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Police... Too aggressive or too weak?

Old Chap Raasclaat

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1 minute ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Stephen French is a fucking Imhotep cunt. 

Just another spam head Cocky wannabe who’s business model was probably based on watching ‘Chopper’ about 300 times on a stolen VHS player and a 14” B+W TV, in a 14th storey council squat on a 6 month mushroom trip.

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7 hours ago, Wolfie said:

But what a fucking mess and what a fucking pussy the first policeman is... that headlock, takedown & roll... lol! Would this wet weekend fill the public or his colleagues with any confidence, seeing as he needed the help of a (W)PC to control a fairly small teenager? I reckon he was afraid of being filmed by a black man and the potential career implications involved – so thank fuck the other cop comes along and immediately gets the situation under control. The guy obviously fancies himself as a bit of a Vince from TJ Hooker, but she was drunk, aggressive, and could have been carrying a knife. So no probs here from me generally. I wish police acted more like this more often, which is what we pay them to do.

Just as importantly, the man taking the video for internet upload purposes ought to be investigated for attempting to pervert the course of justice by elaborating the aggression of the police, with bullshit statements such as 'Yo bro, why you trayin' t'break her neck/arm, man', when clearly none of the police trio was doing anything of the sort. I think now is a good time to coin the phrase "Floydian". For example, 'The black man in the video seemed to be overcome with a severe case of "Floydian" when making false statements at police, in an attempt to prevent them from carrying out public order.'.

Whilst I like maintaining a healthy distance between myself and the Police, I have respect for them and never underestimate them. One of the problems they face these days is the scrutiny they are put under when anything goes wrong, and the fact they are usually filmed whilst making arrests etc. This can be a good thing, as it's a deterrent to some of the blatant bad apples within the Force, however when it affects an officers behaviour in a serious situation, it's a shame. The Police have partly brought a lot of the pressure and scrutiny upon themselves with their past behaviour, however many of the police today aren't responsible for past wrongs. I have to say the standard of some of these new coppers is embarrassing, I saw some geeky fucking nerd twat in uniform a while ago and couldn't believe he made the grade. When I was a younger cunt, most coppers were well built and had some authority, nowadays they're too busy wearing high heels at Pride. 

If I caught an on duty copper in fucking heels, I'd put him under citizen's arrest for 1) not being in a position to carry out his duty and 2) for defrauding the public purse.

What a fucking mess. 

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8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

But what a fucking mess and what a fucking pussy the first policeman is... that headlock, takedown & roll... lol! Would this wet weekend fill the public or his colleagues with any confidence, seeing as he needed the help of a (W)PC to control a fairly small teenager? I reckon he was afraid of being filmed by a black man and the potential career implications involved – so thank fuck the other cop comes along and immediately gets the situation under control. The guy obviously fancies himself as a bit of a Vince from TJ Hooker, but she was drunk, aggressive, and could have been carrying a knife. So no probs here from me generally. I wish police acted more like this more often, which is what we pay them to do.

Just as importantly, the man taking the video for internet upload purposes ought to be investigated for attempting to pervert the course of justice by elaborating the aggression of the police, with bullshit statements such as 'Yo bro, why you trayin' t'break her neck/arm, man', when clearly none of the police trio was doing anything of the sort. I think now is a good time to coin the phrase "Floydian". For example, 'The black man in the video seemed to be overcome with a severe case of "Floydian" when making false statements at police, in an attempt to prevent them from carrying out public order.'.

The only lethal thing in TJ Hooker was Shatner's syrup. I understand it got it's own action series. 

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49 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Whilst I like maintaining a healthy distance between myself and the Police, I have respect for them and never underestimate them. One of the problems they face these days is the scrutiny they are put under when anything goes wrong, and the fact they are usually filmed whilst making arrests etc. This can be a good thing, as it's a deterrent to some of the blatant bad apples within the Force, however when it affects an officers behaviour in a serious situation, it's a shame. The Police have partly brought a lot of the pressure and scrutiny upon themselves with their past behaviour, however many of the police today aren't responsible for past wrongs. I have to say the standard of some of these new coppers is embarrassing, I saw some geeky fucking nerd twat in uniform a while ago and couldn't believe he made the grade. When I was a younger cunt, most coppers were well built and had some authority, nowadays they're too busy wearing high heels at Pride. 

If I caught an on duty copper in fucking heels, I'd put him under citizen's arrest for 1) not being in a position to carry out his duty and 2) for defrauding the public purse.

What a fucking mess. 

They’re still fucking filth though. Bunch of tyrant egomaniacal cunts.

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13 hours ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

What came after though Bill, when Maggie had tooled them up? Coon-carnage for three years.

DC, Since my arrival in Britain from Calais, I've heard this word often, is it a term of endearment? The guy who serves breakfast at my hotel in Dover always says 'Here's your Coonflakes, milks over there' every morning. I think he's a good mate. 

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20 hours ago, Wolfie said:

But what a fucking mess and what a fucking pussy the first policeman is... that headlock, takedown & roll... lol! Would this wet weekend fill the public or his colleagues with any confidence, seeing as he needed the help of a (W)PC to control a fairly small teenager?

After watching the video again, she uses the momentum of his shitty roll and flips him over (taking his cuffs off him in the process) lol. The slag could clearly teach that officer some moves. 

Steroid/action man officer definitely took control of the situation though and that's what was needed.

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

DC, Since my arrival in Britain from Calais, I've heard this word often, is it a term of endearment? The guy who serves breakfast at my hotel in Dover always says 'Here's your Coonflakes, milks over there' every morning. I think he's a good mate. 

Are they burnt ‘cornflakes,’ Raas? Change hotels…he’s no friend of yours. Be very careful.

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On 03/07/2022 at 02:20, Frank said:

I miss a good roast DC. I liquified everything for my Ming towards the end. We'd sit side-by-side for supper rather than opposite each other because I could hardly bear to look at her... literally up to her eyeballs in cancer. Her palate had semi-collapsed the previous week and all she kept asking for was roast beef and horseradish. I remember it like it was yesterday. 


Do you make your own horseradish sauce Frank?

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2 hours ago, Witheredscrote said:

Do you make your own horseradish sauce Frank?

The days when Frank could make or contribute anything worthwhile are a long distant memory Withers, if they ever even existed. I hope he’s finally done the right thing and died horribly.

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