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Following on from the Oxford Street lootings of 12 August, a McDonald's in Nottingham was looted yesterday by a rampaging group of fifty youths.

I've now seen videos of both incidents. Aside from all the kids dressing like MC Hammer despite it being 2022, the overwhelming majority of them appear to share a distinctive physical trait which has curiously been overlooked by many media outlets.

Meanwhile The Brown Dick(head) Whittington hasn't had much to say on the Oxford street incident either, likely due to those aforementioned physical traits the little robbing shits all share. He has helpfully suggested, however, that the reason his city is currently a festering, crime-riddled shit-hole is in part due to the hot weather, longer daylight hours and the school holidays.

I'm not sure the citizens of Riyadh would concur that a bit of heat and sunlight gives their children the right to run rampage across the streets. They'd probably suggest that it's down to Brown Dick(head)'s myriad failures and inaction as the mayor of London in relation to crime.

Perhaps he should ask his mate The Abbottpotamus for some advice. Afterall, she has assured us that "West Indian mothers will go to the wall for their children" so maybe she can explain to Brown Dick(head) why so many of these West Indian kids with fantastic mothers are stabbing everything in sight.

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London has always been a crime ridden shithole in my opinion Decimus, even in Raas' residence (W11) you have to walk a few streets and find some shite going on. It happens to be the blacks running the street level dealing which in turn causes turf wars and subsequent killings. I know you know all this shit but what I'm getting at is asking you if you're coming to Carnival? I'm having a BBQ. 

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1 minute ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

London has always been a crime ridden shithole in my opinion Decimus

Yeah but at least with the Kray's you could keep your door open all night and they'd help your mother across the street with her shopping, Gawd bless 'em both and her majesty the Queen.

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14 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Following on from the Oxford Street lootings of 12 August, a McDonald's in Nottingham was looted yesterday by a rampaging group of fifty youths.

I've now seen videos of both incidents. Aside from all the kids dressing like MC Hammer despite it being 2022, the overwhelming majority of them appear to share a distinctive physical trait which has curiously been overlooked by many media outlets.

Meanwhile The Brown Dick(head) Whittington hasn't had much to say on the Oxford street incident either, likely due to those aforementioned physical traits the little robbing shits all share. He has helpfully suggested, however, that the reason his city is currently a festering, crime-riddled shit-hole is in part due to the hot weather, longer daylight hours and the school holidays.

I'm not sure the citizens of Riyadh would concur that a bit of heat and sunlight gives their children the right to run rampage across the streets. They'd probably suggest that it's down to Brown Dick(head)'s myriad failures and inaction as the mayor of London in relation to crime.

Perhaps he should ask his mate The Abbottpotamus for some advice. Afterall, she has assured us that "West Indian mothers will go to the wall for their children" so maybe she can explain to Brown Dick(head) why so many of these West Indian kids with fantastic mothers are stabbing everything in sight.

What the fuck can you loot from a McDonald's besides heart disease?

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Hmmm... *ponders lack of media divulgence while playing with lips*

Not only looting, beautifully exemplified during the 2011 Tottenham-borne London riots, but also knife and gun crime – strongly coinciding with youths of West Indian or African ethnicity. Nationally, approximately 20% of all violent crime and homicide victims are black, despite only 2.5-3% of the general population being black. These numbers are obviously much higher in urban areas such as London and Nottingham. Remember the machete attacks in Greenwich and Hyde Park last summer, which the media is keen for us to forget? Now, what did the participants have in common?

As an indigenous Briton, I'm not afraid to lay these stats out squarely on the table. The media can do all it wishes to manipulate when the vast majority of people know precisely what's going on. I'm all for equal opportunities, but the truth is black people of the cultural backgrounds mentioned above (compared to those of different UK ethnicities) have brought much higher rates of crime, disease, and gangland killings to England's streets. Speak out against it, and you're immediately labelled 'racist'.

Anyhow, the police (and BBC, Guardian etc.) will be knocking on my door soon. Farewell.

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

Following on from the Oxford Street lootings of 12 August, a McDonald's in Nottingham was looted yesterday by a rampaging group of fifty youths.

I've now seen videos of both incidents. Aside from all the kids dressing like MC Hammer despite it being 2022, the overwhelming majority of them appear to share a distinctive physical trait which has curiously been overlooked by many media outlets.

Meanwhile The Brown Dick(head) Whittington hasn't had much to say on the Oxford street incident either, likely due to those aforementioned physical traits the little robbing shits all share. He has helpfully suggested, however, that the reason his city is currently a festering, crime-riddled shit-hole is in part due to the hot weather, longer daylight hours and the school holidays.

I'm not sure the citizens of Riyadh would concur that a bit of heat and sunlight gives their children the right to run rampage across the streets. They'd probably suggest that it's down to Brown Dick(head)'s myriad failures and inaction as the mayor of London in relation to crime.

Perhaps he should ask his mate The Abbottpotamus for some advice. Afterall, she has assured us that "West Indian mothers will go to the wall for their children" so maybe she can explain to Brown Dick(head) why so many of these West Indian kids with fantastic mothers are stabbing everything in sight.

Rioting happens to be one of the very few topics which I can hopefully comment on, that even the Vulcan with her unquestionable superior knowledge of all things, and her 24/7 hotline to the top  factcheckers on Planet Google, wouldn’t have the brass neck to pull rank on me over.

If as a teenager I’d come home, and my old man had asked me what I’d been up to all day, and I’d said ‘just a bit of rioting and looting Dad, same old’. He’d more than likely have told me to ‘be careful son, you know we’ve got orders to shoot looters first and ask questions later. Now off to bed you go and don’t go near the car in the morning before I’ve checked underneath it with the mirror’.

If he’d then seen me on News at Ten taking part in a shitshow  like this, he’d have been up the stairs swinging his leather belt to beat the living daylights out of me. And tbf I wouldn’t blame him either.

”Call that rioting? You’re a fucking disgrace! So ye are, so I am, so it is.”


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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Rioting happens to be one of the very few topics which I can hopefully comment on, that even the Vulcan with her unquestionable superior knowledge of all things, and her 24/7 hotline to the top  factcheckers on Planet Google, wouldn’t have the brass neck to pull rank on me over.

If as a teenager I’d come home, and my old man had asked me what I’d been up to all day, and I’d said ‘just a bit of rioting and looting Dad, same old’. He’d more than likely have told me to ‘be careful son, you know we’ve got orders to shoot looters first and ask questions later. Now off to bed you go and don’t go near the car in the morning before I’ve checked underneath it with the mirror’.

If he’d then seen me on News at Ten taking part in a shitshow  like this, he’d have been up the stairs swinging his leather belt to beat the living daylights out of me. And tbf I wouldn’t blame him either.

”Call that rioting? You’re a fucking disgrace! So ye are, so I am, so it is.”


I thought you lot wear/wore balaclavas! 

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5 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Hmmm... *ponders lack of media divulgence while playing with lips*

Not only looting, beautifully exemplified during the 2011 Tottenham-borne London riots, but also knife and gun crime – strongly coinciding with youths of West Indian or African ethnicity. Nationally, approximately 20% of all violent crime and homicide victims are black, despite only 2.5-3% of the general population being black. These numbers are obviously much higher in urban areas such as London and Nottingham. Remember the machete attacks in Greenwich and Hyde Park last summer, which the media is keen for us to forget? Now, what did the participants have in common?

As an indigenous Briton, I'm not afraid to lay these stats out squarely on the table. The media can do all it wishes to manipulate when the vast majority of people know precisely what's going on. I'm all for equal opportunities, but the truth is black people of the cultural backgrounds mentioned above (compared to those of different UK ethnicities) have brought much higher rates of crime, disease, and gangland killings to England's streets. Speak out against it, and you're immediately labelled 'racist'.

Anyhow, the police (and BBC, Guardian etc.) will be knocking on my door soon. Farewell.

The Spak-Tok and Twattersphere have already engaged damage limitation mode in relation to the dusky demographic. Those virtuous, brown heroes who shall never be mentioned in relation to any negative or criminal story as anything but misunderstood victims. Already social media is making excuses; "Can you blame them, with the cost of living crisis" "They must be emotionally fragile after growing up during successive lockdowns", "The Tories...The Tories!!!!!"

If these boys and girls were majority white, the media would have polished off their index fingers in glee ready to point them at the evil honky. There would have been no excuses, no sympathy, just knee taking, race baiting accusations of privileged Nazism.

I want my fucking country back, and the first step towards that is reclaiming the narrative from the quisling, black fucking cock obsessed journalistas such as Hadley Freeman at The Guardian.

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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Yer crimes across history are comin back to haunt y'all..we giggle daily reading about the feral noirs n non integrating sand monkeys that now are firmly rooted in the mother country merry eid to y'all..lol


I'd be more mindful of your own, Panz. Your demographics are shifting at a much, much faster rate than England's.

Giggle away at this.



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13 hours ago, Decimus said:

The Spak-Tok and Twattersphere have already engaged damage limitation mode in relation to the dusky demographic. Those virtuous, brown heroes who shall never be mentioned in relation to any negative or criminal story as anything but misunderstood victims. Already social media is making excuses; "Can you blame them, with the cost of living crisis" "They must be emotionally fragile after growing up during successive lockdowns", "The Tories...The Tories!!!!!"

If these boys and girls were majority white, the media would have polished off their index fingers in glee ready to point them at the evil honky. There would have been no excuses, no sympathy, just knee taking, race baiting accusations of privileged Nazism.

I want my fucking country back, and the first step towards that is reclaiming the narrative from the quisling, black fucking cock obsessed journalistas such as Hadley Freeman at The Guardian.

A bold statement – but one I wholeheartedly agree with. The heydey of the UK's multiculturalism came in the Blair-governed late 1990s, during which time I was living and working in London, so I was right in the thick of it.

The long and short of it is that, over the past 2-3 decades (and this is just my opinion), our leftwing media comprising The Guardian and BBC in particular, has created a hidden doctrine of multiculturalism that has been given the green light and become dominant without ever having the true consent of the approximate 85-90% white demographic. Advertising (particularly at Xmas time) is a good example of this, with every fucking TV or newspaper advert having mostly black or Asian people in it. It's a huge misrepresentation of our country.

Guardian 'journalists' such as George Monbiot, who were born into middle-class environments and thereafter Oxbridge-educated, have done the most damage by allowing ethnic minorities to run riot, playing the racism card at the white demographic when ever they can. It really pisses me right off, especially as most of his privileged type has never had to work for their wealth, or feel inspired to protect it from taxation et al.

As Enoch Powell prophesied in the late 1960s, what has been permitted to take root (@nocti's video above a superb example, sadly for Ireland – and I do genuinely mean that), and to escape proper scrutiny from our police, court system, social workers, and even the medical profession, is now a range of immoral and illegal practices that should never have been tolerated. So it was, for instance, that social workers and the police in Rotherham failed properly to investigate the systemtic rape and sexual abuse of young, white girls by a gang of Muslim men. Likewise, during the somewhat violent, George Floyd-led BLM marches in London and Bristol, historic statues (inc. that of Winston Churchill – an icon for this country), were either defaced or thrown in rivers.

How dare our police sit back and do nothing. This very action (or lack of it) demonstrates what I have said above to be true. It's about time the British people stood up for their country, but with so many careers affected by racism accusations, it's little wonder nothing is being done. It pains me to say, with a heavy heart, it's all too little too late.

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3 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

The spudcoons, historically, eat their kids when the blight hits. That’s why the filthy cunts breed so much. It’s not looking good for baby Declan.

T'would seem its yerselves that are watching crops rot in the ground dc baby..we see the express delightfully informing the numpties  how it is possible to eat moldy food safely..lol


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20 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

T'would seem its yerselves that are watching crops rot in the ground dc baby..we see the express delightfully informing the numpties  how it is possible to eat moldy food safely..lol


The only surprising thing about this, P, is that the sort of neanderthals that read The Express need any advice about rummaging through bins to eat five day old doner kebabs.

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