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Virtual wards aka your own bedroom is an hospital


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Show the link ProfB, Damascus or Baws or someone said:


This will happen, virtual everything.

Burning my sandalwood joss sticks - & chillin' with my woman’s vod. (Only the passion fruit flav - but bring back the grapefruit one - the vanilla one is like licking clean, an old pair of 80s headphones: stinks of cheap furniture polish.).

I am ready to catch out cunts.

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30 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Show the link ProfB, Damascus or Baws or someone said:


This will happen, virtual everything.

Burning my sandalwood joss sticks - & chillin' with my woman’s vod. (Only the passion fruit flav - but bring back the grapefruit one - the vanilla one is like licking clean, an old pair of 80s headphones: stinks of cheap furniture polish.).

I am ready to catch out cunts.

You're probably right ProfB, like all the banks closing, the hospitals will follow. Amazon are/were trialling drone deliveries, and it wouldn't surprise me if this same technology is applied to the NHS. You're sat at home having a heart attack and some drone comes through the window, turns into a miniature ambulance and treats you... all remotely controlled by Dr Patel. 

What if 'Big Kazza' needed airlifting to hospital ProfB? They'd need a fucking jumbo jet to lift her fat arse out of there. 

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24 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

Fucking hell. The next initiative will be to get the gays to do their own prostate examinations while they're back scuttling.

I’m sure Dr Hillary and The Scofe will discuss the pros and cons of this if you phone in and  ask if it’s a good idea. I’m not sure myself.

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12 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

You're probably right ProfB, like all the banks closing, the hospitals will follow. Amazon are/were trialling drone deliveries, and it wouldn't surprise me if this same technology is applied to the NHS. You're sat at home having a heart attack and some drone comes through the window, turns into a miniature ambulance and treats you... all remotely controlled by Dr Patel. 

What if 'Big Kazza' needed airlifting to hospital ProfB? They'd need a fucking jumbo jet to lift her fat arse out of there. 

Big Kazza has lost 2 stone, she's now a size 18 she says & she says 2 stone. She got slimming pills off the net. I think she's more like a size 24, but they won't need a jumbo jet, plus she's into alternative & herbal remedies- she blew over £100 in Holland & Barrett Monday & collected loads of points on her H&B card.

She's drinking Nettle tea... to erase excess fluid.

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11 minutes ago, ProfB said:

Big Kazza has lost 2 stone, she's now a size 18 she says & she says 2 stone. She got slimming pills off the net. I think she's more like a size 24, but they won't need a jumbo jet, plus she's into alternative & herbal remedies- she blew over £100 in Holland & Barrett Monday & collected loads of points on her H&B card.

She's drinking Nettle tea... to erase excess fluid.

Slimming pills, alternative & herbal remedies? Size 18? Blew £100 in the local fish and chip shop more like. 

Tell the fat cow to stop eating.

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
2 hours ago, ProfB said:

Big Kazza has lost 2 stone, she's now a size 18 she says & she says 2 stone. She got slimming pills off the net. I think she's more like a size 24, but they won't need a jumbo jet, plus she's into alternative & herbal remedies- she blew over £100 in Holland & Barrett Monday & collected loads of points on her H&B card.

She's drinking Nettle tea... to erase excess fluid.

Herbal remedies are fine. I use them all the time. But your friend, dear Prof, Is a silly cunt. 90% of fat lost on the body is converted into carbon dioxide and exits through the lungs. Tell that fucking heap that the only way to get that process working is through exercise.

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The internet of things has been with us for some time and the internet of bodies has started. Diabetics with subcutaneous censors linked to an app on their smart phone to monitor their blood sugar. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and pacemakers with telemetry linked to the regional cardiothoracic unit to alert a patient if their heart has a run of an abnormal rhythm. 

The big problem is there isn't any substitute for the frail who need basic needs met, washing and dressing, pressure area care, continence care, help with feeding. 1 in 3 admissions on a medical take are people in their last year of life, mostly because of problems associated with chronic disease, frailty and the provision of adequate basic needs care at home. The idea of keeping people out of hospitals is sound, but to be properly effective it costs money and is no less resource intensive.

Much of the automation in health care is not there yet. Pattern recognition in reading scans, xrays, cervical smears and mammograms is encountering problems and not anywhere near delivery.

I guess the only thing to do is to change the patient. This document put out last year by the government, although primarily initially aimed at defence and armed services, is the direction of travel over the next 50 to 100 years.


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3 hours ago, ProfB said:

Big Kazza has lost 2 stone, she's now a size 18 she says & she says 2 stone. She got slimming pills off the net. I think she's more like a size 24, but they won't need a jumbo jet, plus she's into alternative & herbal remedies- she blew over £100 in Holland & Barrett Monday & collected loads of points on her H&B card.

She's drinking Nettle tea... to erase excess fluid.

Being morbidly obese with a plethora of associated illnesses, diabetes and heart disease etc, are the least of ‘Big Kazza’s’ problems. She’s got you as a friend…you demented little cunt. Kill her then yourself.

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1 hour ago, The Beast said:

The internet of things has been with us for some time and the internet of bodies has started. Diabetics with subcutaneous censors linked to an app on their smart phone to monitor their blood sugar. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and pacemakers with telemetry linked to the regional cardiothoracic unit to alert a patient if their heart has a run of an abnormal rhythm. 

The big problem is there isn't any substitute for the frail who need basic needs met, washing and dressing, pressure area care, continence care, help with feeding. 1 in 3 admissions on a medical take are people in their last year of life, mostly because of problems associated with chronic disease, frailty and the provision of adequate basic needs care at home. The idea of keeping people out of hospitals is sound, but to be properly effective it costs money and is no less resource intensive.

Much of the automation in health care is not there yet. Pattern recognition in reading scans, xrays, cervical smears and mammograms is encountering problems and not anywhere near delivery.

I guess the only thing to do is to change the patient. This document put out last year by the government, although primarily initially aimed at defence and armed services, is the direction of travel over the next 50 to 100 years.


Fuck that. I've seen Repo Men.

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1 hour ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

Being morbidly obese with a plethora of associated illnesses, diabetes and heart disease etc, are the least of ‘Big Kazza’s’ problems. She’s got you as a friend…you demented little cunt. Kill her then yourself.

I think there's a considerable possibility that Prof B and Big Kezza are inhabiting the same body and mind.

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8 hours ago, The Beast said:

The internet of things has been with us for some time and the internet of bodies has started. Diabetics with subcutaneous censors linked to an app on their smart phone to monitor their blood sugar. Implantable cardioverter-defibrillators and pacemakers with telemetry linked to the regional cardiothoracic unit to alert a patient if their heart has a run of an abnormal rhythm. 

The big problem is there isn't any substitute for the frail who need basic needs met, washing and dressing, pressure area care, continence care, help with feeding. 1 in 3 admissions on a medical take are people in their last year of life, mostly because of problems associated with chronic disease, frailty and the provision of adequate basic needs care at home. The idea of keeping people out of hospitals is sound, but to be properly effective it costs money and is no less resource intensive.

Much of the automation in health care is not there yet. Pattern recognition in reading scans, xrays, cervical smears and mammograms is encountering problems and not anywhere near delivery.

I guess the only thing to do is to change the patient. This document put out last year by the government, although primarily initially aimed at defence and armed services, is the direction of travel over the next 50 to 100 years.


Resistance is futile.

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9 hours ago, The Beast said:

I guess the only thing to do is to change the patient. 

For a moment I thought this read charge the patient, which even for an old leftie like me seems both inevitable, and the unspoken direction of UK Government policy. 

The UK News today features the fact the UK GPs are becoming an endangered species. Switch to a fee-per-patient model of funding and suddenly the full Monday morning waiting room isn’t a sigh-inducing burden on the harassed old medic, but an unmet customer need which needs meeting. All about mindset in my view. Pinstripes versus Overalls, if you will. 

That which is free has no value, and that which has no value does not survive. A very old idea.

No doubt the likes of Judith or Lupus will be along momentarily to tell me once again it’s none of my business, and that I’m wrong anyway as they’ve both paid years worth of NI on their vast salaries so unlimited first class healthcare is no more than they are due. I’d simply invite them to look around them at an NHS in ruins and wonder who or what is to blame, other than the legions of Gold plated NHS Pensioners like me and @cuntspotter.

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15 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

For a moment I thought this read charge the patient, which even for an old leftie like me seems both inevitable, and the unspoken direction of UK Government policy. 

The UK News today features the fact the UK GPs are becoming an endangered species. Switch to a fee-per-patient model of funding and suddenly the full Monday morning waiting room isn’t a sigh-inducing burden on the harassed old medic, but an unmet customer need which needs meeting. All about mindset in my view. Pinstripes versus Overalls, if you will. 

That which is free has no value, and that which has no value does not survive. A very old idea.

No doubt the likes of Judith or Lupus will be along momentarily to tell me once again it’s none of my business, and that I’m wrong anyway as they’ve both paid years worth of NI on their vast salaries so unlimited first class healthcare is no more than they are due. I’d simply invite them to look around them at an NHS in ruins and wonder who or what is to blame, other than the legions of Gold plated NHS Pensioners like me and @cuntspotter.

The excesses of the NHS pension scheme have been reined in over the years since my first contribution in 1988. However, it is still a very good scheme.

The overall health of the nation is one issue causing the strain, poor metabolic health from bad diets and excessive reliance on alcohol. The breakdown of the family unit is also causal. Another is, in my view,  more of an ethical issue. When I first started nursing, many older people with chronic disease would be left to die if they had recurrent hospital admissions in a short period, the end hastened by use of diamorphine, hyoscine and maxalon subcutaneous infusion. This practice is now only reserved for end of life care . The result is many people spending their last year or two having multiple hospital admissions and requiring care in between, much of which is sub standard, unless their is significant family input. Many are not for the highest level of care such as intensivist input or CPR, but enough is done to keep them alive. This didn't happen 25 to 30 years ago.

As for the point about charging, I think it is inevitable those that have the resources will simply use the private sector in greater volume as the painfully long and slow collapse of the NHS continues.

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On 30/06/2022 at 15:40, Cuntybaws said:

I'll be mightily surprised if there are only two of the cunts in there.


Two separate people & Big Kazza is not a forum member. Fat is a feminist issue.

Fat is a Feminist Issue, first published 20 years ago, shows how fat is not about food but rather about protection, sex, mothering, strength, assertion, anger, love. By understanding your investment in being fat, you can turn food into a friend. This is what Big Kazza must be doing - so leave her alone corner trolls, who are too scared to speak to females in real life, incase they get laughed at.


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2 hours ago, ProfB said:

Two separate people & Big Kazza is not a forum member. Fat is a feminist issue.

Fat is a Feminist Issue, first published 20 years ago, shows how fat is not about food but rather about protection, sex, mothering, strength, assertion, anger, love. By understanding your investment in being fat, you can turn food into a friend. This is what Big Kazza must be doing - so leave her alone corner trolls, who are too scared to speak to females in real life, incase they get laughed at.


You hypocritical freak. What do you call her BIG Kazza for? I don't imagine it's for her gigantic breasts, capacious fanny or her height, is it.

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3 hours ago, ProfB said:

Two separate people & Big Kazza is not a forum member. Fat is a feminist issue.

Fat is a Feminist Issue, first published 20 years ago, shows how fat is not about food but rather about protection, sex, mothering, strength, assertion, anger, love. By understanding your investment in being fat, you can turn food into a friend. This is what Big Kazza must be doing - so leave her alone corner trolls, who are too scared to speak to females in real life, incase they get laughed at.



1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

You hypocritical freak. What do you call her BIG Kazza for? I don't imagine it's for her gigantic breasts, capacious fanny or her height, is it.

Could it be a lifetime of being called 'Big Kazza' by her dear friend @ProfB has given Fat Kazza' low self esteem, and in turn driven her to eating/scoffing for comfort?

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
On 30/06/2022 at 02:13, Roadkill said:

I think there's a considerable possibility that Prof B and Big Kezza are inhabiting the same body and mind.

Haha. My thoughts exactly.

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On 29/06/2022 at 19:59, ProfB said:

Show the link ProfB, Damascus or Baws or someone said:


This will happen, virtual everything.

Burning my sandalwood joss sticks - & chillin' with my woman’s vod. (Only the passion fruit flav - but bring back the grapefruit one - the vanilla one is like licking clean, an old pair of 80s headphones: stinks of cheap furniture polish.).

I am ready to catch out cunts.

Good morning Big Kazza... I mean ProfB, I've never understood 'flavoured' Vodka or most other flavoured spirits... I'd rather buy some quality vodka and add passion fruit etc.

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57 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:


Could it be a lifetime of being called 'Big Kazza' by her dear friend @ProfB has given Fat Kazza' low self esteem, and in turn driven her to eating/scoffing for comfort?

I don't know really, I just wanted readers to visualise Big Kazzas capacious fanny while eating their breakfast. 😁

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