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Another fucking school shooting


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9 hours ago, Decimus said:

I've just read through one of the testimonies from a dead ten year olds parents. On the day of the shooting they begged, as kids do, to stay at home. Could you imagine if you were that child's father and had to live with that for the rest of your life?

The gun lobbyists answer is more guns, not less. "LET'S ARM TEACHERS TO PROTECT OUR KIDS" as if no teacher will ever go rogue and murder their own class. According to the same idiots their country is safer because everyone is armed to the teeth, "because the good guys can stop the bad guys". I can't think of any majorly publicised mass shooting where an armed member of the public, a "good guy" has taken out a shooter before they've murdered dozens of innocent people.

The only answer is mass gun control similar to what they have in this country. But there's more chance of that happening than Pen stopping her endless campaign of flooding this site with shit.

Even if harsh gun control laws were introduced by the federal government many states would pull every stunt in the book to avoid enforcing them. The litigation would be never ending. Then you have the inevitable carnage as Billy Ray and his cousins from Alabama refuse to hand over their weapons when their gun permits are revoked owing to multiple psychological problems caused by generations of sister shagging. The ATF would be having a Waco every week. 

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33 minutes ago, Trucking Funt said:

Even if harsh gun control laws were introduced by the federal government many states would pull every stunt in the book to avoid enforcing them. The litigation would be never ending. Then you have the inevitable carnage as Billy Ray and his cousins from Alabama refuse to hand over their weapons when their gun permits are revoked owing to multiple psychological problems caused by generations of sister shagging. The ATF would be having a Waco every week. 

Not a chance that anything will change.

From the Media "Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz within hours of the attack said: "Inevitably when there's a murderer of this kind, you see politicians try to politicise it, you see Democrats and a lot of folks in the media whose immediate solution is to try to restrict the constitutional rights of law-abiding citizens.". " Texas Governor Greg Abbott has already been asked several times about tightening gun laws in the wake of the attack but said he believed the problem was mental health and said tougher gun laws in Chicago, New York and California are ineffective.".

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6 hours ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Twenty year old turkey in a thirty year old tin. I can't wait 'til tomorrow, to thaw one out again.

ZZ Top aside, your post was scarily reminiscent of @applescruff14. What have you done with him?

Don't compare me to that vile cretin. I wish I had disposed of him in an extremely grisly way. Do you know he was a moderator once? I really grew to hate him during that period of time.

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16 minutes ago, Carl Sway said:

Don't compare me to that vile cretin. I wish I had disposed of him in an extremely grisly way. Do you know he was a moderator once? I really grew to hate him during that period of time.

I remember making a post about John Lennon being a cunt (which he was) and he deleted it within minutes.

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1 hour ago, Carl Sway said:

Don't compare me to that vile cretin. I wish I had disposed of him in an extremely grisly way. Do you know he was a moderator once? I really grew to hate him during that period of time.


57 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

I remember making a post about John Lennon being a cunt (which he was) and he deleted it within minutes.

Back the fuck up a minute... For the five years I've been here, Pen has talked about the old gang of 'Benny, Flinty, Rothers, Catwoman and herself. As far as I knew, Apple was also a member of this 'Blyton-esque' gathering. 

In Fact, @Penelope Alive often describes him as 'the best on here'... What the fuck is going on?

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22 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:


Back the fuck up a minute... For the five years I've been here, Pen has talked about the old gang of 'Benny, Flinty, Rothers, Catwoman and herself. As far as I knew, Apple was also a member of this 'Blyton-esque' gathering. 

In Fact, @Penelope Alive often describes him as 'the best on here'... What the fuck is going on?

He is the "best on here" in the context of "village idiot" .. did you ever hear about how he was prosecuted when someone crashed into the back of his car? I also had suspicions about him having an alter ego on another forum who called himself Billy Wizz and frequented a cafe in Lewisham that Apple also said that he used.

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Just now, Penelope Alive said:

He is the "best on here" in the context of "village idiot" .. did you ever hear about how he was prosecuted when someone crashed into the back of his car? I also had suspicions about him having an alter ego on another forum who called himself Billy Wizz and frequented a cafe in Lewisham that Apple also said that he used. The cafe might have been called MAGGIES.


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1 minute ago, Penelope Alive said:

He is the "best on here" in the context of "village idiot" .. did you ever hear about how he was prosecuted when someone crashed into the back of his car? I also had suspicions about him having an alter ego on another forum who called himself Billy Wizz and frequented a cafe in Lewisham that Apple also said that he used.

Lewisham is full of poofs

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15 hours ago, King Billy said:

 The mass shootings which the MSM get their knickers in a twist over represent a tiny minority of the actual statistics. 

Each tiny statistic is a tiny life cut short before their time and a devastated family. If I had a choice between the "freedom" to bear arms or to lose that "freedom" in order to save  childrens lives, I know what I'd pick.

I don't care how hard it is to enforce it on a federal or state level, or any of the bizarre arguments the gun lobbyists come up with. How many kids have to die before mindsets change? Maybe if every parent in America had a child shot in the head it might wake them up, but I somehow doubt it.


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33 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Each tiny statistic is a tiny life cut short before their time and a devastated family. If I had a choice between the "freedom" to bear arms or to lose that "freedom" in order to save  childrens lives, I know what I'd pick.

I don't care how hard it is to enforce it on a federal or state level, or any of the bizarre arguments the gun lobbyists come up with. How many kids have to die before mindsets change? Maybe if every parent in America had a child shot in the head it might wake them up, but I somehow doubt it.


Its an easy desire for the government to fulfill which appeases a large majority of the voting pool with the added benefit of bringing in easy money and motivating the stupidest members of society to vote. Let's be honest, so long as Billy-Bob Shitkicker can go out with the boys every weekend to shoot cans and masturbate in front of his mirror every night whilst posing with a .44 magnum, he really couldn't give less of a shit how many of other people's children have to die.

Its the perfect population control when you think about it - Billy-Bob might not have a national health service or even the basic right to be treated as a human being at his minimum wage job. He'll probably work himself into an early grave if the diabetes doesn't finish him off first and his place of residence may very well be a squalid little shack on wheels, but as long as Mr. Shitkicker gets those few hours of dopamine every week that comes from hanging out with the Boys and pretending he's Rambo, he's just happy enough to keep up the grind for another few months.

And when it all gets too much for Billy-Bob, when the bills are piling up and his health is failing him and he's pissed off at the world and the system that made his life such a misery, there's a 99% chance he'll do something stupid with that gun. It doesn't even matter what he does at that point - he could rob a shop or shoot himself, or both. Either way, he kills himself or gives the police an open invitation to do it for him. It probably works out cheaper for the government than making his life tolerable, and the politicians get another shooting to preach over, his workplace gets to hire a younger and more healthy sap to run into the ground for a pittance and the Boys get to shag his wife and buy the rest of his guns off her at a bargain price.

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1 hour ago, Decimus said:

Each tiny statistic is a tiny life cut short before their time and a devastated family. If I had a choice between the "freedom" to bear arms or to lose that "freedom" in order to save  childrens lives, I know what I'd pick.


Well said, more guns obviously, children are the future unless we can stop them. Can you imagine the woke cunts of the future that are currently calling a woke cunt mum or dad or binary neutral care provider…

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Its an easy desire for the government to fulfill which appeases a large majority of the voting pool with the added benefit of bringing in easy money and motivating the stupidest members of society to vote. Let's be honest, so long as Billy-Bob Shitkicker can go out with the boys every weekend to shoot cans and masturbate in front of his mirror every night whilst posing with a .44 magnum, he really couldn't give less of a shit how many of other people's children have to die.

Its the perfect population control when you think about it - Billy-Bob might not have a national health service or even the basic right to be treated as a human being at his minimum wage job. He'll probably work himself into an early grave if the diabetes doesn't finish him off first and his place of residence may very well be a squalid little shack on wheels, but as long as Mr. Shitkicker gets those few hours of dopamine every week that comes from hanging out with the Boys and pretending he's Rambo, he's just happy enough to keep up the grind for another few months.

And when it all gets too much for Billy-Bob, when the bills are piling up and his health is failing him and he's pissed off at the world and the system that made his life such a misery, there's a 99% chance he'll do something stupid with that gun. It doesn't even matter what he does at that point - he could rob a shop or shoot himself, or both. Either way, he kills himself or gives the police an open invitation to do it for him. It probably works out cheaper for the government than making his life tolerable, and the politicians get another shooting to preach over, his workplace gets to hire a younger and more healthy sap to run into the ground for a pittance and the Boys get to shag his wife and buy the rest of his guns off her at a bargain price.

The American Dream. 

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4 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Well said, more guns obviously, children are the future unless we can stop them. Can you imagine the woke cunts of the future that are currently calling a woke cunt mum or dad or binary neutral care provider…

You've always got to blame the parents. Shoot them dead and give their kids to someone who will raise them proper like. Round the clock clips, compulsory woodwork lessons and merciless name calling. 

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6 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've always got to blame the parents. Shoot them dead and give their kids to someone who will raise them proper like. Round the clock clips, compulsory woodwork lessons and merciless name calling. 

It worked for us! 

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31 minutes ago, Decimus said:

You've always got to blame the parents. Shoot them dead and give their kids to someone who will raise them proper like. Round the clock clips, compulsory woodwork lessons and merciless name calling. 

But still burn the ones that are poofy, obviously. I think that the unilateral and total extermination of wrong'uns would be entirely justified if it prevented another Rylan Clark from existing.

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32 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Well said, more guns obviously, children are the future unless we can stop them. Can you imagine the woke cunts of the future that are currently calling a woke cunt mum or dad or binary neutral care provider…

The democrats would like  to take all the guns off law abiding US citizens, which would be in breach of the 2nd amendment. The Taliban could then corner the market and sell some of the 87 billion dollars worth of US weapons (which ‘Tapioca Brain’ Biden gave them as a leaving present) back to the gun hungry American public. 

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18 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Well let's face it, the arse has fallen out of the heroin market now there's a glut of cheap fentanyl, so the prehistoric turban cunts do need to diversify.

Fentanyl is great fun. If you put the slow release patches on geriatric cunts, it sends them doolally after about 4 hours.

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58 minutes ago, King Billy said:

The democrats would like to take all the guns off law abiding US citizens, which would be in breach of the 2nd amendment. 

Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they're not, Bill. The Spic who slaughtered 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde was a "law abiding citizen" before becoming a mass murderer.

As for arguments such as "would you ban knives because people stab each other etc etc" the difference is guns have a unique and deadly capability to end life which is incomparable to any other personal weapon. You can kill multiple people at range within seconds with a gun, rampage through a school with a knife, though, and people may die, but your potential to kill is vastly minimised.

Why do Americans believe it is justified to own a gun? To keep them safe? I don't own a gun and I feel safe, because I know barely any other cunts in this country are running around armed to the fucking teeth. It's a self perpetuating problem easily solved by banning most firearms except under very limited circumstances.

I'm not saying it can be done or that it will be done, the genie is far too long out of the bottle in the states for that. But it should be done.

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49 minutes ago, Cuntybaws said:

Well let's face it, the arse has fallen out of the heroin market

Another huge blow for the SNP and their pipe dream of freedom from English tyranny and Westminster enforced poverty. They’ve managed to turn the publics opinion of North Sea oil, from the ‘golden egg’ that would pay for free haggis and Buckfast on tap for everyone, to the most eco unfriendly ‘sperm of the devil’ poison ever. And now the smack market’s on its arse (like all it’s consumers), leaves Krankie only one excuse for why it’s all gone wrong.

‘Racism’ of course. Never lets the lefties down when they’re backed into a corner of their own making. 

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24 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Everyone is a law abiding citizen until they're not, Bill. The Spic who slaughtered 19 children and two teachers in Uvalde was a "law abiding citizen" before becoming a mass murderer.

As for arguments such as "would you ban knives because people stab each other etc etc" the difference is guns have a unique and deadly capability to end life which is incomparable to any other personal weapon. You can kill multiple people at range within seconds with a gun, rampage through a school with a knife, though, and people may die, but your potential to kill is vastly minimised.

Why do Americans believe it is justified to own a gun? To keep them safe? I don't own a gun and I feel safe, because I know barely any other cunts in this country are running around armed to the fucking teeth. It's a self perpetuating problem easily solved by banning most firearms except under very limited circumstances.

I'm not saying it can be done or that it will be done, the genie is far too long out of the bottle in the states for that. But it should be done.

There’s a difference between owning a gun for hunting - a single shot rifle with telescopic sights for example, to a semi-automatic weapon that can kill everyone in a classroom in a matter of seconds. The cunts want to exercise their right to bear arms, for self defence and sporting activities, but I don’t see how ownership of these automatic weapons of mass destruction can be justified for any reason whatsoever. And how an 18 year old “kid” but such weapons without someone questioning why he wanted the fucking things. America - what a country.

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3 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Its an easy desire for the government to fulfill which appeases a large majority of the voting pool with the added benefit of bringing in easy money and motivating the stupidest members of society to vote. Let's be honest, so long as Billy-Bob Shitkicker can go out with the boys every weekend to shoot cans and masturbate in front of his mirror every night whilst posing with a .44 magnum, he really couldn't give less of a shit how many of other people's children have to die.

Its the perfect population control when you think about it - Billy-Bob might not have a national health service or even the basic right to be treated as a human being at his minimum wage job. He'll probably work himself into an early grave if the diabetes doesn't finish him off first and his place of residence may very well be a squalid little shack on wheels, but as long as Mr. Shitkicker gets those few hours of dopamine every week that comes from hanging out with the Boys and pretending he's Rambo, he's just happy enough to keep up the grind for another few months.

And when it all gets too much for Billy-Bob, when the bills are piling up and his health is failing him and he's pissed off at the world and the system that made his life such a misery, there's a 99% chance he'll do something stupid with that gun. It doesn't even matter what he does at that point - he could rob a shop or shoot himself, or both. Either way, he kills himself or gives the police an open invitation to do it for him. It probably works out cheaper for the government than making his life tolerable, and the politicians get another shooting to preach over, his workplace gets to hire a younger and more healthy sap to run into the ground for a pittance and the Boys get to shag his wife and buy the rest of his guns off her at a bargain price.

Yeah, I think I know. 

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