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Tyre Extinguisher Cunts


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Apparently there's a new mob of wanker eco-terrorists roaming the streets going by the name of the Tyre Extinguishers - their modus operandi being to skulk around at night slashing the tyres of SUVs and other cars they consider damaging to the environment. I can't be the only one thinking that a bunch of cunts pedalling around the streets under the cover of darkness must have a lot of spare time on their hands, possibly coming from an entitled background that never saw them having to experience the necessity of driving to work in the first place?

Another fucking horde of bored, upper class white cunts so crippled with the guilt of their entitlement that they lash out at their local community under the illusion of righteousness, but so blind to their own fucking hypocrisy that in reality they just end up stepping on the necks of the working man just like their ancestors before them.

What a bunch of fucking desperate little snowflake wankers. It almost makes you want to play into their disillusionment - let's just outlaw cars full stop and flood the country with violent immigrants - it would be worth it just to see Poppy and George trying to pedal their tandem bike to the nearest hospital with punctured lungs after they've been fucking mugged.

Oh, what's that? All the hospital can do for you now is offer a holistic lavender salve for your gaping wound because the real medicine wasn't delivered and you demanded more "organic" and "eco friendly" medical care back when you weren't fucking dying? Well at least you got to experience the world you wanted in the short time that you had left and a fucking willow tree will be planted over your rotting corpse as reparations for your carbon footprint.

Fucking despicable, deluded, fucking night-hippies. I hope the people of London, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Cambridge, the cities you oh-so-proudly announced as your targets, beat the living shit out of the lot of you and your Insulate Britain mates have glued themselves to whatever roads lead to your local hospitals.

Bunch of fucking twats.

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We've had Extinction Rebellion, Insulate Britain and now 'Tyre Extinguishers'. Ffs. The parents of most of these 20-something privileged shits probably drove back-and-forth to their respective offices to earn huge, carbon-generating salaries to fund their childrens' private education. What hypocrisy. I'd like to join Tyre Extinguishers just so I can find out where the local ringleader lives and dismantle his/her central heating – before smashing in their fucking windows in the middle of January.

There are more effective ways to help tackle climate change, and fucking around with the lives of people who need 4x4s as working vehicles is not the way forward. Throw them in jail, with harsh sentences, to teach those wannabies a thoroughy good lesson.

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They should target the barracks quarter in Colchester. Most of the paras and commando units stationed there tend to bomb around in V8 Range Rovers when they're in civvy mode. I'm sure they'd be sympathetic to their cause and welcome their vehicles being fucked over in the name of hollow virtue signalling.

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18 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

people who need 4x4s as working vehicle

I can't see that there's any problem with keying/slashing tyres on the Range Rovers of urban posers. No-one uses a Velar (?) or a Porsche Cayenne to go round the sheep and fuck knows what a Bentayga is for. Any 4x4 without a towbar is fair game,, especially if it's got a yoga mat on the back seat..

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Guest Parabolic Cunting
2 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Apparently there's a new mob of wanker eco-terrorists roaming the streets going by the name of the Tyre Extinguishers - their modus operandi being to skulk around at night slashing the tyres of SUVs and other cars they consider damaging to the environment. I can't be the only one thinking that a bunch of cunts pedalling around the streets under the cover of darkness must have a lot of spare time on their hands, possibly coming from an entitled background that never saw them having to experience the necessity of driving to work in the first place?

Another fucking horde of bored, upper class white cunts so crippled with the guilt of their entitlement that they lash out at their local community under the illusion of righteousness, but so blind to their own fucking hypocrisy that in reality they just end up stepping on the necks of the working man just like their ancestors before them.

What a bunch of fucking desperate little snowflake wankers. It almost makes you want to play into their disillusionment - let's just outlaw cars full stop and flood the country with violent immigrants - it would be worth it just to see Poppy and George trying to pedal their tandem bike to the nearest hospital with punctured lungs after they've been fucking mugged.

Oh, what's that? All the hospital can do for you now is offer a holistic lavender salve for your gaping wound because the real medicine wasn't delivered and you demanded more "organic" and "eco friendly" medical care back when you weren't fucking dying? Well at least you got to experience the world you wanted in the short time that you had left and a fucking willow tree will be planted over your rotting corpse as reparations for your carbon footprint.

Fucking despicable, deluded, fucking night-hippies. I hope the people of London, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Cambridge, the cities you oh-so-proudly announced as your targets, beat the living shit out of the lot of you and your Insulate Britain mates have glued themselves to whatever roads lead to your local hospitals.

Bunch of fucking twats.

Tyresome cunts

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Apparently there's a new mob of wanker eco-terrorists roaming the streets going by the name of the Tyre Extinguishers - their modus operandi being to skulk around at night slashing the tyres of SUVs and other cars they consider damaging to the environment. I can't be the only one thinking that a bunch of cunts pedalling around the streets under the cover of darkness must have a lot of spare time on their hands, possibly coming from an entitled background that never saw them having to experience the necessity of driving to work in the first place?

Another fucking horde of bored, upper class white cunts so crippled with the guilt of their entitlement that they lash out at their local community under the illusion of righteousness, but so blind to their own fucking hypocrisy that in reality they just end up stepping on the necks of the working man just like their ancestors before them.

What a bunch of fucking desperate little snowflake wankers. It almost makes you want to play into their disillusionment - let's just outlaw cars full stop and flood the country with violent immigrants - it would be worth it just to see Poppy and George trying to pedal their tandem bike to the nearest hospital with punctured lungs after they've been fucking mugged.

Oh, what's that? All the hospital can do for you now is offer a holistic lavender salve for your gaping wound because the real medicine wasn't delivered and you demanded more "organic" and "eco friendly" medical care back when you weren't fucking dying? Well at least you got to experience the world you wanted in the short time that you had left and a fucking willow tree will be planted over your rotting corpse as reparations for your carbon footprint.

Fucking despicable, deluded, fucking night-hippies. I hope the people of London, Sheffield, Manchester, Liverpool and Cambridge, the cities you oh-so-proudly announced as your targets, beat the living shit out of the lot of you and your Insulate Britain mates have glued themselves to whatever roads lead to your local hospitals.

Bunch of fucking twats.

I hope they bump into that other group of fucking wankers renowned for prowling the streets at night looking for cars (to steal). I imagine that any Hooray Henry with a trust fund who declares solidarity with any black car thief he bumps into will be receiving a few slashes himself, and possibly a BBC up the arse.

As for targeting Cambridge, they've clearly never visited the place. Barely any cunt drives because the cost of parking is kept prohibitively high and its tiny roads are choc-a-fucking bloc with Chinks riding pushbikes. Forget about nine million bicycles in Beijing, that swarthy cunt Melua should visit Cambridge if she wants to warble about millions of dog eating cunts being a menace on the roads.


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On 11/05/2022 at 14:56, Hammer of Cunts said:

I can't see that there's any problem with keying/slashing tyres on the Range Rovers of urban posers. No-one uses a Velar (?) or a Porsche Cayenne to go round the sheep and fuck knows what a Bentayga is for. Any 4x4 without a towbar is fair game,, especially if it's got a yoga mat on the back seat..

Point taken, but for rural people – many of whom travel and park in cities – it causes absolute mayhem. I used to have a Land Rover workhorse, until it was written off by a drunk 17 y/o little wanker last month. My point is had I caught anyone attempting to slash its tyres, or key the bodywork, I'd have landed a crisp strike to the temple and asked questions later. My replacement SUV/4x4 needs to be a total workhorse, as it's the most important tool in my life. If anyone rendered it useless (even for just one day), such as by one of these entitled middle-class dickheads destroying its tyres, it would cost me quite a lot of time and money. Much of which, as I have discovered recently, can be an uninsurable loss.

These cunts need to be made an example of when they're caught. How dare they disrupt the vast majority of people's precious time. Governments, scientists and funding affect change – not a bunch of selfish shitstains who cause 25-mile tailbacks during the heat of summer on the UK's motorways. All they managed to achieve was further resentment towards them. Fine them heavily, give them criminal records, and even put them in prison for while, making a fucking example of them so it acts as a deterrent for some Charlie Gilmour wannbabe cunt to in future think again.

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14 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

Point taken, but for rural people – many of whom travel and park in cities – it causes absolute mayhem. I used to have a Land Rover workhorse, until it was written off by a drunk 17 y/o little wanker last month. My point is had I caught anyone attempting to slash its tyres, or key the bodywork, I'd have landed a crisp strike to the temple and asked questions later. My replacement SUV/4x4 needs to be a total workhorse, as it's the most important tool in my life. If anyone rendered it useless (even for just one day), such as by one of these entitled middle-class dickheads destroying its tyres, it would cost me quite a lot of time and money. Much of which, as I have discovered recently, can be an unisurable loss.

These cunts need to be made an example of when they're caught. How dare they disrupt the vast majority of people's precious time. Governments, scientists and funding affect change – not a bunch of selfish shitstains who cause 25-mile tailbacks during the heat of summer on the UK's motorways. All they managed to achieve was further resentment towards them. Fine them heavily, give them criminal records, and even put them in prison for while, making a fucking example of them so it acts as a deterrent for some Charlie Gilmour wannbabe cunt to in future think again.

Oh do shut up, you long winded, boring Englishman.

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1 minute ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

On a similar note, a mate had a relatively new Shogun nicked just before Xmas, he's keeping an eye on news from Ukraine to see if he can spot it.

If he spots it on BBC fake news ‘live from Kiev’ he should stop panicking. It’ll turn up in a couple of episodes of Eastenders with hardman 😂 Phil Mitchell behind the wheel, pretending his legs are long enough to reach the pedals, and then he can buy it back, when the props department auction it off because the backseat is so full of spunkstains even Graham Norton wouldn’t get in for a quick bumride with Winston the head of security, and runner up for the new Bond role, down at Elstree studios.

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22 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

If the subject is of no interest to you, why not simply ignore it and fuck off to another thread?

The bloke’s fast becoming the biggest fucking wanker on the site. Considering we already have the likes of Frank and Pen setting the bar very high, this is quite some feat.

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24 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

The bloke’s fast becoming the biggest fucking wanker on the site. Considering we already have the likes of Frank and Pen setting the bar very high, this is quite some feat.

In spite of B-listers Frank & Withers' squabbling being akin to a couple of teenage American brats, every punter who's ever been disliked by the site's more elite commenters always attracts the support of childless tranny cunt 'Lady' Pen. The @Witheredscrote Wanker falls squarely into this category. I wonder if he's ever asked himself why?

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2 hours ago, Wolfie said:

If the subject is of no interest to you, why not simply ignore it and fuck off to another thread?

Wolfie you whinging on here day and night 24/7 .. you cannot possibly have time to be doing anything that would require you needing access to a 4X4.

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21 hours ago, Hammer of Cunts said:

I can't see that there's any problem with keying/slashing tyres on the Range Rovers of urban posers. No-one uses a Velar (?) or a Porsche Cayenne to go round the sheep and fuck knows what a Bentayga is for. Any 4x4 without a towbar is fair game,, especially if it's got a yoga mat on the back seat..

Punkape will make an excellent target for the cause. I would lie if I had issues with estate agents and their car beasts as the bullseye.

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On 11/05/2022 at 19:12, Decimus said:

I hope they bump into that other group of fucking wankers renowned for prowling the streets at night looking for cars (to steal). I imagine that any Hooray Henry with a trust fund who declares solidarity with any black car thief he bumps into will be receiving a few slashes himself, and possibly a BBC up the arse.

As for targeting Cambridge, they've clearly never visited the place. Barely any cunt drives because the cost of parking is kept prohibitively high and its tiny roads are choc-a-fucking bloc with Chinks riding pushbikes. Forget about nine million bicycles in Beijing, that swarthy cunt Melua should visit Cambridge if she wants to warble about millions of dog eating cunts being a menace on the roads.


Bloody hell, all so true. I used to live in Cambridge and the entire city centre has been plagued by the scent of East Asia on fucking bicycles for more than 25 years. They're like ants. There's a lot of Koreans on the lower end of Mill Road, who are also obsessed with bicycles, which lends itself to an intercontinental, cat-eating vibe. Still, the medieval streets surrounding the main colleges are too narrow to accommodate cars, and I suppose bicycles are the fastest way to navigate the city – and reduce emissions. They are a fucking menace though, and the Chinks have brought an unnecessary sense of urgency with them from whatever polluted shithole they hail.

I once blew my drunken load up a pretty but slightly podgy Danish bird in the entrance to the Round Church near the corner of Bridge Street. It's about 900 years old, so I don't think my experience is unique. My point is I'll wager no Chinaman or East Asian has ever fired their nuts up someone in a very public and deeply religious place, especially as the cunts are all so suppressed and brainwashed and too scared to do anything. Perhaps it's a Western privilege and freedom.

Their nonchalant manipulation of the character of Cambridge sadly comes as little surprise. I wish they existed in Cambridge at the same proportion of other humans who aren't so incredibly intense, hyper, withdrawn, and quite frankly so fucking cuntish. 

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1 hour ago, Wolfie said:

Bloody hell, all so true. I used to live in Cambridge and the entire city centre has been plagued by the scent of East Asia on fucking bicycles for more than 25 years. They're like ants. There's a lot of Koreans on the lower end of Mill Road, who are also obsessed with bicycles, which lends itself to an intercontinental, cat-eating vibe. Still, the medieval streets surrounding the main colleges are too narrow to accommodate cars, and I suppose bicycles are the fastest way to navigate the city – and reduce emissions. They are a fucking menace though, and the Chinks have brought an unnecessary sense of urgency with them from whatever polluted shithole they hail.

I once blew my drunken load up a pretty but slightly podgy Danish bird in the entrance to the Round Church near the corner of Bridge Street. It's about 900 years old, so I don't think my experience is unique. My point is I'll wager no Chinaman or East Asian has ever fired their nuts up someone in a very public and deeply religious place, especially as the cunts are all so suppressed and brainwashed and too scared to do anything. Perhaps it's a Western privilege and freedom.

Their nonchalant manipulation of the character of Cambridge sadly comes as little surprise. I wish they existed in Cambridge at the same ratio of other humans who aren't so incredibly intense, hyper, withdrawn, and quite frankly so fucking cuntish. 

Chinks and Ram-jams are easy to spot if they're driving. It'll be the cunt who thinks the brake pedal is what turns the wheels round.

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