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Western Hypocrisy...

Old Chap Raasclaat

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1 hour ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Am I the only one who is bored of this war? I'm tired of watching that midget Zelensky cunt walking around like some hard man in his green action man top, asking us for more weapons when we have no money. This isn't our war and Russia will stay the course, yes it's sad people are dying and innocents ending up dead but sadly that is war. Can we really afford to help bankroll this war that's been going on since 2014? How much money have Liz 'not worthy of' Truss and Kwazy Farteng allocated for this continued support? I bet it's more than half the amount they're borrowing to 'help us' with the crazy fuel bill the UK will rack up this winter (as opposed to a windfall tax on the cunt oil companies). 

We (not me) have taken in a lot of these Ukrainians who have fled the warzone and provided military support and equipment that must run into the billions, what else are we expected to do? Putin will turn off the Gas pipes this winter causing more chaos for most of Europe and why shouldn't he? This will end up in even more instability in the energy markets causing yet more borrowing and more cunts freezing to death (with Covid). Do we continue this support for potentially another 10 years? Nah, I say tell the comedian the monies ran out and to get on with himself...

Slavi Ukrani and fuck off. 


I agree. Russia's able to call on almost limitless supply of cannon fodder to drag this shitfest well into a second year and Vlad knows he has the power to turn off the gas tap and fuck Europe royally. As I've said elsewhere on here, all these cunts who've been flying the yellow and blue flag will have second thoughts in January when they'd wish they'd bought those camping lights from Millets at 7 quid a throw (available at most Millets stores while stocks last).

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9 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I agree. Russia's able to call on almost limitless supply of cannon fodder to drag this shitfest well into a second year and Vlad knows he has the power to turn off the gas tap and fuck Europe royally. As I've said elsewhere on here, all these cunts who've been flying the yellow and blue flag will have second thoughts in January when they'd wish they'd bought those camping lights from Millets at 7 quid a throw (available at most Millets stores while stocks last).

I agree, do you think there will be mass evictions and Ukrainians wandering the streets of Britain this winter? I'm sure the billion a day Vlad gets from Europe will keep his side in bullets and equipment for a long time yet. If Europe is able to find supplies elsewhere Vladimir will sell to China, India or North Korea perhaps. Either way this isn't ending anytime soon and I've had enough. 



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22 minutes ago, camberwell gypsy said:

I agree. Russia's able to call on almost limitless supply of cannon fodder to drag this shitfest well into a second year and Vlad knows he has the power to turn off the gas tap and fuck Europe royally. As I've said elsewhere on here, all these cunts who've been flying the yellow and blue flag will have second thoughts in January when they'd wish they'd bought those camping lights from Millets at 7 quid a throw (available at most Millets stores while stocks last).

Vlad is already fucked on the gas front. Apparently they blew up their own pipelines for some unfathomable reason according to the West. Quite what benefit they get out of obliterating their biggest blackmail playing card is a mystery, but NATO has assured us it absolutely wasn't one of our countries slapping it out of Germany's hands like a syringe to a contemplating smack head.

The Ruskies are fucked win or lose with China as a neighbor and a thoroughly run down armed forces, but something tells me their mafia government doesn't really give a shit as long as they get a cut of the profits when the little yellow bastards start investing in whatever resources they can.

Ukraine is just an extension to add value to the property before they put it on the market IMO.

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20 minutes ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

I agree, do you think there will be mass evictions and Ukrainians wandering the streets of Britain this winter? I'm sure the billion a day Vlad gets from Europe will keep his side in bullets and equipment for a long time yet. If Europe is able to find supplies elsewhere Vladimir will sell to China, India or North Korea perhaps. Either way this isn't ending anytime soon and I've had enough. 



They have started bleating and there is quite a large number of second and third generation Ukrainian offspring of those who came to the UK after ww2 and still not fully integrated these will of course speak for these new incomers and stir things.

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2 minutes ago, Roadkill said:

Vlad is already fucked on the gas front. Apparently they blew up their own pipelines for some unfathomable reason according to the West. Quite what benefit they get out of obliterating their biggest blackmail playing card is a mystery, but NATO has assured us it absolutely wasn't one of our countries slapping it out of Germany's hands like a syringe to a contemplating smack head.

The Ruskies are fucked win or lose with China as a neighbor and a thoroughly run down armed forces, but something tells me their mafia government doesn't really give a shit as long as they get a cut of the profits when the little yellow bastards start investing in whatever resources they can.

Ukraine is just an extension to add value to the property before they put it on the market IMO.

The original Soviet "communists" never went away or reformed themselves into capitalists, they simply relabeled themselves, western governments swallowed the con-trick that the soviets played on them and now it has backfired.

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33 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

The original Soviet "communists" never went away or reformed themselves into capitalists, they simply relabeled themselves, western governments swallowed the con-trick that the soviets played on them and now it has backfired.

Cunts should have been building the Berlin wall higher after Chernobyl and let the cunts rot in misery behind it for another few decades, not tearing the bastard down and having celebrities sing on it.

It's almost like our politicians are all money grubbing, immoral cuntbreeds who only see the security and resources of the countries they're supposed to serve as an empty cheque to go towards their own personal interests.

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34 minutes ago, Penelope Alive said:

Vlad himself is fucked both ways .. like little fat Kim in North Korea if or when the reckoning comes he will meet the sort of end that Ceaușescu and his wife met 30 odd years ago .. perhaps an even more unpleasant end.

Fat little Kim is now Chubby little Kim. He's lost a bit of weight over the months and I can only imagine the Swedes will be capable of living off the resulting surplus of cheese during the potential nuclear apocalypse for at least ten years as a result.

Given that the common North Korean has grown accustomed to living off mud and grass for every meal I imagine the society that rises from the ashes will be quite the spectacle, with raiding gangs of heavily mutated North Korean cannibals clashing with the forces of gout ridden Swiss Cheese warlords across the glass lands of Europe in Mad Max style Pyeonghwas and Volvos.

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4 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Fat little Kim is now Chubby little Kim. He's lost a bit of weight over the months and I can only imagine the Swedes will be capable of living off the resulting surplus of cheese during the potential nuclear apocalypse for at least ten years as a result.

Given that the common North Korean has grown accustomed to living off mud and grass for every meal I imagine the society that rises from the ashes will be quite the spectacle, with raiding gangs of heavily mutated North Korean cannibals clashing with the forces of gout ridden Swiss Cheese warlords across the glass lands of Europe in Mad Max style Pyeonghwas and Volvos.

I heard that Ding was a cheese warlord.

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Cunts should have been building the Berlin wall higher after Chernobyl and let the cunts rot in misery behind it for another few decades, not tearing the bastard down and having celebrities sing on it.

It's almost like our politicians are all money grubbing, immoral cuntbreeds who only see the security and resources of the countries they're supposed to serve as an empty cheque to go towards their own personal interests.

David Hasselhoff is still Germany’s all time biggest selling recording artist. Those people genuinely have no souls. Fucking ‘oompah’ music with guitars.

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6 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

The original Soviet "communists" never went away or reformed themselves into capitalists, they simply relabeled themselves, western governments swallowed the con-trick that the soviets played on them and now it has backfired.

The commies have become much richer, once they tore down the old system, started employing top western engineers and importing proper gear to run their gas station efficiently. That’s what made them rich. It also helped to steal all the money from their country and go on a vast shopping spree abroad. 
The flat tax rate in Russia is 13 percent. No progressive taxation as in the west. So who really runs socialist states?

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8 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Am I the only one who is bored of this war? I'm tired of watching that midget Zelensky cunt walking around like some hard man in his green action man top, asking us for more weapons when we have no money. This isn't our war and Russia will stay the course, yes it's sad people are dying and innocents ending up dead but sadly that is war. Can we really afford to help bankroll this war that's been going on since 2014? How much money have Liz 'not worthy of' Truss and Kwazy Farteng allocated for this continued support? I bet it's more than half the amount they're borrowing to 'help us' with the crazy fuel bill the UK will rack up this winter (as opposed to a windfall tax on the cunt oil companies). 

We (not me) have taken in a lot of these Ukrainians who have fled the warzone and provided military support and equipment that must run into the billions, what else are we expected to do? Putin will turn off the Gas pipes this winter causing more chaos for most of Europe and why shouldn't he? This will end up in even more instability in the energy markets causing yet more borrowing and more cunts freezing to death (with Covid). Do we continue this support for potentially another 10 years? Nah, I say tell the comedian the monies ran out and to get on with himself...

Slavi Ukrani and fuck off. 


The whole thing is a fucking scam. A massive money laundering scheme by the Potato Brain Biden democrat administration, who’ve thrown 75 billion dollars plus into the ‘war’ so far and can’t or imo deliberately won’t detail where or to who the cash is actually going to. The puppet cunt Zelensky, not content with demanding more and more money (and getting it), is now calling for NATO to launch nuclear strikes against the country next door who just happen to have the second biggest nuclear arsenal on Earth. Who’d have predicted that the U.K. the US and dozens of other so called ‘major western democracies’ would have gone all in supporting the most corrupt country in Europe, who are quite openly using suicide bombers to blow up bridges in Crimea and detonating car bombs to take out political opponents on the streets of Moscow?

Fuck Ukraine, they won Eurovision and the greedy square jawed cunts still aren’t happy.

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5 hours ago, Roadkill said:

Fat little Kim is now Chubby little Kim.

His dad must be looking down on the fat little cunt absolutely filled with disappointment.

Mind you young Kim inherited big boots to try to fill. His dad at the age of 52 in his first ever round of golf scored an amazing 38 under par, including 11 holes in one. And before any of you cunts start thinking this amazing feat is something I’ve made up (as if), it was witnessed by 17 of the Supreme Leaders bodyguards. Fact check that you cunts.

So Little Rocket Man, the current Supreme Leader will probably go down in history as the second most disappointing son ever, but obviously not even comparable to the utter dismay Mitch surely felt every time he looked at Frank.


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9 hours ago, Old Chap Raasclaat said:

Am I the only one who is bored of this war? I'm tired of watching that midget Zelensky cunt walking around like some hard man in his green action man top, asking us for more weapons when we have no money. This isn't our war and Russia will stay the course, yes it's sad people are dying and innocents ending up dead but sadly that is war. Can we really afford to help bankroll this war that's been going on since 2014? How much money have Liz 'not worthy of' Truss and Kwazy Farteng allocated for this continued support? I bet it's more than half the amount they're borrowing to 'help us' with the crazy fuel bill the UK will rack up this winter (as opposed to a windfall tax on the cunt oil companies). 

We (not me) have taken in a lot of these Ukrainians who have fled the warzone and provided military support and equipment that must run into the billions, what else are we expected to do? Putin will turn off the Gas pipes this winter causing more chaos for most of Europe and why shouldn't he? This will end up in even more instability in the energy markets causing yet more borrowing and more cunts freezing to death (with Covid). Do we continue this support for potentially another 10 years? Nah, I say tell the comedian the monies ran out and to get on with himself...

Slavi Ukrani and fuck off. 


I'm bored but more so worried.

With the media fawning over every CM of ground supposedly gained by Ukrainian forces, they're forgetting one vital thing. A cornered wild animal is at its most dangerous.

It's not a cause for celebration that Vlad is on the backfoot, the more he feels threatened the more likely he is to do something stupid which ends up resulting in WW3.

I don't want to be incinerated or slowly die an agonising death due to radiation poisoning over a country thousands of miles away whose people are just as backward and savage as the Ivans. 

Fuck Ukraine, we should immediately wash our hands of the affair and stop wasting our money in a futile war that could result in the sum of all fears.

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8 hours ago, Penelope Alive said:

Vlad himself is fucked both ways .. like little fat Kim in North Korea if or when the reckoning comes he will meet the sort of end that Ceaușescu and his wife met 30 odd years ago .. perhaps an even more unpleasant end.

I think if that was gonna happen it would have happened by now. He's got too many old bastards who agree with everything he says.

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3 minutes ago, Decimus said:

I'm bored but more so worried.

With the media fawning over every CM of ground supposedly gained by Ukrainian forces, they're forgetting one vital thing. A cornered wild animal is at its most dangerous.

It's not a cause for celebration that Vlad is on the backfoot, the more he feels threatened the more likely he is to do something stupid which ends up resulting in WW3.

I don't want to be incinerated or slowly die an agonising death due to radiation poisoning over a country thousands of miles away whose people are just as backward and savage as the Ivans. 

Fuck Ukraine, we should immediately wash our hands of the affair and stop wasting our money in a futile war that could result in the sum of all fears.

I imagine winter and the incoming horde of conscripts (regardless of actual quality and if they don't freeze to death due to their commanders nicking and selling off all the winter equipment) will see at least some land re-reclaimed by the Ruskies eventually. Hopefully enough to satisfy Putin and grind down the Ukrainians into accepting some form of serious negotiation talks.

A tactical nuke will only really effect Ukraine physically and M.A.D. is all well and good for saber rattling, but hopefully there's enough sane minds on both sides that don't feel all that eager about spending the rest of their lives living underground in government bunkers surrounded by the remnants of their respective regimes who might just have something to say about their political choices.

The Chinks and the Indians certainly wouldn't approve, but North Korea would be delighted, although it would be a very big downgrade in terms of war buddies both conventionally and nuclear, although after a certain point none of that would matter anyway.

Me and you are of a privileged generation that got to live three full decades without the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging over our heads. I think the best thing we can do to cope is follow the example of our elders and just accept the small chance that the world is full of powerful, angry, selfish spackers who would potentially see Armageddon as a valid option to save face. The same breed as the disgusting human scum that seems to float to the top of every society to wield power and influence far beyond their intellect to actually manage effectively in a crisis, just with bigger weapons at their disposal.

Any one of the cunts could kill you just as dead by beating you to death with a rolling pin in broad daylight on a public street and get away with it scot-free. Its shit, but that's life. Just watch Threads on repeat until the shock value is gone and hug the nearest mushroom cloud in the event that they start to appear.

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1 minute ago, Roadkill said:

I imagine winter and the incoming horde of conscripts (regardless of actual quality and if they don't freeze to death due to their commanders nicking and selling off all the winter equipment) will see at least some land re-reclaimed by the Ruskies eventually. Hopefully enough to satisfy Putin and grind down the Ukrainians into accepting some form of serious negotiation talks.

A tactical nuke will only really effect Ukraine physically and M.A.D. is all well and good for saber rattling, but hopefully there's enough sane minds on both sides that don't feel all that eager about spending the rest of their lives living underground in government bunkers surrounded by the remnants of their respective regimes who might just have something to say about their political choices.

The Chinks and the Indians certainly wouldn't approve, but North Korea would be delighted, although it would be a very big downgrade in terms of war buddies both conventionally and nuclear, although after a certain point none of that would matter anyway.

Me and you are of a privileged generation that got to live three full decades without the threat of nuclear annihilation hanging over our heads. I think the best thing we can do to cope is follow the example of our elders and just accept the small chance that the world is full of powerful, angry, selfish spackers who would potentially see Armageddon as a valid option to save face. The same breed as the disgusting human scum that seems to float to the top of every society to wield power and influence far beyond their intellect to actually manage effectively in a crisis, just with bigger weapons at their disposal.

Any one of the cunts could kill you just as dead by beating you to death with a rolling pin in broad daylight on a public street and get away with it scot-free. Its shit, but that's life. Just watch Threads on repeat until the shock value is gone and hug the nearest mushroom cloud in the event that they start to appear.

Pass the radioactive sheep guts.

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1 hour ago, Eric Cuntman said:

I’d have better shit than a 40 year old Lee Enfield.

When the mushroom cloud rises over The Sugar Hut, the lucky looters of Essex will be despatched with a crack shot from a jovial chap in a SIA armband, who’ll follow each volley of fire with a short verbal essay on the firing mechanism of the weapon that killed them. 

I think it’s more than they deserve, Eric. 

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2 hours ago, Last Cunt Standing said:

When the mushroom cloud rises over The Sugar Hut, the lucky looters of Essex will be despatched with a crack shot from a jovial chap in a SIA armband, who’ll follow each volley of fire with a short verbal essay on the firing mechanism of the weapon that killed them. 

I think it’s more than they deserve, Eric. 

I find the toggle latch on the Luger infuriating.

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13 hours ago, King Billy said:

A massive money laundering scheme by the Potato Brain Biden democrat administration, who’ve thrown 75 billion dollars plus into the ‘war’ so far and can’t or imo deliberately won’t detail where or to who the cash is actually going to.

75 billion? Where did you get that figure from?

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3 hours ago, PANZER MURPHY said:

Where he gets most of his facts n opinions..his bumhole..lol


Panzer, is Ireland matching the UK's support (both financially and militarily) to Ukraine? I'm not taking about the few bottles of Jamesons and out of date Guinness your lot have sent, I'm talking about real weapons and money. I would guess the UK has most likely given at least half of what the entire EU has, something I doubt the EU mafia would have agreed to if we were still in said shitty Union. 

Fuck off. Lol. 

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