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"Aunty" Titania Trust


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Would you be willing to let your children or grandchildren sit on this absolute fucking weirdo's lap whilst it theatrically lisped a bedtime story into their ears?


I'm guessing the answer is probably no. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want my kids anywhere near a degenerate, middle-aged man who is part of a demographic well known for committing more sex crimes per capita than any other sexual orientation.

Unfortunately, there are parents out there seemingly less concerned about the state of their children's arseholes, because this disgusting piece of subhuman shit runs a successful business that involves him dressing up like Christopher Biggins whilst indoctrinating kids with stories about knob jockeys, rug munchers and various other sexual deviants.

To my shame he is Norfolk based, and one of his story time/brainwashing sessions in North Walsham was thankfully cancelled due to protests from parents. However, yesterday he went ahead with an event in Norwich, which despite protests was allowed to proceed. One screaming bender counter protesting in support of the freak, even had the audacity to tell the Eastern Daily Press that "It's vital that the LGBTQ+ community is not removed from the public eye". I assume he either doesn't own a television or was taking the fucking piss, because his precious community, despite being a minority of mentally ill deviants, are fucking everywhere you look.

We're sleepwalking into an absolutely terrible future for our children, and everyone who remains silent is complicit. 

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This is further evidence that the people running this country have been deeply infiltrated by paedophiles and the worst kind of deviants. This creature is merely a puppet, an advertising tool, to sell us the idea that sexual perversion involving children is acceptable. The screaming queens and activists are infuriating enough, but it’s who’s behind the curtain pulling the strings we should be looking at. 
 Sickos and paedophiles have always been given ridiculously light sentences. Because the ruling classes sympathise with them. Looks like they’re softening up the sheep to accept legalised child abuse. 

It’s what Bill Gates, Prince Andrew et al have been dreaming of forever. 

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36 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Here are just a few of the "Drag Queen Story Hour" book collection

9781250308986.jpg?height=250&v=v2 9780063215146.jpg?height=250&v=v2-935932 GUEST_d398a3e5-8327-43d6-b0fe-c24ac9c1b890?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg GUEST_6e1f0a16-4d69-4496-9ab8-b2d2775c1480?wid=488&hei=488&fmt=pjpeg

But you try telling people you identify as a Nazi and try to read their kids Mein Kampf, and see how far you get.

Do you remember when catwoman claimed that her granddad was a concentration camp guard?

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37 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

Enough of this shit, Where is Bender .. I want to show him a picture of a teddy bear with one eye and an arm and leg missing.

Come now, Pen, I don't want this nomination to turn into a one-sided hatchet job on cocks-in-frocks. As someone eminently qualified to give the other side of the argument, I'd be interested to hear your actual opinion on this as opposed to sifting through more of your usual, absolute fucking drivel.

Do you agree that someone such as yourself should be allowed to read stories to children whilst your mammoth appendage is utilised to turn the pages, or do you agree that you and your kind have got no place on God's green Earth?

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56 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

This is further evidence that the people running this country have been deeply infiltrated by paedophiles and the worst kind of deviants. This creature is merely a puppet, an advertising tool, to sell us the idea that sexual perversion involving children is acceptable. The screaming queens and activists are infuriating enough, but it’s who’s behind the curtain pulling the strings we should be looking at. 
 Sickos and paedophiles have always been given ridiculously light sentences. Because the ruling classes sympathise with them. Looks like they’re softening up the sheep to accept legalised child abuse. 

It’s what Bill Gates, Prince Andrew et al have been dreaming of forever. 

You've only got to ssomehow lenient the judiciary are with nonces who come up before them. There's these cunts being snared left right and centre by decoy groups who are deluged with the most disgusting and perverted messages and images from men who believe they are talking to a 13 or 14 year old. Very rarely they are given custodial sentences rather suspended sentences, yet faced by those who are up for racially motivated hate speech etc, they are all to willing to send them 'down the road'. Makes you wonder what these judges get up to in chambers!

Sir William Blackstone was a cunt 


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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Would you be willing to let your children or grandchildren sit on this absolute fucking weirdo's lap whilst it theatrically lisped a bedtime story into their ears?


I'm guessing the answer is probably no. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want my kids anywhere near a degenerate, middle-aged man who is part of a demographic well known for committing more sex crimes per capita than any other sexual orientation.

Unfortunately, there are parents out there seemingly less concerned about the state of their children's arseholes, because this disgusting piece of subhuman shit runs a successful business that involves him dressing up like Christopher Biggins whilst indoctrinating kids with stories about knob jockeys, rug munchers and various other sexual deviants.

To my shame he is Norfolk based, and one of his story time/brainwashing sessions in North Walsham was thankfully cancelled due to protests from parents. However, yesterday he went ahead with an event in Norwich, which despite protests was allowed to proceed. One screaming bender counter protesting in support of the freak, even had the audacity to tell the Eastern Daily Press that "It's vital that the LGBTQ+ community is not removed from the public eye". I assume he either doesn't own a television or was taking the fucking piss, because his precious community, despite being a minority of mentally ill deviants, are fucking everywhere you look.

We're sleepwalking into an absolutely terrible future for our children, and everyone who remains silent is complicit. 

I’m sure I fingered her, in the mid-80’s.

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Would you be willing to let your children or grandchildren sit on this absolute fucking weirdo's lap whilst it theatrically lisped a bedtime story into their ears?


I'm guessing the answer is probably no. Call me old fashioned, but I don't want my kids anywhere near a degenerate, middle-aged man who is part of a demographic well known for committing more sex crimes per capita than any other sexual orientation.

Unfortunately, there are parents out there seemingly less concerned about the state of their children's arseholes, because this disgusting piece of subhuman shit runs a successful business that involves him dressing up like Christopher Biggins whilst indoctrinating kids with stories about knob jockeys, rug munchers and various other sexual deviants.

To my shame he is Norfolk based, and one of his story time/brainwashing sessions in North Walsham was thankfully cancelled due to protests from parents. However, yesterday he went ahead with an event in Norwich, which despite protests was allowed to proceed. One screaming bender counter protesting in support of the freak, even had the audacity to tell the Eastern Daily Press that "It's vital that the LGBTQ+ community is not removed from the public eye". I assume he either doesn't own a television or was taking the fucking piss, because his precious community, despite being a minority of mentally ill deviants, are fucking everywhere you look.

We're sleepwalking into an absolutely terrible future for our children, and everyone who remains silent is complicit. 

Type in ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ on YouTube Decs and the agenda is even clearer to see. These deviants have been touring the country during the school holidays, spreading their filth at public libraries to audiences of 5 year olds and upwards. There are protestors outside every one of these grooming events and counter protests by hundreds of assorted freaks, defending the child abusers inside. The police  are in most cases, of course on site to make sure no hate crimes or transphobia etc occur, instead of dragging the perverted cunts inside to the nearest nick and giving them a fucking good old fashioned kicking. The MSM as usual appear not to have noticed any of this happening. I’m sure they will be on top of it soon, as apparently someone turned up yesterday in Bolton to protest, carrying a sword, and the police finally had someone to arrest. 
This identity politics (racial, sexual, gender, class, etc. etc.) cancer is spreading so fast in the Western world that I think it’s probably terminal already.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

You've obviously heard about my unsuccessful "Holohoax Hour" at the local Montessori nursery.

‘The Josef Mengele gender dysphoria clinic’ 

“Ah Frau Scmidt.  So klein Helmut has been identifying as a caterpillar Ya?  You haf come to ze right place.”

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Type in ‘Drag Queen Story Hour’ on YouTube Decs and the agenda is even clearer to see. These deviants have been touring the country during the school holidays, spreading their filth at public libraries to audiences of 5 year olds and upwards. There are protestors outside every one of these grooming events and counter protests by hundreds of assorted freaks, defending the child abusers inside. The police  are in most cases, of course on site to make sure no hate crimes or transphobia etc occur, instead of dragging the perverted cunts inside to the nearest nick and giving them a fucking good old fashioned kicking. The MSM as usual appear not to have noticed any of this happening. I’m sure they will be on top of it soon, as apparently someone turned up yesterday in Bolton to protest, carrying a sword, and the police finally had someone to arrest. 
This identity politics (racial, sexual, gender, class, etc. etc.) cancer is spreading so fast in the Western world that I think it’s probably terminal already.

Indeed. All the coverage I've seen from major news outlets has crowed about how Norwich is inclusive and that the protestors were outnumbered by the counter protesting deviants.

Not true. Whilst I wasn't there, I know people who were, and aside from a hardcore group of militant, left-wing UEA students (the majority of which are NOT Norwich locals) the vast majority of attendees were protesting against this shit.

To top it off, reports have been made to try and demonise the majority of right thinking, normal people who protested by suggesting that most of them were members of The Patriotic Alternative. Also not true, most of the protesters were normal parents with middle of the spectrum political views.

You couldn't make it up, although the MSM clearly has 

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5 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. All the coverage I've seen from major news outlets has crowed about how Norwich is inclusive and that the protestors were outnumbered by the counter protesting deviants.

Not true. Whilst I wasn't there, I know people who were, and aside from a hardcore group of militant, left-wing UEA students (the majority of which are NOT Norwich locals) the vast majority of attendees were protesting against this shit.

To top it off, reports have been made to try and demonise the majority of right thinking, normal people who protested by suggesting that most of them were members of The Patriotic Alternative. Also not true, most of the protesters were normal parents with middle of the spectrum political views.

You couldn't make it up, although the MSM clearly has 

I blame Pen and his huge cock for this.

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19 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Indeed. All the coverage I've seen from major news outlets has crowed about how Norwich is inclusive and that the protestors were outnumbered by the counter protesting deviants.

Not true. Whilst I wasn't there, I know people who were, and aside from a hardcore group of militant, left-wing UEA students (the majority of which are NOT Norwich locals) the vast majority of attendees were protesting against this shit.

To top it off, reports have been made to try and demonise the majority of right thinking, normal people who protested by suggesting that most of them were members of The Patriotic Alternative. Also not true, most of the protesters were normal parents with middle of the spectrum political views.

You couldn't make it up, although the MSM clearly has 

Is that puppet cunt still in Norwich? I swear I saw him in Clacton town centre 2 days ago. I forgot to ask you. If it wasn’t him, he’s a twin.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Come now, Pen, I don't want this nomination to turn into a one-sided hatchet job on cocks-in-frocks. As someone eminently qualified to give the other side of the argument, I'd be interested to hear your actual opinion on this as opposed to sifting through more of your usual, absolute fucking drivel.

Do you agree that someone such as yourself should be allowed to read stories to children whilst your mammoth appendage is utilised to turn the pages, or do you agree that you and your kind have got no place on God's green Earth?

In a twist on successful children's series The Gruffalo, Pen has authored a new nighttime kiddie's page-turner based on her own life experiences, entitled 'The Buffalo'.

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11 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I don't really like this planet that much anymore...

Neither do I. I used to regret not having kids. I thought about it a few times, but talked myself out of it.

Who’s fucking laughing now. Dopey fucking ‘baby on board’ cunts😂. You’ve got to be some sort of fucking sadist to condemn a white baby to life on this planet. 

Spooks? Breed away. Any white cunts that haven’t turned queer will soon be extinct. I hope there’s a heaven, so I can look down and see your faces when the last pure Caucasian woman dies. Enjoy your fucking planet. Make yourselves at home, smash the place up.

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10 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Is that puppet cunt still in Norwich? I swear I saw him in Clacton town centre 2 days ago. I forgot to ask you. If it wasn’t him, he’s a twin.

He moved to pastures anew in Great Yarmouth about five or so years back. It will probably come as no surprise to you that after leaving the safe space of the UEA, student enforced Norwich inclusive bubble, he was given an absolute fucking hiding outside of a GY McDonald's. It will probably also not surprise you to learn that this was as a result of him being sinister with kids.

Yarmouth, much like your own county's Southend, has a bad reputation based upon being an absolute fucking shithole. But similar to Southend, it doesn't tolerate nonces, trannies, queers or other socially deviant fucking reprobates. Unlike Drew and Neil's neck of the woods.

@Cunty BigBollox and @Neil what have you two utter fucking spastics got to say for yourselves?

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