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Anna Palus, Tennis Fan.

Last Cunt Standing

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2 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

KB, I'm off to Krakow soon... Decent beer, quality Wodka and I've heard the curry goat and rice and peas is to die for. 

I’d recommend an evening meal at Szara Ges, in the main square, especially the bird’s nest dessert. You’ll need something beautiful to take your mind off the inevitable grim day trip to Birkenau. Try not to get too pissed and think it’s a laugh to order loudly in faux German in the manner of an SS Officer. The Poles hold grudges for eons. 

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16 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Fucking Jesus. My recollection of the last time I “put the boot in”, (a delightful phrase for a man of letters, incidentally) is rather different. I don’t remember you tearing anything. I seem to recall after months of ignoring your baiting, I called you out for endless and unnecessarily pedantic grammar-based sledging, in a seemingly desperate attempt to cast yourself as the Corner’s Susie Dent. I briefly adopted similar tactics in an act of obvious mockery, hoping to shake you from your reverie. Others have cast themselves in the role of in-house savant but do so with more grace and aplomb than you ever seem capable of. There is an edge to your ugly pettiness, a vindictive streak that is as devoid of charm as you are of wit. It’s pathetic, and reeks of little man syndrome. 

Determined to continue posting in the manner I labelled as resembling a Poundshop Frank Muir, you went on to conduct a two-day argument about the definition of the word sphincter, before oozing yourself out of a self-imposed linguistic cul-de-sac by first denying the existence of several key bits of human anatomy with some tortuous logic about the word sphincter having only one common meaning, while simultaneously arguing it could mean whatever the reader interpreted it to mean. It was bollocks.

You are the only Corner member who continually references the profession I retired from more than three years ago, seemingly urging collective and continued disbelief to an audience which has I suspect long since decided they don’t give a shit. It’s been some considerable time since I posted anything related to my former line of work, so the reasonable observer might well wonder what it is that makes you so keen to perpetuate angst in my direction five years since I joined the site. Whether it is based on some perceived injustice born of the indifference shown to you by a real-world health professional perhaps bored senseless by your fungal nail infection, or just a lingering sense of inadequacy which claws at you as you plug in the Flymo, it matters not. You’re playing to an audience of one. Neither I, nor anyone else by now gives the tiniest shit what you believe to be true. If you live in hope that if you continue this role as Grand Inquisitor then one day in a fit of pique I will crack and post you my now deleted GMC number, I have a bridge to sell you. There was a time when my stated geography was also inexplicably in your crosshairs too, as I recall. You’ve gone rather quiet on that front. 

I have tried many ways to engage with you over the years. I have ignored you despite implied cowardice and repeated baiting. I have tried to persuade you your role should evolve if you hope to keep pace with your peers. I have even tried to engage you in an Open Corner area where you smoked the peace pipe before childishly spitting in my face in the space of 24 hours. 

Clearly, with this latest powder puff of shitty insult, Grammarly-infused hyperbole and ugly self-aggrandisement, you are determined to yield nothing and offer no hope of even nodding terms. I’m not sure what I need to “back off” from, but if you mean engaging with you, then I agree enthusiastically. So, one last time before I recommence my policy of ignoring your shit, please fuck off, you are boring the arse off me. 

Get your red pen out then, Cunt. See if you can spot the errors herein while you masturbate with your free hand. I’ll wait. 

This is pretty good, Doc. @Wolfie is normally the most verbose yet delicate on here and there are lines of attack to adopt with him but they’ll need to be extremely accurate and specific…he’s a wily old cunt, when sober. However, the fact that you’ve, uncharacteristically rambled unnecessarily in your last few posts can’t help me conclude that he’s rattling the fuck out of you here. Pause, regroup and avoid posting after a belly full of Castlemaine. He’s got his teeth into you now and this may get ugly and, feasibly, terminal.

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14 hours ago, Frank said:

He doesn't deserve the attention, however, it really is beautiful. It might appear a little candid, but I'd really like to suck your dick.

Do it, Doc. You’ll become the only former medical practitioner in Western Australia with both gingivitis and herpangina of the jap’s eye. You can monetise that kind of uniqueness down there.

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11 hours ago, Wolfie said:

What a paradox you seem to have created, especially as Quentin Crisp was a tranny. I'm not surprised you haven't thought this through, satsuma brain.

Well, he doesn’t mind being a satsuma because for your information, satsumas are really intelligent, actually…like dolphins.

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