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Elizabeth Holmes

Jake The Muss

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Not sure how many of you saps have heard of this pile of shit but here goes...

She was a biotechnology entrepreneur who was the CEO of Theranos, Theranos was a health technology company that claimed it could revolutionize blood testing with just a fingerprick of blood, this deceiving fucking cunt got about a billion of dollars in funding from the likes of Mr.Useless eater Henry Kissinger and even vice president of that time Joe Biden was on board with it, Biden called it the laboratory of the future.

Problem was this wide-eyed marsupial looking cunt was faking it and the fucking machines never worked, they even diluted the small blood samples which rendered them useless. Many people could of ended up on treatments for something they never had in the cunting first place.


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8 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Not sure how many of you saps have heard of this pile of shit but here goes...

She was a biotechnology entrepreneur who was the CEO of Theranos, Theranos was a health technology company that claimed it could revolutionize blood testing with just a fingerprick of blood, this deceiving fucking cunt got about a billion of dollars in funding from the likes of Mr.Useless eater Henry Kissinger and even vice president of that time Joe Biden was on board with it, Biden called it the laboratory of the future.

Problem was this wide-eyed marsupial looking cunt was faking it and the fucking machines never worked, they even diluted the small blood samples which rendered them useless. Many people could of ended up on treatments for something they never had in the cunting first place.


Six years previously...

On 02/06/2016 at 11:29, Mrs Roops said:

There was a time when The City's bowler hat brigade were the hand-maidens to industry and innovation, now the city, with too much cash sloshing around and egos to massage, call the shots usually through the leverage of other peoples' money. With this in mind take a pretty and visionary young scientist who dressed in Steve Jobs type garb, announces the development of a revolutionary new blood analysis technology which, had the money men bothered to check with the bio-science press for peer-reviewed assessment instead of creaming over Forbes International et all, may now not be nursing a $4.5 billion hit. Do the research boys - due diligence and all that.....

Keep up!

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20 hours ago, Jake The Muss said:

Not sure how many of you saps have heard of this pile of shit but here goes...

She was a biotechnology entrepreneur who was the CEO of Theranos, Theranos was a health technology company that claimed it could revolutionize blood testing with just a fingerprick of blood, this deceiving fucking cunt got about a billion of dollars in funding from the likes of Mr.Useless eater Henry Kissinger and even vice president of that time Joe Biden was on board with it, Biden called it the laboratory of the future.

Problem was this wide-eyed marsupial looking cunt was faking it and the fucking machines never worked, they even diluted the small blood samples which rendered them useless. Many people could of ended up on treatments for something they never had in the cunting first place.


I’m sure there’s a seat on the board of Pfizer, Moderna or Astra Zeneca for her after this minor career hiccup, as soon as the embarrassed politicians instruct the Fakestream media to bury the story. With a track record of promoting fake science, pathological lying, fleecing vast sums of money from the government and having absolutely no regard for the safety of her intended customers, it’s a wonder she’s not running the entire vaccine industry already. She’s got all the skills required for the job.

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On 06/08/2022 at 00:12, Jake The Muss said:

Problem was this wide-eyed marsupial looking cunt was faking it and the fucking machines never worked, they even diluted the small blood samples which rendered them useless. Many people could of ended up on treatments for something they never had in the cunting first place.


This cunt springs to mind


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