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The State of British Politics.


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Not content with flouting the very same arbitrary rules he brought in which reduced Britain to an Orwellian police state for nearly two years, the fake affable tramp Boris has put his Honey Monster foot in his mouth yet again.

When questioned by total slag Susannah Reid about the plight of a 77 year old woman who spends the day on buses as she cannot afford to heat her home, he had this to say,- "I just want to remind you, the 24 freedom bus pass was something I introduced."

That's the problem when you live in a 21st century country that is still run by the same small oligarchy that has been pulling the strings for a thousand years. You can't then complain when the overly privileged, elitist sociopaths that you vote in have no empathy whatsoever for the plight of every day citizens.

All that aside, I still blame Labour for the state of the country. You've got a Prime Minister who is more interested in proving he's a latter day Churchill, in so much as he's a fat, narcissistic cunt in love with the sound of his own voice. You've got a corner shop chancellor of the Happy Shopper Exchequer whose wife doesn't sling any of her ruppees into his piss poor budget, and numerous back benchers who either fuck kids or are best known for being Punkape's avatar. Yet despite all the corruption, law breaking, and total fucking piss taking, they're still more electable than the tranny obsessed, shrieking, reactionary, and totally fucking useless cunts in the Labour party.

Here's to another decade of being shat on by our 'betters.'

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7 minutes ago, Decimus said:

Not content with flouting the very same arbitrary rules he brought in which reduced Britain to an Orwellian police state for nearly two years, the fake affable tramp Boris has put his Honey Monster foot in his mouth yet again.

When questioned by total slag Susannah Reid about the plight of a 77 year old woman who spends the day on buses as she cannot afford to heat her home, he had this to say,- "I just want to remind you, the 24 freedom bus pass was something I introduced."

That's the problem when you live in a 21st century country that is still run by the same small oligarchy that has been pulling the strings for a thousand years. You can't then complain when the overly privileged, elitist sociopaths that you vote in have no empathy whatsoever for the plight of every day citizens.

All that aside, I still blame Labour for the state of the country. You've got a Prime Minister who is more interested in proving he's a latter day Churchill, in so much as he's a fat, narcissistic cunt in love with the sound of his own voice. You've got a corner shop chancellor of the Happy Shopper Exchequer whose wife doesn't sling any of her ruppees into his piss poor budget, and numerous back benchers who either fuck kids or are best known for being Punkape's avatar. Yet despite all the corruption, law breaking, and total fucking piss taking, they're still more electable than the tranny obsessed, shrieking, reactionary, and totally fucking useless cunts in the Labour party.

Here's to another decade of being shat on by our 'betters.'

Please sir can I have some more….

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6 minutes ago, Eddie said:

Please sir can I have some more….

More what ,his fucking whinging?  He should see common sense, and move to France. Yes I am aware that there are enough cunts here already, but there is room for more.


Edited by Witheredscrote
Norfolk and sad, Norfolk and sad, if it comes from Norfolk it's bad
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11 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

He should see common sense, and move to France. 

Withers, I'll tell you this for free.

I'd do absolutely anything to avoid living in a country where every meal is swimming in garlic and grease, where the best fuck in the nation has feathers and a beak and where its acceptable to take your morning dump in the town square.

Even if it involves paying 800 quid a month to turn my bathroom light on, or letting my local Tory MP shit on my chest, I'll fucking do it.


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1 minute ago, Decimus said:

Withers, I'll tell you this for free.

I'd do absolutely anything to avoid living in a country where every meal is swimming in garlic and grease, where the best fuck in the nation has feathers and a beak and where its acceptable to take your morning dump in the town square.

Even if it involves paying 800 quid a month to turn my bathroom light on, or letting my local Tory MP shit on my chest, I'll fucking do it.


And they copied Blackpool tower. 

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35 minutes ago, Witheredscrote said:

More what ,his fucking whinging?  He should see common sense, and move to France. Yes I am aware that there are enough cunts here already, but there is room for more.


Only the poor retire to France, fuck off. 

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2 hours ago, Decimus said:

Not content with flouting the very same arbitrary rules he brought in which reduced Britain to an Orwellian police state for nearly two years, the fake affable tramp Boris has put his Honey Monster foot in his mouth yet again.

When questioned by total slag Susannah Reid about the plight of a 77 year old woman who spends the day on buses as she cannot afford to heat her home, he had this to say,- "I just want to remind you, the 24 freedom bus pass was something I introduced."

That's the problem when you live in a 21st century country that is still run by the same small oligarchy that has been pulling the strings for a thousand years. You can't then complain when the overly privileged, elitist sociopaths that you vote in have no empathy whatsoever for the plight of every day citizens.

All that aside, I still blame Labour for the state of the country. You've got a Prime Minister who is more interested in proving he's a latter day Churchill, in so much as he's a fat, narcissistic cunt in love with the sound of his own voice. You've got a corner shop chancellor of the Happy Shopper Exchequer whose wife doesn't sling any of her ruppees into his piss poor budget, and numerous back benchers who either fuck kids or are best known for being Punkape's avatar. Yet despite all the corruption, law breaking, and total fucking piss taking, they're still more electable than the tranny obsessed, shrieking, reactionary, and totally fucking useless cunts in the Labour party.

Here's to another decade of being shat on by our 'betters.'

Is the current kakocracy not reflective of how fucking thick the average potato is?

The last two years are a case in point.

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13 minutes ago, The Beast said:

Is the current kakocracy not reflective of how fucking thick the average potato is?

The last two years are a case in point.

The way I see it we're all responsible, regardless of individual intelligence. We're all in the same oven after all, why haven't the smart potatoes just ate the divvies?

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3 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

The way I see it we're all responsible, regardless of individual intelligence. We're all in the same oven after all, why haven't the smart potatoes just ate the divvies?

There are enough corpulent cunts already. 

1 in 5 don’t bother voting. Probably the same 1 in 5 that didn’t fall for the bullshit of the last 2 years.

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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

When questioned by total slag Susannah Reid about the plight of a 77 year old woman who spends the day on buses as she cannot afford to heat her home, he had this to say,- "I just want to remind you, the 24 freedom bus pass was something I introduced."

Proof if any was needed of Bozos total failure to deliver on his policies. Covid was supposed to get rid of all these old grannies. Cunt can’t get anything right, and his donkey faced missus probably can’t even take it up the arse properly either.


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3 hours ago, Decimus said:

Not content with flouting the very same arbitrary rules he brought in which reduced Britain to an Orwellian police state for nearly two years, the fake affable tramp Boris has put his Honey Monster foot in his mouth yet again.

When questioned by total slag Susannah Reid about the plight of a 77 year old woman who spends the day on buses as she cannot afford to heat her home, he had this to say,- "I just want to remind you, the 24 freedom bus pass was something I introduced."

That's the problem when you live in a 21st century country that is still run by the same small oligarchy that has been pulling the strings for a thousand years. You can't then complain when the overly privileged, elitist sociopaths that you vote in have no empathy whatsoever for the plight of every day citizens.

All that aside, I still blame Labour for the state of the country. You've got a Prime Minister who is more interested in proving he's a latter day Churchill, in so much as he's a fat, narcissistic cunt in love with the sound of his own voice. You've got a corner shop chancellor of the Happy Shopper Exchequer whose wife doesn't sling any of her ruppees into his piss poor budget, and numerous back benchers who either fuck kids or are best known for being Punkape's avatar. Yet despite all the corruption, law breaking, and total fucking piss taking, they're still more electable than the tranny obsessed, shrieking, reactionary, and totally fucking useless cunts in the Labour party.

Here's to another decade of being shat on by our 'betters.'

To say I am greatly disappointed with Greasy Sunak and his milieu is an understatement - the fucking chancellor up to his neck  in tax dodging and facilitating. It just proves beyond any doubt how the the swamp beasts get away with everything.

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Just now, The Beast said:

There are enough corpulent cunts already. 

1 in 5 don’t bother voting. Probably the same 1 in 5 that didn’t fall for the bullshit of the last 2 years.

Can you blame them? Its like choosing to wipe your arse with broken glass or razor blades at the moment. Politics is silly wank - I was going to get into more detail about the internet and how it projects a false ideal of the wants and desires of the general population to lazy cunt politicians who come pre-programmed out of Eton to appeal to the people with the easiest, quickest, and cheapest problem to fix within the election window - but it really does just come down to the fact that we're a shit species following silly wank.

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1 hour ago, Roadkill said:

Can you blame them? Its like choosing to wipe your arse with broken glass or razor blades at the moment. Politics is silly wank - I was going to get into more detail about the internet and how it projects a false ideal of the wants and desires of the general population to lazy cunt politicians who come pre-programmed out of Eton to appeal to the people with the easiest, quickest, and cheapest problem to fix within the election window - but it really does just come down to the fact that we're a shit species following silly wank.

That’s why the very worst of miserable, moaning, cynical wankers are here on this fine forum.

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6 hours ago, The Beast said:

That’s why the very worst of miserable, moaning, cynical wankers are here on this fine forum.

Not really. Most people can’t be fucking arsed voting…what is the point when you’re choices are (1) get fucked by toffs (2) get fucked by pseudo toffs. The fact is, nothing really ever changes in this system of ours, the country is still run by the same old civil servant cunts. The British ruling classes have always been crafty cunts who know their electorate/population. They’ve historically always dripped a little bit to the masses, just when a possible popular revolt is in the offing. It’s one of the reasons there has never been a real uprising/revolution in this country…ever. We’re generally polite, compliant and non-volatile…in short, malleable and the powers that be have always known and worked it. A full blown revolution with heads on spikes and Eton et al burned to the ground is the only way things will ever change in this country, but it won’t happen. Not while there’s Facebook, Gogglebox and beer. We’re fucked so lube up and have a wank as they slip it up you.

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14 hours ago, Decimus said:

All that aside, I still blame Labour for the state of the country. 

Here's to another decade of being shat on by our 'betters.'

I’m not sure myself how these two thoughts go together, but there we are. Britain is fucked from top to bottom, has been for a long time, and no one has any chance of fixing the mess in my lifetime. Australia is in the middle of an election currently, but no one pays that much attention to be honest. It’s refreshing. 

I remember reading somewhere that if the coastal erosion continues at the same pace, Peterborough will be a seaside town within a decade or two, so unless you can used those famously webbed feet to trudge over to Birmingham or some other godforesaken hole it might be time to consider emigrating. I read in my newspaper today that The City of Victoria Park, within the greater Perth area, is currently looking for a Chief Planning officer, circa $170k pa, before the bungs and backhanders. Sounds like your kind of thing, no? You’re a young man, perhaps with kids, you could do worse. And The Championship is on standard Foxtel next year.

Think on. 

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20 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m not sure myself how these two thoughts go together, but there we are. Britain is fucked from top to bottom, has been for a long time, and no one has any chance of fixing the mess in my lifetime. Australia is in the middle of an election currently, but no one pays that much attention to be honest. It’s refreshing. 

I remember reading somewhere that if the coastal erosion continues at the same pace, Peterborough will be a seaside town within a decade or two, so unless you can used those famously webbed feet to trudge over to Birmingham or some other godforesaken hole it might be time to consider emigrating. I read in my newspaper today that The City of Victoria Park, within the greater Perth area, is currently looking for a Chief Planning officer, circa $170k pa, before the bungs and backhanders. Sounds like your kind of thing, no? You’re a young man, perhaps with kids, you could do worse. And The Championship is on standard Foxtel next year.

Think on. 

Thank God this ‘run-away’ attitude wasn’t prevalent during WW2 when we single-handedly defeated the Bosch, etc. No matter how bad it gets here, getting eaten by spiders whilst being sodomised by a reeking Abbo must be far worse? Have you been at the Vasse Felix, Doc?

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23 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’m not sure myself how these two thoughts go together, but there we are. Britain is fucked from top to bottom, has been for a long time, and no one has any chance of fixing the mess in my lifetime. Australia is in the middle of an election currently, but no one pays that much attention to be honest. It’s refreshing. 

I remember reading somewhere that if the coastal erosion continues at the same pace, Peterborough will be a seaside town within a decade or two, so unless you can used those famously webbed feet to trudge over to Birmingham or some other godforesaken hole it might be time to consider emigrating. I read in my newspaper today that The City of Victoria Park, within the greater Perth area, is currently looking for a Chief Planning officer, circa $170k pa, before the bungs and backhanders. Sounds like your kind of thing, no? You’re a young man, perhaps with kids, you could do worse. And The Championship is on standard Foxtel next year.

Think on. 

Decimus is fast adapting to his situation. Already, he can breathe through his anus, and his scrotum is developing gills.

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