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"Aunty" Titania Trust


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9 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You may have a point. He's survived some of the most vicious onslaughts this site has ever seen, maybe I'm being too hard on him.

Not that. Just think about it for a moment - he started off with me fucking about in his head, bounced around looking for a mate, got the shit kicked out of him from every cunt for that, landed on fucking Frank, then back to me only to be immediately stabbed in the back again.

Is it really any surprise that he's just a tiny bit weary of going for targets other cunts put in front of him at this point? That his automatic reaction to being told to kill cunt A by cunt B is to tell cunt B to fuck off?

I've made him un-fuck-withable. He'll never trust any cunt, regardless of intention.

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26 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Not that. Just think about it for a moment - he started off with me fucking about in his head, bounced around looking for a mate, got the shit kicked out of him from every cunt for that, landed on fucking Frank, then back to me only to be immediately stabbed in the back again.

Is it really any surprise that he's just a tiny bit weary of going for targets other cunts put in front of him at this point? That his automatic reaction to being told to kill cunt A by cunt B is to tell cunt B to fuck off?

I've made him un-fuck-withable. He'll never trust any cunt, regardless of intention.

You bunch of horrible cunts. I wouldn’t have it any other way…and fuck off. (With all due respects and sycophancy…etc!)

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49 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

But he has PMd me a shitload of Ukrainian fanny pics, so credit where it’s due.

Not funny. She’s gone by Sunday morning. Mrs Cnut hates her…as I’ve told you, she’s best gone, she’d be safer strapped to a Russian Howitzer in Mariupol than staying in our gaff with a peri-menopausal Mrs C.

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13 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

As of yet, she’s no fingeree. But judging by her grid, it’ll be like a mouse’s ear, William.

I’ve always been of the opinion that with enough Vaseline it would be quite possible for someone to have a bit of fun fucking a mouse.  What do you think?

By someone I mean someone else, not me (obviously).

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5 hours ago, Decimus said:

This article also states that the ratio of "true paedophiles" is higher amongst homosexuals than their heterosexual counterparts. The throwaway comment at the end is precisely that, and isn't exactly quantified.

The Lantern Project article has its own agenda as you state, but this links back to my original statement that when dealing with statistics, anyone with a counter-argument can cobble together something to validate their point.  Any information published by an organisation with even a hint of bias can be deemed untrustworthy by someone with an opposite viewpoint. Hence why I stated I would have no interest in any article from The Guardian on the subject, as I would have dismissed it in the same offhand way you have this one.

As for the final piece, we're talking about transgender people specifically, as a separate group from men. Of course I'd agree that men are more likely to commit sexual offences against children than women, I don't think either of us need to supply statistics that proves an already well known fact. But the fact remains if treating them as a separate group, a high proportion of those incarcerated have committed sexual offences.

You're right of course, I also have a personal political opinion which colours how I feel about homosexuals or transgender individuals indoctrinating children with their filth (and in my opinion it is filth.) You asked me to provide sources to back up my original assertions and I have done. Obviously you don't agree with them and have interpreted them with your own spin. Which is exactly why I said I couldn't be bothered to get into a protracted back and forth on a subject we are clearly not going to agree on. We've got enough of that already on here, don't you think?

Appreciate the effort involved in replying fully. I suspect we are in agreement more than we differ, and yes I have no appetite for another argument about the nature of evidence. I don’t think your central assertion is proven at all, and would reiterate that if ever science had proven any correlation you’d hear nothing else from the usual groups with a pitchfork to grind. In the end it doesn’t matter too much because you are clear that you are mostly asserting opinion, to which you’re entitled. 

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3 hours ago, King Billy said:

What do you mean… evidence?

When did evidence ever prove or disprove anything? 🤣

The world has moved on a long way since all that nonsense mate. Evidence is whatever the fact checkers tell you is permitted nowadays. 

Bill, I’m with you more than you know. It’s becoming a running theme in many of my interactions both here and IRL, and it’s a harbinger of a new Dark Age. If no one can agree on anything, no one can ever move from their entrenched positions and takes joy in lampooning the other side, and every opinion expressed must first be weighed by who said it, then society has a problem. It’s like Belfast in the 1970’s. No nuance, no subtlety, no surrender.  No wonder you feel so at home. 

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
On 18/08/2022 at 18:59, Eric Cuntman said:

This is further evidence that the people running this country have been deeply infiltrated by paedophiles and the worst kind of deviants. This creature is merely a puppet, an advertising tool, to sell us the idea that sexual perversion involving children is acceptable. The screaming queens and activists are infuriating enough, but it’s who’s behind the curtain pulling the strings we should be looking at. 
 Sickos and paedophiles have always been given ridiculously light sentences. Because the ruling classes sympathise with them. Looks like they’re softening up the sheep to accept legalised child abuse. 

It’s what Bill Gates, Prince Andrew et al have been dreaming of forever. 

It seems Alan Moore knew the future. False flagging, the greater good, lockdowns, TV based psychological warfare.

So where the fuck is our Rorschach?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
On 18/08/2022 at 21:51, Decimus said:

He moved to pastures anew in Great Yarmouth about five or so years back. It will probably come as no surprise to you that after leaving the safe space of the UEA, student enforced Norwich inclusive bubble, he was given an absolute fucking hiding outside of a GY McDonald's. It will probably also not surprise you to learn that this was as a result of him being sinister with kids.

Yarmouth, much like your own county's Southend, has a bad reputation based upon being an absolute fucking shithole. But similar to Southend, it doesn't tolerate nonces, trannies, queers or other socially deviant fucking reprobates. Unlike Drew and Neil's neck of the woods.

@Cunty BigBollox and @Neil what have you two utter fucking spastics got to say for yourselves?

Despite my previous bitching about GY, It was a relief to have not encountered any of these degenerates. I live in Oxford, they're fucking everywhere here.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
33 minutes ago, cunt said:


This is the faggiest shit I have ever seen posted here . . . . . did you click your fingers and wag your head before you sent this? You've hit rock bottom Mandy. 

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1 hour ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

This is the faggiest shit I have ever seen posted here . . . . . did you click your fingers and wag your head before you sent this? You've hit rock bottom Mandy. 

I bet he says "Amazeballs" as well.

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20 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Bill, I’m with you more than you know. It’s becoming a running theme in many of my interactions both here and IRL, and it’s a harbinger of a new Dark Age. If no one can agree on anything, no one can ever move from their entrenched positions and takes joy in lampooning the other side, and every opinion expressed must first be weighed by who said it, then society has a problem. It’s like Belfast in the 1970’s. No nuance, no subtlety, no surrender.  No wonder you feel so at home. 

You know the end of what used to be called ‘civilisation’ is imminent when people in the highest positions of power and influence, tell you with a straight face that gender is nothing more than a social construct, which anyone can change, to anything, at any time, and that unless you agree with them, you are a hateful bigot who’s unfit to take part in the new ‘civilised society’. And the colour of your skin (and even more so your ancestors) defines the level of guilt you need to publicly acknowledge, and self flagellation required, if you wish to be accepted as a decent human being. 
At least in Ulster in the 70s and 80s the battleground was clear and the two sides, however uncompromising in their political positions, knew the difference between a male and a female.

🇬🇧NO SURRENDER 🇬🇧1690🇬🇧

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2 hours ago, King Billy said:

You know the end of what used to be called ‘civilisation’ is imminent when people in the highest positions of power and influence, tell you with a straight face that gender is nothing more than a social construct... and the two sides knew the difference between a male and a female.


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