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NHS 'customers' that complain and contribute nowt.

Dave Umbongo

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I hope someone more deserving is dealt with by the NHS than this pair of feckless fucking munters and I would hope that was why they had to wait so long, plus they probably don't have to get up for work the next day. I would guess they contribute fuck-all to the running of the NHS, they do however look like they contribute to MacDonalds profits.



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26 minutes ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I hope someone more deserving is dealt with by the NHS than this pair of feckless fucking munters and I would hope that was why they had to wait so long, plus they probably don't have to get up for work the next day. I would guess they contribute fuck-all to the running of the NHS, they do however look like they contribute to MacDonalds profits.



She said that she looked "white and clammy" isn't that racist?

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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

I hope someone more deserving is dealt with by the NHS than this pair of feckless fucking munters and I would hope that was why they had to wait so long, plus they probably don't have to get up for work the next day. I would guess they contribute fuck-all to the running of the NHS, they do however look like they contribute to MacDonalds profits.



Is MacDonalds the sister company of McDonald's? You'll probably see them appearing in Russia soon, lol.

Learn how to spell correctly, you thick fucking sphincter.

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6 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I'd bet heavily that the big problem was lack of access to food. 

Shipman shouldn't have been jailed. He should have been put in charge of treatment plans for nauseating fucking pigs like these two.

That's a bit like Billy Butlin putting Heinrich Himmler in charge of his holiday camps. 

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What a vile pair of corpulent whining shitheaps. I hate cunts like these, clogging up the health system and pushing my insurance premiums up. 

Stop fucking whinging and start getting your shit in order before blaming someone else for your lot. Architects of their own misfortune these two.

Labia chomping bull dyke cunts.

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Guest judgetwi

Surely this lovely pair are the lezza version of “The Fat Slags?” Sandra and Trace would have just fucked their way to the front of the queue. 
It’s not the fault of the NHS that their fannies wouldn’t attract a starving immo at Grimsby fish market.

Or even The Carrotcruncher.

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Guest Williewhoopassjohnson2
2 hours ago, Neil said:

Charge these cunts per kilo,I bet they both smoke,own a lizard in a tank and eat nothing but fast food. EXTERMINATE,EXTERMINATE

Definitely got samuari swords mounted over the mantelpiece and a rigged sky box 

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3 hours ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

"It makes you extremely wobbly" - you don't say, you fat fucking disgrace!

Neither of these corpulent cunts looks like a bloke so they're probably lesbians too, as if I didn't already hate them enough.

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3 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

Difficult to control asthma 

I couldn't possibly make a judgement as to why her asthma is difficult to control. She's clearly a very healthy person living in a well maintained and clean house. It must be genetics...

Truly a medical mystery.

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I have to congratulate the NHS on their lack of action regarding this incident. I genuinely hope the fat fucking disgrace is on some ambulance blacklist after her hundredth "rescue" and they've just decided to let nature take its course with her. A&E should be fitted with weight-triggered, spike filled pitfall traps in front of the main entrance for this exact reason. 

She'll be claiming PIP soon if she isn't already, for all of the mobility and quality of life issues she must inevitably be suffering. Cunts who allow themselves to reach this level of obesity should be forced into weight loss programs or refused any further NHS treatment after a certain point - in the long run it would probably work out cheaper than saving their miserable lives every time the consequences of their own actions take their toll.

Fuck your sugar and fast food taxes - tell the fat cunts they're dying and they aren't going to get any fucking help unless they sign away the right to fill their fucking faces in a legally binding contract. You don't lose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time, you don't get help.

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8 hours ago, Wolfie said:

Is MacDonalds the sister company of McDonald's? You'll probably see them appearing in Russia soon, lol.

Learn how to spell correctly, you thick fucking sphincter.

I'm not a regular patron of these chav pig troughs so forgive my minor faux pas. I can spell Claridges and Fortnum & Mason though. Fuck off

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