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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Neither do I. I used to regret not having kids. I thought about it a few times, but talked myself out of it.

Who’s fucking laughing now. Dopey fucking ‘baby on board’ cunts😂. You’ve got to be some sort of fucking sadist to condemn a white baby to life on this planet. 

Spooks? Breed away. Any white cunts that haven’t turned queer will soon be extinct. I hope there’s a heaven, so I can look down and see your faces when the last pure Caucasian woman dies. Enjoy your fucking planet. Make yourselves at home, smash the place up.

I've never really held my jizz in particularly high regard, but these cunts are getting nowhere fucking near it in any form.

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You fucking live nearer to the Puppet man than I do you fucking knob. I've already said my bit on this cunt in the past, I have nothing further to add to this bollocks. We're being taken over and if any of you want to become cucks then carry on, me I'm going to be tsking on any cunt that tries to force feed me this shit. The only possible reason for a bloke to dress up and put make-up on is to get someone to stick a cock up their arse. Deviant cunts one and all 

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Just now, Neil said:

You fucking live nearer to the Puppet man than I do you fucking knob. I've already said my bit on this cunt in the past, I have nothing further to add to this bollocks. We're being taken over and if any of you want to become cucks then carry on, me I'm going to be tsking on any cunt that tries to force feed me this shit. The only possible reason for a bloke to dress up and put make-up on is to get someone to stick a cock up their arse. Deviant cunts one and all 

If it makes you feel any better Ukraine is screeching about the Ruskies planning to stage an escalation involving the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. This could all just be dust in the wind by Monday.

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

If it makes you feel any better Ukraine is screeching about the Ruskies planning to stage an escalation involving the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. This could all just be dust in the wind by Monday.

I fucking hope so

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6 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

If it makes you feel any better Ukraine is screeching about the Ruskies planning to stage an escalation involving the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. This could all just be dust in the wind by Monday.

It’s possible I suppose, but very very unlikely that the Russian army who occupy this nuclear power station would be the ones bombarding themselves with heavy artillery. The Ukraine psyop frontman Zelensky and the constant stream of ‘world leaders’, woke ‘celebrities’ and other miscellaneous weirdos who turn up every day for a photo op, or to make a documentary for Netflix must surely realise that anyone over the age of two can see that it’s all bullshit. I don’t remember seeing any pictures of Winston and Clementine on the cover of Vogue magazine, or Adolf taking an hour off from his day job to singalong with Kraftwerk in the bunker for an MTV film crew. 
The proof that it’s all Clownworld bollocks was for me when I saw a photo (100% genuine 🤣) of an AZOV battalion soldier, looking really menacing and scowling for the camera, with a rainbow ribbon on his chest.😂


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9 minutes ago, The Beast said:

What sort of a cunt would take their children to one of these events? I can’t get my head around it. 

The kind of people who see a child as just another accessory in their lives to show off to their equally shallow, lettuce chewing, eco friendly friends.

It's just another offshoot of those cunt beauty pageant parents - the child exists entirely for the mental gratification and social elevation of the parent - might mean slutting it up to perform for an audience of strangers, it might mean sitting on the lap of a deviant in public and having them indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking and exposing them to concepts that they shouldn't even be contemplating until they're much older.

The end game is entirely the same - the child enjoys a fleeting moment of attention from an otherwise indifferent world of adults whilst being entirely ignorant of the questionable morality of the situation until many years later and the parent gets to bask in the glow of their accomplishment and enjoy the praise from like-minded individuals in the moment.

The long term mental or physical well-being of the child is sadly often seen as a secondary concern to the short term attention engaging in such activities will award the supposed caregiver.

We live in an era of internet fame, where most of the world has a smart phone in their pocket even if they don't have food in their stomach. Where you're not considered a simple customer anymore, but a "consumer", and somewhere, in the minds of certain people, the wires between "child" and "product" have also been crossed as a result.

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6 hours ago, Decimus said:

I'm guessing the answer is probably no. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want my kids anywhere near a degenerate, middle-aged man who is part of a demographic well known for committing more sex crimes per capita than any other sexual orientation.

I don’t really want sexuality of any type thrust into primary education, so I’m pretty much agreeing with your sentiments here. But this sentence confuses me. Can you point me to a source that says non-heterosexuals and gender experimenters commit more sex crimes per capita than heterosexuals and/or traditional males? And while you’re at it, could you look again at the data for “degenerate middle aged-men”, which, in terms of demographic groups, has been the world leader in perpetuating sex crimes since Adam was a girl. 

I realise the Corner readership might be somewhat uncomfortable with that reality. No issue with you criticising the appalling sexualisation of children, but nothing to be gained flinging baseless paedo inferences about. 

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10 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I don’t really want sexuality of any type thrust into primary education, so I’m pretty much agreeing with your sentiments here. But this sentence confuses me. Can you point me to a source that says non-heterosexuals and gender experimenters commit more sex crimes per capita than heterosexuals and/or traditional males? And while you’re at it, could you look again at the data for “degenerate middle aged-men”, which, in terms of demographic groups, has been the world leader in perpetuating sex crimes since Adam was a girl. 

I realise the Corner readership might be somewhat uncomfortable with that reality. No issue with you criticising the appalling sexualisation of children, but nothing to be gained flinging baseless paedo inferences about. 

Academically, this sentence did put me in something of a quandary, but then, for some odd reason I thought to myself ‘with all the shit mankind has to deal with, who gives a fuck, let’s just have these mutants and anyone who promotes their agenda chainsawed and then fed to pigs.’ Obviously, with a bio-degradable chainsaw run on fresh air and with no emissions at all but operated by the said degenerates parents, who then have to eat bacon for the rest of their reprehensible lives. But that’s just me, I’m a bit liberal see.

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3 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Neither do I. I used to regret not having kids. I thought about it a few times, but talked myself out of it.

Who’s fucking laughing now. Dopey fucking ‘baby on board’ cunts😂. You’ve got to be some sort of fucking sadist to condemn a white baby to life on this planet. 

Spooks? Breed away. Any white cunts that haven’t turned queer will soon be extinct. I hope there’s a heaven, so I can look down and see your faces when the last pure Caucasian woman dies. Enjoy your fucking planet. Make yourselves at home, smash the place up.

Erm…if there is, and I mean this in the nicest possible manner, and with all due respect…there’s more chance of Pol Pot and Joe Stalin getting a room there than you have.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

The kind of people who see a child as just another accessory in their lives to show off to their equally shallow, lettuce chewing, eco friendly friends.

It's just another offshoot of those cunt beauty pageant parents - the child exists entirely for the mental gratification and social elevation of the parent - might mean slutting it up to perform for an audience of strangers, it might mean sitting on the lap of a deviant in public and having them indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking and exposing them to concepts that they shouldn't even be contemplating until they're much older.

The end game is entirely the same - the child enjoys a fleeting moment of attention from an otherwise indifferent world of adults whilst being entirely ignorant of the questionable morality of the situation until many years later and the parent gets to bask in the glow of their accomplishment and enjoy the praise from like-minded individuals in the moment.

The long term mental or physical well-being of the child is sadly often seen as a secondary concern to the short term attention engaging in such activities will award the supposed caregiver.

We live in an era of internet fame, where most of the world has a smart phone in their pocket even if they don't have food in their stomach. Where you're not considered a simple customer anymore, but a "consumer", and somewhere, in the minds of certain people, the wires between "child" and "product" have also been crossed as a result.


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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

The kind of people who see a child as just another accessory in their lives to show off to their equally shallow, lettuce chewing, eco friendly friends.

It's just another offshoot of those cunt beauty pageant parents - the child exists entirely for the mental gratification and social elevation of the parent - might mean slutting it up to perform for an audience of strangers, it might mean sitting on the lap of a deviant in public and having them indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking and exposing them to concepts that they shouldn't even be contemplating until they're much older.

The end game is entirely the same - the child enjoys a fleeting moment of attention from an otherwise indifferent world of adults whilst being entirely ignorant of the questionable morality of the situation until many years later and the parent gets to bask in the glow of their accomplishment and enjoy the praise from like-minded individuals in the moment.

The long term mental or physical well-being of the child is sadly often seen as a secondary concern to the short term attention engaging in such activities will award the supposed caregiver.

We live in an era of internet fame, where most of the world has a smart phone in their pocket even if they don't have food in their stomach. Where you're not considered a simple customer anymore, but a "consumer", and somewhere, in the minds of certain people, the wires between "child" and "product" have also been crossed as a result.

I accidentally (true) staggered into the Pride abhorration  in Liverpool a couple of weeks ago. Weird freaky degenerates aside, the most startling and disturbing thing that I saw was normal hetero couples taking their very young children, all rainbowed up, to join in. Not in a ‘mock and spit at the vermin ’ manner, but the ‘embrace,include and applaud’ the mental cripples manner. Therein lies the problem. Normalisation of the abnormal.

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47 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


I realise the Corner readership might be somewhat uncomfortable with that reality. No issue with you criticising the appalling sexualisation of children, but nothing to be gained flinging baseless paedo inferences about. 

You do realise who you're talking to here, right?

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40 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Academically, this sentence did put me in something of a quandary, but then, for some odd reason I thought to myself ‘with all the shit mankind has to deal with, who gives a fuck, let’s just have these mutants and anyone who promotes their agenda chainsawed and then fed to pigs.’ Obviously, with a bio-degradable chainsaw run on fresh air and with no emissions at all but operated by the said degenerates parents, who then have to eat bacon for the rest of their reprehensible lives. But that’s just me, I’m a bit liberal see.

I've got no problem with homosexuals. I take the piss out of them because they're low hanging fruit and often hilarious to piss off, but I accept the reality that two people of the same gender can be attracted and even fall in love and experience a long and happy relationship together.

What I don't agree with is the idea of a primarily sexual concept being presented to underage children simply because their parents consider it trendy.

A child, at the end of the day, is a complete and utter spacker that you should feel compelled to guide through its development to the best of your abilities.

That means education, food, attention and shelter. Not sexuality - let the div figure that shit out on its own. It'll probably figure out that homosexuality exists as an option the moment it meets any other child with two parents of the same gender.


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9 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I don’t really want sexuality of any type thrust into primary education, so I’m pretty much agreeing with your sentiments here. But this sentence confuses me. Can you point me to a source that says non-heterosexuals and gender experimenters commit more sex crimes per capita than heterosexuals and/or traditional males? And while you’re at it, could you look again at the data for “degenerate middle aged-men”, which, in terms of demographic groups, has been the world leader in perpetuating sex crimes since Adam was a girl. 

I realise the Corner readership might be somewhat uncomfortable with that reality. No issue with you criticising the appalling sexualisation of children, but nothing to be gained flinging baseless paedo inferences about. 






This of course is not to mention the appalling abuse that has been perpetrated by homosexual, Catholic paedophile priests. 

Undoubtedly you will be able to find counter arguments and statistics from the likes of Peter Tatchell and The Guardian, the likes of whom are part of the very problem of sexualising children's education and have their own agenda. For avoidance of doubt, I'm not interested in them, as I've got no intention of getting into a tedious debate involving the flinging of numbers and stats at each other for nine pages.

Whether you believe there are inherently sinister motives for these people in general is entirely up to you, I've made it clear what I think. Regardless, though, this is a recruiting drive in plain site, designed to twist children into thinking that cutting one's cock off and putting on a dress is normal.

Bring back Section 28.

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10 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I accidentally (true) staggered into the Pride abhorration  in Liverpool a couple of weeks ago. Weird freaky degenerates aside, the most startling and disturbing thing that I saw was normal hetero couples taking their very young children, all rainbowed up, to join in. Not in a ‘mock and spit at the vermin ’ manner, but the ‘embrace,include and applaud’ the mental cripples manner. Therein lies the problem. Normalisation of the abnormal.

Those poor kids DC, getting dragged (see what I did there) around Liverpool, no doubt having to stare at Hugo's hairy arse in cut out leather trousers, whilst he minces in front of them the whole time... All this whilst their parents applaud and tell the little cunts that this is all fine. It's a fucking disgrace. If that shite had gone on when I was a nipper, there would have been strategic ambushes, and that failing an old ford Capri (full tank) ready to mow down the bastards. 

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