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Is it True Princess Anne is a lesbian ?


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Guest judgetwi

No it is definitely not true. I am, admittedly, a little biased ……..as a small child I attended the opening of a local hospital by HRH and I swear she looked at me, smiled and definitely fancied me. She would have been about 20/21 then and well hot. ( look up google images you wankers)

Yes I know people say the same thing about Hitler but I was there and you weren’t so fuck off. Anne is the only Windsor, besides Her Maj, with the semblance of a brain. She does more engagements than any of the other cunts, cuts the ribbons, waves at the crowds and keeps her fucking mouth shut. If only the Chimp Boy, Prince Baldybollocks and Harry Halfwit would  follow her example. These Saxe Coburg wankers are digging their own graves.

As for this Pegleg tosser, how come this nothing to say prick doesn’t get the 🔺
Over to you Mr Roops.

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I'm a man of peace now Eric baby..I've me letter from Tony to say I'm all square with the house...my days of deciding who has legs and who shits ina bag and who goes up the chimberly  are long gone...I've doggos now and youtube and how to turn a 99 grey Citroën despatch into a camper thing 


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5 minutes ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

I'm a man of peace now Eric baby..I've me letter from Tony to say I'm all square with the house...my days of deciding who has legs and who shits ina bag and who goes up the chimberly  are long gone...I've doggos now and youtube and how to turn a 99 grey Citroën despatch into a camper thing 


Panzybubba it’s time we buried the hatchet. I’ve realised that you’ve been right all along. All this sectarian BS that I thought was important for all these years is yesterdays news. It’s the fucking Shia cunts that we should be focusing all our bigotry on nowadays, that’s assuming you’re one of us Sunnis of course. See you Friday at the Mosque brother.


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7 hours ago, King Billy said:

Panzybubba it’s time we buried the hatchet. I’ve realised that you’ve been right all along. All this sectarian BS that I thought was important for all these years is yesterdays news. It’s the fucking Shia cunts that we should be focusing all our bigotry on nowadays, that’s assuming you’re one of us Sunnis of course. See you Friday at the Mosque brother.


I'm making my way to the Greatest Britain KB, I'm currently in Uzbekistan (with the aim of reaching Calais in a year), I was invited to a Muslim Shia wedding and thought I'd film it for you and @PANZER MURPHY to see how your rivals have a wedding. 


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8 hours ago, King Billy said:

Panzybubba it’s time we buried the hatchet. I’ve realised that you’ve been right all along. All this sectarian BS that I thought was important for all these years is yesterdays news. It’s the fucking Shia cunts that we should be focusing all our bigotry on nowadays, that’s assuming you’re one of us Sunnis of course. See you Friday at the Mosque brother.


It's a bit like here bally baby...the 15 sided civil war...too busy abusing the brotherhood when all those walking figure 11's in the public eye go uncunted..we need an Eid Friday Agreement here ...


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14 hours ago, Cuntybaws said:

Indeed. I'm not sure what part of the latest episode I liked best. I can't decide between this quote, the dildo-based slay fest, and the hypersonic super hamster.  What a fucking program.

I never thought I wanted to see a severely burned triple-amputee giving a hand job to a socially retarded, extremely insecure superhero, only to unwittingly spoil the mood by quoting Nazi propaganda during the act, setting off a chain of events which ultimately concluded in a suicidal Jew being sacrificed in her honour.  

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2 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

It's a bit like here bally baby...the 15 sided civil war...too busy abusing the brotherhood when all those walking figure 11's in the public eye go uncunted..we need an Eid Friday Agreement here ...


Do all horses look the same to you?

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17 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

I never thought I wanted to see a severely burned triple-amputee giving a hand job to a socially retarded, extremely insecure superhero, only to unwittingly spoil the mood by quoting Nazi propaganda during the act, setting off a chain of events which ultimately concluded in a suicidal Jew being sacrificed in her honour.  

I could see where they were heading with Homelander's sexual proclivities in series 1. The bit where Elizabeth Shue has to breastfeed him was a strong clue.

I think the 'Ant-Man' parody, climbing inside his gay lovers japseye trumped it for weirdness though.

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4 hours ago, Roadkill said:

I never thought I wanted to see a severely burned triple-amputee giving a hand job to a socially retarded, extremely insecure superhero

You speak for yourself, matey!

You can't say that wouldn't have livened up Joss Whedon's pitiful attempt at Justice League.

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30 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You speak for yourself, matey!

You can't say that wouldn't have livened up Joss Whedon's pitiful attempt at Justice League.

Justice League only achieved one thing really. when it comes to superheroes, Superman's still the boss.

I forgot to mention, the Doctor Strange sequel features an appearance from Reed Richards. I'm guessing they're going to try and revive the Fantastic Four (crap Avengers) again.

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7 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Justice League only achieved one thing really. when it comes to superheroes, Superman's still the boss.

I forgot to mention, the Doctor Strange sequel features an appearance from Reed Richards. I'm guessing they're going to try and revive the Fantastic Four (crap Avengers) again.

Like you say DC were sitting on a goldmine for thirty years with Superman and never had the balls to make him go mental and have a proper dark turn. Strange considering they were always considered the darker and more adult company in comparison to Marvel for ages until Deadpool showed up and they were still shaky following in the footsteps of that with the awful first Suicide Squad despite having a literal BDSM Catwoman and nose-biting-off, goon killing Penguin all the way back in 1992 when Marvel didn't count for shit in Hollywood.

Now they're still trying to make an equivalent to the Avengers despite beating them to the chase in terms of superhero teams by three years in the comics and the Avengers being finished. The dozy cunts really did have everything going for them and yet they're constantly getting beaten to the chase in terms of actually interesting shit for their characters to do - literally to the point where people are making their own versions of them and making them far more entertaining than the cardboard cut outs DC have been too scared or lazy to change since around 1998.

And Jared Leto is a fucking limpet who's only good as a background actor and occasional punch bag. Fucking rat-faced, AIDS having looking motherfucker.

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14 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Like you say DC were sitting on a goldmine for thirty years with Superman and never had the balls to make him go mental and have a proper dark turn. Strange considering they were always considered the darker and more adult company in comparison to Marvel for ages until Deadpool showed up and they were still shaky following in the footsteps of that with the awful first Suicide Squad despite having a literal BDSM Catwoman and nose-biting-off, goon killing Penguin all the way back in 1992 when Marvel didn't count for shit in Hollywood.

Now they're still trying to make an equivalent to the Avengers despite beating them to the chase in terms of superhero teams by three years in the comics and the Avengers being finished. The dozy cunts really did have everything going for them and yet they're constantly getting beaten to the chase in terms of actually interesting shit for their characters to do - literally to the point where people are making their own versions of them and making them far more entertaining than the cardboard cut outs DC have been too scared or lazy to change since around 1998.

And Jared Leto is a fucking limpet who's only good as a background actor and occasional punch bag. Fucking rat-faced, AIDS having looking motherfucker.

The whole 'Suicide Squad' thing needs to be dropped. Look at the competition.. we have The X-Men, The Avengers, even The Fantastic 4 are a better bet than a bloke with a reptile head, a bloke with a rifle and a slag with a baseball bat. Pile of shit.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

The whole 'Suicide Squad' thing needs to be dropped. Look at the competition.. we have The X-Men, The Avengers, even The Fantastic 4 are a better bet than a bloke with a reptile head, a bloke with a rifle and a slag with a baseball bat. Pile of shit.

I don't know about scrapping it entirely. The entire point is that they're low-power supervillains sent by a shadowy government organisation to sort out big threats that the justice League is too busy or morally uptight to deal with. They're expendable cannon fodder, hence the name. It really is an interesting concept when you think about it.

Problem is it makes all the supposed heroes look like useless twats at best and just as bad as the villains at worst. You're honestly telling me all of the cunts, especially Batman and Superman are completely ingorant as to what happens with the people they collar after they're in captivity? Or do they know and they're just happy to send people off to their deaths?

It just clashes with the whole already established morality scale for a lot of their characters IMO. You can't have a goody two shoes Justice League at one end of the spectrum and a caste of slave combatants at the other whilst just brushing any questions the whole thing might raise between the two under the "covert ops" rug.

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