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Katharine Birbalsingh

Last Cunt Standing

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I may be on holiday in Germany, but this Cunt is all over the UK News channels here, so she’s caught my attention.

The box-ticking cunt is reportedly a “social mobility Tsar” for Boris Johnson, but today has announced that kids from poor backgrounds should perhaps be shepherded towards easier goals liable to cause less performance anxiety.

She has form of course, for saying Girls should not fight their instinctive dislike of “hard subjects” like the sciences, and presumably focus on cross-stitch and watercolour painting. 

Of course she has the obligatory back story of turning around a London school with her new brand of teaching, but I care not a jot. 

For the monstrous crime of perpetuating the gatekeeper role of educators to the driving seats of society, I’d like her flayed alive and dipped in brine please.



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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Fucking hell! Is she black, white, Jewish or Indian?

Cunt looks like Brian May had a really cheap sex change.

Probably all of the above, given the picture is from The Guardian. I suspect she's also a transsexual with a chemically-suppressed autistic spectrum disorder.

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4 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So she's implying that poor kids are basically thick as shit?

No, just that they shouldn't waste time trying to access the same level of education that rich kids get. Coal will be coming back big this winter with Ivan turning off the gas, so there'll be plenty of opportunity in the mining and chimney sweeping sectors.

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15 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

You'd never get tired of punching that fucking face, would you?

Katharine Birbalsingh: 'I spoke at Tory conference so I must be evil' |  Schools | The Guardian

That's the fat cunt out of 'Lost' after Howard Stark finished with him. Just watched the new Dr Strange sequel... Charles Xavier connected to the Avengers. Pity they didn't think of that before spending 11 billion on an Iron Man suit to control the Hulk. 

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Guest judgetwi
36 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I may be on holiday in Germany, but this Cunt is all over the UK News channels here, so she’s caught my attention.

The box-ticking cunt is reportedly a “social mobility Tsar” for Boris Johnson, but today has announced that kids from poor backgrounds should perhaps be shepherded towards easier goals liable to cause less performance anxiety.

She has form of course, for saying Girls should not fight their instinctive dislike of “hard subjects” like the sciences, and presumably focus on cross-stitch and watercolour painting. 

Of course she has the obligatory back story of turning around a London school with her new brand of teaching, but I care not a jot. 

For the monstrous crime of perpetuating the gatekeeper role of educators to the driving seats of society, I’d like her flayed alive and dipped in brine please.



Posh boy, wants everyone to know he is in Germany, despite the fact it is totally irrelevant. The lady has been there, knows what she is talking about. Social mobility doesn’t necessarily mean you are a failure if you’re not fucking stinking rich. Only snobs like Skippy with his hatred of the British working class come up with that shit. Fuck off back to Oz Skippy and patronise some other bunch of cunts. Total fucking fake.

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1 hour ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

She has form of course, for saying Girls should not fight their instinctive dislike of “hard subjects” like the sciences, and presumably focus on cross-stitch and watercolour painting. 

Prostitution is often overlooked as a career choice too, once they’ve reached the legal age of course. Probably because the teachers failed to make a living at it and ended up as bitter and twisted failures taking out their feeling of self worthlessness on their pupils.

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11 hours ago, camberwell gypsy said:

So she's implying that poor kids are basically thick as shit?

No, she is not. She's saying that whilst all children should be given the opportunity to excel it should be commensurate with the individual's aptitude and intellect. In other words, don't give false hope to children with limited abilities.

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2 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, she is not. She's saying that whilst all children should be given the opportunity to excel it should be commensurate with the individual's aptitude and intellect. In other words, don't give false hope to children with limited abilities.

Is she fuck. She's basically just saying people shouldn't fixate on going to university and becoming the cliche "rags to riches" story and everyone should get a pat on the back just for being able to wipe their arse without help.

Its a rather patronising speech from someone who has so obviously made it to the pinnacle of their own career, after graduating from the University of Oxford herself. Makes you wonder why she's so adamant that people with less of a chance of succeeding than she did herself, with her academic father and long family history of being teachers, should be praised for giving in early. I imagine quite a few strings were pulled behind the scenes to get her where she is today. If not purely through money, then through clearly set goals and achievements formulated by her father who already knew the road to success. That's the sort of knowledge that would actually help others reach a level of success beyond their means, not trying to change the very way that success is measured by society to socially engineer another, considerably lower bar for everyone who doesn't have the same means as the silver spoon inbred fuckers.

She has no intention of changing the system, she just wants to stand outside the doors of academia and hand out "Participant" rewards to the cunts she personally deems as not having a fucking chance before patting them on the back and sending them on their way.


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38 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Is she fuck. She's basically just saying people shouldn't fixate on going to university and becoming the cliche "rags to riches" story and everyone should get a pat on the back just for being able to wipe their arse without help.

Its a rather patronising speech from someone who has so obviously made it to the pinnacle of their own career, after graduating from the University of Oxford herself. Makes you wonder why she's so adamant that people with less of a chance of succeeding than she did herself, with her academic father and long family history of being teachers, should be praised for giving in early. I imagine quite a few strings were pulled behind the scenes to get her where she is today. If not purely through money, then through clearly set goals and achievements formulated by her father who already knew the road to success. That's the sort of knowledge that would actually help others reach a level of success beyond their means, not trying to change the very way that success is measured by society to socially engineer another, considerably lower bar for everyone who doesn't have the same means as the silver spoon inbred fuckers.

She has no intention of changing the system, she just wants to stand outside the doors of academia and hand out "Participant" rewards to the cunts she personally deems as not having a fucking chance before patting them on the back and sending them on their way.


She's another self satisfied smug fucking cunt like Afua Hirsch. 

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16 hours ago, judgetwi said:

Posh boy, wants everyone to know he is in Germany, despite the fact it is totally irrelevant. The lady has been there, knows what she is talking about. Social mobility doesn’t necessarily mean you are a failure if you’re not fucking stinking rich. Only snobs like Skippy with his hatred of the British working class come up with that shit. Fuck off back to Oz Skippy and patronise some other bunch of cunts. Total fucking fake.

Congratulations dickhead, you win a free fuck off! 

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, she is not. She's saying that whilst all children should be given the opportunity to excel it should be commensurate with the individual's aptitude and intellect. In other words, don't give false hope to children with limited abilities.

Yes you are right. Forgive me for being wrong, your m'aaaaam. 

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9 hours ago, Mrs Roops said:

No, she is not. She's saying that whilst all children should be given the opportunity to excel it should be commensurate with the individual's aptitude and intellect. In other words, don't give false hope to children with limited abilities.

Best to just murder them before they’re born and avoid the shame if they start falling behind at school.

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7 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Is she fuck. She's basically just saying people shouldn't fixate on going to university and becoming the cliche "rags to riches" story and everyone should get a pat on the back just for being able to wipe their arse without help.

Its a rather patronising speech from someone who has so obviously made it to the pinnacle of their own career, after graduating from the University of Oxford herself. Makes you wonder why she's so adamant that people with less of a chance of succeeding than she did herself, with her academic father and long family history of being teachers, should be praised for giving in early. I imagine quite a few strings were pulled behind the scenes to get her where she is today. If not purely through money, then through clearly set goals and achievements formulated by her father who already knew the road to success. That's the sort of knowledge that would actually help others reach a level of success beyond their means, not trying to change the very way that success is measured by society to socially engineer another, considerably lower bar for everyone who doesn't have the same means as the silver spoon inbred fuckers.

She has no intention of changing the system, she just wants to stand outside the doors of academia and hand out "Participant" rewards to the cunts she personally deems as not having a fucking chance before patting them on the back and sending them on their way.


It’s a fucking ugly cunt without a doubt, so whatever it says is wrong as far as Im concerned.

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