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The Heatwave

Last Cunt Standing

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1 hour ago, Ape™️ said:

This is the most embarrassing thing I’ve ever read on here. What on earth is wrong with you? 

Actually, I quite like this DC. He's learned to answer a challenge with a challenge - back in the day he'd just try and brush it off or go in a huff - regardless of what side of the argument you fall on, his technique has clearly improved.

I'm probably flattering myself, but I swear I can see a bit of myself in his style.

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On 03/08/2022 at 18:32, Dyslexic cnut said:

Any chance you can get on with finishing me, as you’ve been promising for 18 months, and lately, three days ago? You are aware that after squeaking for assistance, if your little chimp rocks up tonight, you’re going to look like a right Cunt? I’ve humoured you, I’ve shown respect due longevity, I’ve played the game…but you do love an unsolicited attack now and again. So…fuckhead…let’s go. You and I…head to head with no squealing for help to your pals. Normally I quite like you, but you’ve had the hump since I disagreed with your Lioness bollocks and are trying to play the big hitter, crying (via PM) and trying to rustle up a possé to help you. Slagging people’s perceived social status and careers/jobs…but here’s the thing…£30 for a bottle of ‘exquisite wine’ and the fact that you mow your own lawn? Priceless…fucking tramp.

Bloody hell DC; you can have a like for the sheer vitriol in your comment. I can actually feel the venom coming from your keyboard on this one. I've never seen anyone here so angry. While you haven't missed the opportunity to get your boot in elsewhere, and there's little doubt you're a complete and utter wanker, I'm in agreement with some of Killer's words above: you have indeed put your fists up rather well. Keep up the good work, and one day, I might just be a little more accepting of your presence.

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38 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Bloody hell DC; you can have a like for the sheer vitriol in your comment. I can actually feel the venom coming from your keyboard on this one. I've never seen anyone here so angry. While you haven't missed the opportunity to get your boot in elsewhere, and there's little doubt you're a complete and utter wanker, I'm in agreement with some of Killer's words above: you have indeed put your fists up rather well. Keep up the good work, and one day, I might just be a little more accepting of your presence.

I am convinced that will make the lad feel a lot better. What an overinflated bag of wind and piss you really are.

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1 hour ago, Witheredscrote said:

I am convinced that will make the lad feel a lot better. What an overinflated bag of wind and piss you really are.

Speaking of which, would you like to tell newer members precisely why the Vulcan removed a few thousand of your likes a couple of years ago? Or would you prefer if I did it for you?


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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Speaking of which, would you like to tell newer members precisely why the Vulcan removed a few thousand of your likes a couple of years ago? Or would you prefer if I did it for you?


Please tell @Witheredscrote... What with you being a vile goose shagging cunt, and French to top it all off, my mind is wandering. Lol

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Where have you gone @Witheredscrote? You were all for behaving like a vulture the other night while fisting Frank and DC. And now I invite you to engage, you turn your back and walk the other way, huge Gallic beak in the air. So why did Roops remove most of your likes? Lol. I think the Corner wants to know...

No one gives two shits about withers, you weak-kneed Grammarly wanker. What we'd all like to know is how you'll recover from being squashed like a fucking ant by DC over the past few days.

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12 minutes ago, Frank said:

No one gives two shits about withers, you weak-kneed Grammarly wanker. What we'd all like to know is how you'll recover from being squashed like a fucking ant by DC over the past few days.

I know Frank, I'm a realist. Even my wife hates me. 

I hope your 'shit machine' has drowned in that cheap paddling pool, by the way.

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21 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

I know Frank, I'm a realist. Even my wife hates me. 

I hope your 'shit machine' has drowned in that cheap paddling pool, by the way.

Leave that vile, wig wearing poof alone and enlighten us newbie cunts with regards to your past behaviour... You French fucking coward. Lol 

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As I’ve been told by the Ginger Vulcan many times that there’s absolutely no truth in the widely spread ‘Build Back Better’ WEF, pushing of a  cashless society, digital slavery, ‘new normal’, return of lockdowns, never ending ‘emergency laws’ rubber stamped by cowardly elected parliaments, dissenting views silenced as conspiracy theories, and that I should cease and desist spreading such ludicrous nonsense forthwith (for my own mental well-being of course), I won’t mention the return of lockdown s in Sydney to ‘flatten the curve’ (again?) of a handful of mainly vaccinated ☹️Covid patients currently hospitalised, or the ‘Royal decree’ in Spain banning until further notice any business from setting the AC below 27C 🤭, or above 19C 🤭in the forthcoming winter. To reduce the countries energy dependency on Russia apparently 🤣. Or Italy announcing ‘energy rationing’ to show solidarity with Ukraine.

BP, Shell, and the major US oil giants all reporting unprecedented profits, but petrol prices at record high levels.

“Nothing to see here folks. Stay home. Put a few more jumpers on, make yourself a lovely bug stew and most importantly……stay off the internet or else! 

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8 hours ago, Frank said:

No one gives two shits about withers, you weak-kneed Grammarly wanker. What we'd all like to know is how you'll recover from being squashed like a fucking ant by DC over the past few days.

Actually, I've had a look back and DC gave as good as he got, which I've complimented him on. Why, therefore, did you feel the need to assist him? I can only think it's because I get under your skin so much that you sensed an opportunity and took it, especially as I've kicked your boney arse in every encounter we've ever had.

Nom-shy wanker.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Actually, I've had a look back and DC gave as good as he got, which I've complimented him on. Why, therefore, did you feel the need to assist him? I can only think it's because I get under your skin so much that you sensed an opportunity and took it, especially as I've kicked your boney arse in every encounter we've ever had.

Nom-shy wanker.

On the contrary, wolfie. If you think about it, I was assisting you. Jesus Christ, we all saw it with our own eyes. Total humiliation. Can't wait to see what you have in store for LCS once he's duly prepared his 'sphincteral opening'. 

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5 hours ago, Frank said:

On the contrary, wolfie. If you think about it, I was assisting you. Jesus Christ, we all saw it with our own eyes. Total humiliation. Can't wait to see what you have in store for LCS once he's duly prepared his 'sphincteral opening'. 

Play on it all you want, but you know I edged it, while swatting off a couple of irritating little flies along the way, you included. All in a day's work.

Lovely little pooch btw. I actually met my other half dog-walking, and there's every chance you may meet the fella of your dreams in similar fashion. Imagine walking into one of your expensive faggotry shops to brush shoulders with some dark, handsome Turkish hunk whose penchant for Dachshunds is the equal of his lust for cock.

But in the meantime please – please – put up a fucking nom. It's been some years, and in truth this makes you a troll, as you appear to do nothing other than excel at shit-stirring. If you'd like me to do it for you, PM me, and for a fee I'll be happy to get you started. Let me know, wanker.

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12 hours ago, Frank said:

Can't wait to see what you have in store for LCS once he's duly prepared his 'sphincteral opening'

I bet you’ve been wanking furiously all day, thinking about just that, you disgusting, AIDs riddled, emaciated little deviant.

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The ‘heatwave’ or summer as it used to be known as for centuries, has come at just the right time for the MSM who have seamlessly morphed from Covid fanatics into climate change alarmists. Covid disappearing into the sunset like ET and Drew Barrymore on a flying bicycle, ‘Partygate’ now just a distant memory, and nothing remaining except a broken swing and a heap of empty wine bottles at No. 10, that no one can be arsed to clear up, Monkeypox failing to get anyone scared unless they take it up the arse, so the usual fake news ‘talking heads’ and the few Gov ministers who drew the short straws and haven’t fucked off on holiday, have gone full steam ahead with the ‘water shortages, hosepipe ban, grass up your neighbour’ agenda now.

Really? One thing the U.K. has never and will never be short of is fucking water. It fucking rains quite a lot for most of the year right across the country, in case no one’s noticed. Every year thousands of cunts are flooded and arseholes like Bozo or the other cunt Queer Starmer pose for photos in their wellies for the MSM and promise to do something about it. 
The problem isn’t fucking climate change, which is a fairy story for only fear hungry cunts to worry about. The problem is that the last reservoir to be built in England was in 1981, dozens of existing reservoirs (mainly in the South) have been decommissioned, and the population of England has increased by 18% since then. It’s not rocket science ffs.

Instead of wasting  billions of pounds on vanity projects like HS2 or 3 or whatever fucking number we’re at now, so some cunt with a briefcase can get to London 20 mins quicker from the Northern swamplands, maybe some bright spark in Whitehall could have suggested building a fucking  great big pipe to pump some fucking H2O down south when the sun comes out, which it does every summer.

Bunch of fucking geniuses. 
Harvey Price could do a better job than the cunts are doing now. 

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The ‘heatwave’ or summer as it used to be known as for centuries, has come at just the right time for the MSM who have seamlessly morphed from Covid fanatics into climate change alarmists. Covid disappearing into the sunset like ET and Drew Barrymore on a flying bicycle, ‘Partygate’ now just a distant memory, and nothing remaining except a broken swing and a heap of empty wine bottles at No. 10, that no one can be arsed to clear up, Monkeypox failing to get anyone scared unless they take it up the arse, so the usual fake news ‘talking heads’ and the few Gov ministers who drew the short straws and haven’t fucked off on holiday, have gone full steam ahead with the ‘water shortages, hosepipe ban, grass up your neighbour’ agenda now.

Really? One thing the U.K. has never and will never be short of is fucking water. It fucking rains quite a lot for most of the year right across the country, in case no one’s noticed. Every year thousands of cunts are flooded and arseholes like Bozo or the other cunt Queer Starmer pose for photos in their wellies for the MSM and promise to do something about it. 
The problem isn’t fucking climate change, which is a fairy story for only fear hungry cunts to worry about. The problem is that the last reservoir to be built in England was in 1981, dozens of existing reservoirs (mainly in the South) have been decommissioned, and the population of England has increased by 18% since then. It’s not rocket science ffs.

Instead of wasting  billions of pounds on vanity projects like HS2 or 3 or whatever fucking number we’re at now, so some cunt with a briefcase can get to London 20 mins quicker from the Northern swamplands, maybe some bright spark in Whitehall could have suggested building a fucking  great big pipe to pump some fucking H2O down south when the sun comes out, which it does every summer.

Bunch of fucking geniuses. 
Harvey Price could do a better job than the cunts are doing now. 

What makes me smile is that last summer every cunt was moaning that it was a shit summer. Which it was. At the moment I'm sitting in my garden being deafened by the absolute silence and trying to think of something funny to say about Olivia Nuetron-Bomb dying today. But I can't. Oh well, just one of those Summer Nights!

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What makes me smile is that last summer every cunt was moaning that it was a shit summer. Which it was. At the moment I'm sitting in my garden being deafened by the absolute silence and trying to think of something funny to say about Olivia Nuetron-Bomb dying today. But I can't. Oh well, just one of those Summer Nights!

Tell me more...

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2 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

What makes me smile is that last summer every cunt was moaning that it was a shit summer. Which it was. At the moment I'm sitting in my garden being deafened by the absolute silence and trying to think of something funny to say about Olivia Nuetron-Bomb dying today. But I can't. Oh well, just one of those Summer Nights!

Tell me more, tell me more.

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