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Welsh Chip Shop Robber

Last Cunt Standing

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This charming waste of skin is apparently back on the mean streets of South Wales, even fatter than he was at the height of his fame back in the Summer of 2020. 

I hear he doesn’t like being reminded of his Chip Shop antics, preferring to style himself as some sort of legendary Welsh gangster who is now branching out into door security. Possibly at Gregg’s. 

@Eric Cuntman I think a little holiday in the valleys is in order, check his Union card if you will. Perhaps you can drop in on @Mrs Roops while you’re over there, seems she could use the friends at the moment. 

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4 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


This charming waste of skin is apparently back on the mean streets of South Wales, even fatter than he was at the height of his fame back in the Summer of 2020. 

I hear he doesn’t like being reminded of his Chip Shop antics, preferring to style himself as some sort of legendary Welsh gangster who is now branching out into door security. Possibly at Gregg’s. 

@Eric Cuntman I think a little holiday in the valleys is in order, check his Union card if you will. Perhaps you can drop in on @Mrs Roops while you’re over there, seems she could use the friends at the moment. 

You know how these things escalate: today a kebab shop tomorrow Ben and Jerry's 

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40 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

Fucking Ben & Jerry.. pair of cynical money grabbing Jew cunts pretending they're chilled out Tommy Chong type cunts. Borat was right.

I’d be more confident in admitting my love of Chunky Monkey to you Eric, if I didn’t think it would lead to a deluge of Dianne Abbott jokes from the usual Corner heavyweights. 

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10 minutes ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

I’d be more confident in admitting my love of Chunky Monkey to you Eric, if I didn’t think it would lead to a deluge of Dianne Abbott jokes from the usual Corner heavyweights. 

How would Chunky Monkey lead to Dianne Abbott jokes?

Is it because the stupid cunt would always get the price wrong because she's shit at maths?

Or because she'd eat lots of it because she's hideously obese?

Maybe it's slang for the stomach contents her smack head son voids all over the police van floor after a fun night out?

Please explain further...

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6 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Give the violent fat fuck all the chips he wants. Personally, I want to see how fast he can make his legs rot off with diabetes.

The poor lad bach :( ..

The court heard he has no previous convictions.

Hywel Davies, for Hawkins, said the defendant had learning difficulties, and struggled to understand the consequences of actions.

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41 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

She isn't black. She's just so fat that her gravity field obscures light.

If we allow her to calculate the mass of the planet, I confidently predict that the new, official planetary size would produce a gravity field that would see her tipping the scales at around 2 and a half stone.

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9 hours ago, Decimus said:


Penfold- The Crack Years.

Why on earth didn't they just chuck the tub of salad at the fat cunt. In my experience fat cunts like him will soon fuck off when they see salad and other healthy snacks.

Let's wait for the opinion of someone more experienced in this theory. @judgetwi

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3 minutes ago, Eric Cuntman said:

If the Earth was half its size and weight, you would weigh half of what you do now. Coz there would only be half as much gravity pulling you downwards. Mostly.

Actually Eric I need to go to spacksavers. When I read your comment I thought it said '20 and a half stone!'.  So it renders my comment/joke totally invalid.


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Guest Fatty Junior
21 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:


This charming waste of skin is apparently back on the mean streets of South Wales, even fatter than he was at the height of his fame back in the Summer of 2020. 

I hear he doesn’t like being reminded of his Chip Shop antics, preferring to style himself as some sort of legendary Welsh gangster who is now branching out into door security. Possibly at Gregg’s. 

@Eric Cuntman I think a little holiday in the valleys is in order, check his Union card if you will. Perhaps you can drop in on @Mrs Roops while you’re over there, seems she could use the friends at the moment. 

What the fuck!!!!!! You fucking boring fuckwitt 

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