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Is Anybody Running the UK or are you on Autopilot ?


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Citibank today predicted inflation will rise in the U.K. to 18.6% by January. The leader of the opposition Sir Queer Starmer was quick to tell the MSM what needs to be done.  19 million homes in the U.K. must be insulated immediately, and Parliament should be recalled tomorrow to debate this insulation emergency, which is, for reasons known only to him, somehow connected to the current economic collapse of the country, and therefore in urgent need of hundreds of imbecile MPs to gather in the Commons and shout abuse at each other to save the day.

What fucking planet does this characterless, moronic, drone of a man live on? 
It’s a given that the Tories are a fucking useless shower of shit at present, but Labour under this fucking Max Headroom CGI cunt seem to be even more disconnected from reality, if that’s possible.

We’re fucked I’m afraid.

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22 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Citibank today predicted inflation will rise in the U.K. to 18.6% by January. The leader of the opposition Sir Queer Starmer was quick to tell the MSM what needs to be done.  19 million homes in the U.K. must be insulated immediately, and Parliament should be recalled tomorrow to debate this insulation emergency, which is, for reasons known only to him, somehow connected to the current economic collapse of the country, and therefore in urgent need of hundreds of imbecile MPs to gather in the Commons and shout abuse at each other to save the day.

What fucking planet does this characterless, moronic, drone of a man live on? 
It’s a given that the Tories are a fucking useless shower of shit at present, but Labour under this fucking Max Headroom CGI cunt seem to be even more disconnected from reality, if that’s possible.

We’re fucked I’m afraid.

Agreed, I despise the Tories, and I'll hate them even more when Mini-Maggie inevitably beats the Cornershop Chancellor to the hot seat.

That being said, the knee taking, onky-block headed, "Sir" Keir and his party of reprobates are hardly a viable alternative.

Where are their policies? Where is the direction? Where is the attempt to again start representing the people the party was originally founded by?

I can't in all conscience vote for these inept fucking wankers, as much as I want the equally inept Conservative government out. There will be no holding of the nose and ticking the red box by default, I'll be voting for our local independent candidate.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Agreed, I despise the Tories, and I'll hate them even more when Mini-Maggie inevitably beats the Cornershop Chancellor to the hot seat.

That being said, the knee taking, onky-block headed, "Sir" Keir and his party of reprobates are hardly a viable alternative.

Where are their policies? Where is the direction? Where is the attempt to again start representing the people the party was originally founded by?

I can't in all conscience vote for these inept fucking wankers, as much as I want the equally inept Conservative government out. There will be no holding of the nose and ticking the red box by default, I'll be voting for our local independent candidate.

Unfortunately there aren’t enough people similarly inclined to do the same Decs, so in the vast majority of constituencies your vote for an independent would be irrelevant to the outcome. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the U.K. democratic model has had its day and the future can and will only get worse for the vast majority of us unless drastic changes are made, which seems more than unlikely, as neither of the 2 main parties will ever legislate to change the system which enables them to take turns in Downing St. for ever, promising everything in opposition then delivering sweet fuck all in government.

This is happening all over the developed world in so called democracies, where the elected puppets of the globalist elites no longer even hide their contempt for the suckers who elect them, instead sacrificing their prosperity, hard earned freedoms and any foolish hopes for a decent future, at the altar of ‘net zero, diversity, inclusion, multi culturalism and all the rest of the global elites 2030 agenda. 
The worst is yet to come. It’s pretty much unstoppable now.

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Guest Jimmy Neutron
2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Agreed, I despise the Tories, and I'll hate them even more when Mini-Maggie inevitably beats the Cornershop Chancellor to the hot seat.

That being said, the knee taking, onky-block headed, "Sir" Keir and his party of reprobates are hardly a viable alternative.

Where are their policies? Where is the direction? Where is the attempt to again start representing the people the party was originally founded by?

I can't in all conscience vote for these inept fucking wankers, as much as I want the equally inept Conservative government out. There will be no holding of the nose and ticking the red box by default, I'll be voting for our local independent candidate.

Who's that then, your mate the fucking puppet man.

Fucking no mark nonce cunt.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Agreed, I despise the Tories, and I'll hate them even more when Mini-Maggie inevitably beats the Cornershop Chancellor to the hot seat.

That being said, the knee taking, onky-block headed, "Sir" Keir and his party of reprobates are hardly a viable alternative.

Where are their policies? Where is the direction? Where is the attempt to again start representing the people the party was originally founded by?

I can't in all conscience vote for these inept fucking wankers, as much as I want the equally inept Conservative government out. There will be no holding of the nose and ticking the red box by default, I'll be voting for our local independent candidate.


34 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Unfortunately there aren’t enough people similarly inclined to do the same Decs, so in the vast majority of constituencies your vote for an independent would be irrelevant to the outcome. I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that the U.K. democratic model has had its day and the future can and will only get worse for the vast majority of us unless drastic changes are made, which seems more than unlikely, as neither of the 2 main parties will ever legislate to change the system which enables them to take turns in Downing St. for ever, promising everything in opposition then delivering sweet fuck all in government.

This is happening all over the developed world in so called democracies, where the elected puppets of the globalist elites no longer even hide their contempt for the suckers who elect them, instead sacrificing their prosperity, hard earned freedoms and any foolish hopes for a decent future, at the altar of ‘net zero, diversity, inclusion, multi culturalism and all the rest of the global elites 2030 agenda. 
The worst is yet to come. It’s pretty much unstoppable now.


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  • 2 weeks later...

So it’s the big moment tomorrow then? Truss gets the job, whipped up to Balmoral to kiss hands with a terminally disinterested Queen, then she’ll hit the ground running with her famous political acumen, making her former beau Chancellor and cigar-smoking lardarse Therese Coffey Health Minister. They are laughing at you. Surely no one doubts this anymore.

By happy coincidence, the morning before another middle aged blonde woman gets a job she is seriously unprepared for, up pops Laura Kuenssberg in the old Marr slot to set the agenda for the week. A Brummie comedian eye rolls his way through the whole farce, and in his biting sarcasm he surely sums up the mood of the nation on the eve of yet another giant leap into the unknown. 

Keep an eye on GBP/USD rates this week. The market will speak, and it will not be kind. Bon chance. 


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8 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

So it’s the big moment tomorrow then? Truss gets the job, whipped up to Balmoral to kiss hands with a terminally disinterested Queen, then she’ll hit the ground running with her famous political acumen, making her former beau Chancellor and cigar-smoking lardarse Therese Coffey Health Minister. They are laughing at you. 

By happy coincidence, the morning before another middle aged blonde woman gets a job she is seriously unprepared for, up pops Laura Kuenssberg in the old Marr slot to set the agenda for the week. A Brummie comedian eye rolls his way through the whole farce, and in his biting sarcasm he surely sums up the mood of the nation on the eve of yet another giant leap into the unknown. 

Keep an eye on GBP/USD rates this week. The market will speak, and it will not be kind. Bon chance. 


As bad as Truss is likely to be, I'd have her over that fucking midget sooty knobhead 5th columnist gunga.

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6 minutes ago, Horrified Suburbanite said:

As bad as Truss is likely to be, I'd have her over that fucking midget sooty knobhead 5th columnist gunga.

The fact that this was the choice put to you in the first place is something I would think hard about. Maybe when you’re lighting the candle in the blackouts you’ll revisit the conclusion that the other guy would be worse. 

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5 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The fact that this was the choice put to you in the first place is something I would think hard about. Maybe when you’re lighting the candle in the blackouts you’ll revisit the conclusion that the other guy would be worse. 

Blackouts? I think you've been watching too much BBC/ITV/Sky News fear porn.

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1 minute ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The fact that this was the choice put to you in the first place is something I would think hard about. Maybe when you’re lighting the candle in the blackouts you’ll revisit the conclusion that the other guy would be worse. 

You Brit obsessed Cunt…why the fuck do you care or comment (daily?) You should be busy reading your little red book, digging paddy fields and weaving a bamboo hat. Your big yellow boss is coming. Now fuck off, Abbo-shagger.

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31 minutes ago, Horrified Suburbanite said:

As bad as Truss is likely to be, I'd have her over that fucking midget sooty knobhead 5th columnist gunga.

I would prefer the late, great Catmando of The Monster Raving Loony Party than the binary choice of wankers we've been given.

The Thatcher tribute act is about as out of touch as it gets, even in comparison to the Cornershop Chancellor. Unless you're in the top percentile of earners, HS, expect a winter of discontent. 

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4 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

The fact that this was the choice put to you in the first place is something I would think hard about. Maybe when you’re lighting the candle in the blackouts you’ll revisit the conclusion that the other guy would be worse. 

ScoMo or Albanese? Now that’s what I call a ‘spoiled for choice’ shame there has to be a loser contest.

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4 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You Brit obsessed Cunt…why the fuck do you care or comment (daily?) You should be busy reading your little red book, digging paddy fields and weaving a bamboo hat. Your big yellow boss is coming. Now fuck off, Abbo-shagger.


On 26/08/2022 at 23:40, Last Cunt Standing said:

I really don’t get the ceaseless invective directed at the Carnival from people who live in leafy suburbs hundreds of miles away... seriously, if the black community of West London want an annual piss up and a fight, why should it bother the retired Hufton-Tuftons of Barnstaple or Oakham?

So bollocks to yet another thread which would embarrass a 1980’s Millwall Football Crowd. Turn this up and enjoy your bank holiday. Take your mind off those gas bills for a bit. 

I called you a hypocrite recently 'Dr', and above are two more examples why.

DC's correct for picking up on the first. Here you go again, bleating on about why the NHC might bother someone in north Devon; yet you continue to upload numerous negative clips about the state of UK politics - from 9,000 miles away in Perth, Western ‘Straya. Doh.

As for your grammatical prowess, I warned you to not perpetually fuck with it. And so we continue. If "1980's" is used, it indicates possession for only the year 1980. If "1980s" is used, without the apostrophe, it defines context for the entire decade. If I'm not mistaken (and you don't exactly strike me as an expert on the history of English football club violence), Millwall FC infamously went about its business mainly throughout the entire 1980s, so one has to assume you've mistakenly added an apostrophe where it's not needed. Tsk.

Again, your hypocrisy is reaching gargantuan sphincteral proprotions. Thank fuck you weren't my GP, wanker.

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