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Child abusing, murdering mother to be released on parole


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1 hour ago, Cunty BigBollox said:

They're only a danger to the public because with their new identity, no one knows who the fuck they are, or more importantly, were. Let them keep their original identity and then we'll see who really are the dangerous ones. 

This topic's lead photo of the Stig of the Dump cunt was taken around the time of Baby P's death, so 15 years ago. Assuming Pen's upload of the chubster above is recent, it's fair to say (because her face is so widely seen in the press), she'll be instantly recognisable anywhere. Presumably she won't be permitted to jump ship to another country.

Perhaps the thick chav's release is subject to conditions such as being irreversibly sterilised; never being allowed to adpot children; never being allowed anywhere near anyone else's children; never being allowed to care for an animal; and... actually, give me one good reason why this sow should be released. It's not as though she could ever hope to lead a normal life, or be 100% trusted, is it?   

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37 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

This topic's lead photo of the Stig of the Dump cunt was taken around the time of Baby P's death, so 15 years ago. Assuming Pen's upload of the chubster above is recent, it's fair to say (because her face is so widely seen in the press), she'll be instantly recognisable anywhere. Presumably she won't be permitted to jump ship to another country.

Perhaps the thick chav's release is subject to conditions such as being irreversibly sterilised; never being allowed to adpot children; never being allowed anywhere near anyone else's children; never being allowed to care for an animal; and... actually, give me one good reason why this sow should be released. It's not as though she could ever hope to lead a normal life, or be 100% trusted, is it?   

I guess the pertinent question here is, define 'normal life'? 

For hundreds of thousands of members of the underclass, 'normal' is sitting on their ample arses all day, streaming shite like Love Island and Jeremy Kyle, filling their faces full of Walker's products, waiting for benefits day so they can go to the corner shop to spend 30 quid on scratch cards and beating the crap out of their kids if they make a noise whilst EastEnders is on their 85" TV. This, unfortunately, is all generously paid for by British taxpayers that actually have some pride. 

So, for certain parts of the country, I'd say, regretably, her life is likely to be entirely normal. 

Sometimes I fucking despair and I lay the blame wholly at the feet of The Labour Party. 

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4 minutes ago, Goober said:

I guess the pertinent question here is, define 'normal life'? 

For hundreds of thousands of members of the underclass, 'normal' is sitting on their ample arses all day, streaming shite like Love Island and Jeremy Kyle, filling their faces full of Walker's products, waiting for benefits day so they can go to the corner shop to spend 30 quid on scratch cards and beating the crap out of their kids if they make a noise whilst EastEnders is on their 85" TV. This, unfortunately, is all generously paid for by British taxpayers that actually have some pride. 

So, for certain parts of the country, I'd say, regretably, her life is likely to be entirely normal. 

Sometimes I fucking despair and I lay the blame wholly at the feet of The Labour Party. 

I think you are right. She'll be tucked away on benefits, which, with the cost of monitoring and regular psychological assessments, is essentially going to cost taxpayers millions.

The UK has done a sterling job with supplying arms to Ukraine, so perhaps it can apply the same dedication to signing a euthanasia treaty with Switzerland. 

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17 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

I think you are right. She'll be tucked away on benefits, which, with the cost of monitoring and regular psychological assessments, is essentially going to cost taxpayers millions.

The UK has done a sterling job with supplying arms to Ukraine, so perhaps it can apply the same dedication to signing a euthanasia treaty with Switzerland. 

Not sure I'm fully on board with euthanasia (although there are exceptions), but I would make the fuckers work their fingers to the bone to receive benefits. 

Even mentally deficient idiots could make half the substandard crap this country imports from China. Make the fuckers work for £2 an hour and see how fast they find a job...

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Perhaps the solution for people like this is to reinstall village stocks. 

Minimum 4 people at a time at the throwing line, so that if someone wants to go to the effort of wrapping stones in orange skins it's difficult to assign blame when a 4oz round gets them in the temple. 

Dog shit should also be permitted as it would encourage irresponsible owners to pick up. @cunt might also find a whole new market for his prize specimens. 

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58 minutes ago, Goober said:

Not sure I'm fully on board with euthanasia (although there are exceptions), but I would make the fuckers work their fingers to the bone to receive benefits. 

Even mentally deficient idiots could make half of the substandard crap this country imports from China. Make the fuckers workfor £2 an hour and see how fast they find a job...

When I said 'normal' I meant having children, adpoting children, walking a dog... the parole board must surely have the sense to omit normalities such as these from her future life. Given her appalling history with violent boyfriends, there's a good chance she may enter into a relationship with another lowlife scumbag, who carries the same lethal combination of a hot head, no brain cells, and tendency to attack defenceless children.

Cunts above aside, generally I'm all for euthanasia providing the soon-to-be deceased is of sound enough mind to make their choice, or if in a coma with no chance of recovery, their loved ones can make that choice on their behalf. When someone in the UK dies of cancer, for example, and that person is fed morphine for days leading up to their death, often at the request of their families, they are essentially being euthanised. Is there really that much difference?

If some sadly feel the need to want out of life, which is principally suicide, why stand in their way if they are suffering?      

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57 minutes ago, Goober said:

I guess the pertinent question here is, define 'normal life'? 

For hundreds of thousands of members of the underclass, 'normal' is sitting on their ample arses all day, streaming shite like Love Island and Jeremy Kyle, filling their faces full of Walker's products, waiting for benefits day so they can go to the corner shop to spend 30 quid on scratch cards and beating the crap out of their kids if they make a noise whilst EastEnders is on their 85" TV. This, unfortunately, is all generously paid for by British taxpayers that actually have some pride. 

So, for certain parts of the country, I'd say, regretably, her life is likely to be entirely normal. 

Sometimes I fucking despair and I lay the blame wholly at the feet of The Labour Party. 

A issue is that prison life is for many an improvement on their life in the outside world a cause being that conditions in prisons and other custodial institutions are decide by upper middle class cunts to whom living even a lower middle class life would seem like a punishment and they place the comfort level just below that of the middle class .. for may that represent a considerable improvement on their home lives .. for lower working class, underclass and youngsters from many one parent families as long as they behave themselves in those institutions they will get access to luxuries that they would never get at home. Punishment needs to be real .. no television, no radio, no X-Box or playstation etc.

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5 minutes ago, Dead Penelope said:

A issue is that prison life is for many an improvement on their life in the outside world a cause being that conditions in prisons and other custodial institutions are decide by upper middle class cunts to whom living even a lower middle class life would seem like a punishment and they place the comfort level just below that of the middle class .. for may that represent a considerable improvement on their home lives .. for lower working class, underclass and youngsters from many one parent families as long as they behave themselves in those institutions they will get access to luxuries that they would never get at home. Punishment needs to be real .. no television, no radio, no X-Box or playstation etc.

This is a grammatical car crash. 

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27 minutes ago, Wolfie said:

When I said 'normal' I meant having children, adpoting children, walking a dog... the parole board must surely have the sense to omit normalities such as these from her future life. Given her appalling history with violent boyfriends, there's a good chance she may enter into a relationship with another lowlife scumbag, who carries the same lethal combination of a hot head, no brain cells, and tendency to attack defenceless children.

Cunts above aside, generally I'm all for euthanasia providing the soon-to-be deceased is of sound enough mind to make their choice, or if in a coma with no chance of recovery, their loved ones can make that choice on their behalf. When someone in the UK dies of cancer, for example, and that person is fed morphine for days leading up to their death, often at the request of their families, they are essentially being euthanised. Is there really that much difference?

If some sadly feel the need to want out of life, which is principally suicide, why stand in their way if they are suffering?      

I've no objection at all against voluntary euthanasia, with necessary caveats. That's a whole different conversation though. For scumbags like this, I'd rather keep them alive and make them suffer until their every waking moment is consumed by the desire that they were already dead. Then, hopefully, they'll take a paracetamol overdose and suffer slow and painful organ failure. 

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28 minutes ago, Ape™️ said:

This is a grammatical car crash. 

When trying to decipher the grammatical conundrum that is British Rail's very own Bernard Bresslaw on steroids, I'm often left with the same feeling of bewilderment as trying to untangle a pair of headphones used by teenagers.    

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21 hours ago, Goober said:


Sometimes I fucking despair and I lay the blame wholly at the feet of The Labour Party. 

The biggest oxymoron in history, calling yourself the Labour party while supporting, representing, endorsing and let's not forget, rewarding the exact opposite.

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On 30/03/2022 at 14:38, Roadkill said:

Tracey Connelly, professional Andre the Giant lookalike and mother convicted of abusing and allowing others to abuse her child, Peter Connolly (Baby P), until his death in 2007 is, according to parole officers, ready to rejoin society.


Unfortunately, said parole officers have failed to ask society's opinion on the matter. In fact, I think society would be well within its rights to take this as an opportunity to hunt the horrible, child murdering cunt down the moment she ventures out into public and serve up some good old fashioned mob justice, seeing as regular justice simply doesn't seem to have the teeth to deal with this level of human scum anymore.

Of course the reality of the situation will be very different. Cunts will make a fuss for a bit before being distracted by the next celebrity punch up and a parent who was responsible and actively involved in the painful and humiliating death of her own child will be quietly whisked away, given a new identity and life, and offered all the support she desires at the taxpayer's expense to ensure her second chance is successful, despite ensuring that her own son's first chance at life was cut short early. 

If Minty (sniff..) was still alive Killer, I'd sew him up inside her womb and let him peck his way out via her ovaries.

Christ I miss that little green bastard.


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