire goin to these shite holes inde way back ..raping the kips raw to fund the lifestyles of the ruling class in blighty and now the children of these exploited hottentots can come to the mother country and do the same...so what yer sayin is its yer own fault ..howd it take so long for y'all to figure it out...we could've told ya that a couple of hundred years ago..colonialism sucks farts...lol


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25 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

So...in reality this awful vista that ya just described stems from the empire goin to these shite holes inde way back ..raping the kips raw to fund the lifestyles of the ruling class in blighty and now the children of these exploited hottentots can come to the mother country and do the same...so what yer sayin is its yer own fault ..howd it take so long for y'all to figure it out...we could've told ya that a couple of hundred years ago..colonialism sucks farts...lol


You do understand that the concept of Jihads and Crusades and the general religious zealotry between both religions kicked off long before the Empire, right?

Difference is, those cunts are still indignant about it. Sound familiar?

Just because your lot might have been slapped around by a few redcoats back in the day doesn't change the fact that you've lived under a crucifix for the last thousand or so years. If what you dream of happening actually comes about you're just as fucked as we are. Visas don't stop bullets.

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If there is a new caliphate of britainistan it won't happen with violence roady baby they'll use yer own legislation to dig yer grave..its already started....membership of local n town councils..push their agenda use yer disinterest agin ya ..yer apathy for politics domestic and global yer willingness to go along with whatever yer told..see the shinners in norn iron?..they only interested in votes and seats...only ones up there shoutin n gettin all warry is ballys mob ..they abandoned the political process in favour of marchin n riots..and now have absolutely no representation in stormont and 3 seats out of 400 at local council level..moral of story...get involved


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Just now, PANZER MURPHY said:

If there is a new caliphate of britainistan it won't happen with violence roady baby they'll use yer own legislation to dig yer grave..its already started....membership of local n town councils..push their agenda use yer disinterest agin ya ..yer apathy for politics domestic and local yer willingness to go along with whatever yer told..see the shinners in norn iron?..they only interested in votes and seats...only ones up there shoutin n gettin all warry is ballys mob ..they abandoned the political process in favour of marchin n riots..and now have absolutely no representation in stormont and 3 seats out of 400 at local council level..moral of story...get involved


Maybe so - they'd most likely chose to covertly indoctrinate the population over a long period of time.

Why is that?

Because we have a military that wouldn't take too kindly to an outright hostile invasion. What have you got to stop them steam rolling you after they gain control of our arsenal? A few crusty old cunts who have a vague idea of where they buried a stash of MP-40's half a century ago and the EU ready and waiting at your backs to sign some very angry sanctions.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
19 hours ago, Decimus said:

Getting off of Covid and calling each other sex offenders for five minutes, I'd be interested to hear from those of you who voted to leave the European Union.

Firstly, I'd like to know if any of you who voted Leave would have changed their vote in hindsight. I know that about-faces on The Corner are almost unheard of, but let's make this a civilised debate without any mud slinging.

Secondly, if you don't regret your choices, I'd like you to tell me what you think the benefits of it have been thus far. I'm not interested in "it's too early to say" or "it will be the best thing that's ever happened to this country once we get to an indeterminate date". 

Finally, for the minority of you who voted Remain, please feel free to chime in with how well/badly you think it has gone so far.

I'm not pinning my tail to any of your donkeys just yet, I'm more interested in what you've all got to say about it first.

I can see at work and in the murmurings of our network the security, machine learning and AI tech contracts that are exchanged, including those yanked from the clutches of the EU, itself a mere extension of the aims of the IMF, World Bank and CFR (globalism).

The confidence in our exit from the leavers was driven by technology. Oxfords machine learning and AI hubs are beating the shit out of Silicon valley for worldwide contracts, and we'll likely be the first country to fully introduce AI farming among other innovations. We'll cope long after other countries have imploded.

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31 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Maybe so - they'd most likely chose to covertly indoctrinate the population over a long period of time.

Why is that?

Because we have a military that wouldn't take too kindly to an outright hostile invasion. What have you got to stop them steam rolling you after they gain control of our arsenal? A few crusty old cunts who have a vague idea of where they buried a stash of MP-40's half a century ago and the EU ready and waiting at your backs to sign some very angry sanctions.

Last time i checked yer military is controlled by civilian authority..now when that elected civilian authority sings offa different prayer sheet they'll have no choice but to go along..d'ya not catch me drift roady baby..soft power stretches further n lasts longer..become politically educated 


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28 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

I can see at work and in the murmurings of our network the security, machine learning and AI tech contracts that are exchanged, including those yanked from the clutches of the EU, itself a mere extension of the aims of the IMF, World Bank and CFR (globalism).

The confidence in our exit from the leavers was driven by technology. Oxfords machine learning and AI hubs are beating the shit out of Silicon valley for worldwide contracts, and we'll likely be the first country to fully introduce AI farming among other innovations. We'll cope long after other countries have imploded.

That's the kinda blurb that the numpties need to hear n not understand bolicy baby


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5 hours ago, Neil said:

I expect I'd have got a similar facetious answer if I'd said I was flying to Italy for 2 hours eh?. Eats,shoots and leaves

Neil. We’re having the Airshow today. It’s just across the border, so if you see any strange ‘Iron Devil-Birds’ with coloured smoke and shit, please don’t get panicky and start throwing stones at them.

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10 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

DC, are you coming Carnival on the weekend? I'm having a BBQ, loads of bitches and all the drink and drugs you could wish for. @Roadkill 's coming, he's even grown an afro to get in the sprit of things. What ya saying old chap?

I’m up for it Raas, as long as you can find me somewhere safe  to park my imaginary M4 for the day. Last time I went I came back to find my imaginary M3 (I miss that motor so much) with a smashed window, stereo gone, dozens of empty Red Stripe cans and a broken ‘Wray and Nephews overproof’ bottle protruding from a huge rip in the passenger seat. And is at that wasn’t bad enough there was a sweet looking young black bird bent over the bonnet clinging to my broken windscreen wipers, with a queue of hooded ‘gangsta’ type ‘yoofs’ waiting for their turn to split the poor girl in two.

Apart from that I had quite an enjoyable day out. 

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