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Joke Biden and his 81 million votes.

Jake The Muss

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1 minute ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Even he had the good taste not to die in that floating sweltering cowpat.

Never rated the place. Went over for a couple of months in early 80s because my cousin was raving about it. He lived in some  humid as fuck town near Darwin.  I think Morrisey had it mind when he wrote 'Everyday is like Sunday'. 

With any luck the slopes will invade it. 

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14 hours ago, southerncunt said:

And anywhere between 11 and 25 % of yanks can’t find their own country on a map, either. Bright lot.

I wouldn’t be too worried about the conspiracy theories you two peanuts get yourselves into a lather about, I’d be far more worried about what would happen to the rest of the world in a Trump ruled America when the chinks kick off properly, like they are bound to one day soon. He is isolationist. He’d fuck us over for a start. Never mind our long standing alliance. 
Biden is a cunt, Pelosi needs to get the fuck out of politics. It’s all a shit show, and the chinks will rule us all.

Spoken like a true idiot (crowd reels back in amazement).Your brilliant insight into geopolitics, and the 64 gazillion dollar question you’ve posed…’What would happen to the rest of the world in a Trump ruled America, when the Chinks kick off properly, like they are bound to one day soon?’ proves that you’re an idiot for all to see (excluding other idiots).
The USA didn’t just wake up one day, way back in the last century, look in the mirror and see that they had mysteriously become the top military and economic superpower on the planet. The strength of the USA was built on the ‘American dream’ ie the possibility for every citizen to work hard, raise a family, and achieve the sort of future which none of them could even dream of anywhere else on Earth. Patriotism and loyalty to the country used to be the small price that had to be paid for these opportunities, nothing more nothing less. The rights and freedoms of US citizens are all meticulously laid out in the US Constitution and the amendments to that in Bill of Rights 1791.
Despite President Trump being regarded by many (including yourself obviously) as some sort of deranged lunatic, the facts prove otherwise during his Presidency…Zero new wars started 🤔, US energy self sufficiency (net exporter when Cabbage brain Joe took over). When the gooks let the Covid bioweapon loose in early 2021 the unemployment rate was 3.5% (lowest in 50 years), and even more bizarrely(for the worlds no1 racist and white supremacist) the rates for every non white demographic were significantly higher than that average figure. Decreased taxes on the middle class (blue and white collar) workers, cut the Obama era business tax rate from 35% down ti 21% etc.etc.etc. I could go on but I’m sure you see the picture. He stood up to China after 30 years of Bush, Clinton, GW Bush and Obama throwing the US manufacturing industry under the bus to the CCP on the altar of globalism. 
But I guess you’re right. A leader who puts the well-being and prosperity of the citizens of his own country, and tries to deliver on the promises he’s made (while simultaneously being attacked by the FakeNews media and endless attempts to falsely criminalise him and his family by the corrupt deep state in DC) would absolutely be the worst person to Preside over the USA   at this glorious peak in their history.

Fuck off.

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45 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Spoken like a true idiot (crowd reels back in amazement).Your brilliant insight into geopolitics, and the 64 gazillion dollar question you’ve posed…’What would happen to the rest of the world in a Trump ruled America, when the Chinks kick off properly, like they are bound to one day soon?’ proves that you’re an idiot for all to see (excluding other idiots).
The USA didn’t just wake up one day, way back in the last century, look in the mirror and see that they had mysteriously become the top military and economic superpower on the planet. The strength of the USA was built on the ‘American dream’ ie the possibility for every citizen to work hard, raise a family, and achieve the sort of future which none of them could even dream of anywhere else on Earth. Patriotism and loyalty to the country used to be the small price that had to be paid for these opportunities, nothing more nothing less. The rights and freedoms of US citizens are all meticulously laid out in the US Constitution and the amendments to that in Bill of Rights 1791.
Despite President Trump being regarded by many (including yourself obviously) as some sort of deranged lunatic, the facts prove otherwise during his Presidency…Zero new wars started 🤔, US energy self sufficiency (net exporter when Cabbage brain Joe took over). When the gooks let the Covid bioweapon loose in early 2021 the unemployment rate was 3.5% (lowest in 50 years), and even more bizarrely(for the worlds no1 racist and white supremacist) the rates for every non white demographic were significantly higher than that average figure. Decreased taxes on the middle class (blue and white collar) workers, cut the Obama era business tax rate from 35% down ti 21% etc.etc.etc. I could go on but I’m sure you see the picture. He stood up to China after 30 years of Bush, Clinton, GW Bush and Obama throwing the US manufacturing industry under the bus to the CCP on the altar of globalism. 
But I guess you’re right. A leader who puts the well-being and prosperity of the citizens of his own country, and tries to deliver on the promises he’s made (while simultaneously being attacked by the FakeNews media and endless attempts to falsely criminalise him and his family by the corrupt deep state in DC) would absolutely be the worst person to Preside over the USA   at this glorious peak in their history.

Fuck off.

Fucking jumping shit balls Bill, how is the southern dunce going to reply to that...don't forget Trump made peace with the Northern chinky man in Korea, i remember people saying he was going to start WW3 with him...and made other peace deals before being robbed of office. Most saps don't like Trumpy because of the way he goes about his business as a politician (which he isn't) and thus get blinded by the globalist agenda which they are being fucked up the arse with (without any lube). 

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Just now, Jake The Muss said:

@Decimusstill waiting for your explanation on this matter, in your own time my valid friend.

I'm not sure why you would want or require it, Bend, as you allegedly don't have a dog in the fight. That's despite your original mammoth rant followed up by this MAGA wet dream a number of hours later:

5 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Fucking jumping shit balls Bill, how is the southern dunce going to reply to that...don't forget Trump made peace with the Northern chinky man in Korea, i remember people saying he was going to start WW3 with him...and made other peace deals before being robbed of office. Most saps don't like Trumpy because of the way he goes about his business as a politician (which he isn't) and thus get blinded by the globalist agenda which they are being fucked up the arse with (without any lube). 

For someone who claims to be non-partisan, it's pretty clear what mast your colours are nailed to.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

I'm not sure why you would want or require it, Bend, as you allegedly don't have a dog in the fight. That's despite your original mammoth rant followed up by this MAGA wet dream a number of hours later:

For someone who claims to be non-partisan, it's pretty clear what mast your colours are nailed to.

I am non-partisan as you say, i'm just stating the facts ducks, you understand of course.

Anyone who doesn't start wars, gets a Muss thumbs up regardless of their mannerism. Now if you want to give your support to a senile old criminal pervert, that's your delusion.

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Just now, Jake The Muss said:

I am non-partisan as you say, i'm just stating the facts ducks, you understand of course.

Anyone who doesn't start wars, gets a Muss thumbs up regardless of their mannerism. Now if you want to give your support to a senile old criminal pervert, that's your delusion.

It's hardly non-partisan when you have ignored plenty of "facts" in relation to the Orangeman's tenure that don't paint him in a favourable light. It's also hardly non-partisan when you call Biden a senile old criminal pervert.

For the avoidance of any doubt, as a classic liberal I really don't care what your political opinions are or who you endorse. That's entirely up to you. From a personal point of view I think that both of them are polarising pieces of fucking shit. But don't have the audacity to make out you're on the fence when you're clearly anything but.

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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

It's hardly non-partisan when you have ignored plenty of "facts" in relation to the Orangeman's tenure that don't paint him in a favourable light. It's also hardly non-partisan when you call Biden a senile old criminal pervert.

For the avoidance of any doubt, as a classic liberal I really don't care what your political opinions are or who you endorse. That's entirely up to you. From a personal point of view I think that both of them are polarising pieces of fucking shit. But don't have the audacity to make out you're on the fence when you're clearly anything but.

Way pass your bedtime 😴

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1 minute ago, ProfB said:

Way pass your bedtime 😴

Keep your Ginster crusted, bus seat sniffing snout out of it.

Bend may be thicker than a congealed bowl of Bird's custard, but he can at least string a sentence together. We don't need you interjecting in-between truck stop strangle-jobs.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

It's hardly non-partisan when you have ignored plenty of "facts" in relation to the Orangeman's tenure that don't paint him in a favourable light. It's also hardly non-partisan when you call Biden a senile old criminal pervert.

For the avoidance of any doubt, as a classic liberal I really don't care what your political opinions are or who you endorse. That's entirely up to you. From a personal point of view I think that both of them are polarising pieces of fucking shit. But don't have the audacity to make out you're on the fence when you're clearly anything but.

I'm not making out Ducks, i really don't give a fried fuck about what wing of the same bird is flying...it's all the same bullshit to me. If i had to pick out the two then yes i would go with Trump...but that doesn't mean what you think it does. That only means, he is the better option as proven. 

Glad we have had this chat.

Valid friend.

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Keep your Ginster crusted, bus seat sniffing snout out of it.

Bend may be thicker than a congealed bowl of Bird's custard, but he can at least string a sentence together. We don't need you interjecting in-between truck stop strangle-jobs.


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10 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

I'm not making out Ducks, i really don't give a fried fuck about what wing of the same bird is flying...it's all the same bullshit to me. If i had to pick out the two then yes i would go with Trump...but that doesn't mean what you think it does. That only means, he is the better option as proven. 

Glad we have had this chat.

Valid friend.

Got my own Audi, so no bus seat sniffing


11 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Keep your Ginster crusted, bus seat sniffing snout out of it.

Bend may be thicker than a congealed bowl of Bird's custard, but he can at least string a sentence together. We don't need you interjecting in-between truck stop strangle-jobs.

AUDI -fanny fart face

Even your bum is recycled

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12 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Keep your Ginster crusted, bus seat sniffing snout out of it.

Bend may be thicker than a congealed bowl of Bird's custard, but he can at least string a sentence together. We don't need you interjecting in-between truck stop strangle-jobs.

Fuck off Grandad -with your lost property ball bag.

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52 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Fucking jumping shit balls Bill, how is the southern dunce going to reply to that...don't forget Trump made peace with the Northern chinky man in Korea, i remember people saying he was going to start WW3 with him...and made other peace deals before being robbed of office. Most saps don't like Trumpy because of the way he goes about his business as a politician (which he isn't) and thus get blinded by the globalist agenda which they are being fucked up the arse with (without any lube). 

I could have gone on listing his achievements for hours. I expect the usual ‘redneck supporters’, ‘he should be in jail’ etc. rhetoric but if it’s not clear to anyone with a brain that the establishment are now so scared that he’ll run in 2024 that they are resorting to unprecedented use of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to take him off the ballot paper, then they are just refusing to acknowledge what their eyes and ears are telling them. 

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10 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I could have gone on listing his achievements for hours. I expect the usual ‘redneck supporters’, ‘he should be in jail’ etc. rhetoric but if it’s not clear to anyone with a brain that the establishment are now so scared that he’ll run in 2024 that they are resorting to unprecedented use of the corrupt FBI and DOJ to take him off the ballot paper, then they are just refusing to acknowledge what their eyes and ears are telling them. 

Read the post again you fuckwit. At no stage did I endorse Biden. My contention is that if trump were in power, in a South Pacific conflict, Australia as one on the US longest and most loyal allies would be left to fend for itself. The rest of you devoted your diatribe to was mostly domestic, most of which I have no problem with.

If you like it so much, go and live there. 

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4 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

Read the post again you fuckwit. At no stage did I endorse Biden. My contention is that if trump were in power, in a South Pacific conflict, Australia as one on the US longest and most loyal allies would be left to fend for itself. The rest of you devoted your diatribe to was mostly domestic, most of which I have no problem with.

If you like it so much, go and live there. 

If he applied for an Irish passport, as he’s entitled to, he’d have a much better chance of getting in to Murica. Something tells me he wouldn’t. 

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37 minutes ago, southerncunt said:

Read the post again you fuckwit. At no stage did I endorse Biden. My contention is that if trump were in power, in a South Pacific conflict, Australia as one on the US longest and most loyal allies would be left to fend for itself. The rest of you devoted your diatribe to was mostly domestic, most of which I have no problem with.

If you like it so much, go and live there. 

I have long been of the opinion that the USA acts totally out of what it perceives as its own best interests and that when for example when the actual time comes where there is a critical shortage of oil or any other important source of energy it will a case of fuck everyone else regardless of whether they were friend or foe.

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