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Brexit-Reaping The Fruits?


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Just now, Roadkill said:

When did you call me a retard? I'm going to shit on your curtains.

I didn't, personally, RK, I alluded to people voting leave being retards.

That said I fully acknowledge that my 'team' lost, which perhaps makes me the retard for staying here, and we should all go with the majority. 

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2 minutes ago, King Billy said:

On a Zoom call would be the best to hope for. ‘Science’ has probably got that covered just in case the agenda suffers a minor unscripted hiccup and veers off course temporarily till Klaus Schwab can reinsert his fist up Dr Faucis anus and get a grip on the controls.

Well, as an Ulsterman, you’re probably better at sticking to your guns than most Bill. Keep going I say, even though I think it’s barking mad. You never know who might turn out to be right one day, and it all adds to the general merriment as we go along. No surrender!

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7 minutes ago, Goober said:

which perhaps makes me the retard for staying here, 

It perhaps bears a moments consideration, to wonder who has left the country, and who is left behind. All those Irish grandmas suddenly being discovered. Half of London suddenly has an Irish Passport. Australia is knee deep in NHS Refugees. France has villages bursting with retirees from the home Counties clutching their Carte de Sejour. The creative types of Soho and Brighton have upped sticks en masse for LA, Amsterdam and Berlin. Dubai is so full of Essex types it surely won’t be long before @Eric Cuntman is working the door at the Burj al-Arab (quick tip Eric, let the Russian hookers in). 

This phenomenon isn’t entirely new, of course. IT and virtual working has accelerated the exodus. But imagine the cost in human capital which has self-exported in the past 5 years. No wonder those dinghies are still coming to replace the resultant gaps. Judge’s arse won’t wipe itself.  

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3 minutes ago, Goober said:

I didn't, personally, RK, I alluded to people voting leave being retards.

That said I fully acknowledge that my 'team' lost, which perhaps makes me the retard for staying here, and we should all go with the majority. 


4 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Honest of you, Killer. There was a huge angry populace dying for an opportunity to give the Man a kicking, and by voting for a Dulwich-educated ex-banker and veteran MEP they would really sock it to the Establishment. 


All I saw from my frozen Northern hovel on my family heirloom wood panelled 7 inch black and white telly/wall unit was cunts in suits telling me I shouldn't vote for other cunts in suits because a bunch of nebulous wank far beyond my comprehension would go bollocks up. What I did glean from it was that it would piss off those even bigger cunts in suits over the water and, fuck me, it was worth it just to see the cunts going purple in the face as they scurried to save face and pretend it wasn't a big deal, only to start covertly nicking each other's PPE when the pandemic hit and generally cannibalising one another.

Its been a fucking show, lads, you can't deny that. Like blowing over some cunts shoulder and screaming at the top of your lungs at random intervals as he painstakingly builds a house of cards, and who the fuck can blame me for indulging in a bit of chaos when I get the chance, eh?


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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:


All I saw from my frozen Northern hovel on my family heirloom wood panelled 7 inch black and white telly/wall unit was cunts in suits telling me I shouldn't vote for other cunts in suits because a bunch of nebulous wank far beyond my comprehension would go bollocks up. What I did glean from it was that it would piss off those even bigger cunts in suits over the water and, fuck me, it was worth it just to see the cunts going purple in the face as they scurried to save face and pretend it wasn't a big deal, only to start covertly nicking each other's PPE when the pandemic hit and generally cannibalising one another.

Its been a fucking show, lads, you can't deny that. Like blowing over some cunts shoulder and screaming at the top of your lungs at random intervals as he painstakingly builds a house of cards, and who the fuck can blame me for indulging in a bit of chaos when I get the chance, eh?


No issue with causing a bit of chaos Killer, and when half the country thought they had nothing to lose, it’s not hard to work out why rebellion was attractive. Problem is people were shouting and screaming maniacally at the guy building a house of cards, while at the same time seemingly forgetting they had a thousand quid on him getting to level ten.

Self harm. Unknowing self harm, perhaps. But self harm all the same. 

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12 minutes ago, Goober said:

Look on the bright side, LCS,  get the elbow length cow gloves on and you can upgrade the wine cellar. 

My wine cellar is fine thanks. New glass door coming soon to stop my fucking neighbours pawing the Penfolds Grange whenever Mrs LCS inexplicably invites people over. CCTV worth its weight in gold every Christmas. Cunts. 

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Just now, Last Cunt Standing said:

No issue with causing a bit of chaos Killer, and when half the country thought they had nothing to lose, it’s not hard to work out why rebellion was attractive. Problem is people were shouting and screaming maniacally at the guy building a house of cards, while at the same time seemingly forgetting they had a thousand quid on him getting to level ten.

Self harm. Unknowing self harm, perhaps. But self harm all the same. 

Good. The soft fuckers have just had their eyes forced open for the first time to witness just how much of a razor edge the entire spectacle of mutual respect and diplomacy politician cunts have been putting on (and getting rich off) for the last eighty years balances on. Maybe fucking Germany can actually make a fucking effort to improve its own energy production instead of sucking Russia's rancid little gas cock. Maybe the world can stop playing fucking make-believe with China and stop it from forcefully dressing Taiwan in a plaid skirt and making it sit down with its teddies and dollies for fever-dream, reality denying picnics?

Maybe, just maybe, cunts will see what an absolute fucking charade the entire fucking thing has become and demand their politicians actually work hard for their wages instead of just plastering over cracks in concrete foundations by suggesting only the simplest, easiest, short term solutions to problems.

Or the nukes will fly - at this point, I don't really give a shit.

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18 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

No issue with causing a bit of chaos Killer, and when half the country thought they had nothing to lose, it’s not hard to work out why rebellion was attractive. Problem is people were shouting and screaming maniacally at the guy building a house of cards, while at the same time seemingly forgetting they had a thousand quid on him getting to level ten.

Self harm. Unknowing self harm, perhaps. But self harm all the same. 

It would be interesting to know Panzys thoughts on Brexit. Its a subject I can’t recall him ever commenting on. I reckon he’s a die hard Brexiteer like yourself tbh. 

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8 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Good. The soft fuckers have just had their eyes forced open for the first time to witness just how much of a razor edge the entire spectacle of mutual respect and diplomacy politician cunts have been putting on (and getting rich off) for the last eighty years balances on. Maybe fucking Germany can actually make a fucking effort to improve its own energy production instead of sucking Russia's rancid little gas cock. Maybe the world can stop playing fucking make-believe with China and stop it from forcefully dressing Taiwan in a plaid skirt and making it sit down with its teddies and dollies for fever-dream, reality denying picnics?

Maybe, just maybe, cunts will see what an absolute fucking charade the entire fucking thing has become and demand their politicians actually work hard for their wages instead of just plastering over cracks in concrete foundations by suggesting only the simplest, easiest, short term solutions to problems.

Or the nukes will fly - at this point, I don't really give a shit.

I hear you, brother. “Rancid little gas cock” is the phrase of the day. 

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2 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I hear you, brother. “Rancid little gas cock” is the phrase of the day. 

I'm just trying to explain my thinking as best I can. I guess what I'm trying to say is that compromise is all well and good to a certain extent, but the UK and the rest of the Western world have become so addicted to it over the years that its blatantly obvious just getting our hands dirty and making sure we could produce what we needed, or simply admitting that we would have to do without rather than pander to tyrannical regimes would have left the modern world far less of a fuck show than it is today.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

It would be interesting to know Panzys thoughts on Brexit. Its a subject I can’t recall him ever commenting on. I reckon he’s a die hard Brexiteer like yourself tbh. 

Im all for the brexit bally baby..best thing ya ever did...harder the better...which is where liz will hopefully lead y'all in her attempts to weasel out of the oven ready withdrawal agreement which was the beez bollix until suddenly it was shite..they'll sanction the fuk outa brexitland..lol


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I think that at least 80% of the 'Leave' vote was the demographic that watch 'Britain's Got Talent' being told that our borders would be tightened and the £350 million a week saved would fund the NHS. That all went fucking well didn't it?. Waiting lists longer than ever and last Monday another 1298 of the benefit seeking foreign cunts hopping across the channel to bleed sytem further. We're fucking fucked and I'm not sure if Brexit is or isn't helping the fucking.

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Something that seems common to remoaners is that they say that they feel European and do not feel English or British .. what I do wonder is what the average Scottish or Welsh Nationalist feels they are, do they feel Scottish or Welsh or do they feel European? Does my friend Panzer feel European rather than Irish?

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

I'm about to find out what the Brexit vote has changed as I'm flying to Italy for 2 weeks on Saturday. I reckon the queues at the airport and the queue at the non EU passport control in Rome will probably confirm that the one thing it has done is piss the rest of Europe off resulting in a lack of staff at either end meaning that my missus will be chewing my ear off about the hassle of travelling all fucking day long,for that reason those that voted leave can kiss my hairy arse.

Even in a hot air balloon with headwinds, to Sicily, it’s not going take that long, Neil you daft cunt.

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11 hours ago, Neil said:

I'm about to find out what the Brexit vote has changed as I'm flying to Italy for 2 weeks on Saturday. I reckon the queues at the airport and the queue at the non EU passport control in Rome will probably confirm that the one thing it has done is piss the rest of Europe off resulting in a lack of staff at either end meaning that my missus will be chewing my ear off about the hassle of travelling all fucking day long,for that reason those that voted leave can kiss my hairy arse.

You really are a miserable fucker Neil, you'll be fine getting through the airport and if there are delays in Rome, that's the Italians fault for under staffing the place. I bet you'll order egg and fucking chips and a pint of Stella at the Hotel won't you? Here's hoping a load of dinghy cunts invade the beach whilst your trying to relax. Lol

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8 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It perhaps bears a moments consideration, to wonder who has left the country, and who is left behind. All those Irish grandmas suddenly being discovered. Half of London suddenly has an Irish Passport. Australia is knee deep in NHS Refugees. France has villages bursting with retirees from the home Counties clutching their Carte de Sejour. The creative types of Soho and Brighton have upped sticks en masse for LA, Amsterdam and Berlin. Dubai is so full of Essex types it surely won’t be long before @Eric Cuntman is working the door at the Burj al-Arab (quick tip Eric, let the Russian hookers in). 

This phenomenon isn’t entirely new, of course. IT and virtual working has accelerated the exodus. But imagine the cost in human capital which has self-exported in the past 5 years. No wonder those dinghies are still coming to replace the resultant gaps. Judge’s arse won’t wipe itself.  

One of which is your good self, innit Doc?

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3 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

One of which is your good self, innit Doc?

DC, are you coming Carnival on the weekend? I'm having a BBQ, loads of bitches and all the drink and drugs you could wish for. @Roadkill 's coming, he's even grown an afro to get in the sprit of things. What ya saying old chap?

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42 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

Something that seems common to remoaners is that they say that they feel European and do not feel English or British .. what I do wonder is what the average Scottish or Welsh Nationalist feels they are, do they feel Scottish or Welsh or do they feel European? Does my friend Panzer feel European rather than Irish?

I think you will find that generations of cross breeding with root vegetables is in no way allied to any nation but to a particular ph of the local top soil. 

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50 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

Something that seems common to remoaners is that they say that they feel European and do not feel English or British .. what I do wonder is what the average Scottish or Welsh Nationalist feels they are, do they feel Scottish or Welsh or do they feel European? Does my friend Panzer feel European rather than Irish?

I thought all Irish people came from America?

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I'm just trying to explain my thinking as best I can. I guess what I'm trying to say is that compromise is all well and good to a certain extent, but the UK and the rest of the Western world have become so addicted to it over the years that its blatantly obvious just getting our hands dirty and making sure we could produce what we needed, or simply admitting that we would have to do without rather than pander to tyrannical regimes would have left the modern world far less of a fuck show than it is today.

Not only regimes but also western monopolies.

Look at the cunts moaning about about lack of jobs, poor quality of chink products, etc, yet the same twats buy the garbage by weight from Amazon and other “retailers”.

Meanwhile, hardly any man can fix simple issues around the house and finding well trained tradesmen and engineers for the industry and domestic needs’ is getting harder.

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