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Proof that we're under attack


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Well we've certainly already done it in football, can't watch on any channel including the Arab ones without some screeching split arse caterwalling soundbites by the shit load. Apparently the poster is 'art', art that was government funded to the tune of 3 million fucking quid.

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29 minutes ago, Neil said:



Well we've certainly already done it in football, can't watch on any channel including the Arab ones without some screeching split arse caterwalling soundbites by the shit load. Apparently the poster is 'art', art that was government funded to the tune of 3 million fucking quid.

Chimp with a paintbox. The world is full of genuinely talented artists, and racist fucking imbeciles like this bitch are catapulted to millionairedom by virtue of the fact that they grunt, suck their teeth and need a diagram to lace up their Air-Max®. Obnoxious fucking simian pig.

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On 30/07/2022 at 18:50, Cuntybaws said:

Two can play at that game - here's a poster I knocked up in approximately 23 seconds.


Having them learning to swim will just encourage them to make the trip and should be avoided at all costs. :angry:

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2 hours ago, cunt said:

Having them learning to swim will just encourage them to make the trip and should be avoided at all costs. :angry:

I'll wager you've been caught with your trunks at your ankles, quite literally, on numerous dog-friendly beaches while 'pretending' to swim in the sea.

You filthy, vapid fucking cunt. Never come back. You're not welcome.

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On 01/08/2022 at 16:18, Wolfie said:

I'll wager you've been caught with your trunks at your ankles, quite literally, on numerous dog-friendly beaches while 'pretending' to swim in the sea.

You filthy, vapid fucking cunt. Never come back. You're not welcome.

"Do you lurk in Sand Dunes with canine shit?"

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On 01/08/2022 at 16:18, Wolfie said:

I'll wager you've been caught with your trunks at your ankles, quite literally, on numerous dog-friendly beaches while 'pretending' to swim in the sea.

You filthy, vapid fucking cunt. Never come back. You're not welcome.

Hi there, Poodle poker, I'm back! 

How's the Alpaca farming going?  🦙

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2 hours ago, Stubby Pecker said:

"Do you lurk in Sand Dunes with canine shit?"

I can imagine R-soles now, bespoke mobile phone holster-turned quick release poo bag dispenser around his waist, donning military camo gear to blend into his surroundings, waiting until dog owners turn their backs for five seconds. As much as I despise the thick cunt, he does deserve some credit for sniffing out an opportunity.

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I can imagine R-soles now, bespoke mobile phone holster-turned quick release poo bag dispenser around his waist, donning military camo gear to blend into his surroundings, waiting until dog owners turn their backs for five seconds. As much as I despise the thick cunt, he does deserve some credit for sniffing out an opportunity.

Thankfully I cannot imagine you .. you are unimaginable.

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Straight white men have been under attack for a while from the radical lunatics and more recently women have been under attack by the trans agenda nightmare. Whatever the agenda calls for really, The artist in question Nadina believes no one will be free until Palestine is free, i may suggest to her that all the time the banking cartels are calling the shots, no one will be free from their debt controlled slavery system. This is just another divide and rule tactic.

As the author of the article suggests...what if it were the other way round ? For straight black men to pass their power...imagine the uproar, would probably make for debate in all the MSM outlets and parliament. All of us are equal including gay/straight/black/white/male/female and so on..except transgenders as they are no longer natural beings in my opinion. So they can fuck right off.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

In contrast, I can imagine you very well Pen - all 6"4 of you, with shovel-size Richard Keys hands doing up your light blue tunic as you prepare to do your signature impression of Bernard Bresslaw from Carry On Nurse. 

I got Bresslaw's autograph at White Hart Lane (he was a spurs fan) when I was a kid. He was a fucking giant. Lovely man though. *

*Gyppo's Hundred pieces of useless information number 29

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1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

Straight white men have been under attack for a while from the radical lunatics and more recently women have been under attack by the trans agenda nightmare. Whatever the agenda calls for really, The artist in question Nadina believes no one will be free until Palestine is free, i may suggest to her that all the time the banking cartels are calling the shots, no one will be free from their debt controlled slavery system. This is just another divide and rule tactic.

As the author of the article suggests...what if it were the other way round ? For straight black men to pass their power...imagine the uproar, would probably make for debate in all the MSM outlets and parliament. All of us are equal including gay/straight/black/white/male/female and so on..except transgenders as they are no longer natural beings in my opinion. So they can fuck right off.

I'm of the opinion the ongoing acceleration of the LGBTQXYZ demographic is mother nature's way of fighting back against the human species reproducing. Heterosexual people breed; those falling into the above category generally cannot, which is why most adpot if they want kids. I've said on numerous occasions I don't have a problem with gay people, and while I like to live and let live, I draw the line at those having their bits cut off, altered, or changed for purposes of reproduction. It's a disgrace this type of surgery is offered at the expense of taxpayers on the NHS. Some interpret this as a psychological malaise; I however do not.

I turned on manipulative bullshit scum station BBC R4 not long ago... and the first thing I heard was some handpicked professor advocating sex changes and transgenderism – and discussing this with a selection of 'radical lunatics' as you mention above. I undisputedly believe human-made CO2 emmissions are direcly linked to climate change, and it doesn't surprise me mother nature has a few cruel little tricks up her sleeve, which she is beginning to deliver through gender-benderism. Sadly, I think this is just the beginning.

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That cunt Jeremy Vine had some tart on today that made him wear a hood that replicates the menopause, apparently it was made to show men how it feels and the Cuck cunt wore it, he should have told his producers to get fucked but like most Beeb employees they do as they're fucking told. Perhaps women should have to sample working for 50 fucking years to kerep their family safe and earm under a paid for roof.

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

I'm of the opinion the ongoing acceleration of the LGBTQXYZ demographic is mother nature's way of fighting back against the human species reproducing. Heterosexual people breed; those falling into the above category generally cannot, which is why most adpot if they want kids. I've said on numerous occasions I don't have a problem with gay people, and while I like to live and let live, I draw the line at those having their bits cut off, altered, or changed for purposes of reproduction. It's a disgrace this type of surgery is offered at the expense of taxpayers on the NHS. Some interpret this as a psychological malaise; I however do not.

I turned on manipulative bullshit scum station BBC R4 not long ago... and the first thing I heard was some handpicked professor advocating sex changes and transgenderism – and discussing this with a selection of 'radical lunatics' as you mention above. I undisputedly believe human-made CO2 emmissions are direcly linked to climate change, and it doesn't surprise me mother nature has a few cruel little tricks up her sleeve, which she is beginning to deliver through gender-benderism. Sadly, I think this is just the beginning.

I believe climate change and man made pollution are separate issues Wolf...the climate will change no matter what we do on this plane (has done for as long as the earth has been around), pollution is something that i have been saying for a while is a serious problem, if you live where i live, you can notice it by the way your breathing is more heavy than some days and i'm going back a few years....but what do i know, i'm sure Mrs.Google (Roops) will be along soon to educate me on such matters.

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1 minute ago, Jake The Muss said:

I believe climate change and man made pollution are separate issues Wolf...the climate will change no matter what we do on this plane (has done for as long as the earth has been around), pollution is something that i have been saying for a while is a serious problem, if you live where i live, you can notice it by the way your breathing is more heavy than some days and i'm going back a few years....but what do i know, i'm sure Mrs.Google (Roops) will be along soon to educate me on such matters.

I’ve been leaving all the taps running 24/7 in my house for years and this so called water shortage still hasn’t shown up in our street. They can ban hosepipes tomorrow for all I care, but they’ll be sorry if their house goes on fire.

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1 hour ago, Neil said:

That cunt Jeremy Vine had some tart on today that made him wear a hood that replicates the menopause, apparently it was made to show men how it feels and the Cuck cunt wore it, he should have told his producers to get fucked but like most Beeb employees they do as they're fucking told. Perhaps women should have to sample working for 50 fucking years to kerep their family safe and earm under a paid for roof.

There’s a rumour going around that he’s an absolute fucking insufferable wanker. 

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