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NHS 'customers' that complain and contribute nowt.

Dave Umbongo

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8 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

"It makes you extremely wobbly" - you don't say, you fat fucking disgrace!

Neither of these corpulent cunts looks like a bloke so they're probably lesbians too, as if I didn't already hate them enough.

Thank fuck. What in the name of Christ is going on with the corner these days ? About a dozen comments in before some cunt mentions that they are lezzers. Fat ugly fuckin dykes, if you will.

Or is that not allowed now ?

Up your game. I’m quite embarrassed for you all.

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28 minutes ago, JackoTC said:

Thank fuck. What in the name of Christ is going on with the corner these days ? About a dozen comments in before some cunt mentions that they are lezzers. Fat ugly fuckin dykes, if you will.

Or is that not allowed now ?

Up your game. I’m quite embarrassed for you all.

We're all getting ready for the forthcoming rebranding to (Woke) Cunts Corner.

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I’d like to add to this debate by asking with genuine curiosity, what is that large stain on the black bedroom carpet? I’ll open the bidding at milkshake, though I’d have a fiver e/w on an exploded tube of Canesten, perhaps stood on accidentally in the midst of passion as lardarse one navigates the strap-on into lardarse two. You’re not telling me that on a hot Summers day there isn’t a distinct whiff of Warburtons off one or both of them. Their house is a fucking shit heap, the idle cunts, yet still they invite in the cameras. I imagine the weight will be the fault of the steroids, not KFC by the bucket; I’d suggest they are walled up in the house for six months.  

Non-epileptic seizures used to have a very different name back in the day, too. 

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3 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’d like to add to this debate by asking with genuine curiosity, what is that large stain on the black bedroom carpet? I’ll open the bidding at milkshake, though I’d have a fiver e/w on an exploded tube of Canesten, perhaps stood on accidentally in the midst of passion as lardarse one navigates the strap-on into lardarse two. You’re not telling me that on a hot Summers day there isn’t a distinct whiff of Warburtons off one or both of them. Their house is a fucking shit heap, the idle cunts, yet still they invite in the cameras. I imagine the weight will be the fault of the steroids, not KFC by the bucket; I’d suggest they are walled up the house for six months.  

Non-epileptic seizures used to have a very different name back in the day, too. 

Now that you had ruined my breakfast, may I add the the beast’s weight is only enhanced by the steroids, judging by the “lifestyle”. As I had my share of steroids in the past, they do cause some weight gain, but fundamentally, weight can be controlled to a point with good diet and activity, and steroids monitored and used as sparingly as possible.

The main beast looks like she is now in fully blown Addison’s and will keel over before she reaches forty if she doesn’t lose weight and takes less pharmaceuticals as well.

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1 hour ago, JackoTC said:

Thank fuck. What in the name of Christ is going on with the corner these days ? About a dozen comments in before some cunt mentions that they are lezzers. Fat ugly fuckin dykes, if you will.

Or is that not allowed now ?

Up your game. I’m quite embarrassed for you all.

It doesn't appear as though the standard has been raised since your return, Spacko. Seriously, I'm actually very fair. Say something funny or intelligent and I'll award you a like.

Unsurprisingly, I suspect this may take some while.

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"The experience has left Katie and her partner Jamie traumatised. Jamie waited with Katie through the night and had to sit on the floor because there were no chairs available."

Sky missed out the words "strong enough to take her weight" between "no" and "chairs".

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15 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Do you remember the Chawner family? Now that was how to exploit fat fucking retards on telly.

No .. yesterday a very fat 60ish bloke (on crutches) and his much slimmer missus got on the train I was on .. his gut stuck out about a foot in front of him, he was about six foot tall and when he sat down he spread across the width of two seats. instantly he got a couple of those one foot long rolls out of a carrier bag and scoffed them down. Oddly him and his missus sounded posh .. public school. I suppose that he was big boned, but seeing him eat made me feel ill. His wife was quite a pleasant sort of woman and could help but wonder why she had not fucked off. TBH I suspect that he was of similar build to Earl of Punkape.

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This pair of repugnant cunt-chomping ham-planets can fuck off. They were probably kept waiting whilst the nurses fashioned gowns for them both out of numerous curtains throughout the wards; not to mention the time it must take for three beds each to become free so they could be pushed together to accomodate them, whilst they place just as much strain on the NHS as their own fucked organs.

It's nobody's fault but their own that they could spend different currencies with each hand at the same time. The insatiable titans should be grateful somebody even mustered enough courage to communicate with them at all.  Fat fucking bull dyke spastics.


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Guest Parabolic Cunting
14 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I hope someone more deserving is dealt with by the NHS than this pair of feckless fucking munters and I would hope that was why they had to wait so long, plus they probably don't have to get up for work the next day. I would guess they contribute fuck-all to the running of the NHS, they do however look like they contribute to MacDonalds profits.



And to think starvation is still a thing. We could cut these disgusting mancubus' meal plans in half and feed all of Liverpool. 

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8 hours ago, nocti said:

This pair of repugnant cunt-chomping ham-planets can fuck off. They were probably kept waiting whilst the nurses fashioned gowns for them both out of numerous curtains throughout the wards; not to mention the time it must take for three beds each to become free so they could be pushed together to accomodate them, whilst they place just as much strain on the NHS as their own fucked organs.

It's nobody's fault but their own that they could spend different currencies with each hand at the same time. The insatiable titans should be grateful somebody even mustered enough courage to communicate with them at all.  Fat fucking bull dyke spastics.


The reality of fridge-hogging butch dykes is a far cry from the image the pornography industry portrays for the benefit of heterosexual males; I suppose it is however fitting that two clitoris-savaging mammoths find one another attractive. One also must consider the strain mobile Big Macs such as these put on the NHS, which is probably equal to the pressure chavvy, tattooed slags bearing children from different fathers place on our health system at the expense of taxpayers.

The ongoing, BBC-led snowflake culture we live in, which means nobody can say anything for fear of offending specific LBGTQIA+ minority groups, means hogbeasts such as these continue to thrive while destroying the great gene pool the British Isles once boasted.

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They are also likely to be type 2 diabetic on insulin .. diabetic specialist are far too eager to put type 2 diabetic on to insulin with the result that the cunts go back to scoffing cakes and trifles because they know that their blood sugar count can be pushed back to normal with an extra jab of insulin.

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

The reality of fridge-hogging butch dykes is a far cry from the image the pornography industry portrays for the benefit of heterosexual males; I suppose it is however fitting that two clitoris-wrestling mammoths find one another attractive. One also must consider the strain mobile Big Macs such as these put on the NHS, which is probably equal to the pressure chavvy, tattooed slags bearing children from different fathers place on our health system at the expense of taxpayers.

The ongoing, BBC-led snowflake culture we live in, which means nobody can say anything for fear of offending specific LBGTQIA+ minority groups, means hogbeasts such as these continue to thrive while destroying the great gene pool the British Isles once boasted.

Don’t know about that. They have short lifespans; by now their nocturnal activities must be reduced to fridge raiding, injections and inhalations, before collapsing into light snooze cushioned by a diesel-powered air pump.

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57 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

They are also likely to be type 2 diabetic on insulin .. diabetic specialist are far too eager to put type 2 diabetic on to insulin with the result that the cunts go back to scoffing cakes and trifles because they know that their blood sugar count can be pushed back to normal with an extra jab of insulin.

I've never understood how human beings can eat so much to the point of becoming morbidly obese. It must take real effort to eat so much without being sick and find a way to live that means you can spend the majority of your time sitting on your arse surrounded by filth that must take a will of iron not to clean up and going to sleep every night not knowing if you'll wake up again.

And don't give me all of that different metabolisms or glandular issue bollocks. I accept the fact that a tiny (figuratively speaking) minority of people really do have difficulty controlling their weight no matter what they do, the rest just have difficulty putting down the fucking fork. When your body literally develops a disease that makes sugar poison to you, the simple fact of the matter is that you've gone too far in your self indulgence. 

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2 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

His wife was quite a pleasant sort of woman and could help but wonder why she had not fucked off.

She's waiting for the fat cunt to pop-his-clogs as he's considerably richer than you are.

Women aren't stupid ;)

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2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I've never understood how human beings can eat so much to the point of becoming morbidly obese. It must take real effort to eat so much without being sick and find a way to live that means you can spend the majority of your time sitting on your arse surrounded by filth that must take a will of iron not to clean up and going to sleep every night not knowing if you'll wake up again.

And don't give me all of that different metabolisms or glandular issue bollocks. I accept the fact that a tiny (figuratively speaking) minority of people really do have difficulty controlling their weight no matter what they do, the rest just have difficulty putting down the fucking fork. When your body literally develops a disease that makes sugar poison to you, the simple fact of the matter is that you've gone too far in your self indulgence. 

The slippery slope starts at home with poor diet fed to kids by amoeba parents, extra school garbage and rivers of sugary drinks and treats on the way home. 
Shit feed 24/7 gets hard-wired and now we have the end result.

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1 hour ago, White Cunt said:

The slippery slope starts at home with poor diet fed to kids by amoeba parents, extra school garbage and rivers of sugary drinks and treats on the way home. 
Shit feed 24/7 gets hard-wired and now we have the end result.

I suppose so. Its probably only going to get worse as people are expected to work longer hours and the idea of a frozen pizza thrown in the oven for forty minutes is accepted as a "home cooked" meal more often. I'm not a stranger to the concept of grabbing a Pot Noodle or McDonald's when I'm in a rush and just need some fuel in me to stop me dropping dead, but I was lucky enough to be brought up by a mother who could easily reveal the low-quality shit that it was through even her most basic home cooked offerings.

I can throw together a chicken curry or chicken supreme in an hour, spaghetti bolognese or lasagna in an hour and a half and random throw-it-in-a-bowl shit like pasta and portobello mushrooms with garlic and mixed herb seasoning complete with a light dusting of Parmesan cheese in about forty-five minutes. If I'm feeling particularly homosexual, a salad takes five fucking minutes. You can literally throw anything edible on pasta or rice and it'll taste a fuck load better than anything that comes in a little box that you put in the microwave or is handed over to you over a counter in a paper bag - probably fill you up for longer, too - but even that is becoming a lost art.

Cunts just eat quickly sourced shite then end up snacking all day when the sub-par, empty calorie product oozes through their digestive tract on a blanket of chemicals and preservatives like the lazy idiot-slop it was designed to be.

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34 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I suppose so. Its probably only going to get worse as people are expected to work longer hours and the idea of a frozen pizza thrown in the oven for forty minutes is accepted as a "home cooked" meal more often. I'm not a stranger to the concept of grabbing a Pot Noodle or McDonald's when I'm in a rush and just need some fuel in me to stop me dropping dead, but I was lucky enough to be brought up by a mother who could easily reveal the low-quality shit that it was through even her most basic home cooked offerings.

I can throw together a chicken curry or chicken supreme in an hour, spaghetti bolognese or lasagna in an hour and a half and random throw-it-in-a-bowl shit like pasta and portobello mushrooms with garlic and mixed herb seasoning complete with a light dusting of Parmesan cheese in about forty-five minutes. If I'm feeling particularly homosexual, a salad takes five fucking minutes. You can literally throw anything edible on pasta or rice and it'll taste a fuck load better than anything that comes in a little box that you put in the microwave or is handed over to you over a counter in a paper bag - probably fill you up for longer, too - but even that is becoming a lost art.

Cunts just eat quickly sourced shite then end up snacking all day when the sub-par, empty calorie product oozes through their digestive tract on a blanket of chemicals and preservatives like the lazy idiot-slop it was designed to be.

Sometimes, you just need a dirty fried breakfast. 

Although, it would have taken me a week to finish the Kidz Breakfast, formerly available at Jesters, Great Yarmouth. 


Just 6000 calories. 

12 rashers of bacon, 12 sausages, Six eggs, Four black pudding slices, Four slices of bread and butter, Four slices of toast, Four slices of fried bread, Two hash browns, Eight-egg cheese and potato omelette, Saute potatoes, Mushrooms, Beans, & Tomatoes. 

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26 minutes ago, Goober said:

Sometimes, you just need a dirty fried breakfast. 

Although, it would have taken me a week to finish the Kidz Breakfast, formerly available at Jesters, Great Yarmouth. 


Just 6000 calories. 

12 rashers of bacon, 12 sausages, Six eggs, Four black pudding slices, Four slices of bread and butter, Four slices of toast, Four slices of fried bread, Two hash browns, Eight-egg cheese and potato omelette, Saute potatoes, Mushrooms, Beans, & Tomatoes. 

Put that in the freezer and that would feed most people for six weeks.

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46 minutes ago, Goober said:

Sometimes, you just need a dirty fried breakfast. 

Although, it would have taken me a week to finish the Kidz Breakfast, formerly available at Jesters, Great Yarmouth. 


Just 6000 calories. 

12 rashers of bacon, 12 sausages, Six eggs, Four black pudding slices, Four slices of bread and butter, Four slices of toast, Four slices of fried bread, Two hash browns, Eight-egg cheese and potato omelette, Saute potatoes, Mushrooms, Beans, & Tomatoes. 

That would feed a whole Somalian village for a week or that fat cunt Big Narsti in one sitting. 

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1 hour ago, Goober said:

Sometimes, you just need a dirty fried breakfast. 

Although, it would have taken me a week to finish the Kidz Breakfast, formerly available at Jesters, Great Yarmouth. 


Just 6000 calories. 

12 rashers of bacon, 12 sausages, Six eggs, Four black pudding slices, Four slices of bread and butter, Four slices of toast, Four slices of fried bread, Two hash browns, Eight-egg cheese and potato omelette, Saute potatoes, Mushrooms, Beans, & Tomatoes. 

Only four bits of black pudding? Stingy cunts.

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