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The Tory Leadership Race Conclusion


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It is with deep regret, following today's Tory leadership race result, in which Penny Mordaunt has been eliminated, I officially denounce my Britishness.

Despite my English and Welsh heritage dating back tens of generations (which I believe includes the death of my great, great grandfather at the hands of Zulus at The Battle of iSandlwana in 1879), I can no longer bring myself to feel proud – or ever willing to fight – for this once great string of unique islands.
PM contender Liz Truss is only where she is because of her loyalty to a bullshitting, quintet-impregnating fat blond public schoolboy wanker, who's clearly been pulling quite a few strings to ensure the potential WW3-provoking harridan is still in the race. The Thatcher-wannabe deserves to be eliminated alone for being so incredibly fuckpig ugly, as well as having asymmetric tits which look as though a drunk honey bee has somehow been held captive under the sow's dull, middle-aged, Marks & Spencer blousens.

And I simply cannot fathom that an Indian billionnaire in-law is likely to become PM of Great Britain. Born to Punjabi parents hailing from the Indian diaspora in Southeast Africa, this elitist 5ft-sometihg Delhi dwarf has no fucking idea what it's like to have been born into a family struggling to put food on the table. Neil has more chance of finding a whore's clitoris than this vile little gnome has of relating to the plight of the average punter on the street. Like the self-serving Oxbridge Truss monster, he's more concerned with the taste of power and legacy than actually helping people. His record and distribution of scarce resources has already confimed this. Because of his heritage and links to India's elite, it is probable the UK will become like the Black Hole of Calcutta within a few years – leading to further Indian-Pakistani tensions in a country whose indigenous population was never allowed to vote for a demographic structure they may have liked to see for their own future.

If the UK is a true democracy, a general election will be called immediately after the Tories choose their new leader. Let the people vote: after all, it is us most affected by this ongoing debacle.

There are few positives to draw from this terrible situation, other than I count my lucky stars I now consider myself a worldwide free-radical, and that I'm not an Australian, whose British, Chinese, Aboriginal, Irish, Greek, Slavic, Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Chinese lineage must be an embarrassment to the sun-scorched, wildfire-dwelling race of mongrel rougnecks sent there some 200+ years ago.

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3 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It is with deep regret, following today's Tory leadership race result, in which Penny Mordaunt has been eliminated, I officially denounce my Britishness.

Despite my English and Welsh heritage dating back tens of generations (which I believe includes the death of my great, great grandfather at the hands of the Zulus at The Battle of iSandlwana in 1879), I can no longer bring myself to feel proud – or ever willing to fight – for this once great string of unique islands.
PM contender Liz Truss is only where she is because of her loyalty to a bullshitting, quintet-impregnating fat blond public schoolboy wanker, who's clearly been pulling quite a few strings to ensure the potential WW3-provoking harridan is still in the race. The Thatcher-wannabe deserves to be eliminated alone for being so incredibly fuckpig ugly, as well as having asymmetric tits which look as though a drunk honey bee has somehow been held captive under the sow's dull, middle-aged, Marks & Spencer blousens.

And I simply cannot fathom that an Indian billionnaire in-law is likely to become PM of Great Britain. Born to Punjabi parents hailing from the Indian diaspora in Southeast Africa, this elitist 5ft-sometihg Delhi dwarf has no fucking idea what it's like to have been born into a family struggling to put food on the table. Neil has more chance of finding a whore's clitoris than this vile little gnome has of relating to the plight of the average punter on the street. Like the self-serving Oxbridge Truss monster, he's more concerned with the taste of power and legacy than actually helping people. His record and distribution of scarce resources has already confimed this. Because of his heritage and links to India's elite, it is probable the UK will become like the Black Hole of Calcutta within a few years – leading to further Indian-Pakistani tensions in a country whose indigenous population was never allowed to vote for a demographic structure they may have liked to have seen for their future.

If the UK is a true democracy, a general election will be called immeduately after the Tories choose their new leader. Let the people vote: after all, it us most affected by this ongoing debacle.

There are few positives to draw from this terrible situation, other than I count my lucky stars I now consider myself a worldwide free-radical, and that I'm not an Australian, whose British, Chinese, Aboriginal, Irish, Greek, Slavic, Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Chinese lineage must be an embarrassment to the sun-scorched, wildfire-dwelling race of mongrel rougnecks sent there some 200+ years ago.

Fucking brilliant!

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15 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

It is with deep regret, following today's Tory leadership race result, in which Penny Mordaunt has been eliminated, I officially denounce my Britishness.

Despite my English and Welsh heritage dating back tens of generations (which I believe includes the death of my great, great grandfather at the hands of the Zulus at The Battle of iSandlwana in 1879), I can no longer bring myself to feel proud – or ever willing to fight – for this once great string of unique islands.
PM contender Liz Truss is only where she is because of her loyalty to a bullshitting, quintet-impregnating fat blond public schoolboy wanker, who's clearly been pulling quite a few strings to ensure the potential WW3-provoking harridan is still in the race. The Thatcher-wannabe deserves to be eliminated alone for being so incredibly fuckpig ugly, as well as having asymmetric tits which look as though a drunk honey bee has somehow been held captive under the sow's dull, middle-aged, Marks & Spencer blousens.

And I simply cannot fathom that an Indian billionnaire in-law is likely to become PM of Great Britain. Born to Punjabi parents hailing from the Indian diaspora in Southeast Africa, this elitist 5ft-sometihg Delhi dwarf has no fucking idea what it's like to have been born into a family struggling to put food on the table. Neil has more chance of finding a whore's clitoris than this vile little gnome has of relating to the plight of the average punter on the street. Like the self-serving Oxbridge Truss monster, he's more concerned with the taste of power and legacy than actually helping people. His record and distribution of scarce resources has already confimed this. Because of his heritage and links to India's elite, it is probable the UK will become like the Black Hole of Calcutta within a few years – leading to further Indian-Pakistani tensions in a country whose indigenous population was never allowed to vote for a demographic structure they may have liked to see for their own future.

If the UK is a true democracy, a general election will be called immeduately after the Tories choose their new leader. Let the people vote: after all, it us most affected by this ongoing debacle.

There are few positives to draw from this terrible situation, other than I count my lucky stars I now consider myself a worldwide free-radical, and that I'm not an Australian, whose British, Chinese, Aboriginal, Irish, Greek, Slavic, Chinese, Indian, Filipino and Chinese lineage must be an embarrassment to the sun-scorched, wildfire-dwelling race of mongrel rougnecks sent there some 200+ years ago.

Truss? Doesn't Neil do that to the 'visitors' to his Rascal? 

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1 minute ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So what if it is? What's it got to do with you, pissface?

I have to apologise for exciting the spacker. Don't worry, he'll buzz around you for a bit then claim some meaningless form of victory after he blocks you for calling him mean names.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I have to apologise for exciting the spacker. Don't worry, he'll buzz around you for a bit then claim some meaningless form of victory after he blocks you for calling him mean names.

At this rate, by Friday he will only be able to read his own posts. I suppose not letting the other kids play is one way of being a 'winner'.

He's not right in the head.

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4 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Ooh, interesting question Eric! I will only tolerate hostility from individual people for so long before I fuck them off. Randoms can come and go.

Have you invented @Sid Slackjaw to be your imaginary friend this time? I seem to remember a new member mysteriously arriving to back you up last time you were under fire.

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11 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

At this rate, by Friday he will only be able to read his own posts. I suppose not letting the other kids play is one way of being a 'winner'.

He's not right in the head.

And you are right in the head? A fifty year old man using the word 'norks'. Fucking stupid.

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Just now, Eric Cuntman said:

I was undecided regarding you. You are now done here. Try me you little Colin Hunt wanker.

Brick the little divvy cunt. Cut off his fingers so he can't stick them in his ears, then cut off his shriveled little bollocks and stick them in his ears instead. Then kill him.

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5 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Wow, you're trying to claim I'm a multi again. Leave it out.

You’re no multi. You’re a proper one off, like Harvey Price, John Merrick, Pen and Mrs Roops in their own fucked up individual way. 
There’s only one Carl Sway.

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19 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

So why do you block anyone who's hostile towards you?


@Carl Sway, you should've listened to RK,

5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Careful, Carl. The mods and punters take a negative opinion of people who use the ignore feature without actually ignoring the cunts they've used it on. You can't still kick the cunt when you're ignorant of their replies.

It's unsporting and cowardly in the eyes of the puntership and abuse of an important feature in the eyes of admin. Pack it in.

You're becoming a distraction. Undo the block facility or I will do it for you.

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