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Chinks are consuming more and more coal

White Cunt

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Here is video about chinks' growing coal consumption.

And of course, every idiot politician is believing in China's dedication to "reducing" co2 and pollution. What a con.

I don't know what you think, but in keeping with traditions of being incredibly thick and incompetent, the green tech of China is shit and located in the wrong locations - a typical slope botched job, chairman Mao would be proud.

Why the fuck are we still in business with those cunts?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
4 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Here is video about chinks' growing coal consumption.

And of course, every idiot politician is believing in China's dedication to "reducing" co2 and pollution. What a con.

I don't know what you think, but in keeping with traditions of being incredibly thick and incompetent, the green tech of China is shit and located in the wrong locations - a typical slope botched job, chairman Mao would be proud.

Why the fuck are we still in business with those cunts?

I don't give a fuck Belinda, I just don't give a fuck. The Chong's can burn whatever they fuck they like as long as the gaping hole in the atmosphere gives you cancer of the face. Bringing this climate change fuckery here, pffft.

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47 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

I don't give a fuck Belinda, I just don't give a fuck. The Chong's can burn whatever they fuck they like as long as the gaping hole in the atmosphere gives you cancer of the face. Bringing this climate change fuckery here, pffft.

Climate change or no climate change, the savages are polluting and pillaging on the scale never witnessed before. I wouldn’t give a shit if they extinguished their own parasitic existence, but the menace has effect worldwide.

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2 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Climate change or no climate change, the savages are polluting and pillaging on the scale never witnessed before. I wouldn’t give a shit if they extinguished their own parasitic existence, but the menace has effect worldwide.

Climate change is definitely real. Yesterday was cloudy and then today it was sunny. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if it rained at some time in the future too.

We’re all fucked.

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9 hours ago, King Billy said:

Clever little cunts aren’t they?

Fucking vermin. But as the bastards have collapsing demographics, lockdowns with starvation and disease, food and clean water and air shortages, rolling bankruptcies, so their attrition rate should escalate.
There are some good videos (one about missing and rotting grain), by the two bikers, which represent the chink reality quite well.
The big issue is our, EU and US politicians collaborating with the top commies and the damage they are doing on our populations. I see Draghi is out, Macron looks wobbly. I wonder what krauts will do. 
Putin is an oligarch, but Europe sources a lot of gas, coal and other resources from the russkie cunts and the ongoing devastation of European energy production has played to his hands. 
Let’s see what they are going to do.

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26 minutes ago, White Cunt said:

Is Dave Walsh a mate of yours? Yet another site where you have to join before seeing what the cunt is writing .. I rarely join these sites as the cunts are seldom up to having their thoughts or what they are spouting (but do not actually believe) analysed. Italy has always hovered on the brink of economic disaster and corruption is and always has been rife .. there is no need to seek more information from some cunt who is stating the obvious.

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As the world's biggest polluter, if China was serious about cutting carbon emmissions, the slitty-eyed selfish cunts have to be prepared to inflict deep harm on their economy – something they've never been prepared to do, which is why they didn't bother taking last year's COP26 meet in Glasgow very seriously.

If we are going to stop the Earth from imploding, which it will, the world needs to stop trading with China – now.

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19 hours ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

I don't give a fuck Belinda, I just don't give a fuck. The Chong's can burn whatever they fuck they like as long as the gaping hole in the atmosphere gives you cancer of the face. Bringing this climate change fuckery here, pffft.

Absolute cockrot PC. Why do you think parts of London, Essex and Kent are facing unprecedented temperatures of 40°C next week?

Just when you were getting into my good books as one for the future of this site, you come out with the most ridiculously wankish comment I've seen for some while. If it was said in jest, you are forgiven, but I don't believe it was. Do your research and you'll see just how much I deeply despise the cruellest race of our species and what they are doing to our planet. I am far from alone.

I hope they self-detonante part of their nuclear arsenal – just enough to wipe both themselves and more than half the planet's demographic out, so the long road to green redemption can actually start. If I had my way, I'd eradicate them off the face of the planet, keeping just a few for my own amusement and ecological objectives. When I am leader of the free world, I will build two huge Ughuir-type 'camps' – one in Yulin, the other Wuhan. Here, those I decide to keep alive will be forced to manufacture green products which benefit the Earth's recovery, during which time they will be fed rotting leftovers from the growing number of dog & cat restaurants they once treasured. Those surviving for a year or more will have fresh steak nailgunned to their genitals, before being slowly lowered into a pit of hungry wolves.

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12 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Absolute cockrot PC. Why do you think parts of London, Essex and Kent are facing unprecedented temperatures of 40°C next week?

Just when you were getting into my good books as one for the future of this site, you come out with the most ridiculously wankish comment I've seen for some while. If it was said in jest, you are forgiven, but I don't believe it was. Do your research and you'll see just how much I deeply despise the cruellest race of our species and what they are doing to our planet. I am far from alone.

I hope they self-detonante part of their nuclear arsenal – just enough to wipe both themselves and more than half the planet's demographic out, so the long road to green redemption can actually start. If I had my way, I'd eradicate them off the face of the planet, keeping just a few for my own amusement and ecological objectives. When I am leader of the free world, I will build two huge 'Ughuir camps' – one in Yulin, the other Wuhan. Here, those I decide to keep alive will be forced to manufacture green products which benefit the Earth's recovery, during which time they will be fed rotting leftovers from the growing number of dog & cat restaurants they once treasured. Those surviving for a year or more will have fresh steak nailgunned to their genitals, before being slowly lowered into a pit of hungry wolves.


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17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Absolute cockrot PC. Why do you think parts of London, Essex and Kent are facing unprecedented temperatures of 40°C next week?

Just when you were getting into my good books as one for the future of this site, you come out with the most ridiculously wankish comment I've seen for some while. If it was said in jest, you are forgiven, but I don't believe it was. Do your research and you'll see just how much I deeply despise the cruellest race of our species and what they are doing to our planet. I am far from alone.

I hope they self-detonante part of their nuclear arsenal – just enough to wipe both themselves and more than half the planet's demographic out, so the long road to green redemption can actually start. If I had my way, I'd eradicate them off the face of the planet, keeping just a few for my own amusement and ecological objectives. When I am leader of the free world, I will build two huge 'Ughuir camps' – one in Yulin, the other Wuhan. Here, those I decide to keep alive will be forced to manufacture green products which benefit the Earth's recovery, during which time they will be fed rotting leftovers from the growing number of dog & cat restaurants they once treasured. Those surviving for a year or more will have fresh steak nailgunned to their genitals, before being slowly lowered into a pit of hungry wolves.

That is actually quite possible: the weapons are a product of Russian/chink collaboration - the state of merchandise must be more rotten that Johnson's dick. I would speculate that any explosions will only obliterate the morlocks in the fifty mile radius, as there is really no wild life left: it had been either eaten or polluted to death.

Once various silos start going off, slopeland will look like Swiss cheese.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
7 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Absolute cockrot PC. Why do you think parts of London, Essex and Kent are facing unprecedented temperatures of 40°C next week?

Just when you were getting into my good books as one for the future of this site, you come out with the most ridiculously wankish comment I've seen for some while. If it was said in jest, you are forgiven, but I don't believe it was. Do your research and you'll see just how much I deeply despise the cruellest race of our species and what they are doing to our planet. I am far from alone.

I hope they self-detonante part of their nuclear arsenal – just enough to wipe both themselves and more than half the planet's demographic out, so the long road to green redemption can actually start. If I had my way, I'd eradicate them off the face of the planet, keeping just a few for my own amusement and ecological objectives. When I am leader of the free world, I will build two huge 'camps' – one in Yulin, the other Wuhan. Here, those I decide to keep alive will be forced to manufacture green products which benefit the Earth's recovery, during which time they will be fed rotting leftovers from the growing number of dog & cat restaurants they once treasured. Those surviving for a year or more will have fresh steak nailgunned to their genitals, before being slowly lowered into a pit of hungry wolves.

High temps followed by, and this is key, cooling, happen every 400 years or so with the largest slump in average temperature occurring at roughly 200 years after the peak high. Talk to a geologist, not a climatologist (pseudo-science based on data inputted), as temperatures have been recorded in rock for millions of years. 

It's utter nonsense. Sorry, but the Chong's can burn what they like. It won't make a bit of difference to earth's chemical systems.

However, if you wanted to make a case for air quality and effects or working conditions in China, you are very welcome.

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53 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

As the world's biggest polluter, if China was serious about cutting carbon emmissions, the slitty-eyed selfish cunts have to be prepared to inflict deep harm on their economy – something they've never been prepared to do, which is why they didn't bother taking last year's COP26 meet in Glasgow very seriously.

If we are going to stop the Earth from imploding, which it will, the world needs to stop trading with China – now.

Their economy is now in  a shocking state, so guess what the fuckers are doing? Printing more money, swiping plebs' bank accounts and rolling out more dog shit construction projects across China, Africa and South America, although the latter ones may need to be suspended soon, as the locals are getting very jiggy, due to water, food and medicine issues.

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17 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

High temps followed by, and this is key, cooling, happen every 400 years or so with the largest slump in average temperature occurring at roughly 200 years after the peak high. Talk to a geologist, not a climatologist (pseudo-science based on data inputted), as temperatures have been recorded in rock for millions of years. 

It's utter nonsense. Sorry, but the Chong's can burn what they like. It won't make a bit of difference to earth's chemical systems.

However, if you wanted to make a case for air quality and effects or working conditions in China, you are very welcome.

I've heard this all before, PC. We each have perspectives and I'm of the opinion the growth of the human race is directly linked to the Earth's unprecedented warming. The scientific community is hugely in favour of this, and only a fool might think otherwise. Our planet does indeed have warming cycles, and I do agree governments are undoubtedly exploiting green taxes, but the evidence of humans burning fossil fuels and a direct relationship to global warming is now all too real.

Where's your evidence this is not the case?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
4 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I've heard this all before, PC. We each have perspectives and I'm of the opinion the growth of the human race is directly linked to the Earth's unprecedented warming. The scientific community is hugely in favour of this, and only a fool might think otherwise. Our planet does indeed have warming cycles, and I do agree governments are undoubtedly exploiting green taxes, but the evidence of humans burning fossil fuels and a direct relationship to global warming is now all too real.

Where's your evidence this is not the case?

These temperatures are not high compared to other cycles in earths recent history, that's for sure. There is no scientific consensus across all related sciences and geology certainly does not agree with climate change as a looming deadly force. More agenda driven shit that will eventually lead to the seizure and equal distribution of resource for plebs like us.

The more carbon dioxide, the more food for algae, phytoplasmic organisms, plankton and plants, which means more oxygen produced for all of us and more future fossil fuels as a result. In the last 10 years, we have seen growing green cover across earths surface (not accounting for deforestation). 

Our problem in major cities is air quality. Not temperature, not carbon dioxide, and of course deforestation is a major problem.

Climate change shite is psuedo science computer modelled horseshit that does not take into account all of the information available. Just like virology.

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51 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Absolute cockrot PC. Why do you think parts of London, Essex and Kent are facing unprecedented temperatures of 40°C next week?

Just when you were getting into my good books as one for the future of this site, you come out with the most ridiculously wankish comment I've seen for some while. If it was said in jest, you are forgiven, but I don't believe it was. Do your research and you'll see just how much I deeply despise the cruellest race of our species and what they are doing to our planet. I am far from alone.

I hope they self-detonante part of their nuclear arsenal – just enough to wipe both themselves and more than half the planet's demographic out, so the long road to green redemption can actually start. If I had my way, I'd eradicate them off the face of the planet, keeping just a few for my own amusement and ecological objectives. When I am leader of the free world, I will build two huge Ughuir-type 'camps' – one in Yulin, the other Wuhan. Here, those I decide to keep alive will be forced to manufacture green products which benefit the Earth's recovery, during which time they will be fed rotting leftovers from the growing number of dog & cat restaurants they once treasured. Those surviving for a year or more will have fresh steak nailgunned to their genitals, before being slowly lowered into a pit of hungry wolves.

I don't think nuclear detonations are particularly known for their environmental friendliness, Wolfie. Personally, I'd strap solar powered chainsaws to an army of rabid Pangolins and release them into high density population hubs, complete with explosive charges set to detonate if the critter's vitals cease.

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16 minutes ago, Parabolic Cunting said:

These temperatures are not high compared to other cycles in earths recent history, that's for sure. There is no scientific consensus across all related sciences and geology certainly does not agree with climate change as a looming deadly force. More agenda driven shit that will eventually lead to the seizure and equal distribution of resource for plebs like us.

The more carbon dioxide, the more food for algae, phytoplasmic organisms, plankton and plants, which means more oxygen produced for all of us and more future fossil fuels as a result. In the last 10 years, we have seen growing green cover across earths surface (not accounting for deforestation). 

Our problem in major cities is air quality. Not temperature, not carbon dioxide, and of course deforestation is a major problem.

Climate change shite is psuedo science computer modelled horseshit that does not take into account all of the information available. Just like virology.

I don't really want to get too much into this argument, because no cunt is ever going to change their mind over what they read on this fucking place, but hasn't the south of the country just announced an emergency situation because they're going to cook in record breaking temperatures? Just saying, that sort of sounds like a major problem too, PC.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I don't really want to get too much into this argument, because no cunt is ever going to change their mind over what they read on this fucking place, but hasn't the south of the country just announced an emergency situation because they're going to cook in record breaking temperatures? Just saying, that sort of sounds like a major problem too, PC.

Weaklings. 40 degrees? Absolutely pathetic. It's hotter, and averagely so, in many more countries on the earth who themselves have NOT seen record temperatures in their summer time, this / last year. 

Get a grip.

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Just now, Parabolic Cunting said:

Weaklings. 40 degrees? Absolutely pathetic. It's hotter, and averagely so, in many more countries on the earth who themselves have NOT seen record temperatures in their summer time, this / last year. 

Get a grip.

Where I come from, if your extremities aren't black with frostbite, then you're a puff. Its a worrying situation, PC and I'll thank you to respect the cultural sensitivities surrounding it.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
Just now, Roadkill said:

Where I come from, if your extremities aren't black with frostbite, then you're a puff. Its a worrying situation, PC and I'll thank you to respect the cultural sensitivities surrounding it.

Is this the arctic north-east? Must be very disconcerting, without all the sideways rain.

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