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Brexit-Reaping The Fruits?


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Getting off of Covid and calling each other sex offenders for five minutes, I'd be interested to hear from those of you who voted to leave the European Union.

Firstly, I'd like to know if any of you who voted Leave would have changed their vote in hindsight. I know that about-faces on The Corner are almost unheard of, but let's make this a civilised debate without any mud slinging.

Secondly, if you don't regret your choices, I'd like you to tell me what you think the benefits of it have been thus far. I'm not interested in "it's too early to say" or "it will be the best thing that's ever happened to this country once we get to an indeterminate date". 

Finally, for the minority of you who voted Remain, please feel free to chime in with how well/badly you think it has gone so far.

I'm not pinning my tail to any of your donkeys just yet, I'm more interested in what you've all got to say about it first.

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5 minutes ago, ProfB said:


Exhibit number one, according to some studies, mental health issues have increased in both frequency and severity since the vote.

You're certainly verification of that, Prof, you hamster torturing, fat tongued, absolute fucking mongoloid.

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I didn't vote either way, and I certainly can't see much (if any) benefit as yet, but I would vote leave over and over again in every one of the multiverse's many dimensions from now until doomsday just to see the look of horror on that smug fucking cunt Gina Miller's face when the result was announced. At the end of the day, what more "benefit" does anybody need?

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52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Getting off of Covid and calling each other sex offenders for five minutes, I'd be interested to hear from those of you who voted to leave the European Union.

Firstly, I'd like to know if any of you who voted Leave would have changed their vote in hindsight. I know that about-faces on The Corner are almost unheard of, but let's make this a civilised debate without any mud slinging.

Secondly, if you don't regret your choices, I'd like you to tell me what you think the benefits of it have been thus far. I'm not interested in "it's too early to say" or "it will be the best thing that's ever happened to this country once we get to an indeterminate date". 

Finally, for the minority of you who voted Remain, please feel free to chime in with how well/badly you think it has gone so far.

I'm not pinning my tail to any of your donkeys just yet, I'm more interested in what you've all got to say about it first.

At last a cracking nom.  Although I am a French mongrel, I had the right to vote in the referendum, and I voted leave. As far as I'm concerned it is all going very well so far. Not for Britain, I add, but for me. Brexit has made it that bit harder for loud mouthed Yorkshiremen to settle in France permanently. The Channel Crossing chaos caused by the U.K's insistence on tighter checks has stemmed the flow of day tourists cluttering up our roads. Win win for me.

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15 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

I didn't vote either way, and I certainly can't see much (if any) benefit as yet, but I would vote leave over and over again in every one of the multiverse's many dimensions from now until doomsday just to see the look of horror on that smug fucking cunt Gina Miller's face when the result was announced. At the end of the day, what more "benefit" does anybody need?


There are a lot of smug, self-satisfied Remainer wankers who deserve to be thrown into a den of sexually frustrated Honey Badgers, Miller, is definitely one. But out of all of them, the one I'd most like to see immolated is that scruffy fucking layabout Steve Bray.

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1 minute ago, Witheredscrote said:

At last a cracking nom.  Although I am a French mongrel, I had the right to vote in the referendum, and I voted leave. As far as I'm concerned it is all going very well so far. Not for Britain, I add, but for me. Brexit has made it that bit harder for loud mouthed Yorkshiremen to settle in France permanently. The Channel Crossing chaos caused by the U.K's insistence on tighter checks has stemmed the flow of day tourists cluttering up our roads. Win win for me.

I definitely sympathise with you, Withers. It must have been unbearable knowing that Ding was free to roam the bocage for decades sexually pestering your ape-like women folk. Now that Brexit has seen his motorhome confined to a filthy, Filey caravan park, your females are once again free to swing amongst the branches of the Brocéliande without fear.

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1 hour ago, Cuntybaws said:

I didn't vote either way, and I certainly can't see much (if any) benefit as yet, but I would vote leave over and over again in every one of the multiverse's many dimensions from now until doomsday just to see the look of horror on that smug fucking cunt Gina Miller's face when the result was announced. At the end of the day, what more "benefit" does anybody need?

I did not see any benefits either way but something that did bother me about many of the remainers was their hatred for the UK (their own country).. so far as I can most Germans and most French like their own countries .. even the Italians like Italy yet if we mentioned that we liked our own country the remainers called us xenophopes. I am not a patriot but I don't mind and I am not ashamed of being British or English.

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31 minutes ago, Decimus said:

according to some studies, mental health issues have increased in both frequency and severity since the vote.

That’ll be the remoaners who wake up every day and tune in to James O’Briens 3 hour rant on LBC, then spend the rest of the day on Twitter wanking over Gary Lineker and Alistair Campbell’s tweets preaching to the already converted how every single word he said was undeniable fact and anyone who disagrees is a knuckle dragging fascist, racist, Little Englander etc. etc. The real mental health crisis is a predictable result of the lockdown policies and the frightening willingness of the flock to slavishly obey everything they were ordered to do. 
‘Protect the NHS’ was the constant message for two years of unquestioning obedience and look where that’s ended up? 
Brexit is a convenient excuse for the absolute, and inevitable  collapse of every part of the infrastructure which the country depends on to have a decent standard of living. The EU, the US, Canada, Australia, NZ etc. with their globalist puppet governments are no better off, and are facing the same tyranny which has been planned for years and is now becoming reality.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Getting off of Covid and calling each other sex offenders for five minutes, I'd be interested to hear from those of you who voted to leave the European Union.

Firstly, I'd like to know if any of you who voted Leave would have changed their vote in hindsight. I know that about-faces on The Corner are almost unheard of, but let's make this a civilised debate without any mud slinging.

Secondly, if you don't regret your choices, I'd like you to tell me what you think the benefits of it have been thus far. I'm not interested in "it's too early to say" or "it will be the best thing that's ever happened to this country once we get to an indeterminate date". 

Finally, for the minority of you who voted Remain, please feel free to chime in with how well/badly you think it has gone so far.

I'm not pinning my tail to any of your donkeys just yet, I'm more interested in what you've all got to say about it first.

Honestly? I didn’t vote. Voting is pointless in any context. It doesn’t matter what or who you vote for, you get the same shit. You and RK have both excellently articulated the current social climate… white/straight bad, black/pervert good.

Don’t have faith in any form of government or authority. As a normal, heterosexual white man, you are fucked.

I’ve already accepted it and planned for various possibilities. For example, if I felt my life was threatened by a black man, I wouldn’t hesitate to end his life, slash my own arms and present the attending police officers with a dead man holding a Stanley knife covered in my blood. 

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3 minutes ago, Neil said:

Didn't vote and don't care, looking after No 1 and everyone else can go and get fucked.

Sometimes, Neil, I really do envy and appreciate your simple outlook on life. As long as you've got a Ginster's pasty in one hand, and your chubby in the other, you're as happy as a pig in shit.

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2 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Honestly? I didn’t vote. Voting is pointless in any context. It doesn’t matter what or who you vote for, you get the same shit. You and RK have both excellently articulated the current social climate… white/straight bad, black/pervert good.

Don’t have faith in any form of government or authority. As a normal, heterosexual white man, you are fucked.

I’ve already accepted it and planned for various possibilities. For example, if I felt my life was threatened by a black man, I wouldn’t hesitate to end his life, slash my own arms and present the attending police officers with a dead man holding a Stanley knife covered in my blood. 

You're spot on. People who voted Leave appear to have done so based upon two major issues, sovereignty and immigration. Whether it's EU politicians or our own, you can't trust either of them and true democracy is a fucking sham. As for immigration, as RK stated it doesn't matter what the majority of us want, and it certainly doesn't matter whether we're in the EU or not. The hordes will keep coming regardless.

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8 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Sometimes, Neil, I really do envy and appreciate your simple outlook on life. As long as you've got a Ginster' pasty in one hand, and your chubby in the other, you're as happy as a pig in shit.

I've got a few years on you but you’ll get to become as cynical and apathetic as me one day. As much as we think we can fuck the system and do whatever we want you get to a point where you realise you won't live long enough to make a change so you just shrink back into your own little world and make it as comfortable as you can. I'd love to extinguish the rise of the ethnic that is happening all around me but I realise that it's futile and pointless and you're forever swimming against the tide. I shall just make the most of my remaining existence venting my frustration on websites like this and calling everyone a cunt. Great Britain? You're having a laugh.

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23 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

present the attending police officers with a dead man holding a Stanley knife covered in my blood. 

They’d still baton you, pepper spray you, tazer you and call for an armed response unit to surround the area until they got Wayne Couzens out of jail to rape you and dismember what’s left of your body.

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16 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I voted remain. Not that I'm a lover of Europe but because I had a feeling that it would be a colossal cluster fuck. 

As selfish as it sounds, I think you can only vote with your own circumstances in mind, anything more high-falutin or coloured by principles based upon obscure political philosophy is self-defeating.

I voted Remain because being in the EU as far as I could tell did not affect my own life in anyway that made it even in the least bit inconvenient. I didn't see the point in taking a gamble on leaving when the outcome of such a move would be so uncertain. 

Unlike most people who voted Remain, though, I don't hold it against anyone who voted Leave, as long as they based it on sound decisions and had genuinely experienced what they considered to be insufferable negative impacts upon their person as a result of our membership of the Union.

Conversely, I've got no time for anyone who voted Remain just because they considered any other option raaayycist and didn't take the time to analyse the situation in relation to their own set of particular circumstances.

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I'm about to find out what the Brexit vote has changed as I'm flying to Italy for 2 weeks on Saturday. I reckon the queues at the airport and the queue at the non EU passport control in Rome will probably confirm that the one thing it has done is piss the rest of Europe off resulting in a lack of staff at either end meaning that my missus will be chewing my ear off about the hassle of travelling all fucking day long,for that reason those that voted leave can kiss my hairy arse.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

As selfish as it sounds, I think you can only vote with your own circumstances in mind, anything more high-falutin or coloured by principles based upon obscure political philosophy is self-defeating.

I voted Remain because being in the EU as far as I could tell did not affect my own life in anyway that made it even in the least bit inconvenient. I didn't see the point in taking a gamble on leaving when the outcome of such a move would be so uncertain. 

Unlike most people who voted Remain, though, I don't hold it against anyone who voted Leave, as long as they based it on sound decisions and had genuinely experienced what they considered to be insufferable negative impacts upon their person as a result of our membership of the Union.

Conversely, I've got no time for anyone who voted Remain just because they considered any other option raaayycist and didn't take the time to analyse the situation in relation to their own set of particular circumstances.

In my teenage years I can remember power cuts,rubbish piling up on the streets and parents that weren't exactly rolling in it. Any under 30's that voted leave should be fed into a wood chipper, they think hardship is not being able to have a new phone every six months and only owning a 55" TV. Privileged little cunts boil my piss.

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28 minutes ago, Neil said:

I've got a few years on you but you’ll get to become as cynical and apathetic as me one day. As much as we think we can fuck the system and do whatever we want you get to a point where you realise you won't live long enough to make a change so you just shrink back into your own little world and make it as comfortable as you can. I'd love to extinguish the rise of the ethnic that is happening all around me but I realise that it's futile and pointless and you're forever swimming against the tide. I shall just make the most of my remaining existence venting my frustration on websites like this and calling everyone a cunt. Great Britain? You're having a laugh.

Post of the month.

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