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R.IP 'Great Britain', We're fucked


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On 04/07/2022 at 21:25, cunt said:

It was a great idea, unfortunately they let politicians do the negotiating, big fuckin' mistake, they're all self-serving cunts.

I remember being told by many indignant types here on the Corner, and indeed everywhere in person, that Brexit would set off a chain of departures from the EU, that German car makers would be kicking Merkels’ door down to keep a free trade deal with the UK, that we’d be getting a cheque for overpayment rather than a bill for €50bn, that UK farmers and fishermen would be dancing in the streets, the NHS would have an extra £15bn a year, and that the City of London would boom on a scale not seen since the 80s. 

All bollocks designed to sell the scam, of course. The true believers will mutter about Covid, or Ukraine, or both. Truth is it was always a terrible idea, undeliverable without economic harm, and the more time passes the more true that will become. Starmer is too scared to say it out loud, but he knows. Everyone knows. 

The irony is of course that in leaving one political Union, the Tories may have inadvertently sacrificed the unity of the whole Kingdom. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Of course it’s no longer my quarrel, but somethings’ afoot when both left and right agree in the UK newspapers this week;



Is there anyone left who thinks it was a good idea?

I think it was the bestest idea y'all ever came up with...its the gift that keeps on givin..lol


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6 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

Of course it’s no longer my quarrel, but somethings’ afoot when both left and right agree in the UK newspapers this week;



Is there anyone left who thinks it was a good idea?

Fucking hell!  The Guardian are anti Brexit? I’ve suspected this for a while now but I’ve been too busy with all the Plandemic ‘conspiracies’ to let everyone know. The Telegraph on the other hand are just preempting the Tory Coup de Grace on Bozo, looking angrily at the millions they paid the fucking clown as a columnist in the past, when he was was still pretending to be a Conservative, not the woke eco warrior, feminist, pseudo socialist, authoritarian cunt role that he’s playing currently.

I’ve always thought that Australia was headed on an unstoppable downward spiral the day they killed the great  Ned Kelly. Even Chopper Reid couldn’t stop the inevitable, despite his best efforts.

G’day mate.

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9 minutes ago, King Billy said:

Fucking hell!  The Guardian are anti Brexit? I’ve suspected this for a while now but I’ve been too busy with all the Plandemic ‘conspiracies’ to let everyone know. The Telegraph on the other hand are just preempting the Tory Coup de Grace on Bozo, looking angrily at the millions they paid the fucking clown as a columnist in the past, when he was was still pretending to be a Conservative, not the woke eco warrior, feminist, pseudo socialist, authoritarian cunt role that he’s playing currently.

I’ve always thought that Australia was headed on an unstoppable downward spiral the day they killed the great  Ned Kelly. Even Chopper Reid couldn’t stop the inevitable, despite his best efforts.

G’day mate.

 Neville Bartos wouldn't be seen dead in Cape Verde.

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19 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I remember being told by many indignant types here on the Corner, and indeed everywhere in person, that Brexit would set off a chain of departures from the EU, that German car makers would be kicking Merkels’ door down to keep a free trade deal with the UK, that we’d be getting a cheque for overpayment rather than a bill for €50bn, that UK farmers and fishermen would be dancing in the streets, the NHS would have an extra £15bn a year, and that the City of London would boom on a scale not seen since the 80s. 

All bollocks designed to sell the scam, of course. The true believers will mutter about Covid, or Ukraine, or both. Truth is it was always a terrible idea, undeliverable without economic harm, and the more time passes the more true that will become. Starmer is to scared to say it out loud, but he knows. Everyone knows. 

The irony is of course that in leaving one political Union, the Tories may have inadvertently sacrificed the unity of the whole Kingdom. 

Remaining in the EU was not a path to unending riches, LC., but a quicker slope into a collective oblivion. 
As a nation (UK), who have certainly fucked up a lot, in terms of letting the energy sector go to shit - not reinvesting earned oil/gas money into new nuclear, offshore oil/gas, etc, but further property and stock market speculation, we are better off being out of the EU than in, and have to take the red reality pill - not that politicians will tell you any truth.

Huge trade deficits with EU were never addressed and continued membership would have been of zero help at best, if not a continued downright drain. This couldn’t go on. If the public wants to continue at a certain standard of living, the export/import plus international investment position must be at least neutral. Such was the case pre 1990s.

Forget the tories/libs, etc. We have over 67 million people (a large chunk of demographic is retired and demanding decent pensions and expensive healthcare) on an island/s which is no longer a net energy exporter and a large commodity importer. This ongoing position, under necessary energy cost increases, will only weaken the pound and depress the living standards of most of the citizens, unless new sources of energy, solid real economy with much higher interest rates exists again.

As our energy predicament will not be addressed in the next few years - it’s physically impossible - I will be grateful to have food on the table and central heating.

Oh, and the demands from public and private sector for higher wages, will only create more inflation.

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3 hours ago, White Cunt said:

Remaining in the EU was not a path to unending riches, LC., but a quicker slope into a collective oblivion. 

Huge trade deficits with EU were never addressed and continued membership would have been of zero help at best, if not a continued downright drain. 

As our energy predicament will not be addressed in the next few years - it’s physically impossible - I will be grateful to have food on the table and central heating.

I don’t at all follow the logic that Britain’s Trade position or energy policy would be in anyway improved by shrinking GDP and isolating herself from the worlds’ largest trading bloc. The results are by now obvious to all but the most closed of eyes. 

In fact, your argument smells more like old bollocks than Jerry Halls’ nightie. 

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I don’t at all follow the logic that Britain’s Trade position or energy policy would be in anyway improved by shrinking GDP and isolating herself from the worlds’ largest trading bloc. The results are by now obvious to all but the most closed of eyes. 

In fact, your argument smells more like old bollocks than Jerry Halls’ nightie. 


The balance of trade situation is slowly moving in the right direction, but we are and will be hammered by growing energy costs (which makes our stuff exports more expensive), until our knob heads invest and create new supplies and upgrade the infrastructure. 
As for the real GDP - you can’t grow it if you are constantly sending more money abroad than you get in overall income (inflating your housing market doesn’t count - hello Australia) or at some point your currency goes to shit.

We are not isolated from EU, trade is still going on. Trade is also going on with the rest of the world, where there is actually some surplus, but not enough to offset the imbalance with the EU.

Plus keeping the tax base under full control is also helping matters.
The EU can  stick to collecting their own VAT and duties.



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19 hours ago, King Billy said:

Fucking hell!  The Guardian are anti Brexit? I’ve suspected this for a while now but I’ve been too busy with all the Plandemic ‘conspiracies’ to let everyone know. The Telegraph on the other hand are just preempting the Tory Coup de Grace on Bozo, looking angrily at the millions they paid the fucking clown as a columnist in the past, when he was was still pretending to be a Conservative, not the woke eco warrior, feminist, pseudo socialist, authoritarian cunt role that he’s playing currently.

I’ve always thought that Australia was headed on an unstoppable downward spiral the day they killed the great  Ned Kelly. Even Chopper Reid couldn’t stop the inevitable, despite his best efforts.

G’day mate.

It's not like the fat polar bear-esque cunt needs the paltry PM's wedge. I remember him being on Who Do You Think You Are or whatever the fuck that ancestral tracing programme is called and finding out that he's related to every single European royal family.

It's ironic that ten year's later he seems to have done a complete 180 and is now more confused than the Judge when purchasing pants.

I think everybody needs to question why multimillionaires become cabinet minister's given the amount of fucking grief that's packaged with the jobs. 

I'd love to find out how many of them are holding undeclared bank accounts in Jersey, The Isle of Man, and The Bahamas...

A bunch of thieving cunt's that would certainly give Nick Leeson a run for his money!

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On 04/07/2022 at 15:36, Last Cunt Standing said:

I remember being told by many indignant types here on the Corner, and indeed everywhere in person, that Brexit would set off a chain of departures from the EU, that German car makers would be kicking Merkels’ door down to keep a free trade deal with the UK, that we’d be getting a cheque for overpayment rather than a bill for €50bn, that UK farmers and fishermen would be dancing in the streets, the NHS would have an extra £15bn a year, and that the City of London would boom on a scale not seen since the 80s. 

All bollocks designed to sell the scam, of course. The true believers will mutter about Covid, or Ukraine, or both. Truth is it was always a terrible idea, undeliverable without economic harm, and the more time passes the more true that will become. Starmer is to scared to say it out loud, but he knows. Everyone knows. 

The irony is of course that in leaving one political Union, the Tories may have inadvertently sacrificed the unity of the whole Kingdom. 

The knock on effects have been huge, Doc. Earlier in the year i spent just under three weeks in hospital and am eternally grateful for both the NHS as an institution and the stirling work of the surgeons, consultants and nurses.

During the stay i noticed a distinct lack of nurse's and consultant's hailing from the EU that i had previously observed as an outpatient. The european nurses have been replaced in bulk by nurses from the Indian subcontinent. They are more than proficient in the basic skills such as checking vitals and administering medications etc, but have incredibly poor English and i had five of them around my bedside being shown how to fit a specific dressing.

My dentist who was of arabic descent has also fucked off due to Brexit, and i was told by the practise that they are struggling to find a replacement along with their dental nurses. Now that's just two knock on effects that i've noticed within six months.

Brexit was really aimed and packaged at those who are pissed off at finding enclaves of various nationalities huddled together in their towns and cities, and rightly so. Those who either couldn't be bothered or were incapable of learning English, preferring to speak in their native tongues and the rise of even more ghettos. In my opinion this was the number one reason most working class people voted leave. Sold the bullshit by Farage and Co that immigrants would disappear overnight, wages would increase, homes would suddenly become cheap and bountiful.

Nothing's changed yet, and i won't be holding my breath for any of the promised economic miracles.

The EU was a bad idea from the start, and the original blueprint was formulated by the Nazis. The EEC was fine and how we ended up as the United States of Europe is beyond me.

Just an observation. 

Edited by Major Cunt
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20 hours ago, White Cunt said:

We are not isolated from EU, trade is still going on. Trade is also going on with the rest of the world, where there is actually some surplus, but not enough to offset the imbalance with the EU.

We read that the EU has cut funding worth €100 million to various academic projects in the UK because of the fat lads bizarre theatrics...did ya also know that while yer trucks sit in 35 mile tailbacks at british ports because of EU checks on the mainland side..freight rolls into the uk from the EU with scarcely a glance..and this is the best bit...le frog hasnt opened any new customs lanes or hired any additional staff..lol


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1 hour ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We read that the EU has cut funding worth €100 million to various academic projects in the UK because of the fat lads bizarre theatrics...did ya also know that while yer trucks sit in 35 mile tailbacks at british ports because of EU checks on the mainland side..freight rolls into the uk from the EU with scarcely a glance..and this is the best bit...le frog hasnt opened any new customs lanes or hired any additional staff..lol


€100m…the complete GDP of Spudcoonland? They make that in the City in 5 minutes you dopey parboiled serf. Fuck off.

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30 minutes ago, Dyslexic cnut said:

€100m…the complete GDP of Spudcoonland? They make that in the City in 5 minutes you dopey parboiled serf. Fuck off.

Thats the spirit dc baby..yer scientific research doesn't need nazi moolah or input from other places of learning or import talent or anything..we also read that while workers continue to leave brexitland at a rate of knots..they are replaced by unskilled and uneducated migrants ...so much takin back control...lol


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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We read that the EU has cut funding worth €100 million to various academic projects in the UK because of the fat lads bizarre theatrics...did ya also know that while yer trucks sit in 35 mile tailbacks at british ports because of EU checks on the mainland side..freight rolls into the uk from the EU with scarcely a glance..and this is the best bit...le frog hasnt opened any new customs lanes or hired any additional staff..lol


That’s some absolutely critical news, you’ve got there, Panz. Keep raking the tabloids for more “gems”.

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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

That’s some absolutely critical news, you’ve got there, Panz. Keep raking the tabloids for more “gems”.

Hey I'm just highlighting the continuing brexit benefits..like a tourguide on the big red boris bus of bonuses on its journey to sun lit uplandia ...lol


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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Thats the spirit dc baby..yer scientific research doesn't need nazi moolah or input from other places of learning or import talent or anything..we also read that while workers continue to leave brexitland at a rate of knots..they are replaced by unskilled and uneducated migrants ...so much takin back control...lol


Your last 2 posts have included the statement ‘we read’. Something I never imagined I’d hear from you Panzytank. I find it impossible to believe that you’ve suddenly mastered such a skill, based on the quality (lack of) of everything you’ve previously contributed. However the fact that you said ‘we’ has confirmed to me that you’re clearly mistaken, as this would mean that there were now at least 2 of you in the former colony who can now understand the written English word. and that’s just too much to comprehend, even in these crazy times we find ourselves in.

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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Your last 2 posts have included the statement ‘we read’. Something I never imagined I’d hear from you Panzytank. I find it impossible to believe that you’ve suddenly mastered such a skill, based on the quality (lack of) of everything you’ve previously contributed. However the fact that you said ‘we’ has confirmed to me that you’re clearly mistaken, as this would mean that there were now at least 2 of you in the former colony who can now understand the written English word. and that’s just too much to comprehend, even in these crazy times we find ourselves in.

Oh bally ...yer people are in a terrible place...the heave has started agin the fat lad...he's their last ear in Whitehall...the next bum in the seat will be less likey to let wee jeff n sammy lead them into a trade war with 2 enormous economic behemoths..lol


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20 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

We read that the EU has cut funding worth €100 million to various academic projects in the UK because of the fat lads bizarre theatrics...did ya also know that while yer trucks sit in 35 mile tailbacks at british ports because of EU checks on the mainland side..freight rolls into the uk from the EU with scarcely a glance..and this is the best bit...le frog hasnt opened any new customs lanes or hired any additional staff..lol


This is a one year old story put about by Scientists For Europe, a remoaner pressure group who still don't understand how democracy works. The irony here is that the EU Horizon 2020 programme did indeed dip due in part to uncertainty of Brexit being implemented in the funding application stage in 2019 and proceeding years. Most people thought that once the Brexit Referendum decision had been made then British resolve would proceed and adapt which ever way the country chose. Unfortunately Cameron bottled it and May was in no position to push through the change thanks to actors of all political faiths doing their utmost to stymie the will of the British people whilst all along saying "the will of the British people must be honoured, but..." Yes Starmer, I'm looking at you and its a bit late adopting your position now. Needless to say the antics of the bad-faith actors cost this country dearly, very dearly.

That said, the Horizon programmes of 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 onwards is open to scientists of the UK, Canada, New Zealand and a host of other countries as EU Horizon ethos is that the benefits of scientific research should not be limited by national borders. 

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6 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Oh bally ...yer people are in a terrible place...the heave has started agin the fat lad...he's their last ear in Whitehall...the next bum in the seat will be less likey to let wee jeff n sammy lead them into a trade war with 2 enormous economic behemoths..lol


The French never wanted the UK to join in the first place and if truth be told they wanted us out .. not out of spite but for practical reasons in that we are more useful to them as we are now. The main issue is that our presence in the EU destabilised it, The Common market and what is now the EU was and is all about keeping Germany under control . In that context we are more useful (to France at least) by being in the background and probably more beneficial for the UK .. So far as the EU (and France) is concerned The Republic of Ireland is just an appendage and an inconvenient one at that. In real terms the UK and France are allies and it easier for both to maintain that relationship without the EU bureaucrats poking their noses in.

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20 minutes ago, Mrs Roops said:

This is a one year old story put about by Scientists For Europe, a remoaner pressure group who still don't understand how democracy works. The irony here is that the EU Horizon 2020 programme did indeed dip due in part to uncertainty of Brexit being implemented in the funding application stage in 2019 and proceeding years. Most people thought that once the Brexit Referendum decision had been made then British resolve would proceed and adapt which ever way the country chose. Unfortunately Cameron bottled it and May was in no position to push through the change thanks to actors of all political faiths doing their utmost to stymie the will of the British people whilst all along saying "the will of the British people must be honoured, but..." Yes Starmer, I'm looking at you and its a bit late adopting your position now. Needless to say the antics of the bad-faith actors cost this country dearly, very dearly.

That said, the Horizon programmes of 2021, 2022, 2023 & 2024 onwards is open to scientists of the UK, Canada, New Zealand and a host of other countries as EU Horizon ethos is that the benefits of scientific research should not be limited by national borders. 

Is it true tho roops baby...has the money been withdrawn because of bad faith big dag and his limited and specific law breaking antics.


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