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Cannibalism Anyone ?

Jake The Muss

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32 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

NY Times articles in recent years suggest they have been taken over by cum guzzling sycophantic artsy scum who'd love it if we were all taking bites out of one another's limbs.

The NYT and the Washington Post have done more to destroy the publics trust in MSM than probably any other publications worldwide. For literally hundreds of years American people trusted what they read in them and so did the rest of the world mostly, because they reported factual news and their reputation was built on that, although heading down the leftie lane on the freeway.

And then along came Donald J Trump and they flushed their illustrious histories down the bog and reinvented themselves as two of the most dishonest and untrustworthy rags on the planet, with the sole mission of destroying Trump at any cost, and regarding the damage they would to to the country as a price worth paying to achieve their end.

Both of these comics employ so called journalists who’ve won Pulitzer Prizes for their part in the ‘Russian collusion hoax’ which Crooked Hillary and her FBI cronies cooked up to destroy Trump and unseat the legitimate President. None of them have been held accountable as yet. No Pulitzers have been handed back with their heads hung in shame.

Pure fucking scum.

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1 hour ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

NY Times articles in recent years suggest they have been taken over by cum guzzling sycophantic artsy scum who'd love it if we were all taking bites out of one another's limbs.

Soylent Green was set in 2022, looks like the schedule is going well.


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58 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'm rationing it out to you, in case you get overexcited and start kidnapping nuns again.

Given up on nuns, i'm going around booster bashing on behalf of a undisclosed group of billionaires.

It's good work and the pay is off the scale...but would be interesting if i come across some nuns who have had boosters, probably bash em with my cock first before bashing em with a hammer (claw of course).

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42 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The NYT and the Washington Post have done more to destroy the publics trust in MSM than probably any other publications worldwide. For literally hundreds of years American people trusted what they read in them and so did the rest of the world mostly, because they reported factual news and their reputation was built on that, although heading down the leftie lane on the freeway.

And then along came Donald J Trump and they flushed their illustrious histories down the bog and reinvented themselves as two of the most dishonest and untrustworthy rags on the planet, with the sole mission of destroying Trump at any cost, and regarding the damage they would to to the country as a price worth paying to achieve their end.

Both of these comics employ so called journalists who’ve won Pulitzer Prizes for their part in the ‘Russian collusion hoax’ which Crooked Hillary and her FBI cronies cooked up to destroy Trump and unseat the legitimate President. None of them have been held accountable as yet. No Pulitzers have been handed back with their heads hung in shame.

Pure fucking scum.

There was a project veritas video recently with CNN 's Charlie arrogant looking cunt Chester caught on camera admitting what they did to Trumpet. Arrogant fucking cunts.

There's another video of this wanker saying how they used propaganda with the covid fable and their next big one will be the climate fable, said they can use that one for a long time...but still the thicko's fall for it and bend over and ask for extra lube.



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43 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

I watched it last week after it was mentioned on a Rebel News video. Uncanny how Hollywood gazes into the future and shows it to the public, and 99.9% of them don’t even notice when fiction becomes reality and the shit hits the fan 50 years later.

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33 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

There was a project veritas video recently with CNN 's Charlie arrogant looking cunt Chester caught on camera admitting what they did to Trumpet. Arrogant fucking cunts.

There's another video of this wanker saying how they used propaganda with the covid fable and their next big one will be the climate fable, said they can use that one for a long time...but still the thicko's fall for it and bend over and ask for extra lube.



I follow Project Veritas’s work closely. But I’ve stopped looking at anything they put out because last week Roops informed me that they were a ‘right wing propaganda organisation’ or words to that effect which she’d obviously meticulously unearthed from one of her fact-checking websites. That’s more than good enough for me, what with all the mis and disinformation that’s going around, stopping silly people from hearing the real truth that the MSM insist on sharing with us to keep us all safe and happy bunnies.

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

I follow Project Veritas’s work closely. But I’ve stopped looking at anything they put out because last week Roops informed me that they were a ‘right wing propaganda organisation’ or words to that effect which she’d obviously meticulously unearthed from one of her fact-checking websites. That’s more than good enough for me, what with all the mis and disinformation that’s going around, stopping silly people from hearing the real truth that the MSM insist on sharing with us to keep us all safe and happy bunnies.

When will the Roops cretin notice that right/left wing politics are just two wings of the same corrupt bastard bird..the oldest trick in the book pulled by the puppet banking masters and the dullards love it and think they have free elections and they are free. Delusions of grandeur is what the Roops dunce is suffering from...PV do some real investigating no matter what they are classed of by idiot know it all/know fuck all clowns like thick stick stay in the box Roops.

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19 minutes ago, King Billy said:

I watched it last week after it was mentioned on a Rebel News video. Uncanny how Hollywood gazes into the future and shows it to the public, and 99.9% of them don’t even notice when fiction becomes reality and the shit hits the fan 50 years later.

Children of men & Elysium are two interesting films, Children of men is set in 2027, so not that far away...both good films.

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25 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

When will the Roops cretin notice that right/left wing politics are just two wings of the same corrupt bastard bird..the oldest trick in the book pulled by the puppet banking masters and the dullards love it and think they have free elections and they are free. Delusions of grandeur is what the Roops dunce is suffering from...PV do some real investigating no matter what they are classed of by idiot know it all/know fuck all clowns like thick stick stay in the box Roops.

It’s her husband that I feel sorry for. At least we can just log out. Poor unfortunate man.

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1 hour ago, Jake The Muss said:

Given up on nuns, i'm going around booster bashing on behalf of a undisclosed group of billionaires.

It's good work and the pay is off the scale...but would be interesting if i come across some nuns who have had boosters, probably bash em with my cock first before bashing em with a hammer (claw of course).

The University of Illinois have published a study of more than 35,000 women who have been jabbed with the Pfizer or Moderna poison. The study was funded by the US National Institute of Health. 40.2% of the women reported changes to their menstrual cycle post vaccine. Probably nothing. I’ll wait for Roops to confirm that as usual. Thank fuck we have her to put us right every time.

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18 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The University of Illinois have published a study of more than 35,000 women who have been jabbed with the Pfizer or Moderna poison. The study was funded by the US National Institute of Health. 40.2% of the women reported changes to their menstrual cycle post vaccine. Probably nothing. I’ll wait for Roops to confirm that as usual. Thank fuck we have her to put us right every time.

Yeah i read about that...but as you say, nothing to see but awaiting the Roops creature to rise like a phoenix as it lifts itself off an unwashed cock to deliver us the gospels.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

The University of Illinois have published a study of more than 35,000 women who have been jabbed with the Pfizer or Moderna poison. The study was funded by the US National Institute of Health. 40.2% of the women reported changes to their menstrual cycle post vaccine. Probably nothing. I’ll wait for Roops to confirm that as usual. Thank fuck we have her to put us right every time.

Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

Someone’s been a very busy girl. Those conspiracy theories won’t fact check themselves.😂

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14 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Not really, fact-checking requires minimal effort and time as you drop clues like confetti and are bereft of original thought. 

Another cutting put down from the self imagined Susie Dent of Cunts Corner. 
Here’s todays conundrum and you can have one clue. It’s all about you Luv.


The clock’s ticking.

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On 03/08/2022 at 10:28, Mrs Roops said:

This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions.

‘Hello. Is that the University of Illinois? This is Dr Anthony ‘the science’ Fauci from the National Institute of Health here. We’d like to give you a large amount of taxpayers cash, to conduct a large scale study, providing it’s carried out in a way that no one will be able to draw any meaningful, and certainly not any scientific conclusions from.’

’That seems perfectly sensible Dr Fauci, what with the new disinformation variant now able to sneak out the sides of the masks and jump more than six feet from one asymptomatic moron, sorry patient to the next, who don’t even know they’re seriously ill yet as they probably missed Dr Hillary’s latest Covid update with ‘stunning and brave’ knob jockey Scofield and Titty Willoughby, and the crazy anti vaxxers spreading fact checked lies that the 25th booster rollout is a waste of time. Consider it a done deal Dr Lizard, sorry Fauci. 

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On 03/08/2022 at 17:28, Mrs Roops said:

Unsurprisingly you provide neither a corroborative link nor context. The lack of link may have something to do with you gleaning the story from the New York Times which two hours previously you denounced as a comic. So which is it, Billy - a factually based daily newspaper of repute or a comic? You seem to change the narrative by the minute depending on what ever risible rubbish you wish to promulgate.

As for the context you omit to mention that the university researchers had invited anyone between 18-80 (yes, up to 80 years old, women who were beyond the menopause as well as people who identified as women) who had a covid/menses story to tell and therefore were more likely to participate. This means that there was no control group for the researchers to draw any meaningful and certainly not any scientific conclusions. They did conclude that any effects dissipated within a couple months.

As an aside I believe this is the report the news article refers to though I am not 100% sure. I mention this as the survey included Novavax which as I recall is the official King Billy recommended vaccine for reasons that include "not funded by Bill Gates" (incorrect by $473 million) and that the technology uses a more "traditional" method of delivery. Jeeze, one couldn't make this up...oh wait, you just did.

Covid-19 Vaccines Temporarily Affected Periods, Study Shows - The New York Times (nytimes.com)

It’s also worth the observation that “change to the menstrual cycle” isn’t defined particularly well, and given any front line health professional will tell you 50% plus of women between 13 and 50 are constantly in a state of menstrual obsession, reporting “changes” would have happened if you’d have injected them with saline.

Unreliable, unscientific, anecdote-based guff. Perfect for “Rebel News”, whatever the fuck that is. 

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53 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

It’s also worth the observation that “change to the menstrual cycle” isn’t defined particularly well, and given any front line heal professional will tell you 50% plus of women between 13 and 50 are constantly in a state of menstrual obsession, reporting “changes” would have happened if you’d have injected them with saline.

Unreliable, unscientific, anecdote-based guff. Perfect for “Rebel News”, whatever the fuck that is. 

Who knows? It’s probably a blessing in disguise. Less fertile women would mean less murdered unborn babies. Every cloud and all that.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

‘Hello. Is that the University of Illinois? This is Dr Anthony ‘the science’ Fauci from the National Institute of Health here. We’d like to give you a large amount of taxpayers cash, to conduct a large scale study, providing it’s carried out in a way that no one will be able to draw any meaningful, and certainly not any scientific conclusions from.’

’That seems perfectly sensible Dr Fauci, what with the new disinformation variant now able to sneak out the sides of the masks and jump more than six feet from one asymptomatic moron, sorry patient to the next, who don’t even know they’re seriously ill yet as they probably missed Dr Hillary’s latest Covid update with ‘stunning and brave’ knob jockey Scofield and Titty Willoughby, and the crazy anti vaxxers spreading fact checked lies that the 25th booster rollout is a waste of time. Consider it a done deal Dr Lizard, sorry Fauci. 

Indeed, satire was never your strong point, you should've taken my advice and have restricted yourself to schoolboy level punnery.

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10 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

Indeed, satire was never your strong point, you should've taken my advice and have restricted yourself to schoolboy level punnery.

How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t fancy you. Many years ago, if I was between wives and you were lurking around in the pub car park at chucking out time, pretending you were unaware that your growler was winking at me, I might have felt a primal stirring downstairs and maybe even charitable enough to bend your dirty arse over the boot of my motor and do you a ‘once in a lifetime’ favour. Not nowadays though, I don’t do favours for sad, frustrated old has beens. Sorry luv. Try Wayne Rooney. He used to be a ginger like you before his hair fell out and then naturally grew back dark brown. I’m sure he’ll be really impressed when you tell him how clever you are (for about five hours).😘

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6 minutes ago, King Billy said:

How many times do I have to tell you? I don’t fancy you. Many years ago, if I was between wives and you were lurking around in the pub car park at chucking out time, pretending you were unaware that your growler was winking at me, I might have felt a primal stirring downstairs and maybe even charitable enough to bend your dirty arse over the boot of my motor and do you a ‘once in a lifetime’ favour. Not nowadays though, I don’t do favours for sad, frustrated old has beens. Sorry luv. Try Wayne Rooney. He used to be a ginger like you before his hair fell out and then naturally grew back dark brown. I’m sure he’ll be really impressed when you tell him how clever you are (for about five hours).😘

Be careful Bill, fatal attraction here. It has your email address and it's so clever that it can know everything about you just by that..remarkable feat from a truly inspiring intellectual genius...the mirror in her house is the only thing that loves her/him/it.

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13 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Be careful Bill, fatal attraction here. It has your email address and it's so clever that it can know everything about you just by that..remarkable feat from a truly inspiring intellectual genius...the mirror in her house is the only thing that loves her/him/it.

Imagine it?

’Deranged granny and self styled ‘moderator extraordinaire’ who recently claimed to be ‘too clever for Mensa’, accused of trolling notorious ‘Sid Slackjaw Gang’ member King Billy. 

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1 minute ago, King Billy said:

Imagine it?

’Deranged granny and self styled ‘moderator extraordinaire’ who recently claimed to be ‘too clever for Mensa’, accused of trolling notorious ‘Sid Slackjaw Gang’ member King Billy. 

If you get a ginger growler hair in the post, then move home.

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