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William of Oh-Range

Last Cunt Standing

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10 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What the fuck is he on about?

No fuckin idea Gypps. But he’s made himself look a right cunt, for a usually bright contributor…when he’s not obsessing over all things Blighty. Who the fuck on here here would use an article from Cosmopolitan to qualify a point?

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30 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

No fuckin idea Gypps. But he’s made himself look a right cunt, for a usually bright contributor…when he’s not obsessing over all things Blighty. Who the fuck on here here would use an article from Cosmopolitan to qualify a point?

I wouldn’t normally, but as has been pointed out elsewhere, the UK media are in total radio silence on the subject, so it’s quite difficult to post a link, as I was asked to. I’ll take “usually bright contributor” though. Sweet of you. 

Off for a blustery beach walk. Dog is whining, rather fittingly. 

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13 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Did you throw Rollo in the oubliette?

The corgis have picked his bones clean, but now Andrew wants the skeleton brought up to his studio apartment. He says he’s fed up watching TV every night on his own and promises he’ll only hold hands with it.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I wouldn’t normally, but as has been pointed out elsewhere, the UK media are in total radio silence on the subject, so it’s quite difficult to post a link, as I was asked to. I’ll take “usually bright contributor” though. Sweet of you. 

Off for a blustery beach walk. Dog is whining, rather fittingly. 

English bulldog called ‘Winston’, probably. Either that or you’re cruelly referring to your Abbo partner.

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Has the servile British Press made any attempt to cover this story yet? They’ve come a long way from premium rate phone lines in the early nineties where you could hear Charlie breathlessly wish he was a Tampon for Camilla’s exclusive use. 

Nowadays the news that heir plus one Wills might like it up the wrong ‘un from a fellow aristo lady armed with some heavy equipment gets barely a mention. Only a lone sports writer in the Metro, who filled his report on the wimmins football with many references to England being pegged back, seems to be interested. 


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51 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Has the servile British Press made any attempt to cover this story yet? They’ve come a long way from premium rate phone lines in the early nineties where you could hear Charlie breathlessly wish he was a Tampon for Camilla’s exclusive use. 

Nowadays the news that heir plus one Wills might like it up the wrong ‘un from a fellow aristo lady armed with some heavy equipment gets barely a mention. Only a lone sports writer in the Metro, who filled his report on the wimmins football with many references to England being pegged back, seems to be interested. 


If Wills had been on a blokes night out with say Donald Trump and pulled a couple of nice young ladies in Soho, paid them bundles of wonga to thrust traffic cones up their arses, then piss and shit all over their faces and walk them both up Shaftesbury Ave on dog leashes, I’d bet the MSM would be frothing at the mouth to cover the ‘Trump and  unidentified co-pervert in night of shame’ story. ‘Sixteen pages of photos of Trump inside’ ‘Unfortunately no pictures of the other pervert are presently available’

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14 minutes ago, King Billy said:

If Wills had been on a blokes night out with say Donald Trump and pulled a couple of nice young ladies in Soho, paid them bundles of wonga to thrust traffic cones up their arses, then piss and shit all over their faces and walk them both up Shaftesbury on dog leashes, I’d bet the MSM would be frothing at the mouth to cover the ‘Trump and  unidentified co-pervert in night of shame’ story. ‘Sixteen pages of photos of Trump inside’ ‘Unfortunately no pictures of the other pervert are presently available’

I take your point Bill, there is certainly some inconsistency in who the press go after and who they protect. The was a time when allegations of a Royal affair would be headline news. Imagine if it was Harry who allegedly loved a bit of strap on action?

However, I still can’t quite get on board with your red hat club though. Trump is an appalling human being who should be in jail. What do you make of him slinging Ivana in a paupers’ grave on his golf course and claiming some sort of tax exemption as the course was now technically a cemetery? Or has he kept Ivana close just so when Melania freezes him out he can dig her up and play pretend; I imagine his intimate liaisons with the current Mrs Trump are pretty similar to necrophilia anyway. She’ll be thinking of Trudeau and Macron during, that’s for sure. 

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6 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

However, I still can’t quite get on board with your red hat club though. Trump is an appalling human being who should be in jail.

I see one glaring flaw in that opinion though. I’m old school and still of the belief that someone shouldn’t be thrown in jail unless they’ve committed a serious crime. Not for upsetting their unhinged political enemies by tweeting things they ideologically disagree with, not for standing up to the corrupt world leaders who pretend to be friends of the US so they feel safe and protected and powerful countries like China who don’t even pretend to be friendly and are the greatest threat to the west ever, not for trying harder than any President in modern times to put the citizens of his own country first and improve their standard of living (white, black, yellow or purple), not for upholding the constitution which is the foundation of the USA and certainly not for having the clinkers to not just go away and play golf for the rest of his life and see all the persecution magically stop instantly. The US and by consequence the rest of the world is in a very precarious time at the moment and we should all be worried because imo Trump is the one person who can steer the USA back on the right path. The left is hell bent on destroying every decent and good aspect of what I consider normal life and it won’t be at all good for the majority of idiots who are watching it happen before their eyes.

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10 hours ago, King Billy said:

I see one glaring flaw in that opinion though. I’m old school and still of the belief that someone shouldn’t be thrown in jail unless they’ve committed a serious crime. Not for upsetting their unhinged political enemies by tweeting things they ideologically disagree with, not for standing up to the corrupt world leaders who pretend to be friends of the US so they feel safe and protected and powerful countries like China who don’t even pretend to be friendly and are the greatest threat to the west ever, not for trying harder than any President in modern times to put the citizens of his own country first and improve their standard of living (white, black, yellow or purple), not for upholding the constitution which is the foundation of the USA and certainly not for having the clinkers to not just go away and play golf for the rest of his life and see all the persecution magically stop instantly. The US and by consequence the rest of the world is in a very precarious time at the moment and we should all be worried because imo Trump is the one person who can steer the USA back on the right path. The left is hell bent on destroying every decent and good aspect of what I consider normal life and it won’t be at all good for the majority of idiots who are watching it happen before their eyes.

I disagree, of course. I’d still like your view on this; 

10 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

What do you make of him slinging Ivana in a paupers’ grave on his golf course and claiming some sort of tax exemption as the course was now technically a cemetery?

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11 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I disagree, of course. I’d still like your view on this; 

The Guardian….’Why are the younger Trumps so awful? Ivanas funeral wasn’t the first piece of evidence that the Trumps may not have such a well adjusted family life.’ Classy eh? I can’t wait to see how they describe the offspring of Biden when his controllers decide it’s finally last orders for Sleepy Joe. I’m betting they’ll start with Beaue, the late army veteran who died of cancer, (not in action ‘on the front line’  which mush brain Joe keeps claiming) who was barely cold before his brother Hunter (‘the smartest person I know’, said Joe) was balls deep into his widow, banging whores by the dozen and making a lot of crack dealers very very rich (all paid for by ‘the big guy’) for years, salting at least $30m of Chink and Russian cash away while Zombie Joe was VP and introducing him to every cunt with a few quid to spare and ‘pro quid quo’ Hunter was getting every other cunt with a few quid to spare, access to the Whitehouse and the huge sums of money which flows downwards from that privileged access once you’re in.

The Garbagebin, sorry Guardian will probably finish with the delightful Ashley Biden, also a former drug addict. ‘Former’ may not be accurate in either Hunter or Ashley’s CV actually, but hey ho. The lovely Ashley Biden, who’s self written diary from one of her many spells in drug rehab, not one of her many spells in mental facilities (there are so many) tells about her difficult relationship growing up, recounting her father (the big guy) showering naked with her into her teens and how she felt her problems were all connected to this loving family upbringing.

But I have a nagging feeling that rags like the Guardian etc.  won’t mention any of this when  Snoozy Joe catches his fiftieth Covid infection in a few weeks time, hourly booster jabs having no effect except making him even more ill, sniffs his last ever little kids hair and pops his clogs with/or from Covid 19.

That would be so disrespectful wouldn’t it? Donald Trump on the other hand……he’s an appalling human being, who should be in jail. This fake news ‘tax scam’ at the NJ Trump golf course/cemetery is the real top story. 🤭


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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

The Guardian….’Why are the younger Trumps so awful? Ivanas funeral wasn’t the first piece of evidence that the Trumps may not have such a well adjusted family life.’ Classy eh? I can’t wait to see how they describe the offspring of Biden when his controllers decide it’s finally last orders for Sleepy Joe. I’m betting they’ll start with Beaue, the late army veteran who died of cancer, (not in action ‘on the front line’  which mush brain Joe keeps claiming) who was barely cold before his brother Hunter (‘the smartest person I know’, said Joe) was balls deep into his widow, banging whores by the dozen and making a lot of crack dealers very very rich (all paid for by ‘the big guy’) for years, salting at least $30m of Chink and Russian cash away while Zombie Joe was VP and introducing him to every cunt with a few quid to spare and ‘pro quid quo’ Hunter was getting every other cunt with a few quid to spare, access to the Whitehouse and the huge sums of money which flows downwards from that privileged access once you’re in.

The Garbagebin, sorry Guardian will probably finish with the delightful Ashley Biden, also a former drug addict. ‘Former’ may not be accurate in either Hunter or Ashley’s CV actually, but hey ho. The lovely Ashley Biden, who’s self written diary from one of her many spells in drug rehab, not one of her many spells in mental facilities (there are so many) tells about her difficult relationship growing up, recounting her father (the big guy) showering naked with her into her teens and how she felt her problems were all connected to this loving family upbringing.

But I have a nagging feeling that rags like the Guardian etc.  won’t mention any of this when  Snoozy Joe catches his fiftieth Covid infection in a few weeks time, hourly booster jabs having no effect except making him even more ill, sniffs his last ever little kids hair and pops his clogs with/or from Covid 19.

That would be so disrespectful wouldn’t it? Donald Trump on the other hand……he’s an appalling human being, who should be in jail. This fake news ‘tax scam’ at the NJ Trump golf course/cemetery is the real top story. 🤭


Fucking hell Billy, is this post coming out in paperback soon?

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16 hours ago, King Billy said:

This fake news ‘tax scam’ at the NJ Trump golf course/cemetery is the real top story. 🤭


I’m glad you chose to answer my question after all that verbiage. I see you opted for “didn’t happen” as your line of defence. He taught you well, The Donald, didn’t he? I can’t help thinking the syphillis you probably contracted from one of your staff Christmas parties at the Brothel is at last catching up with you, Bill. You should get yourself checked before you make an arse of yourself without the hat and sash. 

On a slightly related note, have you seen what’s happened to that fat bastard Alex “infowars” Jones lately? His lawyer has delivered him up to the prosecution trussed up like a Christmas Turkey. It’s how all these conspiracy gobshites end up; blinking into the sun as reality confronts them. Take heed Bill. 

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7 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m glad you chose to answer my question after all that verbiage. I see you opted for “didn’t happen” as your line of defence. He taught you well, The Donald, didn’t he? I can’t help thinking the syphillis you probably contracted from one of your staff Christmas parties at the Brothel is at last catching up with you, Bill. You should get yourself checked before you make an arse of yourself without the hat and sash. 

On a slightly related note, have you seen what’s happened to that fat bastard Alex “infowars” Jones lately? His lawyer has delivered him up to the prosecution trussed up like a Christmas Turkey. It’s how all these conspiracy gobshites end up; blinking into the sun as reality confronts them. Take heed Bill. 

I never said it didn’t happen actually. It’s none of any one’s business where she was buried except the family, offspring still fall into that category I believe. The point I was making was that the media will clutch at any ridiculous straw to keep the ‘Orange man bad’ narrative afloat. It’s all they live for, after going all in for the last 6 years with it, and still they refuse to admit that they’re the fools who’ve been played like the puppets they are. On the Alex Jones ‘trial’ 🤣, which should be a routine case to set the amount of damages, for something Jones has admitted liability and offered settlement way above the usual amount, to no avail. The case is taking place in Austin where the courts are corrupt to the core (OK if you’re a democrat), the jury pool at least 90% lefties, who in this case have been barred from hearing basically anything from the defence which might allow them to reach a decision which could be seen as proper and fair. The judge asked them all during selection if they would have any problem awarding hundreds of millions of dollars? and whether they knew of Alex Jones and Infowars? The Trump appointed judge (political naivety) has obviously been made an offer he couldn’t refuse and torn up every rule in the book from day one. The intention is purely to bankrupt Jones and set a precedent which will further weaken the first amendment and silence anyone on the right with a huge audience. Imo his lawyers actions are a deliberate act, as the outcome of the case was predetermined before it commenced and he will now have unarguable grounds to take the case all the way to the SCOTUS going forward. Alan Dershowitz and Robert Barnes among others have both spelled out the absolute disgrace which this case has become on various podcasts recently. You might learn something if you took the time to watch either of them lay out the facts one by one, rather than cheap digs at me.

Fuck off.

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1 hour ago, King Billy said:

I never said it didn’t happen actually. It’s none of any one’s business where she was buried except the family, offspring still fall into that category I believe. The point I was making was that the media will clutch at any ridiculous straw to keep the ‘Orange man bad’ narrative afloat. It’s all they live for, after going all in for the last 6 years with it, and still they refuse to admit that they’re the fools who’ve been played like the puppets they are. On the Alex Jones ‘trial’ 🤣, which should be a routine case to set the amount of damages, for something Jones has admitted liability and offered settlement way above the usual amount, to no avail. The case is taking place in Austin where the courts are corrupt to the core (OK if you’re a democrat), the jury pool at least 90% lefties, who in this case have been barred from hearing basically anything from the defence which might allow them to reach a decision which could be seen as proper and fair. The judge asked them all during selection if they would have any problem awarding hundreds of millions of dollars? and whether they knew of Alex Jones and Infowars? The Trump appointed judge (political naivety) has obviously been made an offer he couldn’t refuse and torn up every rule in the book from day one. The intention is purely to bankrupt Jones and set a precedent which will further weaken the first amendment and silence anyone on the right with a huge audience. Imo his lawyers actions are a deliberate act, as the outcome of the case was predetermined before it commenced and he will now have unarguable grounds to take the case all the way to the SCOTUS going forward. Alan Dershowitz and Robert Barnes among others have both spelled out the absolute disgrace which this case has become on various podcasts recently. You might learn something if you took the time to watch either of them lay out the facts one by one, rather than cheap digs at me.

Fuck off.

Like many of your tinfoil-hatted brethren, you’re never one to let facts get in the way of a good rant. I will just point out that the judge in the Alex Jones trial is a woman, who doesn’t use the pronoun he, which I suppose is one rule book she hasn’t torn up from day one. Your invitation to learn something from Alan Dershowitz is somewhat undercut by his role defending Jeffrey Epstein, which would in normal circumstances put him on your not to be trusted/global elite/Bilderberg list, but I guess you’ll overlook that if you find it suits your argument. Who is clutching at any ridiculous straw, now?

The incoherence of people drunk on their “internet research” and tying themselves in knots to keep the show going, is a joy to behold sometimes. Keep going, Bill. Dolt. 

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49 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Like many of your tinfoil-hatted brethren, you’re never one to let facts get in the way of a good rant. I will just point out that the judge in the Alex Jones trial is a woman, who doesn’t use the pronoun he, which I suppose is one rule book she hasn’t torn up from day one. You’re invitation to learn something from Alan Dershowitz is somewhat undercut by his role defending Jeffrey Epstein, which would in normal circumstances put him on your not to be trusted/global elite/bilderberg list, but I guess you’ll overlook that if you find it suits your argument. Whose clutching at any ridiculous straw, now?

The incoherence of people drunk on their “internet research” and tying themselves in knots to keep the show going, is a joy to behold sometimes. Keep going, Bill. Dolt. 

So the fact that I referred to the judge as ‘he’ instead of ‘she’ negates everything else I said? You’re the epitome of everything pathetic and stupid  that think they know a lot but in reality believe all the MSM bullshit/dingoshit or whatever flavour of shit they serve up for you constantly and then repeat it as if you’re an authority on the ‘current thing’ they’ve told you to let everyone worry about this week. 
So because Dershowitz represented Jeffrey Epstein, a rich and very high profile defendant, in spite of death threats etc. and openly called out the impeachments of Trump as the politically motivated crocks of shit which they were, are  you saying that his standing and reputation as one of the most widely respected lawyers in the US ever should be dismissed and you can file him away in the tinfoil hat category, tut tutting at me and looking down your nose with a silly knowing smile on your face?
It’s stupid cunts like you who are sleepwalking us all into a future of technological slavery (‘but it’s so convenient to have the government control every aspect of my life, my money, my speech, my ability to travel, my choice to refuse ‘medical’ interventions if I want to go to work or go to the pub etc etc. I voted for them and I can just vote for someone different next time if I want’). Good luck with that genius idea Professor Fuckwit. Send us a postcard from the gulag. Dolt.


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