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The Heatwave

Last Cunt Standing

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12 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

You could always utilise the mowing skills of the Corner’s very own semi-literate, pisshead scrumpy swigger @Wolfie.

My grammar is among the very best here – and you know it. If I was to pinpoint every English misdemeanour by you, I'd be here for a whole week doing it. And, unlike you, I have a job – which limits my input and consumption of alcohol.

The only positive thing I can say about you at this stage is you're becoming the current Jazz of the site, a complete fucking annoying tool who even the most average of gobshites easily get stuck into. He was well before your time, which, again, denotes your relatively short stint on these hallowed pages, which includes your horrifically piss-poor post/like ratio and ongoing minnow status, despite your inflated belief you've become a Corner beast.

Judging by the amount of PMs I've received about you in recent weeks, and not only from Ape, it's becoming clear very few actually want you here. So why hasn't this message sunk into your thick fucking boozer's skull?

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16 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

My grammar is among the very best here – and you know it. If I was to pinpoint every English misdemeanour by you, I'd be here for a whole week doing it. And, unlike you, I have a job – which limits my input and consumption of alcohol.

The only positive thing I can say about you at this stage is you're becoming the current Jazz of the site, a complete fucking annoying tool who even the most average of gobshites easily get stuck into. He was well before your time, which, again, denotes your relatively short stint on these hallowed pages, which includes your horrifically piss-poor post/like ratio and ongoing minnow status, despite your inflated belief you've become a Corner beast.

Judging by the amount of PMs I've received about you in recent weeks, and not only from Ape, it's becoming clear very few actually want you here. So why hasn't this message sunk into your thick fucking boozer's skull?

Fuck off you're jobless and even gobbier.

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17 hours ago, King Billy said:

The World Meteorological Society defines a heatwave as ‘5 or more consecutive days during which the daily maximum temperature surpasses the average maximum temperature by 5 degrees C (9degF) or more’.

This July18th and 19th was quite warm and sunny across the U.K., which the media would have you believe was the beginning of the end for the U.K. and was surely proof for all the doubters and naysayers that Greta ‘the gargoyle’ Cuntbergs ‘climate emergency’ is knocking at the door, bringing mass death and destruction imminently unless we all swap our imaginary M4s for what used to be called milk floats, switch to a bug based diet, throw our gas boilers on the scrap heap (so the Chinese PLA can recycle them into aircraft carriers and ICBMs) and basically the whole Western world go back to living in the 19th century immediately, or else.

Im sorry but 2 consecutive hotter than average days is not a fucking heatwave. In 1976 the real heatwave which the MSM kept reminding people had only  maxed out at 38.4 (I believe) and was far less severe than the current existential crisis.

Except the actual heatwave in 1976 spanned 16 consecutive days and quite a few more besides, which the fakenews bullshitters conveniently omit to mention. The BBC hysterically reporting  ‘UKs 40  C HEATWAVE BASICALLY IMPOSSIBLE WITHOUT CLIMATE CHANGE’.

July 2003 saw 8 consecutive days above the max average reaching 38 C (another real U.K. heatwave) very close to the 2 day non heatwave last month.

In the summer of 1974/1975 Australia experienced their worst bush fires ever, with 15% of the country’s physical land mass sustaining extensive fire damage, and on Christmas Day 1974 the city of Darwin was almost totally destroyed by ‘Cyclone Tracy’. The MSM rarely mention this as they’re far too busy lying about ‘unprecedented extreme weather caused by ‘climate change’…..blah blah blah.

On Jan 5th 1978 Walter Sullivan wrote in the New York Times.

’International Team of Specialists Finds No End in Sight to 30 Year Cooling Trend in Northern Hemisphere’.

In 1911 almost all of Europe including the U.K. experienced a real heatwave which killed hundreds of thousands of people. Paris experienced 70 consecutive days of heatwave which killed over 40,000 frogs.

What I’m trying to say in a roundabout way is that……

Climate change isn’t a load of bollocks

mRNA vaccines are totally safe and they work really good to stop people catching Covid19, which is totally real

Bill Gates is a lovely, kind old guy who we should all trust implicitly and not say anything horrible about him

Klaus Schwab is even kinder and lovelier than Billyboy Gates

The WHO and the WEF will look after us all no matter what

Joe Biden is the smartest, sharpest, most decent and most legitimately elected President of the USA ever

China are our friends 





Didn't quadruple jabbed Biden catch Covid 19 twice in a month? What a load of bollocks. Lol

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

My grammar is among the very best here – and you know it. If I was to pinpoint every English misdemeanour by you, I'd be here for a whole week doing it. And, unlike you, I have a job – which limits my input and consumption of alcohol.

The only positive thing I can say about you at this stage is you're becoming the current Jazz of the site, a complete fucking annoying tool who even the most average of gobshites easily get stuck into. He was well before your time, which, again, denotes your relatively short stint on these hallowed pages, which includes your horrifically piss-poor post/like ratio and ongoing minnow status, despite your inflated belief you've become a Corner beast.

Judging by the amount of PMs I've received about you in recent weeks, and not only from Ape, it's becoming clear very few actually want you here. So why hasn't this message sunk into your thick fucking boozer's skull?

Far too verbose and of poor construct.

(1) Self-praise is no praise at all. Arrogant tit.

(2) Post/like ratio critiques seem to be your default position, you repeat this shit all of the time.

(3) PMs? You sad fucking idiot. Do you actually believe that anyone gives a toss who PMs you or believes that you represent the Corner’s zeitgeist?

(4) Ape? 🙄🤣

Fess up. You got pissed on 3 ciders, fell out with your missus, jumped on here and attempted to correct a member’s grammar (twice) but made several drunken grammatical/spelling mistakes yourself. You’ve been pissing your knickers ever since you’ve been called out on it because you’re a thin-skinned, precious little wanker who resorts to making threats that he has no fucking ability to carry out. You want a scrap with me, get on with it. Do try to keep it between us and not squeal for your mates to help you out. Now fuck off and tend to your borders…drunken little shitcunt.

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On 03/08/2022 at 13:16, Dyslexic cnut said:


Fess up. You got pissed on 3 ciders, fell out with your missus, jumped on here and attempted to correct a member’s grammar (twice) but made several drunken grammatical/spelling mistakes yourself. You’ve been pissing your knickers ever since you’ve been called out on it because you’re a thin-skinned, precious little wanker who resorts to making threats that he has no fucking ability to carry out. You want a scrap with me, get on with it. Do try to keep it between us and not squeal for your mates to help you out. Now fuck off and tend to your borders…drunken little shitcunt.


On 01/08/2022 at 22:12, Dyslexic cnut said:

You made several whilst simultaneously grammatically correcting others. To be fair, you had mowed your three metre lawn, drank 3 bottles of cider, admitted that you were wankered and been knocked back by your wife. Them’s the breaks I guess, and, of course, fuck off.


On 01/08/2022 at 22:24, Dyslexic cnut said:

You have an awfully high opinion of yourself. As an aside, if my hands were ‘T-Rex sized’ they’d hardly be ‘little’ now would they? Now, go and talk the wife out of her sulk after your 3 pint marathon session yesterday…fucking lightweight.


On 01/08/2022 at 22:40, Dyslexic cnut said:

Tell it to Karen Carpenter. ‘Occasional?’ Try it more often, you may start to be interesting. I’m, erm, shitting myself due to your threats I really am. Now fuck off and try to placate the wife. Fucking cider poof.

I thought a few home truths would piss you off. 'Thin-skinned' indeed. You've clearly been clutching at straws by mentioning my wife four times since Monday, which is obviously in breach of site rules.

I wonder what action the mods will be taking?

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Far too verbose and of poor construct.

(1) Self-praise is no praise at all. Arrogant tit.

(2) Post/like ratio critiques seem to be your default position, you repeat this shit all of the time.

(3) PMs? You sad fucking idiot. Do you actually believe that anyone gives a toss who PMs you or believes that you represent the Corner’s zeitgeist?

(4) Ape? 🙄🤣

Fess up. You got pissed on 3 ciders, fell out with your missus, jumped on here and attempted to correct a member’s grammar (twice) but made several drunken grammatical/spelling mistakes yourself. You’ve been pissing your knickers ever since you’ve been called out on it because you’re a thin-skinned, precious little wanker who resorts to making threats that he has no fucking ability to carry out. You want a scrap with me, get on with it. Do try to keep it between us and not squeal for your mates to help you out. Now fuck off and tend to your borders…drunken little shitcunt.


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47 minutes ago, Wolfie said:




I thought a few home truths would piss you off. 'Thin-skinned' indeed. You've clearly been clutching at straws by mentioning my wife four times since Monday, which is obviously in breach of site rules.

I wonder what action the mods will be taking?

You are probably the most unlikeable character I've ever seen on these pages.. detested by the mods and vast majority of the membership. Shoulder-less gimp.

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59 minutes ago, Wolfie said:




I thought a few home truths would piss you off. 'Thin-skinned' indeed. You've clearly been clutching at straws by mentioning my wife four times since Monday, which is obviously in breach of site rules.

I wonder what action the mods will be taking?

I think you’ll find that you mentioned the poor woman first. I’ve not been abusive about her…she’s clearly got enough on her plate living with self important shithead like you. Squealing to Admin now? Utter wanker.

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20 minutes ago, Frank said:

You are probably the most unlikeable character I've ever seen on these pages.. detested by the mods and vast majority of the membership. Shoulder-less gimp.

Coming from you, this can only be perceived as an absolutely massive compliment. 

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I think you’ll find that you mentioned the poor woman first. I’ve not been abusive about her…she’s clearly got enough on her plate living with self important shithead like you. Squealing to Admin now? Utter wanker.

Well, if it isn't the Baldrick half of the Laurel & Hardy double act. Still, it's good to see I'm not getting to you, which is why you haven't bothered mentioning my wife again. Why don't Frank and you talk about designer clothes, expensive shoes, and compare bumhole sizes?

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37 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Well, if it isn't the Baldrick half of the Laurel & Hardy double act. Still, it's good to see I'm not getting to you, because you haven't bothered mentioning my wife again. Why don't Frank and you talk about designer clothes, expensive shoes, and compare bumhole sizes?

Why don't you fuck off, you pompous fictional character.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Well, if it isn't the Baldrick half of the Laurel & Hardy double act. Still, it's good to see I'm not getting to you, which is why you haven't bothered mentioning my wife again. Why don't Frank and you talk about designer clothes, expensive shoes, and compare bumhole sizes?

I think you’ll find I did. Best report me. You squealing precious ponce. Fuck off and cut your hedge.

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23 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

I think you’ll find I did. Best report me. You squealing precious ponce. Fuck off and cut your hedge.

No shit! The glaring irony in my comment clearly bypassed you, you vacuous bellend. Speaking of which, it's becoming blindingly obvious you're just too stupid to see Frank's playing you like a fiddle. Have you learnt nothing during your short tenure here?

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14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

No shit! The glaring irony in my comment clearly bypassed you, you vacuous bellend. Speaking of which, it's becoming blindingly obvious you're just too stupid to see Frank's playing you like a fiddle. Have you learnt nothing during your short tenure here?

Explain what Frank has to do with this and make it good. Playing to the crowd again are we? Spineless little cunt.

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18 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Explain what Frank has to do with this and make it good. Playing to the crowd again are we? Spineless little cunt.

I never had you figured out for particularly dim, DC, though I'm glad to say you're proving me wrong rather well. How the fuck can I be 'reporting' or 'squealing' to admin if it's blindingly obvious the mods can see for themselves in the discourse your references to my wife time and again? You ridiculous thickster, honestly.

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37 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

No shit! The glaring irony in my comment clearly bypassed you, you vacuous bellend. Speaking of which, it's becoming blindingly obvious you're just too stupid to see Frank's playing you like a fiddle. Have you learnt nothing during your short tenure here?

Fucking hell @Wolfie You are on fire .. why not empty a can of petrol over yourself?

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