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The Tory Leadership Race Conclusion


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5 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Brick the little divvy cunt. Cut off his fingers so he can't stick them in his ears, then cut off his shriveled little bollocks and stick them in his ears instead. Then kill him.

Pity he’s not a female as it would be attributed to Neil and filed away as not worth investigating.

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25 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

But I wish the ignored users to remain ignored. It's my prerogative.

Fuck that! All facilities afforded to you by The Corner is a granted privilege and not a self-determined prerogative or right. I've removed all five of your blocked accounts and removed your posting rights for 48 hours.

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I can't believe I'm saying this but I really hope Truss wins, Rishy Washy is a nail in Great Britain's coffin we do not need. If he wins I'm off to Italy to spend my final years in La Dolce Vita. Its getting too dark in England to stay. Last one out turn off the lights.

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Guest judgetwi

To get back to the actual subject of the nomination ( please note Mr Roops) I put 20 quid on the Mourdant bird at 13/8 last Wednesday. I was fucking laughing and counting my fucking money. Then the dirty tricks department and the Daily Mail went to town on her and I could see my dough slipping away. So today’s result was no surprise to me. I don’t like to admit it but Paddy Power knows more about the murky, back stabbing world of politics than I do.

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12 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It is with deep regret, following today's Tory leadership race result, in which Penny Mordaunt has been eliminated, I officially denounce my Britishness.

Despite my English and Welsh heritage dating back tens of generations (which I believe includes the death of my great, great grandfather at the hands of the Zulus at The Battle of iSandlwana in 1879), I can no longer bring myself to feel proud – or ever willing to fight – for this once great string of unique islands.
PM contender Liz Truss is only where she is because of her loyalty to a bullshitting, quintet-impregnating fat blond public schoolboy wanker, who's clearly been pulling quite a few strings to ensure the potential WW3-provoking harridan is still in the race. The Thatcher-wannabe deserves to be eliminated alone for being so incredibly fuckpig ugly, as well as having asymmetric tits which look as though a drunk honey bee has somehow been held captive under the sow's dull, middle-aged, Marks & Spencer blousens.

And I simply cannot fathom that an Indian billionnaire in-law is likely to become PM of Great Britain. Born to Punjabi parents hailing from the Indian diaspora in Southeast Africa, this elitist 5ft-sometihg Delhi dwarf has no fucking idea what it's like to have been born into a family struggling to put food on the table. Neil has more chance of finding a whore's clitoris than this vile little gnome has of relating to the plight of the average punter on the street. Like the self-serving Oxbridge Truss monster, he's more concerned with the taste of power and legacy than actually helping people. His record and distribution of scarce resources has already confimed this. Because of his heritage and links to India's elite, it is probable the UK will become like the Black Hole of Calcutta within a few years – leading to further Indian-Pakistani tensions in a country whose indigenous population was never allowed to vote for a demographic structure they may have liked to see for their own future.

If the UK is a true democracy, a general election will be called immediately after the Tories choose their new leader. Let the people vote: after all, it us most affected by this ongoing debacle.

There are few positives to draw from this terrible situation, other than I count my lucky stars I now consider myself a worldwide free-radical, and that I'm not an Australian, whose British, Chinese, Aboriginal, Irish, Greek, Slavic, Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Chinese lineage must be an embarrassment to the sun-scorched, wildfire-dwelling race of mongrel rougnecks sent there some 200+ years ago.

Nothing ever really changes that much. No matter which cartoon character is made PM it will make no real change to most people’s lives. If you’re in your 50’s, cast your mind back. Covid restrictions aside, nothing’s really dramatically changed. The Civil Service (the true Establishment) is what really runs this country and this fuckfest of a ‘leadership’ contest is merely a distraction for the brain dead to obsess over. It was a Civil Servant who called time and applied the coup de grâce to old BoJo and they’ll continue to decide how the country is truly run.

As long as they drip-feed enough booze, fags and cheap all inclusive Cape Verde holidays once a year to the masses there will be no revolution or sea-change in old Blighty, so bend over and, just like we always have lube up and bite hard on a Big Mac…you may even enjoy the ‘ride.’

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10 hours ago, Neil said:

I can't believe I'm saying this but I really hope Truss wins, Rishy Washy is a nail in Great Britain's coffin we do not need. If he wins I'm off to Italy to spend my final years in La Dolce Vita. Its getting too dark in England to stay. Last one out turn off the lights.

Because there’s a country with what appears to be a glorious future ahead of it. Fuck off Neil…literally.

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7 hours ago, judgetwi said:

To get back to the actual subject of the nomination ( please note Mr Roops) I put 20 quid on the Mourdant bird at 13/8 last Wednesday. I was fucking laughing and counting my fucking money. Then the dirty tricks department and the Daily Mail went to town on her and I could see my dough slipping away. So today’s result was no surprise to me. I don’t like to admit it but Paddy Power knows more about the murky, back stabbing world of politics than I do.

You never see a poor bookie, Jacob.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
14 hours ago, Wolfie said:

It is with deep regret, following today's Tory leadership race result, in which Penny Mordaunt has been eliminated, I officially denounce my Britishness.

Despite my English and Welsh heritage dating back tens of generations (which I believe includes the death of my great, great grandfather at the hands of the Zulus at The Battle of iSandlwana in 1879), I can no longer bring myself to feel proud – or ever willing to fight – for this once great string of unique islands.
PM contender Liz Truss is only where she is because of her loyalty to a bullshitting, quintet-impregnating fat blond public schoolboy wanker, who's clearly been pulling quite a few strings to ensure the potential WW3-provoking harridan is still in the race. The Thatcher-wannabe deserves to be eliminated alone for being so incredibly fuckpig ugly, as well as having asymmetric tits which look as though a drunk honey bee has somehow been held captive under the sow's dull, middle-aged, Marks & Spencer blousens.

And I simply cannot fathom that an Indian billionnaire in-law is likely to become PM of Great Britain. Born to Punjabi parents hailing from the Indian diaspora in Southeast Africa, this elitist 5ft-sometihg Delhi dwarf has no fucking idea what it's like to have been born into a family struggling to put food on the table. Neil has more chance of finding a whore's clitoris than this vile little gnome has of relating to the plight of the average punter on the street. Like the self-serving Oxbridge Truss monster, he's more concerned with the taste of power and legacy than actually helping people. His record and distribution of scarce resources has already confimed this. Because of his heritage and links to India's elite, it is probable the UK will become like the Black Hole of Calcutta within a few years – leading to further Indian-Pakistani tensions in a country whose indigenous population was never allowed to vote for a demographic structure they may have liked to see for their own future.

If the UK is a true democracy, a general election will be called immediately after the Tories choose their new leader. Let the people vote: after all, it us most affected by this ongoing debacle.

There are few positives to draw from this terrible situation, other than I count my lucky stars I now consider myself a worldwide free-radical, and that I'm not an Australian, whose British, Chinese, Aboriginal, Irish, Greek, Slavic, Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Chinese lineage must be an embarrassment to the sun-scorched, wildfire-dwelling race of mongrel rougnecks sent there some 200+ years ago.

My concern is the business activity of the in-laws. A.I, machine learning etc. I rather suspect we'll be tied intrinsically to Dehli-tech for the foreseeable.

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8 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Because there’s a country with what appears to be a glorious future ahead of it. Fuck off Neil…literally.

Better weather,better food,nicer countryside,nicer people......and no you,whats not to like?

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Does it really matter who wins, i think not. They're all shitcunts and serving the WEF and all those global wanksticks.

Don't believe it, then watch how, whoever wins (will be Sunak) falls in to the WEF line of policies.

This cuntry has been stolen from us a long time back, yet most walk around in blissful ignorance and think it's all fine and fucking dandy..

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31 minutes ago, Jake The Muss said:

Does it really matter who wins, i think not. They're all shitcunts and serving the WEF and all those global wanksticks.

Don't believe it, then watch how, whoever wins (will be Sunak) falls in to the WEF line of policies.

This cuntry has been stolen from us a long time back, yet most walk around in blissful ignorance and think it's all fine and fucking dandy..

When you heard about spree killers shooting up classrooms in the 80s or 90s, you were struck with a sense of tragedy at the waste of potential. When it happens nowadays, you are torn between sadness and a sense of relief, because 75% of them would have turned out to be spastic oxygen thieves anyway.

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18 hours ago, judgetwi said:

To get back to the actual subject of the nomination ( please note Mr Roops) I put 20 quid on the Mourdant bird at 13/8 last Wednesday. I was fucking laughing and counting my fucking money. Then the dirty tricks department and the Daily Mail went to town on her and I could see my dough slipping away. So today’s result was no surprise to me. I don’t like to admit it but Paddy Power knows more about the murky, back stabbing world of politics than I do.

Thanks for reinforcing my opinion that you're one of life's losers. You fucking......,loser.

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

When you heard about spree killers shooting up classrooms in the 80s or 90s, you were struck with a sense of tragedy at the waste of potential. When it happens nowadays, you are torn between sadness and a sense of relief, because 75% of them would have turned out to be spastic oxygen thieves anyway.

Sad but true Eric..i might add it's probably 95%.

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